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Review by justme
Rated: E | (4.0)
My, what mischief! Your poem brought a smile as I imagined an impished child up to all of these pranks. I can imagine there would be some very good illustrations that could go with such a poem were it published for children.

Although I love your poem the way it is and I enjoyed very much the sparkle and energy it has as you describe the pranks this "invisible" youngster imagines playing on others, I have to wonder: would being invisible incite him/her to make only mischief and get back at others or would he/she perhaps find a way to use invisibility as a tool to create peace, harmony, and good feelings among others as well?

I will be back to read more of your work later. I enjoyed this poem and I'd like to see what else you have done. Thank you for sharing your work.

Have a great day,

Review of Jeffrey's Gift  
Review by justme
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a beautiful story. I love the retelling of it and the emotion that you put into it. You have a great sense for descriptive words that set just the right mood as a backdrop for the emotional tale to follow. I thoroughly enjoyed it and, I agree whole-heartedly that sometimes the most important lessons in life are taught to us by our children.

Thank you so much for sharing this story,
Review by justme
Rated: E | (5.0)
Thank you for this great comprehensive piece about writing query letters! I am in the process of writing one now and your tips of dos and don'ts helped me immensely! I also liked the examples. It's great to explain things, but a working example makes things that much more clear!

I have applied your tips and am now ready to send my letter with the improvements I have made! I look forward to seeing what happens.

Thanks again! I will be watching for more such articles. This one was very informative, well-structured, and presented in logical and understandable order. Very well done and not a bit dry, dull, or boring!


Review of Gordon  
Review by justme
Rated: E | (5.0)
Gordon looks like a sweetie! I am so happy that you are able to take on a "special needs" animal! Not many people have the time, patience, or desire to do that. I am not currently in a position to do so myself, but it breaks my heart when I see animals at the shelter with physical or sensory handicaps and they are so sweet and loving and would make such a wonderful pet if someone would give them a chance.

As soon as I am in a position to do so, I am going to make a difference for one of them! (Can't afford the special health care and possible corrective surgeries needed as of yet, but soon!)

What a wonderful home Gordon has found with you. Congratulations on your new addition and best wishes!

Review by justme
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very, very touching. Your words paint such beautiful pictures in the reader's imagination. This poem is excellent.

The last verse seems symbolic of the fact that Betty's life was cut short. Intentional or not, it really impacts the reader with the tragic loss you have suffered and the raw emotion and void that was left behind.

I am so very sorry for your loss. I lost my brother almost 13 years ago and there is still a hole in my heart and in my life that can never be filled. As much as we liked to annoy them when we were young, they hold a dear and special place in our hearts because they are our closest and oldest friends once we have grown. As the saying goes, they know everything about us and love us anyhow.

THank you for sharing something so intimate and personal as this poem. It is wonderfully done and although it is sad, it is a beautiful and loving expression of your feelings toward your dear sister.

May peace and comfort be yours as you continue to recover.

Review by justme
Rated: E | (3.5)
This is a nice poem. It certainly expresses a lot of emotion and tells how that emotion is being dealt with. Your writing has a graceful and soothing flow and it was nice to float along on your words.

Good work. Thank you for sharing your work.

Review of Novels  
Review by justme
Rated: E | (4.0)
I enjoyed this article as a prelude to entering your short story portfolio. It really helps your potential readers to understand something about you and your outlook on your writing.

I saw only one error: in the second paragraph "lead" should be "led".

I, too, have wanted to write from the time I was very young, but not necessarily novels. I enjoy writing poetry, haiku, short stories, articles, antecdotal stories, and especially children's stories.

I will definately be back to read more of your work. Thank you so much for sharing it with us here!

Review of My Choice  
Review by justme
Rated: E | (3.0)
I like what you are saying in this poem. You asked for honest reviews, which I always try to give, so here goes.

First, have you thought of formatting this poem in verses? This would help both you and the reader to differentiate between thoughts. It would also make it easier to get into and understand the rhythm and flow of your poem. You have done such a good job with that aspect of your writing that it is a shame that it gets lost in the current format.

In line 19: “tommorrow" is misspelled. “Tomorrow” is correct.

In line 24: First, that whole statement is what you are thinking, so if you are going to put it into quotation makes, they should surround the entire line. Secondly, you used the word “threw” as in “he threw the ball”. The word you really want here is “through” as in “finished; completed; done”.

In line 33: “make belief” should be “make believe”.

In line 34: “I never really done all the things I wish I did” sounds a little awkward. Without disrupting the rhythm of this verse, the easiest change would be “I’ve never really done all the things I wish I did." ("Had" would work here in place of "did" depending on which one you like the sound of.)

Over all you did an excellent job for just starting out! Great work! I will visit your portfolio as time allows to read more of your work.

Thank you for sharing this poem.
Review of I Am the Girl  
Review by justme
Rated: E | (4.0)
What a lovely tribute to your friends. This is a beautifully written poem. I like your descriptions and how they all turn around in the end because of your friends. Very good rhythm and flow. I like the style of this poem.

One small note: All of the verses are in the present tense but then in the last verse, the happy verse, you use a past tense in the last line. If you replaced "could" with "can" it would give the reader the feeling that the joy was an ongoing and continuing thing instead of something that only lasts a short time.

Very nice work!
Review of Letting Go  
Review by justme
Rated: E | (4.0)
A beautiful sentiment. Yes, letting go and forgetting are two completely different things. I like the way you have expressed your emotions about this topic.

Yes, there is pain in letting go, but everyone should remember the good times and the good ways they have felt about others. I like that your poem is not bitter, angry, or describing a painful heartbreak. You have shed a refreshing light on a subject that so many write about.

I enjoyed it very much. Your writing has a soothing calmness to it and it was very pleasant to flow with the rhythm of your words.

I will come back soon to read more of your work.
Thank you,
Review by justme
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
You have made some profound statements here. Your writing is very expressive, full of emotion, and speaks of problems faced by so many teens in today's world. It seems that many of today's teens do pay both for their parents' mistakes and for their own...their own made because of the ones their parents have already made.

In the second line of the last verse, "then" should be "than". That is the only thing I saw that I would change.

You have an excellent writing style. I will try to get back and read more of your work soon.

Thank you for sharing your poem. I like it.
Review by justme
Rated: E | (5.0)
What gorgeous photography!! I love floral photography. My husband takes incredible photos of flowers and trees everywhere we go.

I don't know many people here right now, but when I do, I will certainly be back to send some notes to them. These are beautiful.

Thank you for sharing such a wonderful idea and all of your hard work!

Review of Perfection  
Review by justme
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
This is an interesting work. It seems to tell a story, but it is difficult to read with no capitalization. Dividing the lines into verses to set different thoughts apart would also make it more readable and therefore more understandable.

Several spelling errors:

Line 2: could've
Line 4: persistent
Line 12: would've
Line 19: turmoil
Line 23: perfect

Good work.
Review of Guardian Angel  
Review by justme
Rated: E | (4.0)
You have a very nice rhythm going with this poem and it elegantly carries a beautiful message. Your Guardian Angel must be very special.

In the last line of your poem you may want to capitalize Guardian Angel as it is capitalized in the first line of your poem. Just a thought.

A beautiful and inspiring poem. Thank you for sharing your poetry. I will try to get to your portfolio to read more soon.

Review of My Heart  
Review by justme
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is a beautiful poem. I like the imagery and the metaphore. Very nicely done.

One suggestion: Your poem is beautiful the way it is, but in the third verse it is hard to continue reading and keep the good rythm you have going when the lines are divided the way they are:

Standing all alone on the rosebush,
I have no one to give me what I yearn
For so badly a drop of love to
Quench my thirst.

If you divide it up so that full thoughts are together or broken in a place where the reader will be pauseing in your rhythm, it will flow much more smoothly. Perhaps something like:

Standing all alone on the rosebush,
I have no one to give me
What I yearn for so badly
A drop of love to quench my thirst.

It's just an idea.

Great work,
Review of Arizona Pines  
Review by justme
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is beautiful. With so few words and in so little space you have said something so profound.

I love haiku and this is one of the best I have seen here yet.

Thanks for sharing it.
Review of Daffodil Slumber  
Review by justme
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is lovely. I love daffodils. Mine have bloomed and faded this year but I always wait for them. In your poem, they are waiting, too.

I love your descriptions...a frozen blanket, their nodding faces, etc. You have created some monderful word pictures for your reader.

Review of The Little Things  
Review by justme
Rated: E | (3.0)
This is a very nice poem. You have good rhythm and flow in the first, third, and fourth verses. The second verse, though I love the content, is just very difficult to fit into the same meter of the poem.

What you are saying in the poem is beautiful and if would definately be lacking without that verse.

Very nice work. Thank you for sharing your writing.
Review of Help Us Help YOU!  
Review by justme
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
This is a very informative article. I like the way that you have laid it out clearly and in logical order. All of your suggestions are simple, concise, and easy to implicate. I will be sure to try them out.

Not to be picky or anything but I noticed that most of your subheadings are in title case with the exception of two: Give us a Link... and Spreading the word a few sites a day...

Great format and great information. Very helpful. Thank you.

Review of Can't Cry  
Review by justme
Rated: E | (3.5)
I like the flow of this poem. The lines all go together well and it progresses in a logical order. I like the way you have expressed your feelings. Sometimes life takes away the ability to show emotion because we can be hardened and desensitized by bitter experiences.

Good work.
Review of God Is On My Side  
Review by justme
Rated: E | (3.5)
Good work. So much of what you have written comes from the Scriptures. Have you thought of referencing them at the end of your poem so that others can look them up for themselves? Just a thought because some people may not be as familiar with the Bible as you are and may not know that they can read those encouraging words there for themselves, or they may know that similar passages are in the Bible but they may have forgotten where to find them.

I think this poem really tells of your conviction to trust in God no matter what Satan throws at you through this world and the times we now live in. It is always good to hold on to one's faith above all else. If we let go of that, sometimes we have nothing left.

Thank you for sharing your poem.
Review of Alzheimer's  
Review by justme
Rated: E | (5.0)
Beautifully written, but so very sad. You mentioned so many of the feelings and symptoms experienced by Alzheimer's patients and their families. I like how you restated and thus greatly emphasized the hopeless feelings and the vulnerability of both the patient and the family by using both the metaphore and similie of a thief stealing away something precious and immeasurably valuable.

Excellent work and very touching. Thank you for sharing it. My father has Parkinson's and it is terrible to see any kind of disease effecting a loved one. One that effects their mind and personality, though, as both Alzheimer's and Parkinson's do, is so horrible, and it makes everyone involved feel so helpless. My father knows who he is and what he wants to say. He just can't get it to come out, and in his frustration sometimes he gets angry at those around him because they have trouble understanding him.

Stay strong and take care.
Review of foolishness  
Review by justme
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
There is a sad overtone to this poem, but in many ways you have described the good things that love accomplishes...if only it had worked out in the end.

Keep writing! Thanks for sharing.
Review of Back On When  
Review by justme
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very charming, indeed. Sometimes our lives are not glamourous or exciting but to find love, have a fine family, and honest work to be proud of are the greatest treasures of life.

This was an inciteful and inspiring bit of writing and I enjoyed it very much. Thank you for sharing it.

Review by justme
Rated: E | (3.5)
A very emotional and heartfelt piece of writing. Such a display of loyalty and conviction are rarely seen today, even in most literature that I have read recently. In our society today everything seems disposable, replaceable. Relationships, though, and the love that goes with them are not.

This is a wonderful piece and a tribute to your feelings for whomever it was written about. It is very powerful.

One note: Seventh sentence: "I will not be able to be him...." Perhaps you meant "I will not be able to be his...?" Just a minor typo. :)

I will try to get back and read more of your work. Thank you.
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