Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/trishele
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Sitting in a dark room,
I can no longer do this
The voices of demons, there screaming and yelling,
The thoughts in my mind, they run like a rhythm
This sounds kinda funny but it isn't a lie,
Truth to be told,

I can no longer do this,
But I guess drugs are more important to you
That your kids mean nothing to you
Sitting by the window waiting for you
Time is my mood it goes by fast

I can no longer do this
The memories I have are to be forgotten
Everytime i hear that name im tremulous

I can no longer do this,
The pain that I am in
Waiting for the day you'll show up and stay,
Music is my escape, for my mind to awake

I can no longer do this
You are the memory that can't be forgotten,
The tears on my cheeks, will no longer be stained,
Nine years is way too long,
But nine years of no pain and no fear,
November 12th is the day you left

I can no longer do this
Although your gone, the scars are not
A little girl, with a past so dark
But with a future so bright,

I can no longer do this
Is only a lie
Now that you're gone i'm ready to fly

  •   1 comment
Thanks for sharing and welcome to WdC! I hope you have a long and happy life here! *Hug*
I only told the moon, *Sun* *Moon*
Sometimes it feels like i'm in a dark room, alone, cold, afraid it feels like i have all this weight on my chest, and i cannot breath. It's like someone chained weights on my chest and pushed me into a pool of water and i cannot break free. Sometimes i wish for people to see me naked, too see all of me, too know me. But i can't let them in, i cant trust them it's not my fault, you did this to me, you made me feel like i have no more control of my life, you took away all of my happiness, you made me fear for the next day. You made my past so dark that i don't want to remember it any more but i cannot forget what you did. You took away my childhood and i cannot take it back. So how can i let people in with a past so dark and so extreme, so lost there's no hope, hope left me along time ago along with my sanity my happiness.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/trishele