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Review of The Confused  
Review by BostonFiction
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
The writer brings out alot of material on social order and the way it is and the way it should be.

The writer has a way with word play and makes complete sense with them.

A shot yet effective piece of writing. Thought provoking and overal a well thought out writing.

I enjoyed this very much.
Review by BostonFiction
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Ah, the classic "thing" A classic to the horrors of Halloween's theme.

Creative yet simple. I liked the overall image and theme.
Review of Sheridan  
Review by BostonFiction
Rated: E | (4.0)
The writer tells a nice story of a creature rescuing an abducted child. The love of her grandfather makes the creature help him and bring her home.

The writer allows the reader to visit the past a present mixing the conversations and the descriptions are nicely done. A nice moral aspect was part of the story base as well.

I did find fragmented and incomplete sentences. I had to reread a few of the paragraphs and sentences, but overall the story had a nice plot.

If the grammar was fine-tuned and correct I would have given this a 4.5. I enjoyed the story very much.
Review by BostonFiction
Rated: E | (5.0)
The writer catalogues the emmense burden a solider bears in time of war. The time away from family and friends, the low pay and the fear of being possibly killed in action.

The writer also in the same token, allows the reader to see the solider is much more than just a solider. He/she trains, is educared, caring, loyal and serves his/her country with honor and devotion above all else.

The story flowed and the writer grabs the reader right off leading the reader down a path of history of the solider's way of life and meaning.

This is a very well done story based on real facts.

Great job. This is a five-star read. Keep writing.
Review of Miracle at Midway  
Review by BostonFiction
Rated: E | (4.5)
The writer brings the reader back to Midway, and island in the south pacific. The turning point of WWII.

The writer details amazing detail of the communication between poilots, ground forces and commanders in control.

The writer also spent alot of time preparing this story with highlighted monolouge, time frame captions, etc.

This was a very thought out plot and the story itself was very well done. I enjoyed this very much.
Review by BostonFiction
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
The writer of the poll seeks publication of her book. I have read and learned much about this new POD type of service. I am still not overly confident about doing business with a company like PA.

Work hard and go through a traditional publishing house. Many people have and really the only top novelists gain fame and some fortune through a real publishing company.

I liked the poll overall. Some well thought out questions being asked.

Good luck.
Review of Friendship  
Review by BostonFiction
Rated: E | (4.0)
The writer brings through this writing some thought provoking questions regarding friendship and what it may or may not mean to you.

The writer also brings out through the friendship whether love has anything to do with friendship. Some friends are closer than others. The fact remains they are still "friends" It is up to the person to determine who is a true friend and one who is an aquaitance.

Friends come and go I have learned. The ones that remain over time are your friends and should love.

A nice piece of writing, provoking one's mind.
Review of In His Presence  
Review by BostonFiction
Rated: E | (4.5)
The writer details her emotional and uplifting tale of love, and love of her God. The faith the person had in the story was deeply tied and showed when her darkest moments arose.

The faith in God sadly has stopped some from beleiving, even when you need him most. Hope has a strong pull on the religous person, for hope holds a person together when life seems to be testing you.

The writer also has the ability to hold the reader as the story develops and gathers steam. I enjoyed this R&R very much.

The writer has a great ability to provide descriptive and thought provoking messages through her writing.

Great job.
Review by BostonFiction
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
The creator of this service The StoryMaster has come up with a unique and wonderful forum for all writers of every level and locale to find their niche in the writing world.

I came upon this through Google and was wondering for some time if there would be a place I could share my writing with others without a agent or publisher. I have found it, here at the WDC.

I have found that within the site I have had some difficulty understanding the tools and services such as the bititem procedure of linking an item to a contest or using images.

Overall this is a great site with many creative writers who share and review other writers with honesty and goodwill.
Review by BostonFiction
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
The writer, clearly understand the format of loading a signature and photos. Her well thought out explanation I am sure helped many, including myself.

The writer also has a well-established background within the community of WDC.

I gave her five-stars since the explanation was wonderful and her quickness in replying to a forum post I made asking for help regarding this very subject.
Review by BostonFiction
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
The writer explains with ease and was the same information that helped me get my sig on my work. A helpful member of the WDC.

Thank you so much.
Review of To The Wolves  
Review by BostonFiction
Rated: E | (4.0)
A nice poem about a wolf or pack of them. What the wolf might see and smell was nicely placed to question the reader’s thoughts.

Wolves have been a mystery for hundreds of years. They are a beautiful animal who’s only concern is to live freely.

Nicely done, keep writing.
Review of THE LEGACY  
Review by BostonFiction
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
What a read. The writer allows twists and turns through this story of mystery and plot. The writer weaves in and out of the present with ease and allows the reader to follow along with much ease.

Well written and a delight to read.
Review by BostonFiction
Rated: E | (4.0)
The writer shows what a quiet place to ponder can do to a soul when the stress' of the world are near. I see the visual clearly in the writers words.

Nicely written with quality and meaning.
Review by BostonFiction
Rated: E | (4.0)
A genuine Poll of Politics. Noone of them should have been President. I never voted for any of them.

Good question nonetheless. Keep thinking and writing.
Review of The Last Dragon  
Review by BostonFiction
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
A wonderful story of the mysteries of Loc Ness. The dragon's history and family tree were a great addition. The writer details the dragon's surroundings and emotions very well and the overall story line is fantastic.

I found no errors with grammar or other.

Great job, write on.
Review of American Horror  
Review by BostonFiction
Rated: E | (4.5)
The writer sends a clear message regarding the issues here in America. The indifferences, racial and stigma that brings all great nations down. The writer also delivers the sense of emotioanl tormoil regarding the issues and how the writer feels about these issues.

A deep and meaningful piece of writing.

Well done.
Review of prayer  
Review by BostonFiction
Rated: E | (4.0)
A writer brings out the spiritual aspect of religion and ones beleif in the All Mighty.

The uncertainty of the future and placing the faith in anohter's hands is well brought out by the writer and is a touching passage.

I saw no errors. Again, nicely done.
Review of Lucidity  
Review by BostonFiction
Rated: E | (4.0)
The writer depicts the title well in this poem. What can stir inside anothers mind can be overwhelming and costly to ones wown health in time.

I saw no grammar issues nd I enjoy the writing very much.
Review by BostonFiction
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
The writer brings back the memories of high school to everyone remember at high school reunions.

The writer has a nack for description adn details.

The writing flowed well and I enjoyed the reading.
Review of Finding Your Muse  
Review by BostonFiction
Rated: E | (4.5)
The writer brings to question several areas of writing and how a writer goes about finding his/her muse and what they may mean to the reader.

Over all a good essay and methodical questions asked. I enjoy the reading very much ProsperousSnow.

Keep your spirit and muse alive.
Review of The worth  
Review by BostonFiction
Rated: E | (4.5)
A beautiful poem overall. The writer gives the reader a clear sense of of what is being said. Fear of attempting ones dreams and desires.

A heart felt poem that can and does touch many who read it. The writer is not alone in the world, many feel the fears the writer reflects through this poem.

Structure of poem is done well. The flow is amazing as well. Overall a great read. I enjoyed it very much.
Review of Most attractive.  
Review by BostonFiction
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
A nicely done poll regarding the woman and her appearance. I am pleased to see the "eyes" have won out on this. There is nothing more beautiful than to look into a pair of beautiful eyes.
Review of Ocean  
Review by BostonFiction
Rated: E | (4.0)
The writer emphasizes his feelings for the ocean and what it does for most of us; who enjoy the beauty and connection to it.

The body of the writing is impressive and well worded. The writer expresses himself without much need to add anything to it. I enjoyed reading this poem very much.
Review by BostonFiction
Rated: E | (4.0)
I thought I would help and donate some Gps's. Hope this helps in your cause. BF
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