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Review of Picture Day  
Review by markymark
Rated: E | (3.0)
On first inspection, this piece appeared to have been written by either a young person or an inexperienced writer.

I then checked your bio, realizing that in this case, both of my suspicions were correct.

I'll be as honest and helpful as I can.

Firstly, you should be congratulated. Your wordplay, for someone of such tender years, is admirable.

Punctuation, generally, is okay. Your grammar needs work.

Repeating words or phrases is a common mistake. 'I', 'He', 'She', 'The', 'We' .... etc.
'I' is most prevalent in this piece, and consequently, the story suffers.

I awoke
I wasn't tired
I was energetic
I ate my breakfast
I stopped
I proceeded
I stared at myself
I silently thanked

All in the first paragraph. Makes the piece read almost as a diary entry or a shopping list.

As an alternative:
Thursday, September 10th at 5:00am and the clattering of an alarm clock brought an unexpected smile to my face.

I won't tell you what you should write. When you remove a word or phrase that's been repeated, the ease with which the story re-invents itself will amaze you.

Following this advice will elevate all of your writing, poetry and prose.

Read and review my Star Trek piece, you may find it useful.


Review of Dance.  
Review by markymark
Rated: E | (3.0)
Undecided on this one.

The form you've chosen, highlighting the disparity between two eras via the dance-floor... hmmm.

I'm not entirely convinced that your approach, alternating each section past and present, really works.

An alternative approach, the fish out of water scenario. Your protagonist finds himself suddenly ensconced in an unfamiliar environment, via a fissure in time perhaps. This technique would underline those same differences.
That's entirely up to you. Experiment and be a little more adventurous.

You must not mix: sparkles/casting/wafts/playing/approach/cascading All these words are present tense.

bowed/were/felt/danced/ These are not.

It's one or the other. Choose carefully.

Hope this is helpful.

Regards Markymark

Return the favor and review my Star Trek piece on my portfolio. Get your own back, Lol.
Review of Indigo Girl  
Review by markymark
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like this a lot.

This piece succeeds where others fail, for one simple reason. Warmth.

The more I read, the greater the 'tug'. I felt my heart being pulled by each forsaken child, but especially Angela.

This is not a beautifully written, flawless piece, there are mistakes. That matters not.
At the end I was desperate.... longing for a happy ending.

My only suggestion, a little more detail. Unless the contest has a restrictive word count, fleshing out those insignificant but so important subtleties would perfect this story.

Regards Markymark

Please return the review: STAR TREK, ALIEN ABDUCTIONS AND THE GIRL NEXT DOOR on my port.

Review of Undercover Finale  
Review by markymark
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
This is pretty good, but Science Fiction, well, it's hardly an endangered species.

Elevating your writing above the myriad of Asimov wannabes won't be easy. Publishers and editors are inundated with this kind of thing.

This is quite well written and paced.
Technically, there are a couple of things to avoid. Repetition of Shinto stands out, it's not as bad as some.
If he's a cyborg, tell us, Soldier/Alien/Robot/Immortal/Vampire etc. Whatever kind of character Shinto is, your readers need to know and it will break up that repetition.

He could hear them as they can(ran) into the room.

'This is going to hurt a little,' HE thought as HE struggled to get his knife so HE could dig his bio-implant out of his heel. HE needed to send it home....
Even thoughts should sometimes have speech marks, maybe. Careful not to repeat words so closely together (he)

Unless he is a robot, totally impervious to pain, getting shot hurts. The reader needs to feel that pain as the bullet rips through his calf.

As I say, I like this, but it can be improved.

Get your revenge (Lol) by critiquing my Star Trek piece, if you dare.

Regards Markymark
Review of Group Therapy  
Review by markymark
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
I am slightly disappointed with this one.

It's quite well written and paced, grammar and punctuation are good.

The problem I have, if you can call it that, I felt badly let down at the end.

The way it begins, there seems to be a slightly sinister piece evolving. The way each patient settles back into a soporific stupor hints at horrors to come.
These terrors never materialize, either from the new arrivals or the Doctor.

The way it's slotted together, with just a few changes, this could be a quirky little Edgar Allen Poeish story.

This is just my feeling, ignore me at your peril, LOL.

Regards Markymark

Get your own back and some of your GPs by reviewing: STAR TREK, ALIEN ABDUCTIONS AND THE GIRL NEXT DOOR on my port,
Review of Sky Diving  
Review by markymark
Rated: E | (3.0)
Here it comes, brutally honest. Be warned.

You've committed a felony here. Repetition on a grand scale.
This is a basic rule of writing and yet it seems commonplace on this site. Avoiding this kind of habit is the difficult part, you have to find different ways of expressing the same thing.
Once you begin you will find that it gets easier and it will transform your writing.

I woke to the horrible sound of MY ALARM. MY ALARM clock had slipped off MY bedside table and so I had to make a tough decision, either block MY ears and wait two minutes until the ALARM subsided or wrench myself out of the comforting warmth of MY bed and get up and turn it off. Eventually the harsh sound drove me into the cold to turn off the ALARM, giving me a thorough wake up, and that’s when I remembered today was the day I was going to SKY DIVE the Great Gorge.
I slipped on MY SKY DIVING suit and checked all MY gear, MY watch, MY breakfast (an apple and a muesli bar), MY water bottle and most importantly, MY SKYDIVING KIT, three kilograms of titanium steel, some strong woven material and hardened plastic fibre, MY most precious and valuable possession.
I strapped MY SKYDIVING KIT to MY back and walked quietly to the front door. I opened the door and stepped out into the brusque, cold morning air. From there I ran along the track and up a verdant hill, all frosted over, I delighted in the freedom I found roaming these hills, just me and nature. For awhile MY mind wandered, but then again it found purpose and I headed up hill, a hard hike, to the Great Gorge.
By the time I reached my destination I was puffing hard, I liked to think it was caused by lack of oxygen at that great height that I had achieved, but I don’t think I was quite high enough for that to qualify as an excuse. I gulped down a large mouthful of water from MY drink bottle and then I slowly and charily assembled and then put on MY SKY DIVING kit making sure I double and then triple checked every strap.

Beware of repeating 'I'

I hope this helps you develop as a writer.

Respectfully Markymark
Review by markymark
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
This is very good.

Your rhyme and meter are good.

Death and what lies beyond is prevalent on this site, it can get tedious.
Your opening line sets the tone. This piece is quirkier than most and is better for that approach.

I avoid contests that give prompts, poetry should be free, unencumbered by someone else's ideas.

Please return the favor and review my port, especially the Star Trek piece.

Regards Markymark

Review by markymark
Rated: E | (4.0)
Allowing for the restrictions placed on a writer with such a ridiculous contest (Lol), this is pretty good.

OCD is such a rich source of humor and pathos, you've done well here.

Don't forget your speech marks!!

I suppose this contest is a good training exercise, not for me though.

Please return the favor and review: STAR TREK, ALIEN ABDUCTIONS AND THE GIRL NEXT DOOR on my portfolio.

Regards Markymark
Review of Bullet  
Review by markymark
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
This is very good.

I just hope you're not writing from experience.

This piece successfully evokes the feeling of a confused, delusional mind.
I can relate to that!!!

It's language is slightly naive, but in this case I think it helps the reader get into the child-like mind of the killer. Probably a deliberate ploy by the author.

There are grammatical errors, I won't list them, just go over the piece a couple of times.

Please return the favor and review: STAR TREK, ALIEN ABDUCTIONS AND THE GIRL NEXT DOOR on my portfolio.

Keep writing.


Review by markymark
Rated: E | (4.0)
I think this is pretty good, there's no doubting your ability with words.

However.... I think you're making a mistake.

Fleshing out this piece with names of famous poets could be interpreted as quite a lazy approach, quoting Crane also.

If you're submitting this in order to ingratiate yourself, it could backfire.

Obviously, you can ignore my critique, but honesty is always best, don't you think?


Review of Eau De Vie  
Review by markymark
Rated: E | (3.0)
This is clearly a young writer or someone relatively new to this irksome task.

This story is written as though for a child, a rather simplistic approach. Like reading a shopping list.

I woke up at 8 o'clock,
brushed my teeth,
I had a shower,
I ate scrambled eggs for breakfast.

The clattering sound of the alarm clock stampeding through my dreams - 8 o'clock, time to get up....

Add more detail, play with words, have fun with it.
Writing should be fun.

'he saw that the shimmering HE HAD SEEN was a small puddle of the cleanest, purest water HE HAD EVER SEEN'
Beware of repetition.

The idea of the story is quite good. It's execution can be improved.

Kind Regards

Review of Little Girl Lost  
Review by markymark
Rated: E | (4.0)
I like this a lot.

The words are not perfect and the rhythm is slightly awkward, but that doesn't matter.

It's the sentiment that elevates this piece.

My only suggestion is to watch your syllable count.

Kind Regards Markymark
Review by markymark
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is an amazing poem.

Clever and witty, playing the English language like a virtuoso musician.

It's quite depressing really, it shows how much more I have to learn.

Having read this, I think I would benefit from an honest review of some of my work, if you could return the favor.


Review of Shrine  
Review by markymark
Rated: E | (3.5)
I'm not sure about this kind of poetry where every line is a miniature rhyme (Damn... you've got me doing it now)

To my sensibilities at least, it seems a little adolescent.

Personal choice I suppose.

Your rhyme and meter are quite good, but this verse would be so much better with less.

Try different rhyming schemes, experiment. Remember that sometimes less is more.

Regards Markymark
Review by markymark
Rated: 18+ | (2.5)

Well after all that, I hope you're ready.

Firstly, what I liked: This is quite well written, the dialogue is crisp and it has wit.

Favorite part.....His plea had all the effect of a restraining order on a herd of stampeding buffalo.

What I didn't like: I do realize that it's done deliberately, but using names gleaned from the Bible and retaining those same character traits associated with those names is lazy.
As a writer it is your job to define a character, not the Bible.
This story would still work without resorting to this kind of ploy. As I say, I recognize it was a conscious decision, but my criticism stands.

What I hated: Stereotypes. Jumping on the Al Qaeda bandwagon is a poor choice for a writer. Evil does exist in this world but it hardly ever wears a Turban.

There are things I really like about this piece, but at the moment, for me, the bad things outweigh the good.

Don't worry If you feel hard done by, get your own back and review: STAR TREK, ALIEN ABDUCTIONS AND THE GIRL NEXT DOOR on my portfolio.

Respectfully Markymark

Review of Alice  
Review by markymark
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
This is quite a good opening. Well paced and quite imaginative in places.

Unfortunately, beginning a book/short story with a protagonist pursued and in fear of their lives is somewhat of a cliche, especially here on writing.com.
It appears many amateur writers adhere to this formula and it's a little overused.

Alice gazed up at Leon. SHE knew it. SHE HAD KNOWN it since SHE first saw him. SHE HAD KNOWN it for her whole life. But that couldn’t be, SHE had never seen him before today, SHE had no memories of him at all. Still, SHE could not deny what her heart was screaming at her.

SHE knew him. Didn’t SHE?

Beware the demon that is REPETITION. It will transform your writing.

I hope I haven't rained too heavily on your parade, stay positive and keep writing.
As I said at the beginning, I still quite like this.

Respectfully Markymark

If you want to get your own back please review: STAR TREK, ALIEN ABDUCTIONS AND THE GIRL NEXT DOOR on my portfolio
Review of Chapter one  
Review by markymark
Rated: E | (3.0)
Here is some constructive advice.

Avoid repetition. This is an important rule.

For example: 'SHE knew SHE had to keep running' would be better 'knowing she had to keep running'

You don't need 'attached to her.' at the end of the third segment. ( Sometimes less is more )

The brush was thickening, SHE knew SHE just had to make it another hundred yards and SHE would be at her car. SHE continued to get speed as the slope increased more, SHE could hear the creek running in the distance. SHE continued to run harder jumping fallen logs while SHE took short cuts from one trail section to the next, SHE felt the burning in her lungs and knew SHE had to reach her car.

Avoiding this kind of repetition will elevate your writing.

I liked: 'adrenaline was pumping through her veins like a faucet left on high' and 'through the brush like a locomotive with no breaks.'

I hope this helps.

Regards Markymark

Please return the favor and review: 'Star Trek, Alien Abductions and The Girl Next Door' from my portfolio.

Review by markymark
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hi Stephhhhh

Markymark here, you scary girl you. I recently reviewed your 'Secret Admirer".

Two observations. Firstly, unless you're talking about narcotics, I don't think their is such a word as drug (Dragged/stroked/pulled/sliced)

Secondly, don't be too ambitious with your words and phrases. Writers can sometimes let clever and self indulgent words get in the way of the story.
Don't fall into that trap.

I do prefer "Secret Admirer' but still, this is quite good.

Please return the favor and review: STAR TREK, ALIEN ABDUCTIONS AND THE GIRL NEXT DOOR from my portfolio.

Regards Markymark
Review of unfinished story.  
Review by markymark
Rated: 13+ | (2.5)
This piece is very difficult to rate.

There are too many grammatical errors to list.

Slight inexperience is evident with your repetition of certain phrases, 'the boy ' being the worst offender.
There are so many ways to say the same thing: youngster / child / lad / youth / He / His / youth / adolescent / laddie / schoolboy / kid / minor

Look over this, take time to think of different ways to say the same thing, it will transform this piece.

The reader will then get involved in the story instead of picking up your mistakes.

I hope this helps you develop as a writer.

Please return the favor and review:STAR TREK, ALIEN ABDUCTIONS AND THE GIRL NEXT DOOR on my portfolio.

Regards Markymark
Review by markymark
Rated: E | (4.0)
I quite like this.

Sentimental fool that I am, this should be read to every child methinks. Perhaps as a poem.

If you need help with that let me know, and look through my portfolio, (AAAAHHHHH stop rhyming you idiot.... sorry)

Regards Markymark

Please return the favor and review: STAR TREK, ALIEN ABDUCTIONS AND THE GIRL NEXT DOOR on my portfolio.

Review of The Magic Powder  
Review by markymark
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
This is Ok, but it doesn't go far enough.

I don;t know what the contest rules are so I can't judge it on that basis.

As far as the 'Magic Powder' is concerned, you really need to get under the skin of it, describe it so that the reader can almost taste it in every paragraph.

His horror and disappointment should be more pronounced than a phone call to his father.

These are only suggestions and you are the writer.

Kind Regards Markymark

Please return the favor and review: STAR TREK, ALIEN ABDUCTIONS AND THE GIRL NEXT DOOR on my portfolio.
Review by markymark
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Unexpectedly, I like this.

It's format is a little strange to me, but hey, who am I to judge.

It reminds me rather forcefully how arguments can get out of control so easily, over such little things.

I liked the ending.

Punctuation and grammar are a little sloppy.

Beginning each paragraph with a caption in brackets, I didn't like....

Keep writing and do me a favor, critique my 'Star Trek, Alien Abductions and The Girl Next Door'

Regards Markymark
Review of NOAH'S ARC  
Review by markymark
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is very good.

Coincidently, I have a similar piece, which is a snippet of a much larger work.

Your rhyme and meter are good and it has wit.

Critique my shorter version of this tale if you wish.

Regards Markymark
Review by markymark
Rated: E | (3.0)
This is quite a nice little story.

It is written very much as though the events actually took place, perhaps they did.

Grammar and punctuation need looking at, there are a lot of needless mistakes.

Ah, young love. That's one exam you can't re-sit.

Regards Markymark
Review of The Looking Glass  
Review by markymark
Rated: E | (4.0)
I like this.

It offers up an image of the illusion of beauty that afflict so many young women.

Cleverly written.

Favorite part 'Forged in the dark mirror of her mind'

Write of what you know. In this instance, I hope not.

Kind Regards Markymark

Please review some of my work.
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