~Good Morning WDC~ ... "Ah yes, it's finally Saturday. But, it's also the start of Christmas Break for my niece and two nephews. Guess I'll have to try to relax as much as I can with my cappachino." ... ~Zippy-Kippy-Nippy-Sippy~ ... "Yeah, I couldn't just post this without a bit of randomness to match it. But now, it's time for me to leave ya a random music video for ya'll to enjoy at the end of this unwanted long and lengthy sentence that shall come to a end right... about... possibly... over... HERE~!!" ... ~ENJOY~ Link to video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mHTidT0m9gY&pp=ygUcYW5pbWUgbWl4IHJ5dGhtIG9mIHRoZSB... |
~Good Morning WDC~ ... ~Kya-Mya-Zya-WHOOP~ ... ~ENJOY~
Link to video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_njtstKfXb4&pp=ygUdTmFydXRvIGFtdiBHZXQgb2ZmIG9mIG1... |
Just me being a stinker.
How's about you?