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You get me inspired
Friend to write some poems
For my Father
Every single day
And I never
Take a day of from
Writing poems
Yes friends
All my poems
Have different feelings
That comes out of my heart
And my father gives me a
Reward for writing the poems
That I wrote for him
Please tell me
That I can put my trust in your love
I know that your love exist
I just don't know if I can put my trust in your love
Please tell me
That I can built my trust in you
I want to do that
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Romans 10:17
So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
A universe of thoughts
He has inside of his mind
About his father
Who have created him
With his holy hands
And placed here
On heart to live
He is grateful for his life
That God keeps him alive
Every single day

A universe of thoughts
He has inside of his mind
About his father
Who have created him
With his holy hands
And placed here
On heart to live
He is grateful for his life
That God keeps him alive
Every single day

Show me the meaning of being together
Praying for the
Countries that are in war
Because we want the countries
That are in war to have peace
Show me the meaning of being together
When we spend our time
Sleeping in during the morning
And getting up at noon
Now we are going to clean the house
Because it is very messy
And I can't live like that
My kids also help me
To clean the house
We had today finished cleaning the house
At 3:00 pm
Now we are going to have a quick bite
Because it is our lunch time
Now I am going to take the kids
To play in the park
They like to play in the sandbox
They make there sandcastles
I don't mind them getting dirty
I want them to have fun
Someone like me
You won't find anywhere else
I Iive on earth
And I enjoy living on earth
There are people
That are trying to change me
They say that is not good
For me to be a Christian
Also they want me to be perfect
I will never be that
Because I have my faults also
Father will be there
To heal me from my sickness
Any time today
Father will be there
And put me to sleep
This night
I need that badly
Father will be there
To pray together with me
Before I go to sleep
We will pray for the countries that
Are in war
Also, we are going to pray
For us both
Father, you know me well
You can always trust me
I will never let you down
Because you hate
To be let down
Father, I will treat you respect
Also, I don't make promises
To you that I can't keep
I am keeping all my promises to you
I promise to pray to you
Every single night
And in my prayer, I ask you
To give me a good night sleep
And I sleep all through the night
I never get up in the middle of the night
Now you brought the new day
For me
I am feeling refreshed
I am not feeling tired today
Father, I hope you believe me
I feel so good to be loved by you
Also father
I must tell you that
I need to be loved by somebody
And that somebody is you
Also you have made me
With your holy hands
Many years ago
And you took good
Care of me
Because I was a baby
And I needed lots of care
Changing my diapers
Every two hours
I was a lot of work for you
But the only way I could communicate
With you was by crying
A few months later
I had my baptism
A few months later I Had grown a bit
And I was a chubby baby
And one year later I stop
Wearing finally diapers
I became a beautiful boy
And I started my childhood
My father had played with me
For a few hours every day
Then I had a nap in the afternoon
For a couple hours
Please tell me
That I can put my trust in your love
I know that your love exist
I just don't know if I can put my trust in your love
Please tell me
That I can built my trust in you
I want to do that

I am coming back
To reality now
Because for a long time now
I was living in my dream world
I was feeling safe
In my dream world
I didn't want to leave my dream world
People told me that I was a crazy person
To live in my dream world
I had lots of peace in my dream world
That I needed badly
I also I would never survive in the real world
Because everything is hard in the new
I get everything given to me
I don't have no worries
I live a worry free life
That is the way I like
That is true
Also I feel that I am a good
I pray a lot to my Father before I sleep
Every single night
They've been strong
For so long
Also, they have a strong
And also they are
Very proud of themselves
Tell me why they should
Not be proud of themselves
Yes father
You are the one that
Made them
With your holy hands
And you gave them
The gift of life
Also, they are taking good care
Of their lives
And father you are keeping them
Alive every single day
Also, they never once complained
To you about their lives once
Also father you made for them
A sleeping schedule
Also they are following the sleep
Scheduled that you made for

I can't survive
Without vitamin d
Father thank you
For bringing the
Sun every single day
Early every day
I am always
Waking up early
I am proud
Of my father
I am so thrilled
That now it is Summer again
And I am wearing my Summer clothes again
I can't survive without the Summer
Now that is Summer, I go first thing in the morning
For a walk in the park
While I walk in the park I hear also
The birds singing for me
I must say that I love to hear the birds singing
At 12:00 PM I Return back home from my walk
And I have my afternoon sleep
I will also wake up at 5:00pm
Now is time for me to do some work
For my Father
Now I turn my computer on
And I write some poems for my Father

Love me Father
For everything I do for you
Monday's are the day
That I wash your people's feet
Every Tuesday
We do a feast for Father's people
In the morning
I go fishing for fish together with
My Father
Then we needed to clean the fish
It is a horrible job to do
But it has to be than
Then we will barbecue the fish
God's people arrive at noon
For the feast
My father offer the fish with
A dinner roll
And to drink he gives
A nice bottle of cold wine
At 2:00PM my Father's People
Finish eating their meal
We all said goodbye to everybody
And we all went home
Wednesday I helped my Father to
Baptize the young mother's babies
With holy water
None of the babies cried
Thursday I had done the bible study
For my Father's people
All my Father's people
Were interested in learning about
The bible

je crois en toi
That you Father
Will end the Winter
In six more weeks
Because I am already getting
Tired of the Winter
We had 15- 20 centimeters of snow
And also it is hard for me to walk
On the sidewalk
Because it hasn't been shovel yet
I must say that it is a total mess out there
Some cars are getting stuck in the snow

Ben vindo
God's children
To a beautiful day
Let's not waste that day
By sleeping in
If we sleep in we will
Not sleep at night
So we must enjoy this day
That our Father gave to us
Here on earth
Yes we are having the summer
That our Father created for us
With his holy hands
Also we took a look in the sky
And there was no sign of rain
We don't like the rain at all
Because when it is raining
There is thunder and lightning
The noise of lightning and thunder
Wake us up when we are sleeping
During the night
And then we have a real problem
Going back to sleep
Also we hear the rain coming
Down very fast
Today we spend our day walking
In the beach for a little while
Then we decided to go for a
We are good swimmers
We don't go into the deep area
Because the deep area is not for us
Also we could drawn if we go
Into the deep
Because we are not a strong swimmer
Also we are not planning to die
We are only teenagers now
And we will enjoy it while we can
Because one day our teenager
Lives will be over
And then we will start our
Adult lives
AIso at night before we go to bed
We say prayers to each other
At our teenager lives we had
Our first communion
We had cried out of joy
Also we felt very emotional
We never forgot that day
Also we felt very emotional
We never forgot that day
Also during that day
Our Father had teach us
How to pray
And we all had prayed together
For one hour
We know that was amazing
AIso we are all brothers
And we enjoy each other's company
Also we love each other
Very much
AIso we have respect for each other
We never fight with each other
Now we said goodbye to Summer
And our Father brought us the
We just hate the Fall
Because we have to put our Summer
Clothes away
And our running shoes away
And we started to wear
Our Winter clothes
And we needed to wear our
Winter boots
And our Winter jacket
We went for a walk in the
Park during the Fall
The trees had changed its color
From green to golden brown
AIso some of the trees were naked
AIready for the Winter
The dead leaves from the trees
Had fallen in the ground
Also we didn't had any sun
During the Fall
We only had grey sky
That we all hate
Because it make us depress
AIso the birds had migrated south
For the Winter
We hated that very much

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/winter256