Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/writetowright
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trying to channel my thoughts and emotions into my writing. why am I having such difficulty? my mind continues thinking even when I want it to stop. I like to think, don't get me wrong, but sometimes the thoughts are intrusive and annoying to get rid of. when I have those thoughts I feel like my head is spinning. I have also noticed I judge myself very harshly. I have to accept the fact that I am human and nobodies perfect. Anyways, it's 12:00 am for me and I am craving coffee, so I guess this is what my brain wanted to do.
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Thinking is a good thing ... it's pretty obvious it's in short supply in D.C. *Laugh* Don't fight it - write it!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/writetowright