I want to find some members who like to read and write about nonfiction books. With publishing in mind or not. I have a number of topics I've been reading about for years. On topics I have wondered about since I was a very young girl. I would get on the nerves of the adults in my like by asking them 'why do people hurt each other?' Of course it took many years for me to find a satisfying answer----I settled on the idea that we hurt others because we are hurt ourselves. In any case, this one question led to many other questions. Some of the topics I'm reading about are 'Postmodernism,' 'The relationship between theology and physics,' History of Leftist Politics, etc. I don't expect you to be interested in the same topics, but are drawn to intellectual approaches to knowledge and writing.. I look forward to hearing from you. |
What's happening to me? I've been away from this site so long that my membership expired and it's taken me weeks of frustrating attempts to slow my mind down enough to fill in the boxes and get legitimate again. Writing? Yes, I'm still writing faithfully. Three to four hours each and every morning. It's my form of meditation. When I don't complete my self-reflective morning journal entry I get mean and meaner. It's a good thing I'm not dumb. I turned seventy-five a few weeks ago. I honestly didn't believe that I'd last this long. My mama always told me that I was moving so fast that I was going to run past myself. But, other times she'd say that I wouldn't live past twenty-one. Well, I made it to seventy-five and I'm reminded by the daily news reports that my age and my race and the hefty size of my behind makes me one of the most endangered members of my working-poor community. Oh well, I've lived a good life. |
I woke up at 11:30 am. My son was at church, so I got to sleep late. I sleep to 10:30 all other days. I'm retired, with enough help and money to meet my basic needs. So, my only worry is my bad health. So, life is easy and I can use my old-lady energy as I like. So, like all other mornings, I did my usual 30 minute meditation and a 60 minute free-write journal entry. I usually base the remaining of the day on what comes up in the journal write. This time the topic was the History of Chinese Poetry and the history of the Chinese language. Only because that was the subjects in the book I was reading before bed last night. I might have even dreamed in Chinese images. So far its a great day because, this afternoon as I read the Chinese history book, lines for poems flow from my pen. Whenever writing flows from my unconscious it is always a great day. |
I've been away from WDC for two or three years and I began to miss the company of writers and thinkers. I've worked on a memoir all that time and began to think that I have nothing to say that would make anything in this crazy world any better. The strange thing is that I'd finally accomplished enough healing inner work that I feel good about myself and I looked around and realized for the first time that this world is an ugly, painfully, dangerous place. I will learn to write poetry. Maybe, write a new bible. |
I'm feeling better, emotionally and physically than I have every felt. I noticed two years ago that I had begun to feel joy and happiness for the first time ever. I knew that was happening because of the many years of inner work I'd done. And, I also knew that that work was complete and I no longer had to focus most of my attention on my inner healing. But, I was afraid of talking about it for fear that my joy and happiness was only an illusion. But, its now two years later and I'm still experiencing mostly the positives of life. I'm still experiencing joy hand happiness. I'm rereading Victor Frankel's book, "Man's Search for Meaning. I read it when I was too young and inexperienced to understand it. Reading it now, even though its about the prisoners horrendous experiences, I have matured enough intellectually and emotionally to recognize that I have discovered in my own life experiences what he had learned much earlier, that we can heal out inner traumas by allowing our inner suffering to guide us through our natural inner healing process. In his case, it was physical and spiritual suffering at the hands of the Nazi's. In my case, I learned quite young not to run from my depression but, to make friends with it by meditating on it and allow it to speak to me about what I needed to learn that would encourage it to dissolve and give me piece. After a lifetime of chronic depression I have not felt depressed since April 16, 2015. Today is another great day. |
Hello everyone. After many many years I finally admitted recently that I'm not a fiction writer or a poet. I am a hope-to-die intellectual and I read and write mostly hardcore intellectual critical analysis stuff. Since that day, over a month ago, I've written pages and pages of brillent hard core love letters to my ex husband, the love of my life, and Blog entries about Postmodernism. My blog has not been launched yet. The name will be Zeitgeist: The Spirit of the Times. It's about what I view as the newly emerging worldwide worldview that I believe is the product of the philosophical and a collection of critical analysis (Called Mapping) of the most recent, and receding Worldwide Worldview: Modernism. My blog writing will be organized by my own process of learning about Postmodernism, (I'm writing it for other learners) my reviews of the Twenty books I'm reading on and related to Postmodern Philosophy, plus my own critical analysis of each of the major contributors to Postmodern philosophy. This analysis and book reviews will conclude that Postmodernism as I view it is formulating as a worldview and not just a new collection of philosophical principles. I will also include my reasoning about my belief that my African American working-class, Antioch University trained view of knowledge and reality (epistemological viewpoint) provides a wider view of reality than the usual White male middle-class academically trained in western scientific thinking which provides learners with limited models of the traditional academic critical thinking. Since Postmodern theory is in the process of critiquing and mapping new pathways and understandings about some of the limitation of our epistemological grounding in the rational scientific model of Western thought I will include two critical underpinnings in my critique: a critique of the definition of Postmodernism and a critique of the theory of critical analysis. |
It's a great day. I've been depressed with a lot of physical pain for a couple of weeks. I realized recently that when I'm focused on writing I don't feel depressed, nor do I have physical pain. But, when I'm not writing I feel depressed and physically ill. It seems so simple, but for me it wasn't. Yesterday I began writing a novel. At last, I'm my own inspiration! |
After I write this post I'm going to my room and begin a story about two sisters who are trying to overcome a life long emotional separation that neither of them truly understands. The story begins with the younger sister telling the other that she thought she didn't like her because she was dark skinned. And also that she didn't do for her what her friend's big sisters did for them, such as teach them how to put on make-up. I have no idea how to use this information to create a short story, but I will wrestle with this material until I figure out how to create a story. Wish me luck. |
I want to thank the community members that I connected with during my tenure on this site. Its time for me to leave. You all were very helpful in helping my gain confidence in my ability to write and learn to feel safe as some of you read my little mumblings. I learned not to lose myself in shame and guilt. I actually began writing a novel and a collection of short stories. I decided to give up on poetry because it requires far more detailed thinking than is good for my big-picture-generalist- intellectual mind. I hung out here longer than I should have. When I joined I hoped to find some intellectual discussions about the craft of writing fiction. I'm afriad that the contests and compitition and amazing amount of busyiness on the screen is so over the top that I almost fell into an ADHD fit trying to figure out how to........well anyway, I have a crazy amount of gift points to donate to someone. Please don't link them to any contest, just give them to some people. Its about 800.000 gift points. I will check in weekly to find out when the time I paid for is over and figure out how to release the gift points. Jackie |
Hello Jackie, You can always visit this page on Writing.Com to see whose membership is about to expire and send them either gift points to add to their own or send them a gift membership. Maybe you know someone on that list from your time on the site and this is a neat way to help them out. http://www.writing.com/main/authors.php?action=expiring You might also consider giving your gift points to "RAOK Upgrade Brigade Group" ![]() Or, you could decide who gave you the best reviews or writing advice and send them the gift points. Those who give good advice usually know where such amounts of gift points can do the most good. |
Well, just remember that there is always a friend or two, if you ever want to talk. |
Sorry you have to go. There are a lot of writing classes offered around, too, besides contests. I know I took a fair amount of them over the years. Wish you all the best. Hannah |
How about entering my contest:
CONTEST: Write Five Paragraphs: an Introduction, three Key Points and a Conclusion.
Sounds like you could make a great contribution!