Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/atrumsentenia
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4 Public Reviews Given
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Public Reviews
Review of Effective Venting  Open in new Window.
Review by Elena Tsepesh Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Dear Amber Yes I wrote the reveiw a few moments ago let me tell you about myself I am bipolar with post traumic stress syndrome with flash backs acute anxeity acute disorder panic attacks and I have bordline personality disorder and paranoia . So I know all about what you going through I never did graduate high schools I am 44 years old married with three cats and I am so glad I have them they are such a big help to me when I am upset they know right away. I amm also on medication but still I suffer from depression. I don't eat and I don't want to get out of bed some days. I feel very axious on Sundays. So bad I have to take a buspar. Paltalk does help me a great deal my friends that I have known for years or online whenI feel bad I talk to them. You can download paltalk for free its a videio and voice chat program but do what I do type in the room. You have to 18 or older to join Freeride's Bipoar Buddies Club since its an R rated room my frind Whispers is 18.Bill is a great guy willing to help we all are. So join paltalk and vist us. Its under health bills room is in tradtional medicine. Freeride. thats Bill. Also please feel to E-mail me atrumsentenia@aol.com or you can reach me here atrumsentenia@writers.com I am looking forward to hearing from you and keep up the good work you need to vent just like me. Elena Tsepesh
Review of Effective Venting  Open in new Window.
Review by Elena Tsepesh Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I know well to well what you are saying I understamnd it perfectly you see its the same way with myself. I have Bipoloar disorder so I cab relate very well to you. I feel this way myself no hears no cares I know only to well what you are going through like myself it comes out in my poetry. Its alot better when I can talk to my close friends in the health rooms on paltalk it helps me alot since they have the same issues. If you need a friend talk to me my e-mail is atrumsentenia@writers.com r write to me atrumsentenia@aol.com I really did enjoy reading your work. Mater of fact I am going to put in my favorites so I can read it again its that good. thank You Elena Tsepesh
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