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Review of The revenge  
Review by Brian
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
This is a well told, chilling tale.

I'm an accountant, but I won't hold your choice against you.

This has all the feel of Edgar Allan Poe - "The Cask of Amontillado" with an ironic twist.

The switching between present tense and past tense is a bit confusing, but I don't think it is incorrect. You probably need to present tense to give a believable ending.

Well done - keep writing.

Review of No Surrender  
Review by Brian
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Excellent job as usual. You are on a roll with the contests. Good luck with this one.

I always enjoy your stories.

You have done a wonderful job of painting the picture of the situation. You can feel the bold dispair felt by Colonel Savage.

Keep it up.

Review of Dead Man Talking  
Review by Brian
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
This is a creative tale - kind of sneaks up on you. You obviously have a passion about the subject. It took me a while to see the connection with the prompt, but you snuck it in there so subtly, it feels natural.

Well done, nice style - keep it up.

Review of Blacky  
Review by Brian
Rated: E | (4.0)
Well done. Very enjoyable story - creative.

Here are a couple of minor comments - take them or leave them.

<“Knock it off, Princess. Don’t you thinkBlacky> space before Blacky

<Princess strutted over to the front of the wire cage and turned up her purring volume about 20 decibels while rubbing the side of her head against the wire> long sentence, needs some commas.

<The Dad> not sure if capital "D"is necessary

Good luck in the contest - I enjoyed the tale.

Review by Brian
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
This is a well written tale - its very compelling - builiding suspense until the terrifying climax. I like the way you draw it to a close with the casual comment.

You write most of the story in the first person, past tense. I always have a difficult time with that slant, when the first person meet his demise - how can that be and he can still tell the tale in past tense.

Just my thoughts - but otherwise, well done. Keep it up.

Review of Mitten Mayhem  
Review by Brian
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love this story. Having raised two boys myself and watching them now raise their own children, I have seen situations like this play out all the time. Children are full of irony.

I'm not sure if this is a true story or not, but if its not true for you, I'm sure its true for someone else.

Great job.

Review by Brian
Rated: E | (4.0)
Very creative story

You did a great job of describing Thomas.

Your dialogue really helps move the story along - keeping it interesting.

<“Of course it isn’t.” Thomas sounded utterly sure of himself, and he was. “I’ll take it anyway. How much?” The two of them haggled for a bit, then settled on a price. A bit more than Thomas would have liked, considering it was made by an unknown, but he really wanted it and the man sensed that. > "a bit" tends to be a weak phrase. You use it twice in rapid succession. There are a couple other places where the words could be strengthened.

I don't have any specific suggestions, but the second half of the story, although intesting, needs some work.

I really like this story.
Well done - keep writing.

Review by Brian
Rated: E | (4.0)
I really like the concept behind this story. You tell it well. I'm a real fan of time travel anyway.

The only flaw I see in the writing is the longer sentences with no comma breaks. I think you should add a few commas. eg "We were riding when three British soldiers forced us off our horses" This and other sentences need breaks.

I like your dialogue - keeps the story interesting.

Keep it up - great job.

Review of Red River Dike  
Review by Brian
Rated: E | (5.0)
I wrote this as a piece of fiction (sci-fi), but the memories are mine and the dates are mine. The big flood occured in 1950 and I was born 18 months later - but for some reason, I can see it in my mind.

"Invalid Item

Then there was the next big one in the late 1990's and now this big scare.

I don't normally read poetry, but your title caught my eye. I like your descriptions - it sounds real. These images last forever.

Review of Jon  
Review by Brian
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
This is an interesting account. Writing personal experiences is my favorite. I have accumulated quite a few - although most are humorous.

You might want to look for a few places to put commas to separate some of the phrases.

"parking lot at 3 am in the morning" redundant "am" and "morning". I'm not sure of the proper presentation of 3 am - maybe 3:00 am?

You are using two different spellings of the name "John" in the title and "Jon" in the body.

Well done - keep doing this.


Review by Brian
Rated: E | (4.5)
I really like your settings and tone. I can certainly picture this on a stage. I am a real fan of theatre.

I haven't actually read any Oscar Wilde, but now that you have suggested it, I think I will give it a try.

Thanks for pointing me in this direction.

Review by Brian
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi, just checking out this genre. I have never written plays, so I am browsing to see how people do it.

This is an interesting scene. I notice the dialogue appears very formal - Is that intentional?

<The room is spare but neat. > What do you mean by "spare"? should it be "sparse"?

Entertaining reading - keep it up.

Review of The Underground  
Review by Brian
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Good story line - reasonably well writtin. You did a good job of keeping the suspense until the surprise at the end.

The only major problem I see is that you shift back and forth between present tense and past tense. The story lends itself to past tense.

Keep writing.

Review of 'Our saviour'.  
Review by Brian
Rated: E | (4.5)
Well written. The first word that comes to my mind when reading this is "Hypocrisy" - the art of saying one thing while doing the opposite.

I think of the joke I heard as a little child

"Teacher - Johnny had his eyes open during the Lord's Prayer." So how did he know this.

Good job - keep it up.

Review of Plentiful Harvest  
Review by Brian
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I think it's great the way you wove the prompts in with your favorite genre. I like the story.

Couple of comments/questions:

"silently", "impatiently" - just curious on your opinion of the use of adverbs. I try to avoid them.

"He was very hungry indeed, licking his lips as they passed a couple of joggers." the way this sentence is structured, it isn't clear whether "they" refers to the lips or something else.

Good job, as usual. good luck in the contest.

Review of The Lost...  
Review by Brian
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very touching story - repeated over and over again. Well done.

Some minor observations - but only observations.
<Paro, my dad expired two months back. It was a quite death, due to cerebral attack. > This sounds very formal. Is that exactly how he wrote it?

<for a little while more> "little while" tends to be a bit weak.
<hoarding “The Lost... Venue: Prithvi Theatre. Time: 6:30pm. Dates: 13th of March – 20th of March, 2009.> There is no close quote.
<I dejectedly logged out of my account,> adverbs don't really help the description. I try to elminate if possible.

My favorite line
"You know I’m not a mail person, but I had to write this mail to you " I like this statement. It carries a lot of meaning.

Keep at it.

Review of Nancy50/50  
Review by Brian
Rated: E | (4.0)
You write a good story as ususal. But I think you have also commented that your editing needs some work. Here are a couple observations.

<Ben looked at her and thought
maybe he would kiss her or something. He was a just a boy and a kick seemed
funny.> You use "kiss" and "kick" was that intentional?

<Ben's noise was bleeding > "nose" maybe?

<Landrakin in the principles office> "principal's"

<Principle Canada> "principal"

<A concilor from> spelling

<will be crule to Nancy> "cruel"

Well done - I like your work, keep at it.


Review of Loose Teeth  
Review by Brian
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Well written story. I like the way you provide the background in an interesting fashion and then move into the present tense, seamlessly.

One comment.
<Edwin was bestowed with the ability to kill> passive voice, usually stronger with active voice.

I like your stories - keep writing them.
Review by Brian
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Interesting story. This is a scary theme - I have seen it on occasion in a few movies. You presented it very effectively. Looks like you have lots of writing experience behind you.

<Janie groggily awoke in a state of confusion> Based on reading I have done, I try to avoid adverbs. But I see experienced writers still using them. Any thoughts?
<Now more d determined than ever> Is the extra "d" a typo?

As a beginning writer, I am always interested in reading how the more seasoned writers do it.

Review by Brian
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is an excellent article, well written, researched, and referenced. I like how you use real facts rather than the emotional rhetoric used by the politicians who claim to be trying to improve things.

I am a Canadian, and although there are some flaws in our system, I would rather have ours than yours. You use the term "socialized medicine" which to many Americans is frightening. They get hung up on the words, rather than the reality.

With your flare for using facts and research, you should check out the cost per person of health care in Canada vs the US. I think you will find that the Canadian government pays less per person for universal coverage than the US government pays per person for virtually no coverage. And that doesn't count the amount of private heath care costs.

Well done - I enjoyed reading it.

Review of The Diary  
Review by Brian
Rated: E | (3.5)
This is a great story line and well presented.

I think you need to edit a bit. examples:

<noticed that she haven’t seen > she hadn't seen
<They are murdered at exactly on Maria’s birthday > murdered on Maria'a birthday.

You should try to keep one tense - you are switching between present and past.

Good effort - keep going.

Review of Work  
Review by Brian
Rated: E | (3.0)
I will be interested to see where you take this. Obviously it is the start of something.

I notice you shift between present and past tense. You may want to be consisted, or at least clear on the tense.

"Of coarse" should read "Of course"

I think you need a comma in the last sentence.

Keep writing

Review of Fever  
Review by Brian
Rated: E | (3.5)
This is a cute story - very believable. You did a great job of describing Preetam's thought process.

Here are a couple of observations - but they are just my biases. Don't take them as absolute, as I am not an experienced editor - get second opinions before changing anything.
I see several adverbs in the piece. I would tend to look for stronger verbs and reduce the use of adverbs.
<making Preetam more demanding and painful.> "demanding" "painful" are side by side as adjectives, but they seem to be inconsistent terms. Just an observation - check with other opinions.
<in his thoughts though as the pangs > I find this awkward wording "thoughts though" not sure how to reword though.
<to bring a sort of sparkle > "sort of" is a weak descriptor - like "kind of" "rather" etc.

Nice writing - keep it up.

Review by Brian
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi there - I finally got some time to review this piece. I actually printed it out, which I seldom do. I really like the way it reads and flows. I think you have the makings of a good story.

I only have nitpicky editorial comments. Once you get near completion, you probably need to get a pro to edit for you.

You use "ok" in small case and you use "okay". I would suggest consistency "OK" or "okay" but don't switch back and forth.

<Kail placed his hands in hers......" This sentence needs some commas. Probably check some of the longer sentences to see if you have separated the phrases.
<'Just relax' > you are using double quotes elsewhere. Why single quotes here? Also need a comma after "relax"
<he found himself becoming more stressful> should probably be "stressed"
<He had to remind himself to ignore how cute she is..." maybe it should read "she was..." not sure
<They both appeared in his living room> I presume you mean Kail's living room but the pronoun makes it unclear.
<he was abruptly taken away> passive voice. Tends to weaken the writing. Opt for active voice.
<If theres a way> should read "there's"

I will try to get to the next chapter. I hope this is of some use.

Keep going - I'm interested.

Review of New York Nights  
Review by Brian
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Sounds like Stings song "Don't Judge Me". ( or maybe Rod Steward "Killing of Georgie") Well described. You did a great job of making the reader "see" the environment.

Here are a couple of comments - may or may not be of any use.

<Jeans and a t-shirt are not the most suitable things to dressed in, in this cold> grammar/typo "to be dressed in" - also, having "in" twice in succession is a bit awkward.
<He doesn’t expect it by now> not completely clear what "it" refers to. I think "the cars not stopping" but might be better to clarify.

Regarless this makes for good reading. It's not a "feel good" piece, but neither is Sting's song.

Keep writing
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