Review Requests: OFF
81 Public Reviews Given 82 Total Reviews Given |
I always give the good with the bad. I don't believe in berating an author, but I also don't believe in fluffing an ego. I give it to you straight, but I won't leave you with just what's wrong because you should know what's right too. I don't like the dragon/fairy/hobbit type of stories. I don't keep them on my bookshelves because I just don't enjoy them and I don't review what I don't enjoy. I'm generally a pretty thorough reviewer and do a job befitting the author. Why bother reviewing if you don't do it well? PM me for poetry, because for short projects (poetry and shorter Short Stories), I'm happy to review for less GPs than my minimum. The minimum given is generally for chapters and novellas. More if you need an entire novel reviewed (that's a lot of work). |
I know my grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. Years of AP English and an English-nazi for a mother has left me stuck with those skills, lol. If your writing is rife with these mistakes and I find myself stuttering over them, I'll point them out to you. Otherwise I'm not a snobby stickler about it. I'm also good with prose and styling. I'll give my suggestions on where you could possibly use these tools give more flair and description where I think it might fit as well. |
Mystery/ Detective and Crime genre, Dystopian Fiction, Poetry, Some Romance/Drama |
I hate fairies/dragon stories, not a fan of Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings type stuff and I won't review it. I'm also not one for reviewing erotic fiction. While I enjoyed 50 Shades, it's not something I generally review, especially when it's overt. |
Poetry, Short Stories, Chapters, Novellas, etc. |
Overly "emo" works. I'm fine delving deep into the emotional spectrum, getting introspective, but not a fan of overly dramatic "emo" type work. I'm also not a fan of overly erotic fiction works. They can be over the top and get uncomfortable quickly. |
Magic/Fairy/Dragon type fantasy fiction, Star wars/Star Trek type fanfiction - sorry, I've always hated these kinds of stories. I'm not big on magic and wizardry, etc. I don't do over the top overtly erotic fiction either, love stories are fine, rated R even, but NC17 or X-rated stuff is not an arena I'm comfortable in giving my thoughts on. |