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Review of Sweet Dream  
Review by Candlemaker
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hello, iluvhorses.

It’s the Candlemaker again. I so enjoyed your older poem, I couldn’t wait to take a look at another. It is my pleasure to review another item for you today. Bear in mind, the comments included in this review are MY thoughts. Your piece is an expression of yourself. It is a part of you. After reading your fine piece, "Sweet Dream, I offer you the following comments.

Oh, by the way. I also wanted to comment on a statement in your bio block: “I revel in words. They inspire, excite, and give life to the pictures in my mind, and I hope to learn to use them to touch You.” You’re on the way!

What a totally delightful little poem! This demonstrates that one can deliver a powerful piece without using up all the words he/she knows! .. *Smile*

I love everything about this lovely poem! I love the feel of it, the sheer beauty of it, the romantic appeal of it. Most of all, I love your incredible work pictures:

a whisper of mist,
the languid sea,
a delicate dream-symphony,
an enormous moon.

I’m curious. Why not start it with a capital “A”? In your other poem, you also used all lower case letters. It doesn’t take too much work to consider where the capital letters would go, and this would make it a bit easier for the reader.

Also, I’d use “softly” instead of “weakly.” I think it would enhance the beauty. But that’s just me.

*Star* Thank you for sharing your work!

I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Review of Midnight Rebel  
Review by Candlemaker
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

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Hello, iluvhorses.

My name is Bob, known here as Candlemaker. What a great pen name you have, for an animal lover! You could be distant offspring of my father. Horses knew him…at the first meeting. Enough said. I found your port through the “Showering Acts of Joy” group. It is my pleasure to review your item today. Bear in mind, the comments included in this review are MY thoughts. Your piece is an expression of yourself. It is a part of you. After reading your fine piece, "Midnight Rebel, I offer you the following comments.

This is delightful! I see in this poem the heartbeat of a young poet. It takes me back to the days of my youth, and the poems I wrote then. (Yours is better!) First of all the pace is good. There is sort of a “marching meter”, an inner rhythm. I love that. Then there is the great use of word pictures. Your images simply take me there: “the dark and murky marsh”; “The night grew long with shadows hung.” You’re not only picturing the location and the night. You’re painting the mood…the lurking danger.

If I were you I probably wouldn’t make any corrections. I’d preserve it just because it’s part of your heritage. A couple of changes, however, would have been helpful at the time.

“Around a bend that rebel did step,” (I’d have used “that rebel stepped.” That would have sustained your perfect rhythm.)

“the rebel, he fled, no more.” (“…he fled no more.” That second comma isn’t needed.”

*Star* Thank you for sharing your work!

I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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Review of Shelf Paper  
Review by Candlemaker
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
A review given through: ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

Hi, Freelanceink.

My name is Bob, known here as Candlemaker. I really enjoyed your poem, The Plain Truth, so here I am, taking a peek at “Shelf Paper.” Bear in mind, the comments included in this review are MY thoughts. Your piece is an expression of yourself. It is a part of you. After reading your fine piece, "Shelf Paper, I offer you the following comments.

I had tears in my eyes by the last lines of your poem. That’s a very good sign, I would say! This piece is beautiful beyond words. It simply took me there.

Freelanceink, anyone with precious family connections will resonate the beauty of this lovely poem. For that reason, I’d keep it simple…no tricky sentence structures. Here are just a couple of suggestions:

“Sisters share these moments.” (a period, not a comma)

“Dark wood glistening and smooth; (My instinct is to use a semicolon here. Three colons in a row seem a bit much to me…but I can’t site you any rule here.)

Again, I say. This is so beautiful!

*Star* Thank you for sharing your work!

I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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Review of The Plain Truth  
Review by Candlemaker
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
A review given through: ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

Hi, Freelanceink.

My name is Bob, known here as Candlemaker. I found you through the “Showering Acts of Joy” group, and wanted to take a peek in your port. I’m glad I did. The comments included in this review are MY thoughts. Your piece is an expression of yourself. It is a part of you. After reading your fine piece, "The Plain Truth, I offer you the following comments.

I didn’t get this poem on the first reading! Clearly, you didn’t plan for me to. Your poem is very carefully planned, I think. It is also very effective. You “captured” my attention and held it. Even in the first reading, my emotions were seized. This is good writing. Your use of sentence “pieces” makes the poem hard to grasp “at a glance.”

I could get along without the “Abcess” stanza! The impact of the piece would be fine without it. But that’s just me.

“Sales-pitch ambivalence,
Whispering don’t-catch-me-eyes,” Masterful!

“What brought you here?”…..
“It’s the plainest truth:
‘Girl.’” Yep, the eternal male plight. You hit the nail right on the head. I love it!

*Star* Thank you for sharing your work!

I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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Review of A Conundrum  
Review by Candlemaker
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hi, Connieann,

My name is Bob, known here as Candlemaker. I LOVE the sound of your pen name: Conniean. It has a nice ring to it. I love to review. It puts me in touch with gifted writers…like yourself! Bear in mind that the comments included in this review are MY thoughts. Your piece is an expression of yourself. It is a part of you. Feel free to disregard any suggestion of mine that doesn't ring true for you. After reading your fine piece, "A Conundrum, I offer you the following comments.

I LIKE this poem! I like the spot-on rhyme scheme. Not once did you strain for a word, any word. I like the sing-song rhythm. It makes your poem easy reading, and enjoyable. I like the little undertone of humor all the way through. And I LOVE the ending. It sort of delivers a punch line!

Here is one tiny thing I noticed:

In lines 3-8 you have a perfect 8 beat meter: “taDA, taDA, taDA, taDA.” Now granted, I’m an absolute FOOL for meter. So I started looking at the lines that followed, beginning in the third stanza. I’d have made a few quick changes in order to continue this same meter:

"Due diligence(,) the key," he states.
He looks for value, buys (then) waits.
What goes down (now), in time comes back.
Good management will beat the pack.”

But that’s just ME! Consistent meter throughout is not necessary to improve this delightful poem

*Star* Thank you for sharing your work!
I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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Review of Baby Powder  
Review by Candlemaker
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hey, Bikerider,

This is precious! It takes me right back there to the moment I first held my first grandbaby. That was about seven years ago now. I have a total of four, three boys and a girl. You have an easy writing style, relaxed and easy to read. Thanks for this excellent piece…so full of tenderness and love.

Review by Candlemaker
Rated: E | (5.0)
OMGOD! Have I (at long last) found another sonnet lover? I DREAM in iambic pentameter! I’m not sure I’ve run across the term, Spenserian sonnet. I use the term Shakespearean sonnet for this form. I may have made up that term myself…I’m not sure.

Of course, I love your flawless rhyme and meter. It seems effortless to you. But, like you mentioned, the message is far more significant than the form. You have found your quiet place. “an island deep within my breast” I too have such a place. So I appreciate both the beauty and the significance of this sonnet.


Review of Beginnings  
Review by Candlemaker
Rated: E | (4.5)
Wow. I so like your attitude, 2bemar. I see it in your opening statement. I see it again in this lovely poem. My favorite lines:

“The signs are positive for me
Looking into life depends on my magnification
I see warmth”

Your joy is a product of your own “magnification.” How true to life. Good job!


Review of Memories of Fall  
Review by Candlemaker
Rated: E | (5.0)
WOW! Now who has tears in his eyes! Winnie, this could be an actual stroll you had with Tom. Or it could be a simple poetic expression of your “soul-mate.” In either case, it is beautiful beyond words. I happen to believe that our departed loved ones stop in on us…more in the early months and years; not so much once they see that we’re getting our balance back.

It was very near the end of the piece before I “caught on.” “But as soon as you “saw movement,” I KNEW it was the big buck! I’m a firm believer that animal spirits touch our spirits. The Native Americans have such a beautiful touch on living things…much more than the (narrow) Christian will ever have.

Here are my very favorite lines in the whole piece: “His loving eyes of emerald-green look into my soul, and my heart aches. Images cause the corners of my lips to rise:” Even when your heart aches, you can’t stop the little smile that he brings to your soul!

If you only submit some excerpts, DO include the bitem, so people can take a closer look!

How this touches my heart, Winnie! Which is to say “how YOU touch my heart.” What a RICH class we’re going to have!

God Bless.

Review of August Air  
Review by Candlemaker
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi D.L.,

There is magic in your pen! Your word pictures TOOK me there. You’re also very good at expressing your feelings and setting the mood.

Keep on writing!


Review of August Air  
Review by Candlemaker
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi D.L.,

There is magic in your pen! Your word pictures TOOK me there. You’re also very good at expressing your feelings and setting the mood.

Keep on writing!


Review of Embrace  
Review by Candlemaker
Rated: E | (5.0)
WOW! Joe! You pack such a beautiful “punch” in so few words! I totally love this. I’m a rhyme and rhythm man, so this appeals to me. I am a retired Baptist associate pastor. That means I was the “right-hand-man” in larger churches that could afford more than one pastor. My hat’s off to you for the rich witness you give here in your port.

God bless.

Review of More Than Lust  
Review by Candlemaker
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Meg,

What a beautiful poem! If there’s an actual guy involved, I’d say he’s a lucky fellow. I like the simple flow…easy to read and to follow. If it were mine, I’d make just a couple changes:

I’d drop the comma after “so you can trust” in the third line. The sentence continues to flow into the fourth line with no pause needed.

I’d replace the question mark with a comma in the second stanza…and drop the capital letter on keep, of course. Then you can end the stanza with a period or a question mark…your choice, though I’d use a period.

Again, this is a warm and tender love poem! Good job!

God bless.

Review of Absence of Time  
Review by Candlemaker
Rated: E
Hi Pat.

How I LOVE this! I love everything about it. I love your beautiful word pictures that absolutely TAKE me there.

I love the “tone” of the poem…the feel of it: “hypnotic rhythm,” “somewhere above the earth,” “away from the boundaries,” ”serenity,” “I breathe in,” “the absence of time.”

And most of all I love, “Content to remain in this moment and leave all tomorrows behind.” This statement is the creed of my life!

The long and short lines didn’t affect me at all…they certainly didn’t distract.

THANK you for this, Pat.

Review of Decaying Beauty  
Review by Candlemaker
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh my word! This one is WAY too much for me tonight. Or maybe I’ve just been sitting here too long. It’s all your fault! I’m so charmed with our pending class that my eyes have been glued to this screen far too long!

Sooooo, I’ll just mention how MUCH I love this poem! The repetitions are a big part of the charm. Your word pictures sparkle. But it’s the message that so appeals to me.
Again, you are comfortable with dying and death. Death is attached to glory. And even, “In the decaying is beauty’s domain.” I LIKE IT!

Review of Autumn  
Review by Candlemaker
Rated: E | (5.0)
I noticed you and I are going to share in “Comma Sense.” So I popped over here to have a look in your port.

How I love form poetry! I think it’s so appropriate that a school teacher would take an interest in form poetry. And this little piece is altogether beautiful! "To see a world in a grain of sand"...what a great talent. The lone leaf reminds me of “The woods are lovely, dark and deep.” I think you have seen the beauty in death, as did Robert Frost. For one who has lived life deeply, I believe death is simply the next great adventure.

God bless.

Review by Candlemaker
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Thank you for this, Winnie. Thank you more than I can say. What a similar path we have trodden. My Alzheimer’s journal is also in my port. It doesn’t quite have the flair of a fiction writer! But it has all of the joy and sorrow, and the final victory. Know what? You and I are going to share quite a bond in this little comma class!

Review by Candlemaker
Rated: E | (5.0)
OMGOD! "Stopping by Woods" is my favorite poem on the planet! Nothing else even comes close. I memorized it in class in 9th grade...required assignment. I never forgot it. I can still quote it in my sleep! This one poem, and others by Robert Frost, have had a vast influence on my love of poetry! And your "Too Late Too Soon" is a pristine example of the form! I also love the message. And though it's a serious message I detect a tiny twinkle in your eye at the words, "That age misspent in argument." Good goin'!

Review by Candlemaker
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Winnie,

WOW, I LOVE this! I’m a rhyme and rhythm freak, so the spot-on accuracy appeals to me a lot. Secondly I was born with an “enlarged funny bone,” so I love the humor. And finally, I need help with commas! That’s why I wandered in here just after registering for your course. If I make it into the course I look forward to some fine experiences.

God bless.

Review of Darkness  
Review by Candlemaker
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Tiggy,

Good poem! You brought me into the feeling of darkness. I have been there before. You are very good at depicting a feeling…a mood.

“Lonely was the darkness,” With this line you underscore the isolation.

“Was I even considered a princess?” You portray the self doubt caused by the darkness.

And of course I love a happy ending!

One tiny correction: in the last line, “greatful” should be “grateful.”

Thanks for an enjoyable read!

Review of A Friend To Me  
Review by Candlemaker
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Victorian Silver,

What a great pen name! And what a beautiful poem! I always enjoy poetry that rhymes. Your rhyme scheme is consistent; it makes for easy reading. Also there is a certain overall rhythm to the piece. I like that too. But most of all I like the content. Your second stanza is philosophical. The poem sort of “dwells” in that arena. And yet it is totally personal. I’d like have a friend like that!

Keep on writing.

Review of To Your Word  
Review by Candlemaker
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello poemobsession,

(Great pen name!) And what a beautiful poem! A lot of people will be encouraged by your “story.” A lot of people have “been there, done that.” You have a smooth writing style. It is easy to read and to follow. And your poem is headed in a definite direction…from the darkness to the light. The line, “I will turn to you,” brings a sigh of relief. Up until then I didn’t know what the outcome would be.

One tiny correction: “When I feel your not there” should be “you’re” not there.”

Keep up the good work!

God bless,

Review of Loss  
Review by Candlemaker
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Yellow Rose,

How absolutely beautiful! With only a few well-written lines you have absolutely charmed me! “We began to see.” It is not perfectly clear who this “we” is. Could be “Life” from the first stanza. Could be “Time” from the last. Or it could remain a decision of the reader.

God bless.

Review of Alchemy  
Review by Candlemaker
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Jaya,

And again let me thank you for submitting TWO fine poems to “Inspirations.” This is totally beautiful! How I’d love for someone to adore me with such total abandon. (Wouldn’t we all!) My very favorite lines:

“His foot fall on the lawn
like his love and passion catches me…”

Thanks again for a beautiful read.


Review of Fallen  
Review by Candlemaker
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Captain Carousel,

Thank you for submitting your outstanding poem to “Inspirations.” I found your piece so compelling that I read it three times before I set it down. You have an unusual gift in your ability to seize the writer’s attention and hold it to the very end. Your poem speaks to me of military heroism and the personal price that is paid by the “hero”. Whatever else your poem accomplishes, it moved this reader deeply.

God bless.

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