Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/tyettaw
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Happy Writing.Com account anniversary.

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Hello everyone.

         I am Tiffany. I am currently working on obtaining my Bachelor's Degree in Business Management, therefore I will be adding to my Essays Folder, as I work through my schooling, but for the most part, I will probably be reading as much of the work as I can on here, and giving reviews, because the only time I will have to check this is at night after my 4 sons fall asleep. I look forward to reading the reviews of my essays as I post them.

Thank everyone, in advance, for reading my essays in the future.
  •   1 comment
Welcome to the site. The essay is a high bar. I respect any writer willing to take a good run at it.
         There's this trick we old folks use. When somebody posts in pink, or robin's egg, or pale lime neon, we might take a moment to highlight the text so as to make it readable.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/tyettaw