Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/derekwadetalk
Review Requests: ON
10 Public Reviews Given
17 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review of Distant Thunder  
Review by Edward Driach
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
Hi Harry

Have just read your assessment of Donald Trump and his character traits. It is hard to disagree that he is a very strange man indeed. However, I am not aware that any of these things you have described have been proved beyond reasonable doubt.

There have been many misdemeanours by many Presidents. Bill Clinton was much less than perfect and was impeached and Hilary as a presidential wannabe had some serious faults too. Jack Kennedy was not innocent where women were concerned either. Richard Nixon fell from grace spectacularly.

The big question is has Trump done a good job with the economy and has he made the world a safer place?
These things are debatable depending on your own particular point of view. To try and bring him down on Trumped up charges (if I may make a pun) is not the way forward. Defeat him on policy and performance issues. Convince the American people that your policies are superior and you will defeat Donald Trump. You have an election coming up this year so now is the time to start your campaign. Do not get dirty, negative and very nasty; it will be counter productive.

If this is a roll of distant thunder for you then so be it.

I am not American but do try to keep up with American News and have hundreds of cousins etc over there.

I did like the format and the way you describe things too.

Beat wishes and keep writing

Edward Driach

Review by Edward Driach
Rated: E | (1.0)
Dear Mr Chiu

I read your poem with growing alarm, for if this is how you truly feel then I suggest you take a look at the democratic principle on which the US is built on.
You do have the power to vote any president in or out every four years, thereby negating the use of violence that you are advocating.
I am not American but I think you should be ashamed call yourself American when your ancestors have given their all to create a society that should be able to live peacably.
They drafted the rules for that and I am appalled at the attitude of such a selfish individual as yourself.
I do not want to visit the USA again if your attitude prevails across your once great country.
Ask not what your Country can do for you but ask what you can do for you country.
Now I wonder just who it was who said that?

I can only award half a star as for this piece of work


Edward Driach
Review of Tolerance  
Review by Edward Driach
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I absolutely agree.

5 points is a must, for this prose will change the world.

Edward Driach
Review by Edward Driach
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Dear Laura

If your poem is from your heart then I feel that I should point out to you that if you want to be loved then you have to love others first, and do for them what you would have them do for you.
If you follow this pattern for your life then others are bound to notice and then they will automatically love you too. You cannot expect people to love you just because you are there; all you can do for certain is to love other people. As Jesus of Nazareth said sometime in the long distant past. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and love others as yourself.
If you check that out in the Bible I know you will find it there.

With Love in Jesus

Edward Driach
Review of Inside of Me  
Review by Edward Driach
Rated: E | (5.0)
Is that a real invitation or just another mask to keep us/me out.
Not everyone will understand but I have a similar place inside of me; maybe all poets do? If only we could find someone who feels at home when you let them in, would'nt life be grand.
Excellent poem, reveals the place inside just a little.

5 big points for this one.


Edward Driach

Review of Religion  
Review by Edward Driach
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
This is a poem I like very much. It reminded me that all religion is illusory. That the real life for all of us is Love. Jesus was the most irreligious man who ever set foot on this planet; that is why religion put him to death and that is why religion kills him every day since. They don't know that you can't kill Love.

A Big Cracking 5 stars for you on this one
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