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Review of We are Angels  
Review by 1leila123
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This was an unusual poem but I really liked it! The best part I thought was the last two lines! I mean the rest was good but the last two lines had a unch! keep up the deep thinking and put it on paper just like you have now. I can see it all come together! Leila
Review by 1leila123
Rated: E | (5.0)
I don't understand how your counting the gps? 1/10?
Review by 1leila123
In affiliation with SuperPower Reviewers Galactic ...  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This story held me throughout the whole piece. If the spelling and gramar had been checked I would have rated this a 5 for content and hitting close to home on the subject of abuse. It's a sad thing but it happens. Below is what I found needs to becorrected:

"Hey Brenn, do you have any idea what mommy wants?" Brennan is my 6 year old little brother, one of the seven reasons, I'm still living in this hell whole. (whole) should be "hole

there, and after awhile, you can adopt them( the word "and" should be deleted.

I said with a new found courage, i had to be strong, stay alive for my family, even though Christopher walked out. (Capitalize the "I")

"I'm alright, Cameron, It will be okay." He murmured, trying to hide the pain obvious pn his face.( "pn" should be "pain" A typo I think.)

Review of The Clouded Life.  
Review by 1leila123
In affiliation with SuperPower Reviewers Galactic ...  
Rated: E | (4.0)
This poem kind of reaches out and grabs a reader and I truly enjoyed it! I think that you need help with punctuation, and spelling that would help anyone reading this and further improve the entire piece. To me this area slowed down the flow a lot and it made the writing more difficult. Your capitalization needs work also but don't give up! The writing itself as far as depth, compassion and a true feeling shines through!!!Thank-you for allowing me to review this. Leila
Review of Shade of Gray  
Review by 1leila123
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hello! It's me, reviewing your poetry: ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

*Balloon* What was enjoyable and exceptional:

This poem once again speaks from your heart and is backed up with experience.

*Balloon* Content, What you've conveyed to me::

I think you need a hug for putting into words what you have been through and survived to help others.

*Balloon*Improvements if you so wish, implement only what you think will enhance your piece:

No improvements needed

*Balloon* Encouragement:

Your writings are helpful to others trying to reach out of the maze that drugs drag them into. You never will fully know who you help but if youcan even help one person its worth it!

Keep writing! You have a way with words!

I have enjoyed my time with you and visiting your port. Thank-you for letting me critique your poem! Write on!
Review of In my own shell  
Review by 1leila123
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello! It's me, reviewing your poetry: ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

*Balloon* What was enjoyable and exceptional:

This poem tells me its about getting more out spoken and breaking free.

*Balloon* Content, What you've conveyed to me::

This reminds me of me before I broke out of my shell.*Bigsmile*

*Balloon*Improvements if you so wish, implement only what you think will enhance your piece:

Your spelling needs spellcheck. For instance in the first stanza, 4th line you have bt and I think you forgot to use the letter u in it. It could be just a typo also.
then in the fourth stanza you have opiniond and I think it should be opinions?
I wonder if you left out the word "but" in a few instances, since it seems to be repeatadly used in your whole poem which makes the whole poem ramble instead of having a smooth flow.
These are just a few suggestions and its your poem so take them for what their worth to you.

*Balloon* Encouragement:

Keep writing! You have a way with words!

I have enjoyed my time with you and visiting your port. Thank-you for letting me critique your poem! Write on!
Review of evil  
Review by 1leila123
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hello! It's me, reviewing your poetry: ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

*Balloon* What was enjoyable and exceptional:

I have read a lot of poems on evil but yours kind of came across differently in the way you had it portrayed. Not just one verse the same lenght but several and the last part I really liked!

*Balloon* Content, What you've conveyed to me::

That evil is out there lurking everywhere and its easy to be drawn in.

*Balloon*Improvements if you so wish, implement only what you think will enhance your piece:

The sentence below does not sound right, maybe phrased differently. Right now it sounds like a word or two is missing....Maybe it should be "and the evil will be the end of us all". Could you have forgotten the word, "of"?

and evil will be the end us all

*Balloon* Encouragement:

Keep writing! You have a way with words!

I have enjoyed my time with you and visiting your port. Thank-you for letting me critique your poem! Write on!
Review of My sad eyes  
Review by 1leila123
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello! It's me, reviewing your poetry: ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

*Balloon* What was enjoyable and exceptional:

The title brought me in to your poem! It kind of drags a person in to read more. *Bigsmile*

*Balloon* Content, What you've conveyed to me::

I could visulize your big sad eyes during the poem and the depth that you spoke of.

*Balloon*Improvements if you so wish, implement only what you think will enhance your piece:

You could probably check over your spelling with spell check and your punctuation.

*Balloon* Encouragement:

I loved the wording through the poem and how you phrased it!

Keep writing! You have a way with words!

I have enjoyed my time with you and visiting your port. Thank-you for letting me critique your poem! Write on!
Review of Broken Malice  
Review by 1leila123
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hello! It's me, reviewing your poetry: ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

*Balloon* What was enjoyable and exceptional:

This poem used a lot of words I'm not familiar with but I liked it!

*Balloon* Content, What you've conveyed to me::

To me this poem reads about domince over another though I could bewrong!

*Balloon*Improvements if you so wish, implement only what you think will enhance your piece:

No improvements needed.

*Balloon* Encouragement:Keep on writing!

I have enjoyed my time with you and visiting your port. Thank-you for letting me critique your poem! Write on!
Review by 1leila123
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello! It's me, reviewing your poetry:

I really was charmed by this piece of writing! So heartfelt and full of caring!

*Balloon* What was enjoyable and exceptional:

This was writtian from the heart!

*Balloon* Content, What you've conveyed to me::

This poem is full of questions that can not be answered until you face your mother with your thoughts. Don't wait until is to late.

*Balloon*Improvements if you so wish, implement only what you think will enhance your piece:

The capitlization needs correcting and your punctuation.

*Balloon* Encouragement:

Kepp writing as you write from the heart and its awesome in its own right!

I have enjoyed my time with you and visiting your port. Thank-you for letting me critique your poem! Write on!
Review of My Barrier  
Review by 1leila123
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

{size4:}Overall Impressions:

I really liked this poem!


This sounds like a person that is afraid to face their fears which at one time or another we all have too!

Content overall;

Overall this shows compassion, anger and desperation.


No spelling arrors that I could see

Does The story come together?

It all comes together very well.

Does the story hold your interest all the way through or does it bog down somewhere?

To me the content is terrific.

Would you recommend this piece to another reader?

yes I would

Any changes that might need to be done?

None that I could see.

Review of A Tornado  
Review by 1leila123
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello! It's me, reviewing your poetry:

*Balloon* What was enjoyable and exceptional:

I enjoyed the freshness of the subject. It was different!

*Balloon* Content, What you've conveyed to me::

That you were there for your sister.

*Balloon*Improvements if you so wish, implement only what you think will enhance your piece:

Maybe a little help with your punctuation.

*Balloon* Encouragement:

I can see that you have a very good way of expressing things and just need to work a little on the punctuation. I enjoyed skimming through your port so keep up the good work!

I have enjoyed my time with you and visiting your port. Thank-you for letting me critique your poem! Write on!
Review of Forgotten  
Review by 1leila123
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

{size4:}Overall Impressions:

This gives such a sad feeling!


I could identify with this feeling because I think at times we all deal with feeling forgotton.

Content overall;

It's a real shame to feeling forgotton and I think when a person goes through this they need to be with others even if you need to go out and mingle with some you don't know. Sometimes just walking helps to ease these feelings.


No grammar errors that I could spot

Does The story come together?

Yes it blended well through out.

Does the story hold your interest all the way through or does it bog down somewhere?
It held my interest.

Would you recommend this piece to another reader?

I think this touches the heart of all of us at certain times.

Any changes that might need to be done?

Not really!

Review of The Calling  
Review by 1leila123
Rated: E | (4.5)
Chapter Recappers Reviewing ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

***This review is being given as a part of the Chapter ReCappers Group, in the hopes of giving the author valuable feedback.***

*size3*Summarize the Chapter/Short Story~

To me this comes off as a Doctor being needed and evaluating his life in a time of war.


A. Were you able to follow it?

It came off as a little deep to me at times but then I am a simple person.*Bigsmile*

B.Did anything stand out that needs clarification?

No not at all.

C.Was the flow good?

It seemed to flow well but I had a hard time pulling it all together at first.


A.Could you picture the scene in your mind?

After the fourth verse I did.

B.Could you taste, touch and feel with the characters?

The Doctor part I did.


A. Were they believable? Yes

B.What didn't you like, or did you like about them that stood out?

Like I mentioned before it was quite deep for me.

C. Was the dialogue in tune with the character?


No spelling errors that stood out

A. Point out anything you notice.

Just the looking back at life and its meaning during a bad time


An overall opinion of what you've read.

It would be excellent if put in silpler terms but then again maybe someone more in tune to poems would feel more at ease reading it.

Review of Gone  
Review by 1leila123
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello! It's me, reviewing your poetry:

*Balloon* What was enjoyable and exceptional:

Quite a different subject than I'm used to but I enjoyed it.

*Balloon* Content, What you've conveyed to me::

I take it someone is in jail and doing time away from you. Hopefully this will be the persons last trip to bars and cement.

*Balloon*Improvements if you so wish, implement only what you think will enhance your piece:

Your punctuation needs corrected in places.

*Balloon* Encouragement:

I rather like your writing stle! Its refreshing and to the pint. You make every word count and its done with taste. Good job!

I have enjoyed my time with you and visiting your port. Thank-you for letting me critique your poem! Write on!
Review of Time  
Review by 1leila123
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello! It's me, reviewing your poetry:

*Balloon* What was enjoyable and exceptional:

Now I must say this was an excellent read!

*Balloon* Content, What you've conveyed to me::

The rage of time elapsed.

*Balloon*Improvements if you so wish, implement only what you think will enhance your piece:

I see no room for improvements

*Balloon* Encouragement:

This poem seems to be a rage against tme marching on. I have felt the same way but you put into words what I can not! Keep writing from the heart. It shows through!

I have enjoyed my time with you and visiting your port. Thank-you for letting me critique your poem! Write on!
Review of Words of sorrow  
Review by 1leila123
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

{size4:}Overall Impressions:

This is such a beautiful poem and Ihave to say the flow is fantastic!


I could visulize myself in this poem.

Content overall;

Overall I think you did a fantastic job on this and everyone should read it who is married or have a special someone.

No spelling or grammar errors that I could see.

Does The story come together?

Comes together perfectly

Does the story hold your interest all the way through or does it bog down somewhere?

Held me spellbound!

Would you recommend this piece to another reader?

Yes, I would!

Any changes that might need to be done?

No changes!

Review of Exiled  
Review by 1leila123
Rated: E | (4.5)
This piece was so reverent and I enjoyed it immensely! I would have rated it a five except a few words in it were extra, maybe typos? It held me enthralled though and you are a good descriptive writer. keep up your writing and dreaming and you'll go far. I just feel it! Blessings leila
Review of I WANNA WIN  
Review by 1leila123
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello! It's me, reviewing your poetry:

*Balloon* What was enjoyable and exceptional:

This poem shows enthuisism in winning or helping others win which is great!

*Balloon* Content, What you've conveyed to me::

That winning or losing especially if it helps others move on in this life is your goal.

*Balloon*Improvements if you so wish, implement only what you think will enhance your piece:

Your grammar and punctuation needs some work on this piece but the flow is great.

*Balloon* Encouragement:

Keep writing and I have to say I enjoyed this poem.

I have enjoyed my time with you and visiting your port. Thank-you for letting me critique your poem! Write on!
Review of Him  
Review by 1leila123
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

{size4:}Overall Impressions:

This poem to me was awesome!


I loved your descriptive phrases!

Content overall;

This was very graphic and I enjoyed reading this.


I found no grammar mistakes at all.

Does The story come together?

The flow was great.

Does the story hold your interest all the way through or does it bog down somewhere?

Yes it holds my interest/

Would you recommend this piece to another reader?


Any changes that might need to be done?

No changes needed. I thought it was all very well done!

Review of Letting Go  
Review by 1leila123
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello! It's me, reviewing your poetry:

*Balloon* What was enjoyable and exceptional:

This piece was so simple yet so endearing!

*Balloon* Content, What you've conveyed to me::
I think it shows when someone finally accepts that someone will love them no matter.

*Balloon*Improvements if you so wish, implement only what you think will enhance your piece:
No improvements needed!

*Balloon* Encouragement:

You have did a remarkable job with this poem. I love yhe simplicity of it and its short plus to the point. Sometimes simple is better!

I have enjoyed my time with you and visiting your port. Thank-you for letting me critique your poem! Write on!
Review of AFTER ALL  
Review by 1leila123
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

{size4:}Overall Impressions:

This poem was great!


It told life's story and held my interest.

Content overall;
Overall it flowed beaurtifully!


No spelling errors whatsoever!

Does The story come together?
Everything came together perfectlyand I had no trouble with reading this. I liked it and it held my interest all the way.

Does the story hold your interest all the way through or does it bog down somewhere?

Would you recommend this piece to another reader?

I would recommend this poem to anyone.

Any changes that might need to be done?

No changes at all. For a new writer you did a tremendous writing and I'm anxious to read more of your work.

Review of Image  
Review by 1leila123
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

{size4:}Overall Impressions:

My first impression was this is good! It kept me reading and that is a plus!


I think the characters are so real and true to life. It reminds me of when Iwas young and looked up to others as my role model and then they failed.

Content overall;

The content was superb!


This is one mistake_"For you was my hero" Maybe take out the word"was" and replace it with "were"/

Does The story come together?

The stiry comes together perfectly!

Does the story hold your interest all the way through or does it bog down somewhere?
My interest was held through out the whole story!

Would you recommend this piece to another reader?

Yes I would!

Any changes that might need to be done?

Just as described above.

Review of Just Pictures  
Review by 1leila123
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello! It's me, reviewing your poetry:

*Balloon* What was enjoyable and exceptional:

This poem touched my heart!

*Balloon* Content, What you've conveyed to me::

I have never had to give up one of my children but I can imagine it would haunt a person especially with the compassion and love I feel that are portayed in this poem.

*Balloon*Improvements if you so wish, implement only what you think will enhance your piece:

It seems to be great and I see no room for improvements except a few of the lines appears stilted at times. I think the flow is off i some palces.

*Balloon* Encouragement:

Keep on writing and putting down your feelings from the heart.

I have enjoyed my time with you and visiting your port. Thank-you for letting me critique your poem! Write on!
Review of My Angel  
Review by 1leila123
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
That is so beautiful I cried! Please keep on writing as it helps others heal too. You have a wonderful way with words that touch the heart and soul. I shall have to visit your port soon and see what else you have in there that is interesting. I'm sure I'll find a lot to keep busy! Blessings Leila
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