Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/amharvie2003
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56 Public Reviews Given
62 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review by AnnMarie
Rated: ASR | (3.0)
I thinks this could be a very interesting story. Clearly these men know each other and there was some sort of betrayal that happened. I like it. The above piece needs work. Some of it was confusing and I think you can improve the sentence structure. I'm going to go through it so you understand what I mean.

When he rounded the corner, he saw them, not it. The reason I say that is because the next sentence says miles of soldiers of soldiers. If you said "army" then it would be appropriate. Miles of soldiers of soldiers - I've got to be honest, I'm not a fan of this sentence. Lines of soldiers as far as the eye could see or a sea of soldiers, it's up to you. In the next sentence, cold can't be blue. It's not a thing. The ice can be blue if you want, but not the cold.

So now here is where it gets confusing. He rounded the corner and saw a mass of men ready for war and now he's in a cold room? How is he in a room? Was he looking out a window when he saw the army? The first couple of sentences made it seem as though he was already on the battlefield. That needs to be fixed. If he's in a room (reading further he's in a tower), you need to make it clear. Also, a still frigid room? How about frigid? Still frigid indicates that someone tried to warm it up and I see no evidence of that. If he's looking to the commanders, they should be "his" army, not "the" army. There are two armies on the battlefield and to not be specific would be confusing.

So there is a flash of heat. Hmm. Typically there is a flash of light. But Okay, heat. Where is the heat coming from? Certainly not the arrows, unless they are flaming arrows. That would work, but you should explain that. Also, the sound of arrows flying. It almost sounds as if they room is filling with arrows. I would suggest you make it clear that the arrows are outside. It might seem obvious to you, but you have to look at it from the reader's perspective.

He's running down to a bridge. Okay, but then he's looking down at the battle from the bridge. Is the bridge half way down? Typically there are no bridges on towers. There could be balconies or porches, though. So after trudging down even more stairs, he's on his horse and in the thick of battle. He's in deep, slashing everything. Blood's everywhere. That's good. Exciting. Just a comment, though: men's, horse's and animals'. Horses are generally considered animals, so I think you can take animals out. Unless there's some other type of animal that is on the battlefield. If so, you should be specific and name it. The cold stung his face -- good. The ice on the beard is dramatic, but has he been down there long enough for this to happen? Also, in order for ice to form, there has to be moisture. Is he sweating so much it's dripping into his beard and turning to ice? Is it snowing? raining? Also, just curious -- where are the commanders? Are they still in the room contemplating the war? Did they follow him down the tower? Where did they go? You need to tell the audience what, if anything they're doing.

He's fighting and now he's galloping away. Okay, but he's leaving the war below him? Is he riding up somewhere? This needs to be explained. A nearby hill? Certainly not up to the tower. Please make this clear.

Okay, so now he's spotted him -- his frenemy. There's an exchange of words. Riders do not unmount their horses, they dismount. Another thing about the dialog -- you can't glare sarcastically. You can glare and then speak sarcastically. I don't know if Tirannius would respond grimly. He seems pretty pissed. Maybe he hissed? His words dripping with hate? Up to you.

So now they're getting ready to fight. Marcus had galloped up somewhere away from the battle, but now it's raging all around them. It's either or -- it can't be both. Also, when you finish your dialog, you should start another paragraph.

The big fight is on! Marcus hits Tirannius in the head. He's spitting blood. Why? If he got hit in the head why is he spitting blood? Maybe if he got hit in the mouth... Blood could be flowing from a head wound. Tirannius is pissed, totally understandable. There is definite rage, but I wouldn't say betrayal. These two guys were enemies the second they saw each other. If they were riding around the battle as best buds and then Marcus hit him, then that would be a betrayal.

So that's it. I think the story is exciting and it would be VERY interesting to see where this goes. I hope you understand that my comments are made to help you. Do with them what you will, or don't do anything at all. I hope you finish it. I wish you the best of luck. Keep writing!
Review by AnnMarie
Rated: E | (3.5)
This is a very sweet story and one worth telling. However, this story needs a little work. These are my suggestions:

First line, "I never knew."
Second line: ""we were having such good time."
Third line "having such a great day." "I went to town, hung out with friends. "A young man that "I"
Fourth line: He opened his long, muscular arms to give me a hug. He looked at me with his lovely light brown eyes..."
Fifth line: "cracked jokes."
Seventh line: "I went to church that Sunday"
Eighth line: bedroom is one word.
10th line: "went out, my phone" "then she asked me, "Who is Dilan?"
11th line: 17 "I" was allowed but "I" was still scared
12th line: "said, "Dilan is my boyfriend." My mother smiled... "said to me, "He sounds like a very decent and respectable young man..."
13th line "I never knew..."

These are the changes that I would make. I hope you find them helpful. Best of luck with your writing!

- Ann Marie
Review by AnnMarie
Rated: E | (5.0)
As someone who has received all three types of rejection letters, I could totally identify with this article. I have found that small press magazines (and probably books) do a little more than the standard decline.

I like the way you gave examples of each letter and an explanation of what they really mean. I think that this article will help newbies just starting out in terms of what to expect from editors.

Keep writing!
Review by AnnMarie
Rated: E | (4.5)
I LOVED this article! I was hesitant like you, but I have also decided to self publish. To be honest, I'll do some marketing, but I just want to have the book out there so that if family and friends want to read it they can. I can totally identify with everything that you have gone through in terms of the rejection letters and the anxiousnes.

The only thing that I would have hoped for in your article is that you named the company that you finally went with. I believe that I have selected the one that I want to go with, but it would have been nice for you to give the company name since you've had such a good experience.

Congratulations on being published. Hopefully you had such a great experience, you'll publish more.

Review by AnnMarie
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
I thought that this article was well written and so very, very true! I can't live without these things either, and it's nice to see someone write about it and not be ashamed. Your article flowed nicely and kept my attention. *Smile*

Keep writing!
Review of Monster Island  
Review by AnnMarie
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
I thought that this was an enjoyable story. I particularly liked the way that you described the zombies.

I think would have liked to hear a little description about the werewolves, especially because the narrator was one. Are they really furry all over,etc.

Also, you ending was cute about the dancing to "Monster Mash," but I think that you could have done a little more with the ending, such as a more concluding line. Something like the night set the stage for the rest of the week/month/vacation.

All in all I think you did a good job. Keep writing!
Review of The Sock Monster  
Review by AnnMarie
Rated: E | (3.5)
This is a very interesting theory about "the Sock Monster." I think he ranks right up there with Bigfoot and the Lock Ness Monster.

I enjoyed this story. It made me smile and it's a story that makes you go "hmmm.." when you wonder what really happened to that missing favorite sock. *Smile*

Good luck with your writing!
Review of The Phone Call  
Review by AnnMarie
Rated: E | (3.5)
This was an interesting story. You have good description of a person's struggle to deal with a new disability. You can almost feel the frustration in the main character.

I know not revealing the content of the phone call was done intentionally, but I think I would better understand the story, or the importance of the phone call to the story, if I knew what it was about.

Good luck with your writing!
Review of Chocolate Ecstasy  
Review by AnnMarie
Rated: E | (4.0)
I would do an in depth review of your poem, but I must go now and get some Godiva chocolate. *Smile*

Seriously, though, I love your description of the pure delight of chocolate. People like us who worship the dark sweet stuff would disagree with the joyous feeling of eating a good piece of chocolate.

Keep up the good work -- you really did make me crave some truffles. *Smile*
Review of Legend  
Review by AnnMarie
Rated: E | (4.0)
This was an incredibly sad poem, but ended very well. I enjoyed this -- you did a great job.

Good luck with future work!
Review of Leoparigerions  
Review by AnnMarie
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
This rating is being revised due to the changes made by the author.

I always liked this story and thought with a few refinements it could be a seller. The author modified the story, and in my opinion I believe that it has improved and therefore deserves a higher rating.

I wish you all the luck in the world if you are going to market this story. I believe that it very much worth reading. I hope that other people share my opinion.
Review of Leoparigerions  
Review by AnnMarie
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Oh my gosh, was this a cute story! I really enjoyed reading it. I do have a few comments/suggestions:
First paragraph, first sentence: "lives."

Second Paragraph: You've told me the mix of the leoparigerion, but I still can't really see it. Does it have the lion's mane or the tiger's little fluff around the face? A little more detail would help me see it better. Unfortunately I do not have Jeffrey's imagination. *Smile*

Third paragraph: Nice description of Jeffrey. Is there a particular reason he wants to grow up so badly?

6th paragraph: You talk about a mound of dirty clothes, but then the talking ants are coming out of a hill. Keep to mound or clothes pile or it might get confusing. By the way, I found this whole "closet caves" and the ants coming out of the clothes pile to be creative genius. *Smile*Very imaginative.

After Jeffrey defeats the monsters, you say he returns to the bed and puts his bow and arrows on his pillow. He has no arrows, though. He used them all in the fight with the monsters. You might want to think about deleting this.

That's it. I think if you just clear up these little things, this is a definite seller!

Excellent job!
Review of Mysteriousness  
Review by AnnMarie
Rated: ASR | (3.0)
The description of the little boy and the horrible accident that occurred are very well done.

I didn't see any grammatical or spelling errors to comment on.

Good luck in future writing.
Review by AnnMarie
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
{c:/violet} This was very good. I'm a big fan of the Authorian Legend.

There is one line in your poem, though that I'm not familar with: "Author had the children killed." To which children are you referring? This is has nothing to do with my critique -- I'm just curious.

No spelling errors. Good job on the rhyming. Good job overall! *Smile*
Review by AnnMarie
Rated: E | (4.0)
This was a wonderful, inspiring story. Very well done! It reminds me of the Jamican Bobsled team and the odds that they had to face in the Olympics.

Your description of Kenya when you compared it to the snowy Nagano was brilliant. It made the African athlete seem more the underdog and more worth cheering for.

One can't help but cheer for the first place winner and his exceptional sportsmanship.

I didn't see this Winter Olympics, but your story made me wish that I had. *Smile*

I saw no spelling or grammatical errors, so I don't really have any critique for you other than I thought yours was a fanastic story.

Keep up the good work!
Review of Marriage  
Review by AnnMarie
Rated: E | (3.5)
I thought that this was a lovely story of long-lasting love.
I would suggest to make the reading easier, that you put a double space between paragraphs. It will break up the grey space.

I also have some specific comments/suggestions to make on your story:

Paragraph 12, last sentence: Put a period at the end of "them."

Paragraph 14, 4th sentence: Put a comma after "attention to me,"

Paragraph 15, 1st sentence: "Shouting like an illiterate?" An illeterate is someone who can't read. Being beliggerate is being loud and obnoxious. You might want to rethink this description.

That's all I have. Good job and good luck with your writing!
Review by AnnMarie
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Before I get to my specific suggestions, I want to say how sorry I am for your loss. It's a terrible thing to lose someone you love so much, but at the same time it's wonderful to have a lifetime of memories to keep him alive in your heart.

Here are the few suggestions I have:

3rd paragraph 1st sentence: {c} "one" horse.
last sentence: {c} "one."

4th paragraph, 1st sentence: {c} "a yearly race." or better yet "an annual race."

5th paragraph: {c} "Kools" should be capitalized because it is a brand name.

9th paragrah, 2nd sentence {c} "at least" 10.

12th paragrah, 3rd sentence {c} "dinner table?"

That's it. You know, this could easily be put into a personal essay. Magazines like Reader's Digest, Family Circle, etc., print essays similar to this -- how a person affects the life of another in a positive way. You should consider it -- it wouldn't be for money reasons. You could share with the world how wonderful you thought your grandfather was.

Just a suggestion. Nice work. Very touching -- really. Keep writing.
Review by AnnMarie
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
This was really adorable! Good job -- I never saw the "part of womanhood" thing coming. I found this story to be very entertaining. I didn't find any spelling or grammatical errors. Nice work! Try shopping this around to some of the teen magazines.

I really enjoyed it.

Keep writing!
Review by AnnMarie
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
A very nice twist! I liked this story very much. You should send it out and see how you do.

Good luck with your writing!
Review of The Well  
Review by AnnMarie
Rated: E | (3.5)
I enjoyed this story and I think that you could expand it more. I think getting his way out of trouble with his father could be an adventure all by itself! Your descriptions were very well done.

I do have several comments/suggestions regarding your story:

1. I would describe the effort it took Jeff to get Tom down the well. Did he struggle? Another boy must be a very heavy load.l Perhaps he grunted with the effort of lowering Tom down the well? It's a minor point and not too critical to the story. I just thought ti would be nice to describe it.

Feet are not cock-eyed. They get twisted or bent. You may want to consider changing this description of Tom's feet falling asleep.

The ending, though very good in general, leaves the reader wanting a little more. Did Tom get out of a punishment? Did he tell his father the truth? You could really expand this a little more if you wanted.

That's it. Just suggestions. As I said, I did enjoy it. Good luck!
Review of A Day to Remember  
Review by AnnMarie
Rated: E | (3.0)
I have a terrible fear of heights myself. Your description of your ride up the slope mirrored the ski ride I rode at Disney's Blizzard Beach. I'll never do that again.

Overall, I liked your story very much. You were very descriptive and brought the place you visited to life. I do have a couple of suggestions that you can either take or leave.

Para 2 - I would say "Richie's wife, Maryann." It would save on words and make the sentence stronger. 5th sentence "Camp" and "Lake" don't need to be capitalized.
Also, when you describe the way to the camp, you switch tenses. Try to keep in past tense if you can.
Paragraph 3, 1st sentence: "Arriving" may work better than "arrival."

Para 4 1st sentence. You don't need to capitalize "town." It's not part of the town's name. (AP styleguide)
Also, watch your tense in the paragraph and in the fifth.

Again, I liked your story very much. Actually, I believe it is a personal essay, and there is a market for this type of thing, you know. If you haven't already, you might want to consider shopping it around to see if you can get a buyer.

Good luck with your writing!

- Ann Marie
Review of Gone Away  
Review by AnnMarie
Rated: ASR | (2.5)
I thought you story was very intersting. I would go back and recheck your punctuation. There are a lot of periods and end quotes missing. Also there are commas that you don't really need in some places. Reread your story (perhaps out loud) and make some of the corrections. Good luck. I liked the main character very much. *Smile*
Review by AnnMarie
Rated: E | (4.5)
I found this very cute and creative. It was also an excellent recipie for a fairy tale! Good luck on future work!
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