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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Dan,

I am Jyoti. It is my pleasure to both read and comment on your work "The Hive's Last Stand" on behalf of " "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group "


~Oh my. You've written well the human living and the day to day consequences and struggle he has to face, comparing it with the living of the bees. The words and the emotions have geld-up so well, that it gives out the meaning well to your' reader's heart. I seriously cannot pick a single line or stanza to describe how well you've written. This is something epitome of creative writing. The idea is exhilarating and very innovative, but I am quite puzzled where did this thought came from!!! I mean don't get me wrong... generally writer's write what they feel but this is something beyond imagination. It has a secret message that writer want to give to his reader's at the end.. which is inexplicable. Bravo! ~


~Well! It is AABB rhyme scheme, quatern form. The flow is perfect and dwells a reader into world of bees where they have to struggle at life's each and every note.~


I didn't find any serious grammatical errors, though there were few errors enlisted below. I may be wrong, I am not a great writer whose suggestions you should dwell on. Probably these are just my opinion, if you find them useful, I'll be glad..

1. Typo error: It should be Millennium.
2. "But as time ticked reality sticked, and we" - I don't think so there is any word called sticked in english dictionary.. it should be "stacked". Probably this was made to rhyme it with "ticked"
3. "Them bees" should be "Those bees"

Favorite Line/Stanza

~For back when rules were carved in granite,
back when Pluto was still a planet,
a man proposed a celestial globe,
and we killed Galileo, though we kept his scope.

For we have always been 100% sure,
in the myths which we have rest assured.
From the gods to God to the godless theory,
we’ve argued their veracity, with a certain fury

Lastly, the idea is very innovative and written in creative words. I appreciate the thought and am very considerate of this. Thanks for sharing your talent with me today.

Write On!


In my opinion :

"Reading & Writing is an art and is god gifted. I am glad I am blessed with such a talent and you should be as well. Writing is just not scribbling anything that pops-up in your mind; it does require patience and creativity. So you should never ever let your spirits low. Writing is all about how effectively you deliver the message and content to your reader's. Also, how satisfied are they after reading your piece of art. If your reader's are happy; then I''m sure you will be as well, since the excitement and satisfaction of your work will take you to a different world."

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Wee (Wee) Stairs  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello Maryann,

I am Jyoti. It is my pleasure to both read and comment on your work "Wee (Wee) Stairs" on behalf of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group


~I chose your item because I was quite starstrucked what this might be *Laugh* It was worth reading. I get that this is a humerous and non-sense form of a writing and very joyous to read. it's great to see people playing with the puppies and kittens in their house, I personally love them at zoo's.. trust me I am allergic to them. I sit at a corner like a coward biting nails when I see a dog or a cat in any of my frien's house. I remember, one day when I went to see my cousin brother after many years.. he had this.. German shephard standing at the door and as soon as I stepped out of lift and head towards his aprtment he stated barking at me and I ran from their like anything... everybody was laughing at me.... I somehow reached his home but was sitting all legs up but was of no-use.. the Dog is very tall and could easily reach up. But it was very nice of my cousin that he locked him in other room which finally made me relax and comfortable. Woah! That image reminds me of him. But it was nice read. I like to read and watch movies like "Beverly hills Chihuahua" but I cannot tolerate them near me [e:bigsmile} ~


A limerick is a humerous and a non-sense poem of 5-lines... and with a rhyme scheme of a-a-b-b-a .... with a syllable structure of 9-9-6-6-9. I see everything is followed perfectly and the flow is flawless. Bravo!


~Well, poem that short doesn't need any punctuations and there aren't any errors to pick as such. No grammatical issues, nothing. It was an awesome red. However these are just my thoughts and I am no expert. I just wanted to give you an honest review. Other author's might have different point of view~

Favorite Line/Stanza

~Wee wee on the stairs,

And even two chairs!

Now I know why my friend bought a guppy.~

On top of this I loved the last line most. It does has huge meaning *Smile*

Overall it was fun, entertaining and joyous read. Thanks for sharing your talent with me today.

Write On!


In my opinion :

"Reading & Writing is an art and is god gifted. I am glad I am blessed with such a talent and you should be as well. Writing is just not scribbling anything that pops-up in your mind; it does require patience and creativity. So you should never ever let your spirits low. Writing is all about how effectively you deliver the message and content to your reader's. Also, how satisfied are they after reading your piece of art. If your reader's are happy; then I''m sure you will be as well, since the excitement and satisfaction of your work will take you to a different world."

*Flowerr* Disclaimer *Flowerr*

This review is affiliated to the contest "The Official Mod Review Blitz!

*Flowerr* End of Disclaimer *Flowerr*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Bunkhouse Porch  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Jerseyboy,

I am Jyoti. It is my pleasure to both read and comment on your work "Bunkhouse Porch" on behalf of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group


~There's only one reason I chose your item to review , and that is, I am frustrated at work and I want to chill out. I thought reading something relevant would calm me and it did. It was good and very peaceful read and feel relax. I was at the bunkhouse with my gang sipping coffee and chit-chatting in a fire-room becuse it is chilling. I know no-where you've mentioned fire and sipping coffee but winter started in India and I like coffee ... chit-chatting a lot. I was so relaxed to read such an wonderous work. It is beyond inexplicable and I am speechless to tell you how much sated I feel right now. Past few days are so hectic at work and at home.. It's difficult to manage my schedule. I went to theme part last thursday and then to a concert but none of them worked out, instead I more tired. Iloved the way you started and ended. Chit-chatting.. telling stories at gathering's are very small things but yes, they do relax you and make you do something out of your routine work. ~


~Quatern form with rhymes scheme ABAB ABAB ABAB..... is perfect and flawless. The flow takes you to a different world and makes you relax.. which is beauty of this item and the way you wrote this to make it a success. Bravo! Your handle and the poem title are perfect~


~I was trying very hard to find atleast one grammar or punctuation error but I did not find a single one. I never try and find errors until they are the obvious ones, but, reviewing a 'Preferred author' is a challenge itself and have to careful while writing it *Wink* I am joking, I do not believe in this. Writing is an art and it is nourished as and when you proceed with it and you experience more reading and writing. Sometimes New author's write something beyond imagination and It's damn good and soemtimes great author's write things that you don't feel write reading them. Actually, I believe, it all depends on reader's mood. If reader's find relevance to their circumstances and situations they are currently facing.. they do like the author's work.. No matter what! ~

Favorite Line/Stanza

~There’s always one old cowboy
Whose tales can weave a spell
He tells of a new colt’s joy
Or of a snow storm’s hell

The songs they might be ribald
And cowgirls might just blush~

Overall it was entertaining, fun and very relaxing read. And yes, inspirational too. Thanks for sharing your talent with me today.

Write On!


In my opinion :

"Reading & Writing is an art and is god gifted. I am glad I am blessed with such a talent and you should be as well. Writing is just not scribbling anything that pops-up in your mind; it does require patience and creativity. So you should never ever let your spirits low. Writing is all about how effectively you deliver the message and content to your reader's. Also, how satisfied are they after reading your piece of art. If your reader's are happy; then I''m sure you will be as well, since the excitement and satisfaction of your work will take you to a different world."

*Flowerr* Disclaimer *Flowerr*

This review is affiliated to the contest "The Official Mod Review Blitz!

*Flowerr* End of Disclaimer *Flowerr*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Thoughts 1  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello James,

I am Jyoti. It is my pleasure to both read and comment on your work "Thoughts 1" on behalf of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group Hush! Guess what I read more or less same sleepless nights and all content just now.. but.. but this is much different and beautifully written, the other one was sleepless nights because of frustration and this is because of love. Flawless.


~I chose this item because I could find this on request review page and I read the description that it was personal.... related to love. Just caught my eye and interest *Smile* I am very familiar to this situation when you need the person you love with you at that point of time and you have sleepless nights because you can't stop thinking. That's what reflects how bad you've been hit in love. I would wish you luck with that ~


~AABB AABB AABB Rhyme scheme and a quartern form is well expressed. The efforts are very considerate and appreciable. The flow is perfect. Bravo!~


~I do not find any grammar or punctuation errors. It was perfect for me atleast. But those are just my thoughts. I am no expert. I am here to read and enjoy. I hate this section to write on. This might hurt feelings of other's and I don't like to do that and would never do that~

Favorite Line/Stanza

~You dance and you smile, giggle and cry

Whilst I twist and turn in the bed that I lie.

Sleep cannot catch me, my eyes are bold

Staring into the darkness, with no-one to hold.~

Overall it was an enlightening read and romantic too. Thanks for sharing your talent with me today.

Write On!


In my opinion :

"Reading & Writing is an art and is god gifted. I am glad I am blessed with such a talent and you should be as well. Writing is just not scribbling anything that pops-up in your mind; it does require patience and creativity. So you should never ever let your spirits low. Writing is all about how effectively you deliver the message and content to your reader's. Also, how satisfied are they after reading your piece of art. If your reader's are happy; then I''m sure you will be as well, since the excitement and satisfaction of your work will take you to a different world."

*Flowerr* Disclaimer *Flowerr*

This review is affiliated to the contest "The Official Mod Review Blitz!

*Flowerr* End of Disclaimer *Flowerr*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Falling, In Love  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Solivagus,

Welcome to WDC. I am Jyoti. It is my pleasure to both read and comment on your work "Falling, In Love" on behalf of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group Well, I am here because of one, for this contest and second, your title of short story is very catchy.


~I am mesmerized and feeling utterly smitten by the content. I love romantics and wow, romantics in air.. beautifully written in 100 words. I wanna know.. whether you won this competition or not. If I would have been judge, I would have awarded you most definitely. Romantics is my weakness and I love reading it. The content is most definitely a fantasy and I would love to run with a man having wings and definitely trust him. White wings! I was lost in that moment. Awesome.. stupendous.. fabulous~


~Love stories are always welcome because no matter how many times you read same content that includes love, action, drama.. reader's definitely like to read it over and over again. That's the power of love and words of author. Bravo!~


~I am not bothered about grammar errors and punctuation errors. if you love the thought and the feelings behind the words everything is perfect for you. Also, I am no expert to comment on that part. I am here to read and enjoy~

Overall it was romantic and entertaining to read. Thanks for sharing your talent with me today.

Write On!


In my opinion :

"Reading & Writing is an art and is god gifted. I am glad I am blessed with such a talent and you should be as well. Writing is just not scribbling anything that pops-up in your mind; it does require patience and creativity. So you should never ever let your spirits low. Writing is all about how effectively you deliver the message and content to your reader's. Also, how satisfied are they after reading your piece of art. If your reader's are happy; then I''m sure you will be as well, since the excitement and satisfaction of your work will take you to a different world."

*Flowerr* Disclaimer *Flowerr*

This review is affiliated to the contest "The Official Mod Review Blitz!

*Flowerr* End of Disclaimer *Flowerr*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello Ulysses,

Welcome to WDC. I am Jyoti. It is my pleasure to both read and comment on your work "I Hide From My Memories" on behalf of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group Woah! I can sense your frustration and screeches through your words. I know it is very irritating when you try to sleep and you see things... think.. think and continuously think of things you don't want to get in the picture. But you are helpless and can't help .. eventually you lose the battle between sleep and dreams


~The content of your poem is very considerate and non-fiction is easily achievable.. you did as well. I have been to this situation many times. I generally feel this way when I hide something or lie to somebody.... I prefer not to do such things, because I love my sleep *Laugh* I have read the content with more or same meaning many times, hence I won't say it was innovative but yeah, it is always different and refreshing to read same thing in other author's words.~


~This is a free-verse and the form is well expressed and appreciated for efforts. You did great job. Well done.~


~Well, as such there aren't grammatical or punctuation errors however I personally feel the flow is not proper. The thought is appreciable however this needs revision. But I am no expert and just wanted to give an honest opinion. If you do feel and implement my comments then it is welcome, Otherwise no regrets. Every author has different taste and different writing style. And I believe in innovation and change. Change is always good *Smile* ~

Favorite Line/Stanza

~Why can’t I sleep?
Is it too much to ask?
My memories are demons
No one can escape their past~

Overall it was an enlightening read. Thanks for sharing your talent with me today.

Write On!


In my opinion :

"Reading & Writing is an art and is god gifted. I am glad I am blessed with such a talent and you should be as well. Writing is just not scribbling anything that pops-up in your mind; it does require patience and creativity. So you should never ever let your spirits low. Writing is all about how effectively you deliver the message and content to your reader's. Also, how satisfied are they after reading your piece of art. If your reader's are happy; then I''m sure you will be as well, since the excitement and satisfaction of your work will take you to a different world."

*Flowerr* Disclaimer *Flowerr*

This review is affiliated to the contest "The Official Mod Review Blitz!

*Flowerr* End of Disclaimer *Flowerr*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello Dani,

Welcome to WDC. I am Jyoti, I am here to grab this opportunity and review your item for "Invalid Item . It is my pleasure to both read and comment on your work "Afraid I will... afraid i won't" on behalf of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group Huh! A different indeed. I loved the content and the pain.. the desire and the longimg.. regret is well expressed. However, when I clicked on the link to the this item of your port.. I was sure it was poetry, but what surprised me was the layout *Bigsmile* this made me go-back and check again whether I am dozing off because I'm tired or someother reason. Well, I do not understand the reason behind this or this might entirely be a new form which I'm not aware of.


~After reading your poem I feel pity. Not for the character but for the partner. The character or lead of the poem is very possesive it seems. In my opinion people might say different things at different times but when you are in a relationship, it is trust and faith.. what all matters. I can say this by experience since I say things more often I don't mean but beacuse I am talkative and very frank I do not hide anything inside that torments me makes a lot of mess for later. I try and clear things then and that point of time for no further miscommunication. Well, one more thing to add on.. this is total false understanding that a women don't understand.. I'll tell more often they pretend that do not understand things because they don't want to. They love to enjoy the moment and not ruin it beacuse of some mess that is on their mind for quite sometime. I feel this is soemthing personal.. non-fictional you wrote *Smile* I get this idea because the frustration of sitting alone at he window seat with mess thoghts and not pretending to notice that yeah they know what is happening between two of them is something more obvious. However I was shocked when you wrote.. "I'm afraid I'll snap someday" ... Woah! Never do that~


It is a free -verse and tha flow is good while reading. I am not sure of this form as I said. I would advice you to read other author's work and read more poetry form so that you'll get an idea about writing. I see that you are a newbie and might be facing problems while navigating and understanding the tools... But don't worry I myself have undergone with the same situation.. you'll overcome with this. Take a while and navigate for few hours or minutes and read the forums where they try and guide regarding this~


~I do not particularly find any grammar or punctuation errors. I quite enjoyed reading the small content that you want to deliver through this~

Favorite Line/Stanza

~You don't think i take notice. But i do. More than you will ever know.~

Overall it was enlightening read however I was hoping whatever you wrote.. if it would have ended in a positive way with positive feeling and feeling of love instead of hatred.. might have resulted this item into a masterpiece. Thanks for sharing your talent with me today.

Write On!


In my opinion :

"Reading & Writing is an art and is god gifted. I am glad I am blessed with such a talent and you should be as well. Writing is just not scribbling anything that pops-up in your mind; it does require patience and creativity. So you should never ever let your spirits low. Writing is all about how effectively you deliver the message and content to your reader's. Also, how satisfied are they after reading your piece of art. If your reader's are happy; then I''m sure you will be as well, since the excitement and satisfaction of your work will take you to a different world."

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello My Dearest Friend,

I don't think I need to introduce myself *Wink* It is my pleasure and honor to both read and comment on your work "Links In The Chain" on behalf of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group You know what Ken! I wouldn't have dared to review this one... because it is high standard for me *Starstruck* yet I get to learn from you as always. When you tagged link to this item in my mail box, I had a wicked idea of reviewing you for this "The Official Mod Review Blitz! contest


~I see that you have written this for a cause and as always you do better. I don't know whether the link you have provided in the author's note for the 'project connect' isn't working for me or is not really working *Sad* I tried many times but nothing appears on the screen..and as I said, this was a bit high level, so wanted to connect my understanding from your inspiration.
You have illustrated hatred and pain in the surrounding world. Also, you have opposed and protested the people who does that. I was trying to figure out and link the image with the content and I think this is related to Bullying.. especially I see some words like friend...hang-out..smile..lunch table.. which relates to college going students probably.... related to ragging. Though I am not sure what exactly this project connect is all about. But in the end you have given conclusion to attain and finish this hatred by coming together as a unity and get over with it; which is exquisite and appreciable. No matter what this cause is about.. I understand this is somewhere connected to modern world wherein people fight.. hate and do all crime things to make-out their own purpose~


~You gave me this to read to learn this new form and I loved it. Anything and everything you write interests me and of-course I am a big fan of your's.. you are my idol. You have followed the rhyme scheme perfectly and flow is obviously perfect to read and flawless~


~I do not see any grammar errors or punctuation errors. But these are just my opinions, other's might have different observations~

Favorite Line/Stanza

~Through action we can end the pain
by saying “STOP! Enough’s enough.”
It’s time to call the bully’s bluff.~

Overall it was inspirational and educational read. Thanks for sharing your talent with me today.

Write On!


In my opinion :

"Reading & Writing is an art and is god gifted. I am glad I am blessed with such a talent and you should be as well. Writing is just not scribbling anything that pops-up in your mind; it does require patience and creativity. So you should never ever let your spirits low. Writing is all about how effectively you deliver the message and content to your reader's. Also, how satisfied are they after reading your piece of art. If your reader's are happy; then I''m sure you will be as well, since the excitement and satisfaction of your work will take you to a different world."

*Flowerr* Disclaimer *Flowerr*

This review is affiliated to the contest "The Official Mod Review Blitz!

*Flowerr* End of Disclaimer *Flowerr*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Wings of a Song  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Dreamer,

I am Jyoti. It is my pleasure to both read and comment on your work "Wings of a Song" on behalf of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group Congratulations for completing another year in WDC writing.com *Smile* I wish you a prosperous year ahead *Flower5* Your title of poem caught my attention and I thought of reviewing this item for you today. Yeah! I personally like music and if that is somehow related to poetic words than it is altogether different thing to read. I liked the rhythm and the way you wrote it. I feel sated after reading this masterpiece. It's as if I am sitting under tree with leaves fluttering around and a background soft music playing in my ears. Bravo! The feeling is exquisite.



~A very innovative indeed and imaginative. As I said earlier, this poem takes you to a musical world and the one who loves music and is deeply in love would definitely admire the work. It is always a healthy combination to mix love with music and write it on paper. The outcome will always be perfect, if carried out well. I appreciate the efforts~


~Hmm! It feels like musical interludes ringing in my ears. Perfectly drafted and successful outcome. The flow is perfect though I am not sure of this form. I am no expert to judge that one *Sad* But overall effect is wonderful and appreciable. Well Done!~


~I do not see any grammar errors nor do I see any punctuation errors. well, I am no expert and these are just my opinions; other author's might think in different way while reviewing this item~

Favorite Line/Stanza

~Honestly, I loved each and every line but these are the few line I liked and loved most:
On the sweet notes of music
As the violins play
Let your heart sail a river
Of rainbows and dreams
Let your mind float up, skyward
On the light airy streams
When the song calls out, “Come!”~

Overall it was an enjoyable and enlightening read. Thanks for sharing your talent with me today.

Write On!


In my opinion :

"Reading & Writing is an art and is god gifted. I am glad I am blessed with such a talent and you should be as well. Writing is just not scribbling anything that pops-up in your mind; it does require patience and creativity. So you should never ever let your spirits low. Writing is all about how effectively you deliver the message and content to your reader's. Also, how satisfied are they after reading your piece of art. If your reader's are happy; then I''m sure you will be as well, since the excitement and satisfaction of your work will take you to a different world."

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hello Maryann,

I am Jyoti. It is my pleasure to both read and comment on your work "Penelope, My Beloved Cat" on behalf of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group Actually I am here to wish you and congratulate you.. now that you will be completing another year in WDC writing.com. Also, I wanted to surprise you by reviewing your first poem that you ever wrote so that it reminds you of the day and rejuvenate those feelings... and satisfaction that you had lived through *Smile*



~A Non-fiction I suppose. The longing and desire for your beloved pet is reflected in poem and it perfectly delivers the love you feel for your cat. I personally never loved pets. I like them in zoos but my friend's and cousins have pets at their home.... Actually I am the one who is afraid of animals... I do not line them creeping... jumping.. licking and all that gross things *Blush* However I remember when one of my close friend lost his cat and he cried a lot. I was like wow, because, atleast I could sit peacefully now at home *Laugh* but I was very sorry for him and it was weird seeing people crying for loosing their pet. But I suppose animals do have feelings and affection. We tend to fall in love with them and when a person fell in love with.. definitely misses the love .. the emptiness when it is not anywhere near and becomes very insecure. The poem seems to be written in your early childhood *Laugh* since the choice of words and the feelings are as if a baby is writing. There is nothing wrong in that and I may be wrong completely. But it gives a different taste to the poem. Bravo! ~


~I see that that you've followed AAB AAB AAB AAB... rhyme scheme, where 'B' is the repeat line and the flow is perfect to read as well. Though I am not sure of this form~


~ I do not see any grammar errors nor do I see any punctuation errors. well, I am no expert and these are just my opinions; other author's might think in different way while reviewing this item.~

Favorite Line/Stanza

~Your soft, warm fur and wispy whiskers against my skin,
Enchant my psyche, to make me happier than I've ever been.
Penelope, why did you go away? Why did you have to die?~

Overall it was fun, entertaining and enjoyable read. Thanks for sharing your talent with me today.

Write On!


In my opinion :

"Reading & Writing is an art and is god gifted. I am glad I am blessed with such a talent and you should be as well. Writing is just not scribbling anything that pops-up in your mind; it does require patience and creativity. So you should never ever let your spirits low. Writing is all about how effectively you deliver the message and content to your reader's. Also, how satisfied are they after reading your piece of art. If your reader's are happy; then I''m sure you will be as well, since the excitement and satisfaction of your work will take you to a different world."

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Power  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello ,

I am Jyoti. It is my pleasure to both read and comment on your work "The Power" on behalf of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group I am here to wish you another wonderful year in WDC writing.com *Smile* Woah! That was perfect outburst with perfect words *Laugh*



~I thought only people in India feel the political outburst and face the consequences of corruption and all the worst baggage that comes with it. But I suppose it's same everywhere *Laugh* Corruption is very serious issue to handle however public often ignore and avoid the circumstances and its results to suffer. Truly said... they are all greedy and mean people with their intention of pockets full of money. They do not worry for the public.. they worry for their own development and fulfillment. I hate politics and hate political leaders. I never liked it because they all are big liars... liars on which public blindly believe... they understand that they are lying but all shut their mouth since everybody sees their own benefit during elections. I cannot tolerate lies and so I keep myself away from politics though I cannot take myself out of it.~


~I see that you have followed ACBC ACBC rhyme scheme and the flow is perfect and flawless. Nothing to point out as such~


~That was perfect to read and see. I didn't find any grammatical errors nor do I find any punctuation errors; rather I don't see for these errors while reading any form. But these are just my opinions and thoughts to put through. I am no expert and I am here to read and enjoy other author's work~

Favorite Line/Stanza

~The machine, like no other,
Fueled by wanton greed,
Not paid for by the voters.
A lie we all believed.~

Overall it was inspirational and educational read. Thanks for sharing your talent with me today.

Write On!


In my opinion :

"Reading & Writing is an art and is god gifted. I am glad I am blessed with such a talent and you should be as well. Writing is just not scribbling anything that pops-up in your mind; it does require patience and creativity. So you should never ever let your spirits low. Writing is all about how effectively you deliver the message and content to your reader's. Also, how satisfied are they after reading your piece of art. If your reader's are happy; then I''m sure you will be as well, since the excitement and satisfaction of your work will take you to a different world."

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Cathleen Miller,

I am Jyoti. It is my pleasure to both read and comment on your work "In the dark you came" on behalf of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group Before I could write something for you, I would like to congratulate you and wish you good luck for another prosperous year in WDC writing.com *Smile* The poem you wrote is beyond mesmerizing.. exquisite and wondrous. That was most phenomenal item I've read so far with the content that you have delivered through your poem *Inlove*



~As I said, the poem you wrote is unambiguous and the transparent feelings of love are well expressed. I wonder sometimes.. love has something different.. that it attracts living creatures and molds into any form and in any relation. That is its versatility. The content was same you read every now and then in every other love book or stories but what really matters is how you present it in front of your audience or reader's. The choice of words and the symphony was well carried out and successful in winning heart of your reader's. I personally loved it. I got swayed in the lyrics and was totally engrossed into the character. I could feel her desire.. her pain.. her sweet memories and her worry. It was an out-standing item to review. Bravo!~


I see that you have followed a particular rhyming pattern: 8-lines stanza followed by 4-line stanza and again with 8 then 4 and final 8- line stanza. I was trying to analyse rhyming pattern however it is different for all stanzas. But the flow was perfect while reading. Well done!~


~I do not find any grammar or punctuation errors. It was perfect for me atleast. However just one error.. last line last word of your poem: It should be 'fantasy' and not 'fantacy'. But those are just my thoughts. I am no expert. I am here to read and enjoy. Actually, I hate this section to write on, but, honest review is the only intention to write. ~

Favorite Line/Stanza

~The times we shared,
Felt just like a dream.
Your hand in mine,
Was perfect it would seam.
I will never forget,
When you made me swoon.
Now that you are gone,
I feel so alone.~

Overall it was utterly romantic and emotional read. Thanks for sharing your talent with me today.

Write On!


In my opinion :

"Reading & Writing is an art and is god gifted. I am glad I am blessed with such a talent and you should be as well. Writing is just not scribbling anything that pops-up in your mind; it does require patience and creativity. So you should never ever let your spirits low. Writing is all about how effectively you deliver the message and content to your reader's. Also, how satisfied are they after reading your piece of art. If your reader's are happy; then I''m sure you will be as well, since the excitement and satisfaction of your work will take you to a different world."

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Coffee  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Micah,

I am Jyoti. It is my pleasure to both read and comment on your work "Coffee" on behalf of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group I am here to congratulate you on completing another year in WDC Writing.com *Smile* and of-course your title of the poem grabbed my attention... because I am die-hard coffee lover *Laugh*



~A very simple thought of drinking coffee late night night beside fire and cuddled with a mug of coffee in hand.... I know you wrote 'Glass' as per your European style.. But I imagined it as mug *Wink* *Laugh* Trust me! I love drinking coffee in mug and it doesn't matter to e what the time is.. I'll have it anytime any place.. and even with meals *Laugh* Your poem tempts me to have a cup of coffee .. so I told my Mom to prepare one *Smile* It's refreshing and the ambiance that you created... Moon.. fog.. goats and cows... It's exquisite. I feel like I am in my farm house right now sipping coffee sitting in lawn-area. I miss my farm house but it's too far from where I live right now. We rarely visit there to enjoy and take a break from our routine busy life. Your poem made those feeling alive. Bravo! ~


~I suppose it is a free-verse and perfectly written. The feelings are well expressed and the flow is carried out well. You did great job. Well done!~


~In my opinion, sixth stanza second line 'The sky cloudy' should be either 'The cloudy sky' or 'The sky is cloudy' because it doesn't read well. Otherwise, apart from these, I do not see any grammar errors and nor do I see any punctuation errors. However the changes to be done or not to be done entirely depends on your point of view. Because only author knows best how he/she wrote the work and what exactly is to be delivered~

Favorite Line/Stanza

~I taste my coffee

I hold the warm glass

Like cuddled next to a fire~

Overall it was entertaining and good experience to read. I wonder why did you kept it as emotional genre... there might be possibility that you wrote it with those feelings but I enjoyed the ambiance and sipping a mug of coffee *Laugh* . Huh! You made my day. Thanks for sharing your talent with me today.

Write On!


In my opinion :

"Reading & Writing is an art and is god gifted. I am glad I am blessed with such a talent and you should be as well. Writing is just not scribbling anything that pops-up in your mind; it does require patience and creativity. So you should never ever let your spirits low. Writing is all about how effectively you deliver the message and content to your reader's. Also, how satisfied are they after reading your piece of art. If your reader's are happy; then I''m sure you will be as well, since the excitement and satisfaction of your work will take you to a different world."

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Dragon Fly  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Sunny blue,

I am Jyoti, again. I couldn't control my feelings to review this one and here I am. It is my pleasure to both read and comment on your work "Dragon Fly" on behalf of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group Once again, Congratulations on completing another year in WDC writing.com *Smile*



~You did a great job in illustrating those feeling in few words. You had my attention right from first line. I liked the way you compared the life aspects with life of Dragon fly.. the whole life cycle the struggle that it does in its entire life is well expressed and remarkable... the comparison is exquisite... It was remarkable and appreciable. Well Done!~


~It is a AABBCCDD... rhyme scheme and perfect to represent and deliver the thoughts into simple words. The flow is flawless and impeccable. Bravo!~


~I do not find any grammar or punctuation errors. It was perfect for me atleast. But those are just my thoughts. I am no expert. I am here to read and enjoy~

Favorite Line/Stanza

~Buzzing, swooping, making moves,
Helping fellow lives improve,~

Overall it was inspirational and enjoyable read. Thanks for sharing your talent with me today.

Write On!


In my opinion :

"Reading & Writing is an art and is god gifted. I am glad I am blessed with such a talent and you should be as well. Writing is just not scribbling anything that pops-up in your mind; it does require patience and creativity. So you should never ever let your spirits low. Writing is all about how effectively you deliver the message and content to your reader's. Also, how satisfied are they after reading your piece of art. If your reader's are happy; then I''m sure you will be as well, since the excitement and satisfaction of your work will take you to a different world."

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Without you  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello Sunnyblue,

I am Jyoti. It is my pleasure to both read and comment on your work "Without you" on behalf of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group I am glad that I got an opportunity to review your item from your port on this perfect occasion. Congratulations on completing another year in WDC Writing.com *Smile*



~I like the content... as truly said there is no depth for how much a person can love their loved one. The thought is different and innovative to put this in poetic words. However this is just same love expressing thing which is red every now and then. But the way it was delivered is innovative. These are some facts that generally lovebirds do when they are utterly smitten and fallen for each other. However these are merely my thoughts observations. I am no expert to comment however just wanted to give an honest feedback was the only intention~


~A free-verse poem and perfectly delivered in it's own way. Bravo! You did great job. Well done!~


~I do not see any grammar errors nor do I see any punctuation errors. But these are just my opinions, I am no expert. I am here to read and enjoy other author's work~

Favorite Line/Stanza

~I love you like
The waves
The mighty ocean blue

I liked these lines particularly because of the comparison done. Love and ocean both doesn't have depth to measure with. And the thought is simply exquisite to think of... Known and familiar.. yet new when read in different poems in different forms~

Overall it was enjoyable and enlightening read. Thanks for sharing your talent with me today.

Write On!


In my opinion :

"Reading & Writing is an art and is god gifted. I am glad I am blessed with such a talent and you should be as well. Writing is just not scribbling anything that pops-up in your mind; it does require patience and creativity. So you should never ever let your spirits low. Writing is all about how effectively you deliver the message and content to your reader's. Also, how satisfied are they after reading your piece of art. If your reader's are happy; then I''m sure you will be as well, since the excitement and satisfaction of your work will take you to a different world."

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Love's Sacrifice  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello J. Phillips,

I am Jyoti. It is my pleasure to both read and comment on your work "Love's Sacrifice" on behalf of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group Congratulations on completing another year in WDC Writing.com



~A perfect poem that covers love from a different angle. Yeah! There is no greater love than sacrifice your own love *Smile* I would really like to quote here that I did sacrifice too *Laugh* and not once.. thrice *Sad* Yup! That must be shocking.. but I guess I am good at sacrificing... initially it hurts and pains a lot to be abandoned and feeling the void.. ache.... but later on you get use to it. *Laugh* Now after doing sacrifices so many times I no longer feel the desire to love somebody... I just need somebody to love me and I'll definitely love him in return... It's easy to find somebody and pamper the feelings if someone is really mad for you.. but it hurts if it is one sided love and you are the only one fighting for the feelings to remain alive. Your poem does illustrates some part of my story and I appreciate the efforts. Bravo!~


~I am not sure of this form *Shock* but this looks free-verse to me. The flow is perfect while reading it~


~I am not bothered about grammar errors and punctuation errors. if you love the thought and the feelings behind the words everything is perfect for you. Also, I am no expert to comment on that part. I am here to read and enjoy~

Favorite Line/Stanza

~Love giving it's all
And enduring the pain
For all the wretched souls~

Overall it was enlightening read and good experience to share with.Thanks for sharing your talent with me today.

Write On!


In my opinion :

"Reading & Writing is an art and is god gifted. I am glad I am blessed with such a talent and you should be as well. Writing is just not scribbling anything that pops-up in your mind; it does require patience and creativity. So you should never ever let your spirits low. Writing is all about how effectively you deliver the message and content to your reader's. Also, how satisfied are they after reading your piece of art. If your reader's are happy; then I''m sure you will be as well, since the excitement and satisfaction of your work will take you to a different world."

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello Jason,

I am Jyoti. It is my pleasure to both read and comment on your work "A Machine Dreams of the Ocean" on behalf of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group I am blessed that while reviewing item on your port, I am getting an opportunity to wish and congratulate you for completing another year in WDC Writing.com *Smile*



~Yeah! Truly said in the brief description provided.... we do often come across such thoughts at one point in our life. each and every line is with respect to different context and covers different aspect of life which is very appreciable and considerate. However this poem is more telling than feeling the words that is to be delivered. But the content is very good and remarkable attempt. Remember! I am no expert. These are just my opinions .. other author's who would review might think differently~


~A free-verse poem. The flow is good... however there are few repeats in the poem. I am not sure those are deliberately done or the same line is molded into different form and written.. which makes it a little dull~


~I do not find any major grammar or punctuation errors. It was perfect for me atleast. But those are just my thoughts. I am no expert. I am here to read and enjoy~

Favorite Line/Stanza

~I don't want to lose them forever,
I don't want to challenge the tide~

Overall it was enjoyable read. Thanks for sharing your talent with me today.

Write On!


In my opinion :

"Reading & Writing is an art and is god gifted. I am glad I am blessed with such a talent and you should be as well. Writing is just not scribbling anything that pops-up in your mind; it does require patience and creativity. So you should never ever let your spirits low. Writing is all about how effectively you deliver the message and content to your reader's. Also, how satisfied are they after reading your piece of art. If your reader's are happy; then I''m sure you will be as well, since the excitement and satisfaction of your work will take you to a different world."

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Rejuvenation  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Hello Dr Taher Power Reviewer,

I am Jyoti. It is my pleasure to both read and comment on your work "Rejuvenation" on behalf of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group A heartiest congratulations on completing another year in WDC Writing.com *Smile* How apt your title is! I was thunderstruck to read it. An innovative thinking must say. Love is immortal and the feelings are never ending..never fading.. no matter what your age is. Love makes you younger at heart in spite of your aging *Laugh*



~I am mesmerized by the thought. It was very considerate thinking to put on. I was searching for an item to review in your port for anniversary review and I came across this piece. I particularly selected this one to review because I have written an poem that covers little glimpse of this whole rejuvenation concept *Wink* Touch is the most exquisite memory that is always alive back of the mind.. it doesn't matter how many years you do not meet your loved ones or talk to them.. the touch is always alive and refreshing. I loved the concept. Bravo!~


~This was new form for me to learn. The flow is perfect as per the brief description that you've given. I came across this one on shadow poetry however I didn't understood the concept behind this. But now I got that. Thank you so much.... because I am the one who is learning because of the opportunity you gave me to review your item today~


~I do not find any major grammar or punctuation errors. It was perfect for me atleast. But those are just my thoughts. I am no expert. I am here to read and enjoy. ~

Favorite Line/Stanza

~My tired, weary bones crackle and shiver alive
and begin to love you again~

Overall it was an enjoyable read. Thanks for sharing your talent with me today.

Write On!


In my opinion :

"Reading & Writing is an art and is god gifted. I am glad I am blessed with such a talent and you should be as well. Writing is just not scribbling anything that pops-up in your mind; it does require patience and creativity. So you should never ever let your spirits low. Writing is all about how effectively you deliver the message and content to your reader's. Also, how satisfied are they after reading your piece of art. If your reader's are happy; then I''m sure you will be as well, since the excitement and satisfaction of your work will take you to a different world."

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello Crisp_Writes,

I am Jyoti. It is my pleasure to both read and comment on your work "Other people's problems" on behalf of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group Congratulations on completing another year in WDC Writing.com



~Gee! You did great job illustrating the small plot. Yeah! we do sometimes think this way. I did myself many times.. sitting on busy streets when I am confused with tangled emotions and don't know where my feelings are leading me. I definitely use to think.. what other people might be thinking and how they are dealing with problems. Very well written. Bravo! ~


~It is a loop poetry and the flow is carried out well. I like this form to write. It is a good read and fun to write~


~I am not bothered about grammar errors and punctuation errors. if you love the thought and the feelings behind the words everything is perfect for you. Also, I am no expert to comment on that part. I am here to read and enjoy~

Favorite Line/Stanza

~When can I go back
Back to my problems
Problems that matter
Matter to me~

Overall it was an enjoyable read. Thanks for sharing your talent with me today.

Write On!


In my opinion :

"Reading & Writing is an art and is god gifted. I am glad I am blessed with such a talent and you should be as well. Writing is just not scribbling anything that pops-up in your mind; it does require patience and creativity. So you should never ever let your spirits low. Writing is all about how effectively you deliver the message and content to your reader's. Also, how satisfied are they after reading your piece of art. If your reader's are happy; then I''m sure you will be as well, since the excitement and satisfaction of your work will take you to a different world."

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (1.5)
Hello Spikiki,

I am Jyoti. It is my pleasure to both read and comment on your work "Thoughts of a Seven Year Old Murderer" on behalf of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group First of all, Congratulations on completing another year in WDC writing.com *Laugh*



~Your poem does have power to shine with flying colors, I loved the content. However, the emotions of the child was not that effective to be felt and while reading it. It was more telling than feeling the pain the child was undergoing. I do not understand, whether the child was really crazy that she killed her own mother unknowingly or she deliberately did that or was mentally ill... there are many questions that the content rises with no answer to it. The ending is left hanging with very few emotions disclosed and shared. As per title, this could have been more narrative. Initially when I started reading it ... this reminded me of the plot of 'Fifty shades of grey- the freed' Novel wherein the Christian as a child is crying beside her mommy's dead body. However later on you gave an different explanation to this.. since the murderer was the child herself. Overall, the content was good just need some polishing in my opinion. However I am nobody to be considered for my opinions. If you love it then surely you can implement or else this is just fine to me this way *Smile* ~


A free-verse I suppose. The flow is perfect to carry away your reader's however the content could have been more elaborative, is what I would suggest. Otherwise, the poem is just fine to me~


~I do not see any grammatical errors and nor do I see any punctuation errors. well, I am no expert and these are just my opinions; other author's might think in different way while reviewing this item~

Favorite Line/Stanza


let me
with the
never-ending regret.~

Overall it was an enlightening and a good experience to read. Thanks for sharing your talent with me today.

Write On!


In my opinion :

"Reading & Writing is an art and is god gifted. I am glad I am blessed with such a talent and you should be as well. Writing is just not scribbling anything that pops-up in your mind; it does require patience and creativity. So you should never ever let your spirits low. Writing is all about how effectively you deliver the message and content to your reader's. Also, how satisfied are they after reading your piece of art. If your reader's are happy; then I''m sure you will be as well, since the excitement and satisfaction of your work will take you to a different world."

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Kept Things  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello tcav,

I am Jyoti. It is my pleasure to both read and comment on your work "Kept Things" on behalf of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group Congratulations on completing another year in WDC Writing.com *Smile* I loved the content and idea behind that you gave in those few words. Bravo! *Laugh*



~Your poem and title is perfect to be agreed with. Yeah! Who doesn't keep things with themselves? We often keep those things that reminds of somebody close or is given as token of love. We make them as our sweet memories to be pampered with. I remember few months back when we were renovating our house and I came across my school bag that was lying in my bookshelf for very long and I never took efforts to look into it what was there inside. I found many letters... well those were secret *Wink* Thank god, it was me who opened that bag *Laugh* Yup! sometimes sweet memories can be dangerous too *Smile* I threw away everything because I didn't want them further in my life to interfere with. But yeah as you correctly said.. they do reminded me everlasting memories of my past. But I don't need those to be part of me.. I have them in my heart and that is enough for me. Overall, the content was awesome~


~Well, I am not quite sure of this form, however, the flow seems to be perfect for me. Only the thing I was expecting it to be more illustrative since the content was really something different and innovative. And an abrupt ending faded my all expectations. However it depends on writer's perspective and you did great job. Well Done! ~


~I do not see any grammar errors nor do I see any punctuation errors. well, I am no expert and these are just my opinions; other author's might think in different way while reviewing this item~

Favorite Line/Stanza

~building an image
that prevents me
from ever forgetting them~

Overall it was an enjoyable read. Thanks for sharing your talent with me today.

Write On!


In my opinion :

"Reading & Writing is an art and is god gifted. I am glad I am blessed with such a talent and you should be as well. Writing is just not scribbling anything that pops-up in your mind; it does require patience and creativity. So you should never ever let your spirits low. Writing is all about how effectively you deliver the message and content to your reader's. Also, how satisfied are they after reading your piece of art. If your reader's are happy; then I''m sure you will be as well, since the excitement and satisfaction of your work will take you to a different world."

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Endless  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Richard de Young,

I am Jyoti. It is my pleasure to both read and comment on your work "Endless" on behalf of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group I am here to congratulate you for completing another year in WDC Writing.com and enjoy reading what you have written. I see that this poem is written for the one whom you love from bottom of your heart and I respect that. Afterall, love is the most powerful thing in the world. I am pretty sure it must be flattery for her. I mean I would go lunatic if somebody writes and says something like this for me. I think this is something you would have written to propose her and if not, then to convince her .. might be the case that she was mad at you for some reason *Laugh* I am sure, after reading that she must have fallen for you again *Smile*



~Love! Love! Love! The more you read it in different way the more you get close to it. I like romantics genre and I can read night and day with no interruption. Your poem is exquisite and innovative. I appreciate your efforts, especially for the comparison you did in your opening line of your poem. I can feel the depth and desire for love right from the start and you had my attention right from there. It was masterpiece for me. However I do really feel that this shouldn't have been this short poem. I wanted to read it more. But I guess my hunger is never satisfied *Laugh* Yeah! I agree sometimes short and sweet is good and writer's do this deliberately... keeping feelings hanging... for reader's to envisage what might have happened and what will happen. It was great effort and I loved the Content. The start and end is what I liked the most~


~I see that you have followed a particular pattern to rhyme that but cannot name it. But the flow is perfect and easily readable and makes understanding easy. I am not sure of this form *Laugh*~


~I do not see any grammar errors nor do I see any punctuation errors. well, I am no expert and these are just my opinions; other author's might think in different way while reviewing this item.~

Favorite Line/Stanza

~Endless oceans lie before you,
Painted by the sunset.

Forget these wonders of the world,
It’s you that caught my eye.~

Overall it was very romantic....love and enjoyable read. Thanks for sharing your talent with me today.

Write On!


In my opinion :

"Reading & Writing is an art and is god gifted. I am glad I am blessed with such a talent and you should be as well. Writing is just not scribbling anything that pops-up in your mind; it does require patience and creativity. So you should never ever let your spirits low. Writing is all about how effectively you deliver the message and content to your reader's. Also, how satisfied are they after reading your piece of art. If your reader's are happy; then I''m sure you will be as well, since the excitement and satisfaction of your work will take you to a different world."

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Sensitivity  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello Christina Fort,

I am Jyoti. It is my pleasure to both read and comment on your work "Sensitivity" on behalf of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group Congratulations on completing another year here in WDC writing.com *Smile* That was pretty sensitive... emotional poem to write. I was looking into your profile to review something different and I should say you have a long list of emotional and sad items to read on *Smile* I appreciate that because it is difficult to portray sad feelings to reader's.



~As I said that it is really difficult to portray emotions when they are sensitive to this level, you have taken a very brazen effort to deliver this and made it successful. The pain.. the aloofness is heart wrenching while reading this poem and you did well job in delivering those feelings to your reader's. Well Done! ~


~Well, It is a free-verse poem and carried out well. I personally feel the flow is somewhere lacking. The sentences in the poem are way to big with break in flow. If that is worked out well than may be this could be a masterpiece. However these are just my opinions. I am no expert. I just want to give an honest opinion and no other intention~


~I do not find any grammar or punctuation errors. It was perfect for me atleast. But those are just my thoughts. I am no expert. I am here to read and enjoy. I hate this section to write on. This might hurt feelings of other's and I don't like to do that and would never do that~

Favorite Line/Stanza

~Drowning in an ocean that only I can see,
Turn away. Don't watch. I'm bleeding.
Watching the black water fall from my eyes,feeling bad and with no disguise,
Smooth words are so deceiving.

Yeah! I liked the way you started with the poem. That is what caught my attention and I got swayed into~

Overall it was emotional read and enlightening read. Thanks for sharing your talent with me today.

Write On!


In my opinion :

"Reading & Writing is an art and is god gifted. I am glad I am blessed with such a talent and you should be as well. Writing is just not scribbling anything that pops-up in your mind; it does require patience and creativity. So you should never ever let your spirits low. Writing is all about how effectively you deliver the message and content to your reader's. Also, how satisfied are they after reading your piece of art. If your reader's are happy; then I''m sure you will be as well, since the excitement and satisfaction of your work will take you to a different world."

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello Iva Lilly Durham,

I am Jyoti. It is my pleasure to both read and comment on your work "Weighed in the Balance" on behalf of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group. Your poem and the description is very apt. Yeah! Comparison of weighing in the balance and the feeling of disappointment is remarkable and justified the content that you wanted to put through. Bravo!


~Well, the emotions of the character.. realizing the fact of being chastised and punished for his deeds or for some unknown fault that the character might mot have done. The feelings of ragging .. yeah I suppose I used that word.. it feels the same way while reading it... are reflected and delivered greatly~


~I see that you've used abcb abcb.... rhyme scheme. The flow is easy to read and makes reader's to feel the character emotions and the pain that it undergoes. You did great job~


~I do not see any grammar or punctuation errors. However I am no expert and these are just my suggestions; other author's and reviewer's might think and feel differently~

Favorite Line/Stanza

~To be punished for crimes not stated
is painful to a maximum degree.
You always left when I needed you most
leaving me alone on the hanging tree.~

Overall it was educational and enlightening read. Thanks for sharing your talent with me today.

Write On!


In my opinion :

"Reading & Writing is an art and is god gifted. I am glad I am blessed with such a talent and you should be as well. Writing is just not scribbling anything that pops-up in your mind; it does require patience and creativity. So you should never ever let your spirits low. Writing is all about how effectively you deliver the message and content to your reader's. Also, how satisfied are they after reading your piece of art. If your reader's are happy; then I''m sure you will be as well, since the excitement and satisfaction of your work will take you to a different world."

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Promise  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Simple Dykie ,

I am Jyoti. It is my pleasure to both read and comment on your work "The Promise" on behalf of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group What a wonderful thought to put through. I never realized until reading it till last that the promise was made by the character's dad. I loved the content and the way your wrote that thing. Anything that relates to 'DAD' I love because I love my dad. That was very emotional and yes, undoubtedly inspirational.


~The small plot that you have mentioned in your poem is very considerate and touched my heart. The details of how a father cares for their children and how they love beyond reality is awesome. The love of their relationship and the emotions... feelings in air when they meet in the park could be easily felt and experience into. I love the way you described the transparency of their affection and trust they have on each other. It's mesmerizing and directly reached to reader's heart. Bravo!~


~I can see that you have followed ABABCC ABABCC rhyme scheme and the flow is perfect. I was totally engrossed into the plot and was relishing the taste of their relationship. Oh my! I loved it~


~I do not see any grammar errors nor do I see any punctuation errors. But these are just my opinions, I am no expert. I am here to read and enjoy other author's work~

Favorite Line/Stanza

~I had seen him in the park,
Sitting beside all he owned.
Bundled against the coming dark,
Wishing the night could be postponed.
He looked at me so beaten down,
But a smile I saw, and not a frown.

A familiar face framed by the sun,
I recognize, and soon remember.
A promise made, this is the one,
He visited me this past September.
He reaches down to grasp my hand,
He pulls me up, and I try to stand.~

Overall it was emotional and enlightening read.. one of the poem that I would love to read again and again. Thanks for sharing your talent with me today.

Write On!


In my opinion :

"Reading & Writing is an art and is god gifted. I am glad I am blessed with such a talent and you should be as well. Writing is just not scribbling anything that pops-up in your mind; it does require patience and creativity. So you should never ever let your spirits low. Writing is all about how effectively you deliver the message and content to your reader's. Also, how satisfied are they after reading your piece of art. If your reader's are happy; then I''m sure you will be as well, since the excitement and satisfaction of your work will take you to a different world."

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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