Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/darlin_writer
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60 Public Reviews Given
102 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review of The Storm  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Snow3**Exclaim**Snow1*This is a perfect depiction of what it is like going through the hardest of times and the people who stand beside us when we need them!*Snow1**Exclaim**Snow3*

          I was moved so deeply by the intense clarity of this poem. Throughout the whole poem I couldn't help thinking of the times in my life when this poem rang true.

          There is not one part of this poem that most people, if not all have felt in their lives. The only sad point to make is that not everyone can say the same about the last two stanzas. There are so many people in this world just looking for someone they can call friend.

*Snow3*That is most assuredly one-job application that is seriously over looked!*Snow3*

          To conclude this review, I must say that your poem is as touching and true as the warmth of the sun on warm spring day. It touches the soul and warms the heart, bringing to life hope of a new beginning.

          Thank you for such a wonderful piece and I look forward to reading more of your work. Keep writing and enjoying all that this wonderful craft has to offer!

Rated: E | (4.5)

          I agree with this completly. I mean it is so easy for people to sit around, griping and complaining about the way this world is. Yet, they don't lift a finger to fix things or alter the path in which we are taking.

          "Like a theif who isn't at all sorry that he stole, yet is terribly sorry he is going to jail."

          Same case with the world now days. No one wants to change their life styles or give up their guilty little pleasures...

          Yet they carry on daily about the sorry state America is in and the appaling habits of the youth. I must say that this is a great piece and I look forward to reading more.

Thanks again and keep writing. Enjoy all the wonders that this craft has to offer.

Review of I CONFESS TO GOD  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
         Once again you have hit a personal note in me with your writing Aloona! I believe there should be two major things readers must ask themselves when reviewing another’s work.

One:/b} Comprehension Do I, understand this piece. For example, do I understand the basic who, what, when, where, and why of the piece. Do I see the author’s point of view on this subject, and understand where they were taking it.

         Answer: Yes! I thought the words gave great description to how this person felt and where they were hoping to take it. I thought it a powerful piece.

         Any Problems with One? I am not a good judge on poetry of this form. I have not learned all the technical forms of poetry, so I could not review that aspect. I will say however, even though I don't know the style, the rhyme, and rhythm felt off. It also felt to me like the line placement seemed slightly off.

Two: Emotional Reaction What was the emotional reaction I felt while reading this piece. For example, everything in life elicits an emotional response, be it fear, joy, sadness, Ect. Did this piece make me feel one or emotion more strongly than any other.

         Answer: Yes! I felt saddened for the characters plight and scared for what was awaiting them should they not change. I have to say the overall affect this piece had on me was inspiring.

         Any problems with two? No I would have to say that I believe you made the point very clear on what the characters feelings are. I know that even though I don't know the poetry form... I know emotion, and you definantly showed it here.

         (Now on a more personal note:)
I understand perfectly what you are trying to convey here. I mean what religious person has not questioned their worth or where they stand with their God. We all fear we are not good enough on so many levels and to different things. We also find the line of sight that allows us to see past our sins and downfalls; evasively eludes us at every turn. Yet, that is the true beauty of it all, isn't it? We all just need to remember that one easy explanation, that one two syllable, descriptive word that perfectly describes us all. "Human!"

         I sincerely hope that if you were to go over your received reviews, you see that they hold those two forms of answers. Even if you don't get the specifics of what they liked or disliked most, you will always get the answer to if they understood it, and if it made them feel.

         I hope you will be surprised with some good responses, and some not so good, but both are what make a real writer. It proves to you and anyone reading the review that you touched, moved or gave just a little something to the reader that they didn't have before.

I really did love this poem and hope to read more soon. Keep writing and enjoying all that the craft has to offer!
Review of A MESSAGE.......  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
         Fantastic poetic beauty flows from this piece until the reader is left moved by the sheer power of your words. I can't tell you how much I loved this poem. It captures so perfectly what every woman feels. It has a great rhyme and rhythm, which just unifies the perfection of a love so pure it is almost lethal in it's intensity. I think my favorite part is...

         "Oh air that I breathe!
         When he breathes you in,
         Whisper to his heart,
         The unspoken words,
         And fill his soul,
         With my love so great.

         This truly is one of my favorite poems and I look forward to putting it in my Highlighted Items on my port. Thank you for such a wonderfully moving piece of poetry. Keep writing and enjoying what the craft has to offer.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
         *Thumbsup*That was fantastic fun. I really racked my brain trying to think of just the right words I wanted to use. I thought I had a good grasp on what you were wanting and what word you were going for in this.*Smirk*

         *Laugh*Then when I read it I was crying I was laughing so hard at the end.*Laugh* Good grief, I was so wrong, but alas, as with any fun mad lib, this turned out hilarious. *Exclaim*Thank you so much for this extremely well thought out mad lib.*Exclaim*

         *Star**Star**Star**Star**Star*It came out perfect. I had a blast and look forward to more of your games and to reading your work. Keep writing and enjoying what the craft has to offer.
Review of From The Ground  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
         *Thumbsup**Exclaim*Oh yeah,... yeah, yeah, yeah!*Exclaim**Thumbsup*

         This is what I love to see in a poem.*Star**Star**Star**Star**Star*

*Note1*I mean it was *Check2*intense and *Check3*thrilling.

*Note5*It had *Check4*mystery and *Check5*heartache.

*Note2*Last but most definantly not least, and my personal favorite.


         Oh, I just can't tell you how good you did in this. I am a fan of all Urban Legends. I love to research them and watch them on television. You so perfectly captured the essence of an Urban Legend.

         The mystery of it, the surprise of such a violent act, and then the ultimate revenge from the grave. Topping off the perfect twist in any Urban Legend, you left a haunting at the site of their untimely demise. I truly enjoy that about Urban Legends and your poem because it gives the reader a little something to hold on to even though the story is over.

         They may hear a discussion of your poem and say in a spooky hushed voice. As if the ghost its self is standing close by.*Worry* "Yep, I loved that, and you know if you still go by there yet today....

         Or a week later, the reader might come across someone else’s review of your poem. *Reading*They will slowly close their eyes and embrace the sweetness of the chilling memory.*Cool* "Ahh yes! I remember that poem." Then a silent chill sneaks down their arms, leaving only the raised goose flesh on their arms.

         Yep to me you did a mighty fine job on this poem and I wouldn't be surprised if your email filled to the brim with compliments much better than mine.*Gift2*

         Thanks for a wonderfully thought out and inventive poem. I can't wait to read more of your work.

Keep writing and enjoying what the craft has to offer.

Review of beneath my skin  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
         Oh I like this. Such raw emotion comes through that it would feel almost crippling in it's intensity, to those that have experienced such pain. I am astounded at how well you were able to translate it onto paper.

         I only hope that it is not a personal experience. I have been through that kinda pain and abuse and it is terrible. I guess that is why this poem pulled me so tightly. I thank you for such a wonderful read.

Keep writing and enjoying the craft.
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
         Good work. *Thumbsup*I think you did a fine job of portraying your feelings for your ex and your feelings toward the break up. I also feel the entense mood of this. I believe, and feel the, pain, fury, and regret in every line.

         However, I think that the rhyming every line feels a little forced after the second stanza. I believe it would be a Great story poem. In that style you could alter the rhyme to every other line and not hurt the poem at all.

         In closing I admire you for being able to bear your feelings in this poem. I also give kudos for keeping your temper in check when writing this. I think if it were me,... it would have come across a lot more.. Determined... *Angry*LoL for lack of a better word as of yet.

         I think you have a great piece here and I look forward to reading it again and *Reading*reading more of your posts. You have great writing abilities. Keep writing and enjoying what the craft has to offer.

Rated: E | (4.5)
         This poem spoke to me and said "Hey I have heart, emotion, and intense thought in each line."

         I really liked it. I liked the entire second stanza the most. It just spoke of a deep love of a woman. I can't wait to read more of your work.

         Thanks for the great work. Keep writing and enjoying what the craft has to offer.

         Poetic ~ Darlin
Review of Time To Spare  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is such a fun piece I had no choice but to smile and chuckle all the way through it, and then to end it with a sweet endearment. It was perfect for me. This poem is the kind that makes you feel as though you know this person, or you are this person. That is one of the most important things every writer hopes to accomplish. They look for the ability to make the reader connect on a different level with the character. The writer looks to make the reader feel the character on a personal level, not as a person in a story, but as though it were the neighbor down the street. Better yet, to have the reader go, hey, the author is talking about me. This poem had me doing exactly that. I could relate with your poem so well that it left me with a wonderful smile. I feel that is almost exactly what I would do, should I have the decision of what to do for that extra hour. I still don’t believe that is the best part. No, to me I guess the best part is when the reader gets finishes with the poem, and they are still wondering what they, themselves, would do with an extra hour. I know I was. I was sitting here just enjoying the novelty of it. Oh the wonders of the imagination lol. I just really liked this poem and I hope it wins. It has sentimentality, humor, and imagination. I cannot rave enough about it. Good job and thanks for this extra fun read. Please do keep writing and enjoying this fun and difficult craft. I truly do look forward to reading more of your work.
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
WoW... That is about the only word my mind can come up with, now that I have read the story in its entirety. lol. That was amazing. I was riveted throughout the whole story, even when I didn't want to be. I could feel the horrific parts coming, like bile inching it's acidic path up my throat, while remaining helpless to stop it. My eyes were glued to the screen. It was so well written that the reader is left wondering whether it is really a true story or if it is, in fact, just fiction. I have a fascination with old houses and history, plus a twisted enjoyment of horror. All of that together enhanced my enjoyment of this story even more. I couldn't believe the ending,... shear genius! I mean the way you had him write the story for her and then find her body. Helping her in anyway that he could, and yet she comes after him for the pearls... maybe. I am still left wondering if it was Carolina or the aunt. The story never talks of Carolina knitting, so it left me thinking it was the aunt. Yet the words the woman spoke at the end makes it seem like Carolina. I wonder,... whom did you want the reader to think it was, or is it a big secret. I also loved the way you had me feeling sorry for the girl, misjudged and abused from birth, the true victim in all of this. I am not sure if the reader is still supposed to feel for Carolina or not at the end, but I do. I mean everyone called her an evil killer, so in the end, she did what everyone suspected. Although she only did it to get back what she wanted most in the world. Again, it is sheer genius how you had her die, trapped in the house, after she finally gets free of her family. I could not resist the smile pulling at the corners of my mouth, with that little twist. Then when he went in and found her body, and he bent over to take the pearls, I figured she would come back for them. I mean, her story was over, but by damned, she didn't go through everything to keep the pearls, only to loose them now. This brings me back, once again, to the ending of the story. It was said earlier in the story that the aunt would do anything to get what was left in the house, which the reader later finds out is the pearls. Then again, at the same time, Carolina will do anything to keep the pearls. So,... the real question is, who was in the chair. I have to know whom it was you had him see in the chair at the end. I guess in conclusion, I must say that I really liked this story, especially with its surprising twists. I cannot wait to read more of your work. I know I shall enjoy it. Thanks again and keep writing... I will be looking for it.
Review of The Funeral  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Oh wow, I have to say this is one of the best short stories I have read in a long time. Within the first chapter, I started disliking the mother in this story. Being a mother myself, I could not imagine where the character was coming from. As the story moved on I started to feel more sorry for the father, and began to think that, the son was not very understanding of the father’s situation. I understood where he was coming from though, as I tried to see if from a child’s point of view. I love the scene of father and son on the couch; it sets up the next stage of the story perfectly. The reader just begins to think everything is better, that they are going to make it without any other incidents, and then the she returns. This is my favorite part of the story. I love how you worked each event up until right before the father walks into the bedroom, the boy finally understands. I was so saddened and intrigued by then ending. I mean it is terrible that they lost both their parents, yet it leaves you open to more stories of this family. The line "I still get to see mom and dad every now and then. They live with us too..." really leaves the reader guessing and finishing the story for themselves. Yet for you the author, it would also leave room for more stories and plenty of room to expound on this story should you ever want to. I know as a reader, that I look forward anxiously to reading more of your work, and more of this story should you ever write more. I believe though that leaving the story the way it is and dropping it holds a certain mystic all its own. I love how it keeps the readers mind going long after the story is over. I have to admit that after I write this review I am going to go back and read it again. I thank you very much for such a wonderful read and eagerly look forward to reading more of your work. Thanks again and keep writing...
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
This is pretty cool, and I really liked it. It had mentioned at the beginning that there are lots of them all over the internet but I had never seen one. I can't wait for the next quiz you put out, especialy if it is as fun as this one was. Thanks for posting it and keep on posting...I will look for them.
Rated: E | (4.5)
My ten year old daughter just studied these in school last month and I still only got 65% right lol. *blushes* I really thought this was cute because you put in many cities that are so popular that it had me second guessing myself. {still no excuse} but I did like it very much. I am going to have to come back and see what else you have at your port. Thanks again and keep posting...
Review of Remember  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.5)
I thought that was a very good poem with a strong story line. I mean there are quite a few people who could relate to the thoughts and feelings you express in this poem. I liked it and hope that you will take a look at my work as well. Thanks...
Review of Cedar Clearing  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Let me begin by saying that I love to read, and this piece is the most fun I have had while reading in some time. I was riveted right from the get go. The story left me guessing right up until the last line. Just when I thought I had it all figured out, that I knew what was coming next. I was thrown for a loop yet again. There were a few grammatical errors, and some punctuation that need fixed. When a reader is immersed in a story and they are hanging on to every word, grammar and punctuation are like little road bumps in the story. They make a reader stop and try to figure out what was trying to be said, before reading on through the rest of the story. It causes a pause in the momentum for the reader that can sometimes break the mystic of the story. Ripping them from the world you created for them. You want that flow, because the reader becomes so immersed in the characters, that they can see and hear what the characters does. Other than that, I thought the story had merit and one heck of an ending. I am just curious as to what happened to them. Where did they go? There are many things in this one story that I myself can learn from and I thank you for the privilege of reading it, as well as the pointers I learned from it. Keep up the good work and look forward to reading more of your work.
Thanks……… Darlin Writer
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