Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/wolfkingdom
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~Good Afternoon WDC~



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~Good Morning WDC~

         It's a beautiful Thursday morning! It's so sunny this morning, I might just take time to go for a walk here in the country side, visit a few of the farms, enjoy the sights, and just take a day to relax on such a peaceful day.

         Yeah, ya'll should know me by now that I enjoy spreading random chaos around.
         It just makes me so happy to spread it around.
         But, now is the time to place a random video into the Newsfeed. It is how I roll, and I enjoy doing what I do on this site with everyone so much that I like to feel like I'm setting up a party for all who read this to enjoy till I end this long length sentence... right... about... possibly... over to the left a bit...HERE~!!!

 Naruto: Fox Summoning Contract  (GC)
What if Naruto sign a Fox Summoning Contract? Konoha will never be the same!

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/wolfkingdom