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261 Public Reviews Given
261 Total Reviews Given
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I am still developing a "Review Style" so how it is today is nothing like it was last month nor will it be like it is next month. I will never share negativity with the author because it is unnecessary. You can give encouragement through advice and that is what I will do. I will give my honest opinion on what may add to a piece, but I will also give encouragement on writing, story, and presentation. I love to give feedback to authors because I love to see how stories evolve.
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I will carefully look at the entire piece and break it down to see if it could benefit from a second look. When looking at a piece for review, I look at flow, consistency, word choice, punctuation, grammar, and personality. Each piece that someone writes is a story that they want to tell and it is a reviewer's job to add helpful insight into how that could be accomplished.
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My favorite genres are Young Adult, Emotional, Dark, Fiction, Fantasy, Drama, and Dystopian Fiction.
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While I like most genres, my least favorite genres are Historical, Political, and erotic.
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I will take a look at anything that is sent to me.
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Review of Depression  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)

Hello Shana-Batgirl-Allen ~WeGotThis !! This is a review from Shana at "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group! *Smile* I found your essay on a review page so I wanted to take a look at it. After reading "Depression I have the following comments to offer...

*Vignette5*}The Heart of the Story/Poem:
The subject that you chose to write on is a very important, misunderstood, and deep topic. I had read an article that stated that 1 in 10 Americans suffer with depression. That's a crazy number. I know that I have personally dealt with it for a good portion of my life so I understand a lot of what you talk about in this essay. I feel that your essay was well researched and a lot of thought was put into writing it. You brought a topic that so many people can relate to and you presented your thoughts on the subject well. I think that you did a great job on the essay.

*Vignette5*}Things That May Add To It:
As I read through your essay, I felt that it was well written. The only thing that I could suggest is to take another look at your essay and dissect the sentences. A few of them seemed like they could be structured differently. Perhaps if you combined some of the sentences or broke up the longer sentences into smaller ones, it may flow a bit easier. Other than that to help with flow a bit, there wasn't anything else that caught my attention.

*Star*}Things I Like:
I love how much thought went into this essay. Not only did you use a relevant quote, you also used an example of your subject from Greek Mythology. This shows that you put your mind into this assignment so that makes me want to give you props. I think that you did a great job so far and I hope that it presents well to your teacher as I am sure that it will!

I am glad that I got the opportunity to read your piece. You have a talent with writing and I hope to see more from you!

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Review of Red Dog  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Hello Shana-Batgirl-Allen ~WeGotThis !! This is a review from Shana at "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group! *Smile* After reading "Red Dog I have the following comments to offer...

*Vignette5*}The Heart of the Story/Poem:
As I was reading your poem, I could visualize this little red dog doing all of these things. I like how you reiterated "Red Dog". It helped to keep me focused on the subject of the poem. I can only imagine how much happiness this little one brought.

*Vignette5*}Things That Might Make It Better:
I didn't notice anything that stood out to me which could make it better. I think that you did a good job with it as is :)

*Star*}Things I Like:
I liked the entire thing! I think that your word choice and structure was good. You present the readers with a great visualization of your poem and I love how well you presented this.

I am glad that I got the opportunity to read your piece and I hope you have a great day!!

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Review of White Feathers  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Hello luna_citlali ! This is a review from Shana at "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group! *Smile* After reading "White Feathers I have the following comments to offer...

*Vignette5*}The Heart of the Story/Poem:
Negativity overall is harsh on a person. It really hurts them and if they are aware of its harm, then it creates a need and a want for protection from it. I like how you said "evil and hate are slowly opening and the white feathers of purity and innocence are slowly turning black" because the word "slowly" really is an apt one to use. It's a slow process and sometimes we don't realize the extent of it until it has already harmed us greatly.

*Vignette5*}Things That Might Make It Better:
I didn't see anything that I could suggest to add to this poem.

*Star*}Things I Like:
I like how you balanced the light and the dark out. You expressed a growing danger of the darkness while also expressing a deep need for the light. The white feathers that protect you from the darkness are there but the poem expresses a fear that they won't be strong enough to withstand it. However, there is also a hope that they will. In life we will always have that fear, but hope wins out in the end if we hold strong to it. I like how realistic this poem is as it shows the fear, the hope, and the struggle.

I am glad that I got the opportunity to read your piece! You did a great job with this poem and I appreciate what you have created. I hope you have a great day and I hope that sharing this has been a good thing for you! :)


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Review of Just One Chance  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

HelloBeyond the Cloud9 ! This is a review from Shana at "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group! *Smile* After reading "Just One Chance I have the following comments to offer...

*Vignette5*}The Heart of the Story/Poem:
You presented a great look at what life can be like for someone who deals with a handicap. Unfortunately as children, it can be extremely difficult as you showed us through the eyes of a young boy named Todd. I have personal experience of what Todd must have dealt with so I can say that I think that you presented it flawlessly and I think that you did it justice. Your story is encouraging and I am very glad that I got to read it today.

*Vignette5*}Things That Might Make It Better:
I didn't see any room for improvement. I think you did a fantastic job as is.

*Star*}Things I Like:
You did a great job in showing how the bullying and isolation can affect someone. You wrote it well and presented it well. As I was reading your story, I could feel Todd's sadness, frustration, and hurt. I'm glad that you put Sammy's character into this story because it was encouraging to see someone give Todd a chance. Sammy was exactly what he needed in life.

Thank you for posting this story. It always makes me smile when I come across a piece like this. You did a great job and I hope you continue posting your writing :)

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Review of Sweet dreams  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Hello Tiger Cub 🔱 ! This is a review from Shana at "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group! *Smile* I came across your story while I was looking a list of stories on The Shameless Plug Page. After reading "Sweet dreams I have the following comments to offer...

*Vignette5*}The Heart of the Story/Poem:
I wish I knew where the inspiration from this story was found because I don't think that I have ever really read something like this before. I found the fascinating and would love to read more if you ever decide to expand on it. As I was reading through it, I found myself thinking of it as if I was the human. Through your words, I was able to visualize and see the situation.

*Star*}Things I Like:
I loved the creativity of the story. It wasn't some run-of-the-mill story that is found in abundance along book shelves. Instead, as i was reading your story, I was able to picture it as a book that stood out and was successful. I don't know if you intend to expand on it or anything, but if you do, I would definitely be interested in reading it! I loved how you explored Aria's character and I felt that you presented this story very well.

I am glad that I got the opportunity to read your piece and I hope that you have a terrific day!

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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Hello! sageivy03 . This is a review from Shana at "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group! *Smile* After reading "Unfamiliar Memories I have the following comments to offer...

*Vignette5*}The Heart of the Story/Poem:
I was drawn in to your story from the start. You did a great job with describing the scene to your reader. My mother and I were in a car accident when I was younger and she ended up with amnesia which stuck with her permanently. I remember how she'd describe the frustration of everyone's expectations mixed with the frustration of not being able to fully remember things. As I was reading your story, I felt that you did really well explaining this new part of L's life.

*Vignette5*}Things That Might Make It Better:
I hadn't noticed anythhing that would make it better. You did a fantastic job and I really enjoyed reading it.

*Star*}Things I Like:
Everything! Where to start? Hmmm.. first off you have a fantastic story here. It's developed and presented well. In my opinion, the way that you approached the topic of amnesia and the frustration that comes with that, while being topped with everything being new and weird, makes your story a favorite of mine. I love your characters as well. I AM HOOKED!

I am very glad that I got the opportunity to read your story. I believe that you have an amazing talent with your writing and your stories are very interesting. Thank you so much for sharing them!

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Review of Misunderstood  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)

Hello! sageivy03 . This is a review from Shana at "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group! *Smile* After reading "Misunderstood I have the following comments to offer...

*Vignette5*}What caught my eye:
I saw your item on the HUB page. It piqued my curiosity so my mouse clicked and up it opened! What kept me reading after I opened it was "This is a work in progress". I love reading stories that are still in the process of being written because you get a raw picture of it. As I was reading your story, I felt a connection with Alice and her circumstances. I thoroughly loved reading this and I really hope that you will share more as it progresses. This has the potential to be a fantastic book if that is something that you would ever consider (and if you do please let me know!).

With that being said, the following comments are purely meant for ideas on the story. It is my intetion to help and I really hope that this is the way that it comes across. I love what you have done so far and I am intrigued by your story.

*Vignette5*}The Heart of the Story/Poem:
From a visual aspect, if you double space the paragraphs, it will be easier to read and will catch someone's eye a bit better. When I realized they had a button at the bottom of the page that double spaced my work for me when I was posting it, I giggled in glee. It makes it so much easier.

I love the questions that you pose at the beginning of your piece. They are very thought-provoking and it sets the tone for the rest of your writing. I like how you give this piece your own testimony. I think that when a writer is able to add bits of themself to a story, that it usually makes it better because of the personal touch that it gives.

As you describe your character's appearance and social life, or lack thereof, I began to grow attached to her because I could relate to some of the emotions that surround her. I smiled as you introduced Gabe. I am one of those sappy readers who always wish for the characters to have happiness, hope, and love in their lives. I think everyone can relate to the confusion that your character was feeling as Gabe insisted on talking to her because at some point in our lives, we all experience something similar even if it's not on that level.

I felt that the pivotal moment in the story was when Alice decided on painting the mirror images because it was at this moment that she weighed her past self with her present self. I felt that it was this moment that something began to change in her. I was a bit shocked at the seriousness of the twist you took. Conflict in a story either makes the story better or it can ruin it. You did a fantastic job with it. There was enough drama to carry the story and add a new depth to it. The push down the stairs, and her leaving, was what she needed. Alice had been on this slow and steady climb to finding a balance between her old self and her present self and this twist is what it took for her to finally be freed from what was holding her down in her life. Her mother was negativity that she had to get rid of before she could find the answers that she sought about herself.

*Vignette5*}Things That May Add To It:
Restructure sentences to either combine two or more similar sentences together or rework the sentences to be complete sentences.

"They’d always know that that one single part of me was perfect, the part that could make masterpieces." (Perhaps remove one 'that')
"Why did change in the first place? Why did I become this person?" (Possibly use: Why did I)
"I turned my light of and waited for her to think I was asleep." (off)
"I drove down the street to my house like I’d down several times before." (done)
“You a little liar. How would your father feel, hmm? To know that he helped raise a little liar, and a thief too.” (You're)

I am extremely glad that I got the opportunity to read your piece! I will be eagerly anticipating more of this. I am curious to know if you intend to make it a full length story or plan to just leave it at this? Either way, I am definitely a fan!


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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Hello! Ann Ticipation . This is a review from Shana at "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group! *Smile* After reading "How Did I Get To Here? I have the following comments to offer...

I came across this poem of yours and I thought that it was absolutely fantastic. I love how you boldly shared something so personal. I love the questions that you asked yourself. All of this showed your genuine curiosity and how deep of a look at yourself you took. As I read your words, I asked myself some of these questions.

I thoroughly enjoyed your piece and I think you did a great job with it. Thank you for sharing it :)

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Review of Worm Meets Apple  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Hello! snakeeyes . This is a review from Shana at "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group! *Smile* After reading "Worm Meets Apple I have the following comments to offer...

*Vignette5*}First Thoughts:
I was curious about this poem after I saw the title. My curiosity caused me to open it up, read it, and enjoy it. I thought it was adorable and funny. As I read your poem, I could imagine this encounter between a worm and an apple. You did a great job, especially for something of its length.

I'm glad that I got the opportunity to read your piece because I definitely enjoyed it. I think that you did well with this and I hope to see more from you!


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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Hello! Simple Dykie }. This is a review from Shana at "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group! *Smile* After reading "Love and Hot Water I have the following comments to offer...

*Vignette5*}First Thoughts:
The title of your writing caught my eye so I decided to come in and take a look at it. I think that you did a fantastic job with this and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I like how you added a personal testimony into it as it helped make the piece more relate-able. I like how you tied in examples to explore the concept of love. I have to say that the ending was perfect. The response to the matter of hot water was priceless and it was a great note to end on.

I'm glad that I got the opportunity to read your piece and I hope you have a great day!!

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Review of Number Ten  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I found this poem to be very amusing. I think you did a good job with it especially since you said that you don't normally write poetry. You did a great job with telling the story and your story is something that you could use with children or older audiences. Good job on this and thank you for sharing it :)


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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Hello Lynda Miller ! This is a review from Shana at "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group! *Smile* After reading "Flashlights of the World I have the following comments to offer...

*Vignette5*}The Heart of the Story/Poem:
I had never studied up on lighthouses or their history. I like how you gave facts but expanded them with a scenario as seen with the keeper. It helped me, the reader, to visualize what you were explaining. After reading your history on lighthouses, I have come to a better understanding of their importance and especially the importance of the keeper. Things change, and technology advances, but knowing how much work went into keeping them going is very interesting.

*Vignette5*}Things That Might May Add To It:
I feel that you did a good job with what you have written. In my opinion, the only thing that may add to it is possibly more facts and details on lighthouses. With what you have written, the reader can already get a clear picture on your subject.

*Star*}Things I Like:
I loved reading this piece because it taught me something new. I enjoyed the facts that you presented and I think that overall you did a great job :)

I am glad that I got the opportunity to read your piece and I hope you have a great day!!

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Review of God, Who Are You?  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is the first thing I read this morning and I am very glad that I did :) I think that you have beautifully brought to your reader's minds an image of God that is described yet at the same time we can't fully imagine because that's how great and how big God really is. I think that the words that you chose to use fit this idea perfectly. You did a great job so thank you for sharing it :)


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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I love your this! I think you did a good job at keeping the dialogue flowing and keeping the reader entertained at the same time. The humor kept me amused, but you also painted a picture of it actually happening which was just as amusing. You did a great job at this and I really enjoyed it :)


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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I really like what you did with this piece. You're absolutely right when you said that we all have be subject to dreams and I think that you captured the reality of them well. The words you chose to describe the actions and emotions were perfect. Also, I love how you ended it with the narrator questioning whether or not they were awake or still in a dream. I like how you structured and presented this :) Good job!


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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Your story has me hooked. I really want to know what happens between Ru and Myra! I love how you take the time to describe the scene in enough details to where your readers can vividly picture it as if they were right there, standing in that room. You have a great story on your hands and I know that you are very capable to bring epicness to it. I really appreciate that you are sharing this with this site so others can experience this great story.

Thank you :)

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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I am absolutely taken with this story. You did a great job at telling Ru and Myra's story. I will be honest and say that when she broke it off, I was a bit upset, but the ending melted my heart. I love how you took this story, which so many people can relate to in the beginning, and told it so well. I also like how you gave them the happy ending even after 10 years. I absolutely loved this piece and can't offer any constructive criticism to your story because I think it is perfect the way that it is. My favorite part of it was the life that you give to Ru. You make him so realistic and I believe many people can relate to his hopeful and passionate personality.

I'm glad that I got to read this story!

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Review of Spilt Milk  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
When your story first started out, I thought it would have a completely different ending. You twisted Peter's truth with the Adult's truth very well. You showed what Peter thought was true as well as leaving clues for the reader to see the Adult's point of view as well. I think you really captured Peter's emotions very well throughout the story. Oliver's character was explained well and I was able to see the vast differences between the two personalities. I can't imagine what it must have been like for Peter to constantly be punished and fussed at for the actions of someone he thinks is real. I can only imagine the confusion and anger that it must cause.

Your ending with Jamie saying "Oliver!" really piqued my curiosity yet again. Just when I thought I had figured things out, you threw in another twist. I love how you structured this piece and how effortlessly it all flows together. I really like your story and I can't suggest any revisions other than a few capitalization changes at the beginning of some of the sentences where there is dialogue. I think that you have a remarkable story here and I'm glad that I got to read it. :)


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Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I really enjoyed reading this! You have a witty charm to your writing and it took a turn that I hadn't expected. You balanced humor and advice well and definitely kept me entertained throughout your piece. You did a great job at detailing what your character fears, which are all legit and relate-able fears, while setting the scene for your character. As you explained it, your words helped to paint a vivid picture for me. You have a good way with words and I hope to see more from you :)


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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello there Ashleigh! I came across your post so I wanted to leave you a rating and a review! I love the subject of your writing and I always love seeing pieces about God. I think that you expressed your thoughts and emotions very well through your words. "While others will mock and curse. We aren't promised an easy life." is the part that stood out to me because it's so true. I think you did a great job in painting this picture for your readers. The only thing that I can suggest (and please keep in mind that this is only from a random reader) is to go back and read your words over again to make sure they are the ones you meant to use and not typos. I think you did a great job on this and thank you for sharing it :)

- Shana-

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Review of We Knew  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey there! I came across your story and from the first line I was brought in. I like how you took a dark and harsh subject and wasn't afraid to explore it. I think that you did a good job at explaining the situation and you put enough details in it for the reader to imagine the scene that you placed before them. I think that if you expanded on the details some it may add even more depth to you story and bring the readers in that much more. At the end of your story, even though it was a harsh ending, you brought hope to the story because they were able to experience that hope again and they were able to find release from the torment. I believe that you have presented your story very well and I hope to see more from you!


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Review of Indigo Girl  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
First thought: I need more.

You did a great job at sharing your characters and their emotions toward the situation. Angela's character intrigues me and I am curious to see more of her. The way that you showed her in her perspective, the Director's perspective, and then Samantha's perspective really adds to her character. I like the way that you explained not only what an Indigo was but also how it affected her. It makes me happy that she found Samantha and Mike as I am sure that it will change her life and help her to find herself. All around I think that you did a fantastic job :)


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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
To go from being able to do something that you love to sitting on the sidelines can be very hard to deal with. I like how you expressed this through your piece. As the narrator explained how they used to love to jitterbug, but now they have to live watching others do what they used to love to do, I could imagine them sitting out. I know from experience what that feels like and I felt that you explained it very well. I was impressed with your words and I am glad that I got the opportunity to read them!


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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I am sorry to hear that you had to face all of that. It's not easy when things turn out to be like that and it really stings. I am glad that you are able to use the experience to write though. Had I not seen what you wrote after your poem, I never would have guessed the outcome of the relationship so that in itself shows that you have talent through your words. I think that you did a great job at sharing the excitement and joy of a new love. Good job :)


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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a great showcase of an athlete's mindset when it comes to sports. I like how you explained not only what was needed, but also what having them did for the athlete. I am not an athlete, but as I read this it helped me to understand athlete's a little better because on the sidelines we only see the outcome, we don't see what's going through their minds nor do we see how vital each and every choice is. I think you did a great job at expressing this and I am glad that I came across this!


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