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Review of The Smile  
Review by LeBuert
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
What a beautiful, heartfelt, emotional and wonderful poem. I've had these same feelings recently and wish I could have expressed myself with such an extrardinary poem!
Review of Caress  
Review by LeBuert
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Excellent poetry and visual. I can't see any way that you could improve upon this Shakespearean sonnet. I could only improve by reading poetry of this quality.
Review by LeBuert
Rated: E | (4.5)
I liked this short poem of yours, and I'm sure Michael would have been proud that you wrote it. I tried to find something you've written this year, but failed in my attempt. I like poems that rhyme and this one does that very well. It's good to have friends that remember us, even after death. I do think that a comma after the word mine in the last line would help though. As they say.... Write On! This attempt succeeded very well!!
Review by LeBuert
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dearest Hunters Moon,

General Disclaimer: My review is only my opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you. I encourage you to embrace or disregard my words as you see fit. *Smile*

This being reviewed by a member of Wyat's Writings  .

My Rating: *Star**Star**Star**Star**Star*

Title: *Vine1*The Wisdom of Years*Vine2*

Impression of Title: Great Title, and it speaks to the poem exactly.

Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation: All are flawless.

Flow/Rhythm: Good flow and rhythm in this cute poem.

Word choice: The choice of words is just right for this funny poem.

Suggestions: I can't think of anything to suggest for this work of art.

Overall: I see why this poem won first place in the February Senior Center contest, and bieng a member also, I truly understand the content of the poem first hand - keep up the great work!

*BulletR* *BulletR* *BulletR* *BulletR* *BulletR* *BulletR* *BulletR*

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Wyat's Writings  

*BulletR* *BulletR* *BulletR* *BulletR* *BulletR* *BulletR* *BulletR*

It has been my pleasure to read and review this wonderful piece of writing. Thank you so much for sharing! *BigSmile*

Sincerely yours,

LeBuert @ Wyat's Writings
Review of First Kiss  
Review by LeBuert
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

General Disclaimer:

My review is my opinion only, feel free to accept it or reject it. In this case I assume you'll accept it.

My Rating:

First Kiss

Title Impression:
The title expresses exactly what the sonnet is about, which is as good as it gets.

Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation:
I found no errors in spelling, grammar or punctuation - Very good.

Rhythm and Flow:
The rhythm and flow of the poem is excellent.

Word Choice:
I found the word choice very good and extremely interesting.

I couldn't even think of one suggestion to improve this very nice sonnet.

Overall Impression:
You conformed to the rules of a sonnet, in lines and syllables/line, and you wrote a very nice poem, although I wish that one time in my life - I would receive a first kiss that could do all those things to me, and create all those wild emotions!

It has been my great pleasure to review your work - I hope you found the review helpful or at least encouraging.


Review of I MISS YOU MOM  
Review by LeBuert
Rated: E | (4.5)

General Disclaimer:
My review is my opinion only, feel free to accept it or reject it as your heart desires.

My Rating:


Title Impression:
The title tells it all, and the body of your work reveals to us, your emotions. Very Nice.

Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation:
Your spelling and grammar are great. I think if you placed punctuation at the end of some of the lines in the poem, we could better understand where to pause.

Rhythm and Flow:
I love both the rhythm and flow of this poem.

Word Choice:
The word choice is both quite nice and very interesting.

The only suggestion is as I stated before. Sometimes the punctuation in a poem lets us pause and reflect on the preceding thought.

Overall Impression:
I love the emotion and thoughts you expressed in this poem. I lost my mother years ago, but still think of her often, and speak to her when appropriate. She was my champion.

It has been my pleasure to review your work - I hope you found the review helpful and encouraging.



Invalid Merit Badge #164589
Review of The Bridge Home  
Review by LeBuert
Rated: E | (4.5)

General Disclaimer:
My review is my opinion only, feel free to accept it or reject it as your heart desires.

My Rating:

The Bridge Home

Title Impression:
I liked the title - There are many bridges home, in our lives.

Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation:
I found all of these to be impeccable.

Rhythm and Flow:
The poem flows naturally, and the rhythm is good also.

Word Choice:
I like your choice of words in this poem. You're adjectives are especially nice and bring the poem to life.

I have no suggestions to improve this work of art.

Overall Impression:
Though we cross many bridges, on our way home, I think this bridge of reviewing your poem, has been a joy to cross.

It has been my pleasure to review your work - I hope you found the review helpful, or at least encouraging.



Invalid Merit Badge #164589
Review by LeBuert
Rated: E | (5.0)

General Disclaimer:
My review is my opinion only, feel free to accept it or reject it as your heart desires. I presume you'll accept this one?

My Rating:

A Potluck Family Dinner

Title Impression:
The title says it all, in this seven stanza limerick. Very Good

Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation:

Rhythm and Flow:
This rhythm was as good as it gets.

Word Choice:
I found the word choice very good, interesting, and just right for this limerick.

It would be foolish to make any suggestions.

Overall Impression:
This is done very well and quite cute

It has been my pleasure to review your work - I hope you found the review helpful.

"Keep stretching the envelope, until you envelop your dreams."



Invalid Merit Badge #164589
Review by LeBuert
Rated: E | (4.0)
I try to view Janice48 Loves WDC, and can not read her poetry? I can not view her portfolio? I can not sign her guestbook? I've tried to rectify this but can't seem to do it? Can anyone here help?
Review of From The Cats  
Review by LeBuert
Rated: E | (4.5)
I find these quite compelling. You might enjoy my little poem "If God Were a Cat" if you can find time in your busy schedule to view it?
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1751138 by Not Available.
Thanks for sharing a part of your life!
Review of Wolf Hunt  
Review by LeBuert
Rated: E | (4.0)
Very nice poem. I liked the subject matter, the rhyming, the rhythm, the theme and think the title quite appropriate. I thought it was going to be about humans hunting wolves. A nice surprise awaited me though. I really like a poem with the thoughts of animals coming to life. You did this well. thank you for sharing this poem!
Review of Skipping Rope  
Review by LeBuert
Rated: E | (4.5)
I really liked this poem very much. I don't even know why anyone would say the format is wrong? I'm surely not a poetry X-spurt, critic, or even very knowledgeable about the topic. The format is the way something is arranged. This poem is arranged the way it is arranged. Unless you were submitting this as a sonnet or haiku or something that has a specific format - then I say the same thing you say - there is no such a thing as a format that this poem should fall into. Good writing and good luck in your future endeavors.
Review of Fly  
Review by LeBuert
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very nice. This is one of the better poems I've read in a while. I'm also of that age and have lived a full life, filled with great memories.

I hope this rating gets to you before you kick the bucket,

otherwise you can imagine the second line of the limerick.
Review of The First Meeting  
Review by LeBuert
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I really like this poem - although I usually prefer ones that rhyme? The subject matter is compelling and overall I can't think of anything to improve it. I just can't give it a 5 - probably a flaw in my character? Good luck in your future endeavors!
Review by LeBuert
Rated: E | (4.0)
I like the subject matter and I do like poetry that rhymes, pretty good poem in my estimation. I hated all the meetings before I retired. Good luck in your future endeavors! Keep writing.
Review of FIGURE IT OUT  
Review by LeBuert
Rated: 18+ | (2.5)
I just don't get it, how some people have the need to express themselves by using vulgarity. I think there are about 22 too many its in this poem. I don't understand how so many people could have rated this poem so highly? Fourteen people obviously think this is about the best poem they have read? Maybe it's the LOVE at the end? You have your right to write anything you desire, I guess? I really do think you could do better than this - given the time - and desire.
Review of Random Writing  
Review by LeBuert
Rated: E | (3.0)
I think one burst would have been enough. I like the emotion though, although this seems more of an essay than a poem to me. It is his loss, and I'm sure you'll raise them just fine with all the love you express. I wish you well in your future writings and other endeavors in life.
Review of Take It Away  
Review by LeBuert
Rated: E | (3.5)
I thought it is a pretty good poem, although I desagree with the premise that after death anything is left but a decomposing body. I believe you leave your body to rot and go on without it, but then what do I know? Keep writing and I wish you well in all your future endeavors. I do probably rate lower than most so please don't be offended.
Review of Veiled  
Review by LeBuert
Rated: E | (4.5)
Good poem, nuff said
Review by LeBuert
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very nice poem and how true
I think I'll plant a seed of kindness
Today with you.
I like poems that rhyme
And enjoy reading them all the time.

LeBuert Feb 2011
Review of Sticks and Stones  
Review by LeBuert
Rated: E | (4.0)
Oh, but the things that can hurt the most are words, especially if uttered by the ones we love! Always be careful what comes out your mouth, or your relationships may go south. The old adage although cute, is not true, when spoken by a brute. I think this is a very emotional poem spoken from the heart. If this situation is happening in your home - let a counselor you trust know. Verbal abuse is quite damaging to our precious hearts and minds. I do wish you well in all your endeavors. Keep writing and expressing yourself stronggurl - you have a knack for it!
Review of Your Love  
Review by LeBuert
Rated: E | (3.5)
Very nice poem,
You can tell that it comes from your heart,
This person is lucky indeed
to have your love, that may never depart?

Review by LeBuert
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Very nice, but so sad - I believe you meant based on real life? He must have been a special person.
good luck to you in all your endeavors. I think the best poetry is based on real life and when it evokes such strong emotions, it was well worth the writing. I guess this must be part of the healing experience for you, Write On!
Review by LeBuert
Rated: 13+ | (2.5)
I'm usually a fan of death poems, this one left me wanting though? I think suppose should be supposed? I don't believe that any two people were meant to be - we make choices and some of them are bad. Move on as best you can and buck up there will be more dumb choices in the future. Guard your heart a little better and make those you let in earn your trust. Good choices make for a good life. Your choice to express yourself is definitely a good one! You have a lot to live for - so the rest of us can see your writing as it progresses and improves - for it surely will - practice makes perfect or so they say.
Review by LeBuert
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Awesome that you escaped - it wasn't fate - just a bad choice in life - you'll make some more probably, don't let others steal your heart so fast - make them earn it over time and run at the first lie or you may regret it.
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