Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/darklady26
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88 Public Reviews Given
125 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review of Mommy, why...  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
WOW "Mommy why . . . .Mommy why . . ." Damn no offence to the woman but if I felt something wasn't quite right . . . hahahaha I don't think I would have gone about my normal morning routine. But then again . . . when you read then end . . . you kind of realize why.

Wow I have to tell you that I am usually fairly good and figuring out how a story is going to end. But this one really stumpted me! Cudos!!!


Great Story can't wait to go read more.

Keep writing!!

Catch ya later
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Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
WOW. . . so sad . . . I can't see the keyboard . . . So this isn't going to be a long review . . . BUT

GOD BLESS ALL THE MILITARY MEN!!! God bless your families and friends . . . and Women Like Meg who can tell your stories with such emotion.

It warms me to know that God blessed you with such a gift.

Thank you
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Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

I don't know what else to say . . . I LOVE THEM!!!

Review of ACROSTICS.  
Rated: E | (5.0)

This was just superb. I loved them all, wonderfully written and the flow it was all just perfect. You have a wonderful gift for rhyme. I love reading your poetry it always puts a smile on my face. I can't wait to go read more . . . so I hope you'll exuse me.

Catch ya later
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Rated: E | (5.0)
You are truly a fortunate woman. You have a great many friends on this site and that is only possible if you, youself are a true friend. I think that this site is truly blessed to have people like you and your port is only proving me right.

Thank you for some AWESOM reads.

Now if you exuse me . . . I MUST CONTINUE!!!!

Catch ya later
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Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
You asked quite a few questions and I would like to share my answers. . .

When can we breathe easy again?

Probably never . . . the memory of the Horrible Day will live in our hearts, our minds, our Souls for as long as we are Americans.

When will the hatred stop?

I hate to answer this one . . . but never. They can be no love with out hatred, no light without dark. Without such things we can never really be greatful for what we have.

When will freedom truly be free?

This I know for sure . . . Never . . . freedom is somethng that we as human beings will always have to fight for. There will always be someone who thinks that they know what is best, what is right, what is just. As long as we want the right to have our own thoughts and share them . . . we will have to fight for it.

This piece is truly wonderful. I can understand why it was picked by one of the Roses. I am truly greatful to call you a fellow Rose.

Thank you for the AWESOME read.

Catch ya later
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Review of Annie's Christmas  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wonderfully written. You do a wonderful job of describing the person that her father was . . . and what its like no thats he's gone.

You describe the perfect person . . . one that cares for others ALWAYS before themself. One who is understanding and intelligent. I'm sorry for anyone and everyone who has lost and will loose someone like that.

I appluad your writing. God has blessed you with a wonderful gift.

Thank you for sharing.

Catch ya later
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Review of Shooting Star  
Rated: E | (5.0)
WOW you have a wonderful gift. Let no one tell you otherwise. The imagery and flow of this piece were wonderful. I hope you keep up suck amazing work.

Catch ya later
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Rated: E | (5.0)
You are truly a gifted writer. You and your wife both. I can understand why my mother raves about you. Your both wonderful teachers and story tellers. Telling us of the lessons we should learn without making it seem like a chore.

My prayers and hope go to your family. May you not have to prove your strength any more.

You actually remind me so much of my mother.

You have a wonderful gift. I hope to see more of you on the Rose's.

Catch ya later
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Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh was he crying? LOL I'm sure he was. This was a wonderful short story. I can't tell you how cool it was to have my mother pull that kind of surprise on my when I was little.

You did a wonderful job of telling this story. I hope that Carolyn, found out that Huggy Bear was her Daddy, and I hope that she looks back at this moment with a smile on her face and tears of happy remembrance in her eyes.

Thank you for sharing.
Catch ya later
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Review of Under Water  
Rated: E | (4.5)
You did a wonderful job with this.

I can feel your struggles as they vibrate through the water, feel your lungs burn as they cry for sweet air, feel your terror as you desend into the blackness.

You did a wonderful job with this poem. You give the person reading it the vision and feeling of falling into a quite hell.

Keep writing.

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Review of Hide  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Very interesting. I can feel the children's fear as their father search for them. Trying to find them to bring his rath. Be it for something real or something made up it doesn't matter. He's coming, he's coming.

You did a wonderful job with this poem. Though I would say I would like to see it longer.

Catch ya later
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Review of Irrational  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very good reader. I like that your love can calm you so quickly once you are sooo worked up. You gave a lot of emotion in this poem. And I have to say I love it. great job.

Catch ya later
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Review of Seasons  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Alright I have to say that I really do like this. Its short and sweet and very well written. But I think that you could do a little more to get your feelings across. I don't know what but I'm sure you can think of it. This really is sweet and wodnerfully written.

Catch ya later
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Review of NOTHING  
Rated: E | (3.5)
As I sit reading your peice all I can do is wonder who is talking to us?

I can think of so many people who have had this thought running through their minds. I can't say that I'm one of them, but I can say that even if not everyone sees them. I do.

I love the peice, I hope this is what you were looking for.

Catch ya later

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Review of " Wings"  
Rated: E | (4.0)
T.L. Flinch,

I like this poem, but I fear I must warn you I don't really have much of an eye for poetry so this probably wont be the most insightful.

I like the flow of the poem the way everything seems to come together. I like message that I 'think' you are trying to send. I find my self wishing as read this poem that I could always stay with my angel. Unfortunately we can't can we.

In short I love the poem and I hope that this review gives you what your looking for.

Catch ya later

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Rated: E | (4.5)
Oh come on you can't leave it like that. You really shouldn't leave people hanging. You never know what they may or may NOT do. LOL I'm just kidding. I can't stand to wait for a good story to keep going. I love the story. I love where your going. And I love the end of this chapter. Always leave them wanting more huh. Well I hope that you update soon. You have a wonderful gift.

'Trust and respect is something to be earned'. That I understand completely. I'm writing my own story and used a line similar to this. Sir Didymus is correct. Trust and respect must be earned. And if Jareth really wants anything to do with Sarah, he's going to have to prove himself to be worthy of both.

Hoggle, Ludo, and Sir Didymus, where can you go wrong? My only problem with any of these characters is Ludo. He seems just a little to well spoken. I hope that you don't take this the wrong way. But in the movie didn't he always sound a bit like a two year old. Saying her name more like 'Sarwah' then actually saying 'Sarah'? Just something to think about.

I hope that you update soon. I'll be waiting.

Catch ya later.
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Well written and I can't wait to see what happens next. I don't really know where this fanfiction comes from but I really like the story.

I hope you write more soon. And please forgive me for not getting to this sooner.

I hope to read more soon.
Catch ya later.
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like it. Really cute. I don't think that I could have thought of a better. One. Draco Malfoy dumb blonde? NO DUH!!!

Catch ya later
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
First and fore most anyone who reads this review should know that I am the daughter of the writer.
I can't imagine how it must feel to wake up one morning and realize that you precious baby boy has cancer. True he's my brother but its not the same. I didn't carry him in my heart,my soul,my body for nine months before he was shown to the world. He will forever be my little brother just as he will forever be your baby boy. But he and I will never and could never share the same connection.
I remember the day that they said they wanted to do a biopsy. I remember the look on your face. And I'm more than sure you saw the look in mine. I knew as soon as they said the words 'biopsy' that my little brother was about to go through hell. I also remember being the idiot sitting outside in the waiting room crying as they pushing the needle in.
You came back outside and the look in your eyes made me want to hide in a twenty foot deep hole.
I was named for my grandmother, your mother. And that day you told me that I was most like her. In the face of possibly the worst news we have ever heard, the only thing I could think was keep her laughing, make her smile. I can't tell you that I remember everything about that day. I don't remember whether or not it worked. But I know that even now. In the place we are now. Looking down the tunnel and seeing the light but knowing that it isn't coming soon. I still have the same thing running through my head. Keep her laughing, keep her smiling. I don't know if I'm doing a good job. But you still laugh, you still smile so I can't be that far off.
Mommy I love you and I'm sorry that this ever had to happen you again. I can't imagine what your going through and I won't try. I love you. I'm here for you. To cry, to laugh, to hold, you punch. LOL.
I love you. Keep writing. Its beautiful.
Darklady26 (Bunny)
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