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Review by Artemis Quill Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.5)
A Review by Artemis Quill*
CRITERION: I am reviewing your work, as you requested. I have attempted to be respectful, *open-minded, honest, candid, direct, positive and encouraging. I have only my judgment to offer. On occasion, I find a morsel of work, I pondered that I might express my senses in this area. It is just my feelings and not meant to hurt or take liberty with the authors work. A.Quill

Review Poem

I found your poem on [insert where you found the story (review request, plug page, random read, etc.)]. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful.

Overall Impression/Emotional Impact: Very strong emotional impact.

Form, Format, Rhyme and Meter (as applicable): Appears to be free verse and highly sensitive.

Artistic Voice and Imagery: Superb imagery with strong tones.

Grammar, Spelling and Mechanics: No problems detected.

Suggestions: Very thought provoking, An enjoyable read. Keep at it, you have much to share!

Sent with a wink and a smile:),

Artemis Quill
Review of The wheel of life  Open in new Window.
Review by Artemis Quill Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
A Review by Artemis Quill*
CRITERION: I am reviewing your work, as you requested. I have attempted to be respectful, *open-minded, honest, candid, direct, positive and encouraging. I have only my judgment to offer. On occasion, I find a morsel of work, I pondered that I might express my senses in this area. It is just my feelings and not meant to hurt or take liberty with the authors work. A.Quill

Review Poem

I found your poem on [insert where you found the story (review request, plug page, random read, etc.)]. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful.

Overall Impression/Emotional Impact: Truly thoughtful and introspective.

Form, Format, Rhyme and Meter (as applicable): Good job with rhymes.

Artistic Voice and Imagery: Made me think of a day dreamer.

Grammar, Spelling and Mechanics: No problems.

Suggestions: Indication of the number of years of formal education that a person requires in order to easily understand the text on the first reading
Gunning Fog index : 11.91
Approximate representation of the U.S. grade level needed to comprehend the text :
Coleman Liau index : 5.64
Flesch Kincaid Grade level : 9.77
ARI (Automated Readability Index) : 9.60
SMOG : 8.92
Flesch Reading Ease : 71.18

List of sentences that you might consider rewriting to improve readability:

I look for meaning still, in life's absurd old cup; I want to spend my time in ways that say: so what If time goes by, for lo, I'm leaving here my mark A difference I do make, until my final walk.
I wonder what is then, after that moment key; I wonder if we'll taste sweet immortality; My heart tells me oh yes, my head shakes, gently so; What am I to do here is what I'd like to know.
And so I write these words, I hope the first of more To leave a trace somewhere, to let my spirit soar Above life's old routine, imagination's vast Horizons and such like, afore I turn to dust.
Unfortunately not; whatever I do now Th' impermanence of it does have the final laugh; Whether I live or die, who cares in the long run It's all dispensable, when all is said and done.

Sent with a wink and a smile.

Review of The Verdict  Open in new Window.
Review by Artemis Quill Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
*A Review by Artemis Quill*
CRITERION: I am reviewing your work, as you requested. I have attempted to be respectful, open-minded, honest, candid, direct, positive and encouraging. I have only my judgment to offer. On occasion, I find a morsel of work, I pondered that I might express my senses in this area. It is just my feelings and not meant to hurt or take liberty with the authors work. A. Quill

Hello! I found your story on [insert where you found the story (review request, plug page, random read, etc.)]. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful.

Story Review:

Overall Impression:Very intriguing story.

Plot:Thought provoking, yet realistic.

Style and Voice:Smooth delivery.

Scene/Setting: Quite believable.

Characters: Good choicefor story.

Dialog: Satisfactory.

Grammar and Mechanics:*See suggestions below*

Suggestions: Indication of the number of years of formal education that a person requires in order to easily understand the text on the first reading
Gunning Fog index : 5.92
Approximate representation of the U.S. grade level needed to comprehend the text :
Coleman Liau index : 5.94
Flesch Kincaid Grade level : 4.36
ARI (Automated Readability Index) : 3.31
SMOG : 7.12
Flesch Reading Ease : 81.37

List of sentences that you might consider rewriting to improve readability:

When she was pulling her watch in a guard tower, she would stare at the endless expanse of trees and listen to bird calls and the chatter and shrieks of whatever inhabited that forbidden landscape.
Fear had always gripped her heart when they described how a banshee would rip out their throats, or how the powerful claws of a poka could dismember them.
This had cemented their resolve to leave the compound, an idea that had been growing, fueled by their dwindling trust of the leadership.
They had scaled it easily and now they were on the cusp of a decision that would change their lives, forever.
Sanya had risen as a master of the combat art, Sung-Gee, representing her district in the monthly challenge bouts.
The Verdict She should have known better but since the day she met Jan she had started to question all she had been taught.
That night, after the night watch left, Sanya quietly snuck out of the dorm and met Jan at the base of the wall.
" The escapee was never seen again and the Elders denied any knowledge of him.
They had matched each other in round after round, dancing, ducking striking and feinting.
Since then, they met regularly with the pretext to spar but there was more to it.
" She hesitated and glanced back at the compound, her home, the only place she knew.
They could drop from it but they would never reach it if they changed their minds.
She climbed down the rope, hung for a moment and then dropped to the forest floor.
From the guard tower she watched as they disappeared into the forest.
" "Yea, but they always explain why we shouldn't and nobody ever does.
" The elders always said they were the only colony, but were they?
Sanya, looked back at the compound one last time and quelled her doubts.
It was the first time she had seen a patrol of elders leave the compound.
Then a month ago, rumors were rife about someone who had gone missing.
Jan pulled her up from the mat and held her hand up as cheers resounded.
In the moonlight she could see the rope ended a long way from the ground.
We can ask him about the Wild when he has served his punishment.
Each time, she walked away pondering the answers she didn't have.

Sent with a wink and a smile,

A, Quill
Review by Artemis Quill Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
*A Review by Artemis Quill*
CRITERION: I am reviewing your work, as you requested. I have attempted to be respectful, open-minded, honest, candid, direct, positive and encouraging. I have only my judgment to offer. On occasion, I find a morsel of work, I pondered that I might express my senses in this area. It is just my feelings and not meant to hurt or take liberty with the authors work. A. Quill

Hello! I found your story on [insert where you found the story (review request, plug page, random read, etc.)]. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful.

Story Review:Qutie interesting story.

Overall Impression:Enjoyed this tale,was impressed with it overall.

Plot: Nice choice, creative.

Style and Voice: Easy to read and understand.

Scene/Setting:Believable start to finish.

Characters:I found them to be interesting.


Grammar and Mechanics: Satisfactory.

Suggestions:Write as often as you can, your talent is creative and needs to be shared!

Sent with a wink and a smile,

A, Quill

Review of knitting lace  Open in new Window.
Review by Artemis Quill Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
*A Review by Artemis Quill*
CRITERION: I am reviewing your work, as you requested. I have attempted to be respectful, open-minded, honest, candid, direct, positive and encouraging. I have only my judgment to offer. On occasion, I find a morsel of work, I pondered that I might express my senses in this area. It is just my feelings and not meant to hurt or take liberty with the authors work. A.Quill

Review Poem

I found your poem on [insert where you found the story (review request, plug page, random read, etc.)]. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful.

Overall Impression/Emotional Impact: Great impact on me. Loved your style.

Form, Format, Rhyme and Meter (as applicable): Good.

Artistic Voice and Imagery:My imagination took me back to remembering my grandmother and her detailed crocheting.

Grammar, Spelling and Mechanics: Good.

Suggestions:Thank you for this fine piece of work and sharing. Keep up with your ceativeness!!!

Sent with a wink and a smile.

Review of A Bride for Brian  Open in new Window.
Review by Artemis Quill Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
A Review by Artemis Quill*
CRITERION: I am reviewing your work, as you requested. I have attempted to be respectful, open-minded, honest, candid, direct, positive and encouraging. I have only my judgment to offer. On occasion, I find a morsel of work, I pondered that I might express my senses in this area. It is just my feelings and not meant to hurt or take liberty with the authors work. A. Quill

Hello! I found your story on [insert where you found the story (review request, plug page, random read, etc.)]. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful.

Story Review:

Overall Impression:Great story, really written in depth

Plot: Creative with a great deal of forethought.

Style and Voice: Unique voice projected with a strong voice.

Scene/Setting: Loved the variations.

Characters: Thoughtful and left lasting impressions.

Dialog: Good use throughout story.

Grammar and Mechanics: Comfortable with your usage.

Suggestions: Keep going, your talent will only improve.

Sent with a wink and a smile,

A, Quill
Review by Artemis Quill Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
A Review by Artemis Quill*
CRITERION: I am reviewing your work, as you requested. I have attempted to be respectful, open-minded, honest, candid, direct, positive and encouraging. I have only my judgment to offer. On occasion, I find a morsel of work, I pondered that I might express my senses in this area. It is just my feelings and not meant to hurt or take liberty with the authors work. A. Quill

Hello! I found your story on [insert where you found the story (review request, plug page, random read, etc.)]. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful.

Story Review:

Overall Impression: Great story start to finish.

Plot:Dynamic selection.

Style and Voice: Truly unique style.

Scene/Setting: Very appealing.

Characters: Strong.

Dialog: Very well done.

Grammar and Mechanics:Satisfactory.

Suggestions: I want to see more!!!!

Sent with a wink and a smile,

A, Quill
Review of Burning Highway  Open in new Window.
Review by Artemis Quill Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
*A Review by Artemis Quill*
CRITERION: I am reviewing your work, as you requested. I have attempted to be respectful, open-minded, honest, candid, direct, positive and encouraging. I have only my judgment to offer. On occasion, I find a morsel of work, I pondered that I might express my senses in this area. It is just my feelings and not meant to hurt or take liberty with the authors work. A.Quill

Review Poem

I found your poem on [insert where you found the story (review request, plug page, random read, etc.)]. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful.

Overall Impression/Emotional Impact:Excellent emotion evoking poem. Definite great impact on me.

Form, Format, Rhyme and Meter (as applicable): Rhyme and meter acceptable.

Artistic Voice and Imagery: truly creative voice developed sound imagery.

Grammar, Spelling and Mechanics: OK.

Suggestions: Great piece, keep writing. It is obvious you gave this lots of thought!!!

Sent with a wink and a smile.

Review by Artemis Quill Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*A Review by Artemis Quill*
CRITERION: I am reviewing your work, as you requested. I have attempted to be respectful, open-minded, honest, candid, direct, positive and encouraging. I have only my judgment to offer. On occasion, I find a morsel of work, I pondered that I might express my senses in this area. It is just my feelings and not meant to hurt or take liberty with the authors work. A.Quill

Review Poem

I found your poem on [insert where you found the story (review request, plug page, random read, etc.)]. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful.

Overall Impression/Emotional Impact: Very emotionall charged. Rightfully so!

Form, Format, Rhyme and Meter (as applicable):Good form.

Artistic Voice and Imagery:Creative voice charged with high energy!

Grammar, Spelling and Mechanics: No problems.

Suggestions: Very introspective. Hope see/review more of your work!

Sent with a wink and a smile:),

A. Quill
Review of The Sea  Open in new Window.
Review by Artemis Quill Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
*A Review by Artemis Quill*
CRITERION: I am reviewing your work, as you requested. I have attempted to be respectful, open-minded, honest, candid, direct, positive and encouraging. I have only my judgment to offer. On occasion, I find a morsel of work, I pondered that I might express my senses in this area. It is just my feelings and not meant to hurt or take liberty with the authors work. A.Quill

Review Poem

I found your poem on [insert where you found the story (review request, plug page, random read, etc.)]. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful.

Overall Impression/Emotional Impact:Excellent!!!

Form, Format, Rhyme and Meter (as applicable): Loved this Haiku

Artistic Voice and Imagery: Tremendously image provoking.

Grammar, Spelling and Mechanics: Suprior.

Suggestions: Keep turning out this great work, you are showing creative talent!

Sent with a wink and a smile.

Review by Artemis Quill Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
*A Review by Artemis Quill*
CRITERION: I am reviewing your work, as you requested. I have attempted to be respectful, open-minded, honest, candid, direct, positive and encouraging. I have only my judgment to offer. On occasion, I find a morsel of work, I pondered that I might express my senses in this area. It is just my feelings and not meant to hurt or take liberty with the authors work. A.Quill

I found your poem on [insert where you found the story (review request, plug page, random read, etc.)]. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful.

Overall Impression/Emotional Impact:Very emotonal and left definite impact.

Form, Format, Rhyme and Meter (as applicable): Clever style!

Artistic Voice and Imagery: Strong artistic voice with development of various images.

Grammar, Spelling and Mechanics: Fine.

Suggestions: Thanx for sharing. Keep upexcellent work!
Sent with a wink and a smile:),

A. Quill
Review of Parenthood  Open in new Window.
Review by Artemis Quill Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
*A Review by Artemis Quill*
CRITERION: I am reviewing your work, as you requested. I have attempted to be respectful, open-minded, honest, candid, direct, positive and encouraging. I have only my judgment to offer. On occasion, I find a morsel of work, I pondered that I might express my senses in this area. It is just my feelings and not meant to hurt or take liberty with the authors work. A.Quill

I found your poem on [insert where you found the story (review request, plug page, random read, etc.)]. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful.

Overall Impression/Emotional Impact: Well above average emotional impact!

Form, Format, Rhyme and Meter (as applicable): Very creative form.

Artistic Voice and Imagery: Wonderful images developed as I read this poem.

Grammar, Spelling and Mechanics: No problems in this area.

Sent with a wink and a smile :),
A. Quill

Suggestions: Keep writing every day!

Review by Artemis Quill Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)

I found your poem on [insert where you found the story (review request, plug page, random read, etc.)]. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful.

Overall Impression/Emotional Impact:

*A Review by Artemis Quill*
CRITERION: I am reviewing your work, as you requested. I have attempted to be respectful, open-minded, honest, candid, direct, positive and encouraging. I have only my judgment to offer. On occasion, I find a morsel of work, I pondered that I might express my senses in this area. It is just my feelings and not meant to hurt or take liberty with the authors work. A.Quill

Artistic Voice and Imagery: Very smooth

Grammar, Spelling and Mechanics: Few flaws

Suggestions: Keep writing. Choose various subjects, moods and situations!

Look forward to seeing more of your work as you grow with your work!

Sent with a wink and a smile:),
Review of Rain and death  Open in new Window.
Review by Artemis Quill Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Your title was very good 4*
Very vivid imagery 5*
Easily interpreted 3+*
Effort 5*

I thoroughly enjoyed this piece. I would like to see more of your work. Would encourage you to extend your thoughts and presentation.

Please share more of your work upon completion.

Sent with a wink and a smile:),
Artemis Quill
Review of A Burst of Joy  Open in new Window.
Review by Artemis Quill Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Great poem.
No spelling errors.
Word usage developed good imagery.
I felt this was a heart-warming piece.
Your work deserves display on this website.

All great achievements require time.
Maya Angelou

Sent with a wink and a smile,
Artemis Quill*Wink**Bigsmile*
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

Review of Paper World.  Open in new Window.
Review by Artemis Quill Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
*A Review by Artemis Quill*
CRITERION: I am reviewing your work, as you requested. I have attempted to be respectful, open-minded, honest, candid, direct, positive and encouraging. I have only my judgment to offer. On occasion, I find a morsel of work, I pondered that I might express my senses in this area. It is just my feelings and not meant to hurt or take liberty with the authors work. A.Quill

TITLE: Good positive choice.


EMOTIONAL SENSE OF REVIEWER: Pulls one’s heart strings!

INTERPRETATION: Very open and to the point.

QUALITY: Very good.

SPELLING ERRORS: No errors discovered.

SENTENCE STRUCTURE: he – preceding inquired CAP, smile.He saw should be - smile. He saw.

EFFORT: Thoughtful.

CONCLUDED: Good read.

Famous Poet’s Quote:
Change your thoughts and you change your world.
Norman Vincent Peale

Review of An Acrostic Poem  Open in new Window.
Review by Artemis Quill Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with I.N.K.E.D.  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
*A Review by Artemis Quill*
CRITERION: I am reviewing your work, as you requested. I have attempted to be respectful, open-minded, honest, candid, direct, positive and encouraging. I have only my judgment to offer. On occasion, I find a morsel of work, I pondered that I might express my senses in this area. It is just my feelings and not meant to hurt or take liberty with the authors work. A.Quill

TITLE: You need to come up with a good title!

IMAGERY: The words speak for themselves.

EMOTIONAL SENSE OF REVIEWER: Draws upon the emotions of a well- educated readership.

INTERPRETATION: Easily grasped by the reader.

QUALITY: Highly intellectual.

SPELLING ERRORS: No spelling errors found.

SENTENCE STRUCTURE: IK! I seldom criticize punctuation shortcomings.

EFFORT: Solid.

CONCLUDED: Excellent effort by an author.


Famous Poet’s Quote:
A special kind of beauty exists which is born in language, of language, and for language.
Gaston Bachelard

Review of Dying for freedom  Open in new Window.
Review by Artemis Quill Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
*A Review by Artemis Quill*

CRITERION: I am reviewing your work, as you requested. I have attempted to be respectful, open-minded, honest, candid, direct, positive and encouraging. I have only my judgment to offer. On occasion, I find a morsel of work, I pondered that I might express my senses in this area. It is just my feelings and not meant to hurt or take liberty with the authors work. A.Quill

TITLE: A irreplaceable choice and it is timely for this piece.

IMAGERY: A load of the words used here prime the reader to dramatic images.

EMOTIONAL SENSE OF REVIEWER: Being a man, it made me look at the topic in a new perspective.

INTERPRETATION: The organization and delivery of this article made it easy to assimilate.

QUALITY: First class.

SPELLING ERRORS: wont = won’t

SENTENCE STRUCTURE: Your usage and syntax were acceptable with few punctuation miscues.

EFFORT: It seemed you are totally committed to your beliefs with sufficient data to confirm your position.

CONCLUDED: Timely, well written and presented like a professional.

Famous Poet’s Quote: “A healthy attitude is contagious but don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier.” Tom Stoppard

Review by Artemis Quill Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*A Review by Artemis Quill*

CRITERION: I am reviewing your work, as you requested. I have attempted to be respectful, open-minded, honest, candid, direct, positive and encouraging. I have only my judgment to offer. On occasion, I find a morsel of work, I pondered that I might express my senses in this area. It is just my feelings and not meant to hurt or take liberty with the authors work. A.Quill

TITLE: Super creative choice.

IMAGERY: Vivid and lusty.


INTERPRETATION: Straight forward.

QUALITY: Splendid item for WDC.

SPELLING ERRORS: I found no errors.

SENTENCE STRUCTURE: a out of control sea.= an out of control sea.

EFFORT: Strength lies in your perceptive delivery.

CONCLUDED: Familiarity can often be an author’s finest partner.

Famous Quote: “A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.” Ingrid Bergman

Review of John and Jane  Open in new Window.
Review by Artemis Quill Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
A Review by Artemis Quill*

CRITERION: I am reviewing your work, as you requested. I have attempted to be respectful, open-minded, honest, candid, direct, positive and encouraging. I have only my judgment to offer. On occasion, I find a morsel of work, I pondered that I might express my senses in this area. It is just my feelings and not meant to hurt or take liberty with the authors work. A.Quill

TITLE: Good choice for the poem.

IMAGERY: Developed more as poem evolved.

EMOTIONAL SENSE OF REVIEWER: I can only imagine the feelings of those in a getto setting.

INTERPRETATION: Varied for background of reader?

QUALITY: Worthy effort.

SPELLING ERRORS: getto=ghetto

SENTENCE STRUCTURE: I felt word usage and syntax was acceptable.

EFFORT: Significant for title and setting.

CONCLUDED: Above average item for the WDC website.

Famous Poet’s Quote: “At fifteen life had taught me undeniably that surrender, in its place, was as honorable as resistance, especially if one had no choice.” Maya Angelou

Review by Artemis Quill Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
*A Review by Artemis Quill*

CRITERION: I am reviewing your work, as you requested. I have attempted to be respectful, open-minded, honest, candid, direct, positive and encouraging. I have only my judgment to offer. On occasion, I find a morsel of work, I pondered that I might express my senses in this area. It is just my feelings and not meant to hurt or take liberty with the authors work. A.Quill

I found your story on [insert where you found the story (review request, plug page, random read, etc.)]. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful.

Overall Impression: Great description of recurrent nightmare.

Plot: Very plausible for those who frequently fantasize.

Style and Voice: I found this pleasantly organized and conveyed.

Scene/Setting: Appropriate for story.

Characters: Good development.

Dialog: None in this work.

Grammar and Mechanics: Suitable for the story.

Suggestions: You might use some dialog to expand this work.

Thank you for generating your story on WDC. Create daily!

“I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.” Michelangelo

Review by Artemis Quill Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*A Review by Artemis Quill*

CRITERION: I am reviewing your work, as you requested. I have attempted to be respectful, open-minded, honest, candid, direct, positive and encouraging. I have only my judgment to offer. On occasion, I find a morsel of work, I pondered that I might express my senses in this area. It is just my feelings and not meant to hurt or take liberty with the authors work. A.Quill

I found your story on [insert where you found the story (review request, plug page, random read, etc.)]. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful.

Overall Impression: Illustrious story. Very thorough and complete.

Plot: Creative, yet real.

Style and Voice: I liked your form completely.

Scene/Setting: Organized and not stiff or non-conforming.

Characters: Fantastic conceptions.

Dialog: Totally fit the story.

Grammar and Mechanics: Loved the way this flowed as I read. Like your word usage, exp. Dropping final letters!

Suggestions: Publish!!!

Thank you for generating your story on WDC. Create daily!

“All you need is ignorance and confidence and the success is sure.” Mark Twain

Review by Artemis Quill Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
*A Review by Artemis Quill*

CRITERION: I am reviewing your work, as you requested. I have attempted to be respectful, open-minded, honest, candid, direct, positive and encouraging. I have only my judgment to offer. On occasion, I find a morsel of work, I pondered that I might express my senses in this area. It is just my feelings and not meant to hurt or take liberty with the authors work. A.Quill

I found your story on [insert where you found the story (review request, plug page, random read, etc.)]. I enjoyed reading it and hope you find this feedback useful.

Overall Impression: WOW! Totally caught off guard with your ending!

Plot: Very thoughtful and creative.

Style and Voice: Very even and graceful.

Scene/Setting: Believable and introspective.

Characters: Full of realism.

Dialog: Very even and smoothly delivered.

Grammar and Mechanics: misspelled- compliment>complement,

Suggestions: Keep writing!!!

Thank you for generating your story on WDC. Create daily! It was my pleasure to have spent time with your writing!

“A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.”
Ingrid Bergman

Review by Artemis Quill Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*A Review by Artemis Quill*

CRITERION: I am reviewing your work, as you requested. I have attempted to be respectful, open-minded, honest, candid, direct, positive and encouraging. I have only my judgment to offer. On occasion, I find a morsel of work, I pondered that I might express my senses in this area. It is just my feelings and not meant to hurt or take liberty with the authors work. A.Quill

TITLE: Imaginative as well as original.

IMAGERY: Developed quickly and thoroughly.

EMOTIONAL SENSE OF REVIEWER: Must admit I identify with many of the situations described in the poem!

INTERPRETATION: Rich and to the point.

QUALITY: Beyond pedestrian

SPELLING ERRORS: I found no mistakes.

SENTENCE STRUCTURE: Vibrant word usage and suitable sentence structure.

EFFORT: Top quality.

CONCLUDED: A worthy addition to your portfolio.

Famous Poet’s Quote: “A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.” Charles Darwin

Review by Artemis Quill Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
*A Review by Artemis Quill*

CRITERION: I am reviewing your work, as you requested. I have attempted to be respectful, open-minded, honest, candid, direct, positive and encouraging. I have only my judgment to offer. On occasion, I find a morsel of work, I pondered that I might express my senses in this area. It is just my feelings and not meant to hurt or take liberty with the authors work. A.Quill

TITLE: Creative and apropos.

IMAGERY: Pleasant, specific and colorful.

EMOTIONAL SENSE OF REVIEWER: Caught my attention and evoked
a sense of concern.

INTERPRETATION: Easily captured.

QUALITY: Exceeding average.


SENTENCE STRUCTURE: Your word management was flowing and even. Your rhyme patterns were good.

EFFORT: Notable

CONCLUDED: A fine effort with this poem.
Famous Poet’s Quote:“Belief creates the actual fact.”William James

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