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Review by Captaintaya
Rated: E | (5.0)
hahah, you know 7 of 10 ain't so bad, such a great time I had thinking about what movie was to what question, thanks for the fun, Happy Holiday wishes to you and your family!!

Review of I, Katrina  
Review by Captaintaya
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
wow, this poem is just so breath taking. It shows energy, strength and power of words. The feelings it gives off are more then one can comprehand. Its description alone can shout out power and strength, and the flow is so amazing, it never left a space empty of misunderstanding.

I can feel the emotions placed inside it, the screaming of one to notice what is happening into the heart of the writer into the heart of Katrina.

Such a wonderful job well done!

Keep them creative juices flowing, you have such fantastic talent!
Review of Multivalence  
Review by Captaintaya
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey, Its me again, and I must say just one thing right away, before I start to pick away at this!!

*Smile* You have an amazing look at things in life, and a even more amazing way of wording them!

*Note1* When I saw the size of this, I thought, holy sweet lord, I'll be here forever, but that was without reading it first, cause now, I'm in total shock, total WOW!!
You brought such great details of nature, life, minds, feelings, and much more to LIFE!
You were able to give a marvelous explaination in behind what you thought were the facts! Pointing out YOUR veiwes is the most important thing to read, not just what someone else would say or think or feel. Most people would dig in deeper, and place more and more, boring the reader to bits, but not you. You stuck right to the facts and expressed each event fully and it made perfect sense!

I never thought so many componants could compare to others, never thought to look at things in more ways then just 2, and you my friend, have opened up move views to take in, more things to think about, and different ways to think them!

Thank you for the share!
Review of Shag Bark Pruning  
Review by Captaintaya
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, captaintaya here with a review for this poem!

*Note1* Imagery: Very nice imagery in this piece...It is so easy to see the bother of having a tree so close to a deck, then to see how it holds more then we would actually think it to hold. Nature can be delt with in two ways, take it away and have nothing, or leave it alone and just watch to see what all it has to offer. As you said, the nuts and seeds all make mess upon the deck, but nothing a broom can't handle...and the shade is lovely, and with the creature that live in it, thats their home!! My point is, you have gave excellent imagery in this piece!

*Note2* Flow: Your flow is just so dandy. I never seen a poem rhyme this well. Nothing was pushed, it flowed gently, and made perfect sense!

*Note3* Suggestions: I have none for this piece. As I said: Its wonderful and just right the way it is!

*Note4* What I like most: I really enjoyed the ending, how you realize that nature was put there for more then one reason, the tree stands with purpose, and thats what really matters!

Thanks for the share and have a lovely day! Keep them creative juices flowing!!
Review of A Kansas Duel  
Review by Captaintaya
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

Did you mean to repeat yourself here?
Skinning those stinking beasts was a whole different matter. A man wound up covered head to toe in blood and gore its was such filthy, gut wrenching chore.

It was dirty filthy gut wrenching work and a man would wind up covered head to toe and blood and gore.

The ending was very nice, but a small mistake in spelling caught my eye
The grey haired old man stood proudly in the doorway of his post office. As we passed, I gave him my best glare. He returned it with a smug smile “Happy Fourth of July gentlemen, hope you enjoyed theyed the fireworks.”

*Note1*Ok, Now that I pinned out two spots that kind caught my eyes so easily, I'll share my thoughts about the whole story now...hehe

*Note2*This story was very bloody, very very bloody, but it worked itself to the main point nicely. Your description was the key componant to the whole story, You were able to capture each moment so gracefully, so distinctively, I just love it! Each character, each personalitly, captured so well.

*Note3*The scenery to the story is amazing, just sheer brillance!! Your really get right into it, and thats what i like about it so very much, tha fact that i just couldn't put it down!!

*Note4*The storyline is fabulous from the beginning straight to the end, you never lost my attention to this story once! You really have an amazing way of keeping me reading on till the very end! Your story is strickly remarkable and I encouarge you to keep up writing like this, for this has been the highlight of my whole day. A wonderful story like this shows great imagination, and sweetie you have a wonderful imagination and can put it to words so easily.

*Heart*Thanks so much for such an amazing share.
I look forward to reading more of your work as it keeps coming into your port. Never stop writing, you've got real talent and I want to let you know, that as of this very moment, I am your biggest fan to your works!!

Thanks again and have a lovely day!
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Review by Captaintaya
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Well now...what can I say?? This story is just the beginning of something truely amazing!!

I'm gunna give this a friendly review, hope you don't mind...heheh
I'll break this down the best i can, point out what I like and if any dislikes, but beleive me, as I read through it piece by piece..I am not seeing anything at all that i don't like!!

*Note1* Characters: Wonderful descriptions of each character, each roll plaed out nicely in the story, fitting together beautifully. You did an amazing job in this area!

*Note2* Scenery: Very stunning, I like how you wrapped a ball game into the war outlook of life, capturing the moments of some fun even when in the army! Normally people don't write about the fun stuff on the inside, its mainly the training and the hardships, then right to the battles...you've really placed a wonderful newer type of scene into this piece!!

*Note3* Visions it gave me: It gave me a excellent inside look of emotions per person, their thoughts i could feel as if were real, there actions as if I was there witnessing it...You really opened this story up so nicely.

*Note4* Overall Impression: Fabulous story, I have no suggestions at all, nothing seems out of place, there is no bouncing around inside it, so far so good, everything is labled out just perfect.

Thanks so much for the remarkable read, and keep the flow going hun! I can't wait to see more added to this!!

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Review of "F" is for Fun  
Review by Captaintaya
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow, what fabulous selections to choose from for games. The whole folder is well laid out and honestly, much fun to participate in. Never a dull moment in your port, trivia, polls, word searches, etc. Thanks for the fun and keep them creative juices flowing!
Review of Writing Articles  
Review by Captaintaya
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I would like to take this chance to say, that I have indeed read everything up till now in your tourn-a-rounds folder, and am so thrilled to see that you are such a fantastic writer, and very VERY imaginative! Your work is like a breath of fresh air, something new and fresh to read, and very steady paced, very impressive!!

Hang in there, don't go anywhere cause I'd love to see you keep these creative juices flowing!

Good luck also in the tourny when it comes back to life!!
Review of the darkness  
Review by Captaintaya
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello again!! Are you tired of me yet? lol I am back yet again to give you some more kind words and possible advice for this piece, so bare with me as i pick it apart ad give you only my thoughts and small advice for it. If anything comes up to change, please remember that YOU are the poet and only take any change that you see that you think will benefit you in any way. ((If by chance there is something ))

*Leaf1* Imagery: Ever open up a poem and think to yourself...wow...this person is so deep? Well today after reading two previous poem of yours, this one here really takes me off into another direction of thought. Due to your excellent use of imagery I am able to get a different peek at you and what is in your thoughts. Emotions that pour into this one, are different then the ones before, for in this one, i get the feeling you want to retreat yourself again and hide from the world into the darkness you create for yourself.
It is amazing how you take an emotion, a feeling, and can turn it into two ways, to lighten your path or keep it dark and hidden. Wonderful jobe done in this one!

*Leaf1* Flow: again a remarkable job done with the flow of this poem. steady like a gentle flowing river. Very simple and explainitory as to the feelings you've put inside it. Never a dull moment to the read.

I enjoyed the read fully and never thought for a second that anything needed to be changed. Your grammer and spelling and even puntuation is right on key and your layout is fabulous. Always remember that life is nothing but a struggle, but it can only become less a struggle it you allow yourself to take over all the bad things that may come your way and take full control of them!

Thank you once again for such an amazing read and please keep the talent within yourself flowing!

Review by Captaintaya
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Captaintaya here..just stopping by to give you a friendly review for this poem found in your port.

*Flower1* Imagery: I found that within this poem, you have provided a wonderful amount of imagery to get the mind thinking. Very descriptive of who you were, to yourself and others. Who you are now after changing yourself over time. Very imaginable indeed.

*Flower2* Flow: Again a wonder job well done in this area. A very smooth read, delicate topic to have written about, yet to seem to of placed it together so gracefully.
Excellent use of rhyme also within this poem.

*Flower3* What I like most: I enjoyed reading this mainly because you have took a person and trnasformed them into a whole new person, but not at the request of anyone, only to the your trueself and nothing else.

*Flower4* What I liked lease: {Nothing at all found in this area)

*Flower5* Final thoughts: I believe this is a poem that has a true talented poet stand behind it. Someone who's heart is pure, and is a very intelligent person indeed. Keep up the lovely work, and always remember to keep them creative juices flowing and to write on!

Review by Captaintaya
Rated: E | (5.0)
Well hello there!! Natasha here with a friendly review for your poem!

First of all I would like to say: This could very well be turned into a story if you allowed it to be! You have the feel of a story right within it, and thats really great to see!

*Flower1* Imagery: A very splendid amount of imagery provided in this piece. It gives out enough detail, enough description to allow my mind to envision all the surroundings.

*Flower2* Flow: A very stead pace as i read along. Simply worded and gentle as a breeze. Breath taking slow moments to soak in. Very nicely done in this area.

*Flower3* What I like: I like the whole dancing under the dim lights scene, the feel of peace, love, harmony, spread all over the floor, the contentment the little boy feels, as he tastes his own freedom in life.

*Flower4* What i didn't like: (( nothing in here )) I liked the whole poem just as it is!!

*Flower5* Suggestions: None

*Flower2* Final thoughts: I would really like to see this perhaps some day turned into a story also. It provides enough to be both. Poe and story! You have done a masterful job writing this and I would like to just say one more thing:

Keep them creative juices flowing and always remember to write on!

Review of Sunset  
Review by Captaintaya
Rated: E | (5.0)
wow, what a wonderful way to look at a sunset. I would have never been able to decribe it like this. You have done such a fantastic job with the details, and I envy your way of turning into more then just beauty.

Your imagery is wonderfula dn your flow is remarkable. You should write more like this more often. You've certainly got the talent of a true poet shinning through in this piece!

Thanks for the share and keep on writting!
Review by Captaintaya
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow hun, what can I say, another amazing piece to read. Seems like I should have gone to school with YOU as my teacher *Smile*
It sure feels like a large history leason being leaned as I keep on reading into your works!!
I jus can't get over how well you can describe each person, each event, each action, each breath taking moment of General Custer.

I can never thank you enough for such amazing shares of stories!
I really do encourage you to keep on writing. You have such fantastic talent, and should grab hold of it and let it all flow out!

Review of WHY I LOVE WDC  
Review by Captaintaya
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh sherri sweetie, It felt as if you stole the words right out of my mouth. I can see and feel your love and devotion for wdc, and its wonderful to meet people who feel the same way as I do for this site.

Thanks for the read and always remember that there is love and hapiness found in each port here at wdc.


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Review by Captaintaya
Rated: E | (5.0)
What an excellent addition to the biography you have started "A biography of General Custer
Your ability to pin point facts along the way in your writing is outstanding. The description you use per person is truely remarkable, and the overall impression I get from reading this is: That you enjoying telling us all here the happenings of this event in history.

I applaud you and all your hard work placed into this piece. It must be so hard to keep it going but I feel you can really stand up tall and keep on writing about this, for I also feel its locked deep inside your memory and can not wait to seemore written!

Thank you very much for a most lovely share, and please always remember to keep them creative juices flowing!

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Review by Captaintaya
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very sweet poem, full of hope and faith. The imagery is good, it paints a nice picture of a person holding on to what all they have left. Striving to keep on going no matter what life tosses their way.
Your flow is smooth and simple, very direct and to the point, and with the use of rhyme, it shows true talent!

Thanks for the wonderful share and also:
Welcome to Writing.com!
Keep them creative Juices Flowing!
Review of Night Action  
Review by Captaintaya
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Dr, I'm here today to give you a friendly review for your story!

Please be patience with me, for reviewing stories is hard on me, since i am more a poet then a story person.

I really like the set scene to this story. Out in the fields of a battle during the war. Guns shooting off, bombs exploding, and the brave soldiers who fight for the whole nation to just be at peace.

You have really captured the moments of what the men went through out in the fields. I envy you style of description and applause your hard work placed into this.

The story stands strong, gives points within on what is was really about. An imagination like yours has really gave it all, and placed the reader ( me ) right into the story.

I really hope there will be more like this, and even more added on to it. It really does grab the attention and keep it through out the whole piece.

I hadn't seen any spelling or grammer mistakes, so thats a bonus. Smooth and easy to understand read.

The characters were very well explained and defined wonderfully. Each character had a good description and i was able to picture them very well.

Thank you sweetie for a wonderful read, and I do encourage you to keep on writing.

Review of Storm Music  
Review by Captaintaya
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hiya fyn, Just stopping by to give you a friendly review for your poem.

Imagery I really like the word usuage in this poem. Each line defines wonderfuly the changes in the weather and the cause/ effect of a perfect storm. The way you sat back and described each moment, the before and after is sheer brillance! It really gives of such heart pounding yet heart settling moments!

Flow Excellent flow involved in this piece. Very smooth reading and easy to keep reading on with. As i said, each line, each stanza so peacfully written, and understanding this poem is real simple. You've captured this event very well, and worked it into a really great flow of poetry!

What I like about it I love how you may a Tornado storm seem quick and calming afterwards. I fear them even tho the chances of having on here on this island are slim to none. But you have captured the beauty of it, and made it seem less tragic and less aggresive feeling then what everyone else would have defined it as.

Favorite Part I really enjoyed the ending the most. The after the storm dance in the rain puddles, the feeling of complete and serenity. Very wonderful feeling!

Lease Favorite Part Nothing in this area, it is an amazing poem and stands strong with emotions and images etc etc.

Thank you very much for a wonderful read, and I do hope to see more like this one again written by you!


Review of Flight or Folly  
Review by Captaintaya
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh my heaven on earth, dermit this is just so beautiful!! I love the flow, the words, the imagery. Its so remarkable. It was like reading a poem full of love, hope, faith, truth, and much much more!

Keep on writting sweetie, you have such wonderful talent in you to share with us all here at wdc!!

Review by Captaintaya
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello just popping in to give you a review for this poem entered into my contest
~Eternally Our Friends~

I really enjoyed reading this poem. The fact that you have laid out such a remarkable imagery for my imagination to feast upon is wonderful.
The use of rhym in this poem is amazing, and it kept the flow going very well. Well enough for me to understand what it was you were saying about the freedom the little mouse wanted to feel, and the difference he/she seeked when seeing other little mice, it was all so wonderful to vision.

Thanks so much for a very lovely share of poetry and I do hope you continue to Write On!!
Review by Captaintaya
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Captaintaya here with a review for this poem entered in ~Those Poems Contest~

This haiku is breathtaking. I was able to sit back and allow a picture of a beautiful rose standing still, smelling most wonderful, and allowing its beauty to shine like the golden sun rays on a hot summer day. There is nothing more lovely then the sight of a heartfelt, warming rose. Also, the fact that a rose has a symbol, nay, many symbols whether it be love, friendship, honor, purity etc. It does indeed fade out in time, but the memory of this gifted flower does indeed stay with a person for eternity!

Thanks for a very beautiful share of poetry, and I wish you all the best in the contest!
Review of Artificial  
Review by Captaintaya
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, capatintaya here with a review for this poem entered in ~Those Poems Contest~

So much can be said about a haiku poem and so many ways one can interput one. This poem shows truth due to the imagery provided. Truth and facts based on the willow tree, as it stands in one place, each year the same thing happens to it, as it shows off its beauty for only so long durring a season then slowly dies off its naturaly beauty, perserving it for another year.

Excellent form of poetry, very well written, and lightly imaginable.

Thanks for the share and good luck in the contest!!
Review by Captaintaya
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, captaintaya here with a review for this amazing read!!!!!

Please allow me to wipe the few tears from my eyes first before I can get right down to telling you how truely emotional this has made me feel...

Your a very wonderful person to be able to step up in this world and help a life the way you have done. Help the life of an innocent animal, share as much love as you do, and care for him/her as well as you have done and are still doing.

I really can't explain how this has made me feel other then ploainly saying Mixed Emotions along the way of reading.

It opened up several emotions, from happy, to sad, to angry, to tearful, to smiling for the love in the end.

You've created such wonderful imagery/flow to this piece and provided a vision, one in which, I'll not forget!

Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful story/essay of your life with your beautiful pets, your love for them, and your overall emotions you share with each of them, each and everyday!!


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Review by Captaintaya
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
OK, I'm shocked, you really have done a fabulous job with this, and the rhyming is like OMG, soooo awesome!!

This is brillant and I love the imagery. It gave me a few chills!! say it with me now ** Goosebumps**..

The flow is truley remarkable and like I said, the rhyme is just fabulous.

Thanks for the share and all the best of luck in the contest!! *Heart*
Review of Shannon's Gift  
Review by Captaintaya
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Dan, I'm stopping by today to give you a friendly review for this heartbreaking story. I read this twice and the same emotion crossed my mind. Tears of sadness and tears of joy, both wrapped up so emotionally within my heart.

You have done such a truely remarkable job writting this story. Each word, each feeling each moment that passed as i read long, caused tears to my eyes. I really can't find the words to describe this other then (( Heartwarming )).

Your description of each person is very strong, and also the description of each persons emotion is so very well laid out. The scenery to this creates such amazing visuals and the flow of the whole story is perfect.

I really had to go back and read it again, it is that amazing. I'm sure i'll have this story stuck deep into my thoughts for many days to come. It really had given that emotional boost. These tears will end soon, but the memory of the story will live on for a very long time!

Thank you ever so much for this fabulous share. I really love this story. You have done such an outstanding job writting it and I envy your talent to capture moments like this and write them down!

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