Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/blank_canvas
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7 Public Reviews Given
14 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
I Always focus on the emotion you try to get across. I think letting your readers feel the way you want them to feel is the most powerful and valuable aspect of writing. I also look at the variations in the use words and if you chose your words carefully.
Favorite Genres
Love/Romance, relationships, personal, emotional, comedy, satire,
Favorite Item Types
Poems,essays, collums, (very) short stories
I will not review...
Long stories due to lack of time.
Public Reviews
Review of Homework is Bliss  Open in new Window.
Review by BlankCanvas Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (2.5)
The first segment of your satire is a bit off. I really like it, but the dinosaur talk is a litlle bit to far fetched.
I like the second segment! Laughed out loud when I read: It makes sure you don't sleep in.

If you are going to say that 'homework is just though love from teachers, just as the Holocaust and World Wars are just though love from God(s)/Universe, don't say 'not to offend any religion/belief'. It is your satire. You don't have to apologize for writing that. Try to make a choice between Gods, God and Universe. Puting three different options in your satire just makes you satire less of a satire.

There are some good parts in there. I think you can spice it up a little bit more, but yoou are on the right track!
Review of Sleep!  Open in new Window.
Review by BlankCanvas Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
I was surprised by the use of the word thou. I guess that is why I decided to read it ( I know it is a lame reason). I liked it. Right now it is 2 am and I can't sleep so this was a coincidence. I found to be very humorous. Thank you, for this. Please keep writing
Review by BlankCanvas Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
In my opinion a great piece of... I don't know what kind of label I should put on it (it's not a short story or a poem). It is a piece of you,just like your cello. When I read it, and I've read it 5 times, I can feel your passion and the connection you have with your music, your instrument. I love that you expose yourself in such a vulnerable way. You really talk about your passion in such a deep way, truly admirable. You choose your words very carefully and you do music justice. Very well done!
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