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I look to be entertained, informed, and connected in some way. It may be wrong but if the first few lines or paragraphs don't hook me in some way, I will leave without even reading the rest. Also, I will notify you if I run into errors.
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I do not mean to toot my own horn but I am awesome at limericks. I've helped so many people with limericks. I've even thought about opening up a class here on limericks.
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In no particular order: humor, horror, biography. I'll read any genre but those are my main favorites!
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I'm not sure. Maybe legal or finance but if done in the right voice, even that can be good.
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Poetry, short stories, bios, essays,fiction, and nonfiction
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pros, books
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Something that is LONG like 100 kbs or something. I will only review long pieces if someone requests it of me but nothing that's 100 kb. Let's not get crazy or anything.
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Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello CJ!

Right away, I knew it was going to be good when I was reading about the wife and her input about fishing lures but all you really want to do is sit there with a pole in water as you drink beer. So funny. That "lured" me right in.

This was funny all the way through with humor thrown in at exactly the right time. One thing though is that I think the very last thing said does not belong. It kind of throws the whole thing off.

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Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Simple Dykie!

This was quite a humorous look at someone who thinks he just may e turning into a grumpy old man.

I love how you mentioned the dog as either a large dog or a small clydesdale. Great visual! It wasn't so great a visual when I imagined what came out of the dog.

The description of the man complaining about everything actually reminded me a bit about my uncle. He is just like that! *Laugh*

The ending tied everything together very nicely with the narrator actually becoming who he was talking about.

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Review of Big Jar Of Love  
Review by *Jenny*
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello George!

When I started reading this I was pulled in but I could not help but wonder why you cut this man's grass every day and not just every other day? Surely it did not grow that fast. Maybe you did not mow all that needed to be mowed daily but did it in sections. You kind of left that part wide open.

That is quite a big family you have. It is implied that you are the oldest. The first one that had to have the responsibility.

It was great to see what the reaction of your brothers and sisters with the coins. I bet that they could not wait to see you and I am sure that you could have brought absolutely anything to them and they would have been just as thrilled to see you.

They were so happy they grab me and, hugged me and, told me they loved me. You should have the past tense of grab.

Another thing is that you have way too many commas throughout here where they just do not belong.

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Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Hello k-6!

This was very interesting! The concept was just terrific!

A few things:

There is a typo here Mummy's are capable of amazing feats of strength and are highly durable as they can't be smashed like skeletons and they lack the weakness of zoimbes. You said "zoimbes", not just once but twice under the description for mummies.

A final note, if there lantern is extinguished they will die. the word you want here is their, not there.

I learned something new here! I never knew what a husk was. Sure, I read the description but I needed to look up an image. I LOVE horror so I have seen those before. Just not often and I really did not know what they were called, if anything.

I find black magic ghastly but that's just my oppion. The correct spelling is opinion.

Zombies are a tricky foe, there magic causes any one wounded by them, to become them. their is the correct one in this instance.

The zoimbe survivel guid by Matt Brooks. It should say zombie survival guide

3: Vampires posse a high endurance and heal quickly. A vampire posse would be a group of vampires. I think you meant possess.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Bob!

Well that is just absolutely ridiculous! The fact that you could get fired for posting something innocent or speaking with somebody innocently is just ridiculous. I guess if I worked with you, that I would be fired for having people under 18 on there that I communicate with. Every time I read something about a place of business doing this it really irks me! They don't discriminate. *Rolleyes* I wonder if you could possibly block your boss without anybody knowing. I'm not suggesting that you do this. I am just really curious.

Very well written!

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Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (1.5)
Hello Love!

I have got to say that I really did not understand this at all. Each line made sense by themselves but not at all when they were read together. It seems as if they are all lines from different poems since none of them tie this poem together. I do not even think it was necessary to put (google it)

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Review of Digital Addiction  
Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Kik!

I absolutely loved this! It was very fun to read mainly because of the rhythm of this. The subject was fantastic and quite relatable as I have been there before, I have since come out of the addiction but my son is fully addicted. More than I ever was. *Facepalm*

There is just one tiny error. You said Where the hells this Drakefoot Seed? It should be "hell's"~with an apostrophe.

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Review of Social Networking  
Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hell0 Meg!

This is quite funny because it is so very true. Everybody on the social media sites such as facebook always manage to find something to complain about. Sometimes I like to play a little game that no one knows about and scroll through to see how long it is until I find someone that complains about something. Which is never very long before I find it.

This was very well written and it is something that a lot of people, such as myself could relate to.

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Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Name!

This was quite a fabulous little story about your great grandmother's generosity during a very difficult time in which everybody struggled.

Although I knew that was a very difficult time for people, I realized just how difficult it truly was when I saw that lunch was toast and cocoa. Plus the fact that there was not even enough for all three of them. It is wonderful that your great grandmother had such an amazing heart and passed it down. Chances are that you probably have the same generous heart as well.

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Review of I am a out cast  
Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
Hello TheOne!

This was a great subject but I have never heard of any catholic be called a devil worshipper. My family is catholic although I do not practice it or follow that path, I respect their decision to be catholic. Maybe it is just the people that you have been around. They just do not know that catholicism is not devil worship. That is just strange that they would even say that. I understand the picking on you because of a different faith than them. I do not condone it at all by the way. Kids will find absolutely anything to pick on somebody about. If it was not for your faith, they would find some other thing to pick on you for. By reading this, you seem to be a decent and intelligent person that simply will not let that get you down. I hope that I am right about that. You will get through this.

There's a few things that I'd like to point out.

I have been a out cast ever since I can remember, In the halls of my schools I am picked on me for being me. You should have "an" instead of "a" and outcast is just one word. After the word remember, you have a comma, which should be a period.

In the next paragraph, you said thing when really you meant think.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Hello Hooves!

This was quite an interesting little story. Some animals will just eat anything as the case was in here.

I a=thought it was funny and absolutely loved that you called your husband Mr. Hooves throughout this. Not "My husband" or a name, but "Mr. Hooves"! *Laugh*

I was not expecting it to end like that with the dog proudly bringing the bread tie to you. I am not sure what I was expecting but t was not that. Maybe she learned her lesson after vet visits?

There s just one thing: Six months went by and it was summer and we had company in the house and were visiting with them. that sentence should be condensed with only one and.

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Review of The Job Interview  
Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Whitemorn!

Quite a humorous monologue about somebody that was in an interview for a job but kept focusing on and thinking about the interviewer's pimple or what he thought to be a pimple. Then he decided that it could be a bite or a boil but came to the conclusion that it was a pimple.

This reminded me of in shows or movies when the character has an inner dialogue while something is happening. All the person is really thinking about during this interview is to pop that pimple.

The ending tied it all together quite nicely when he said that he did not really want that job that cleaning out houses really isn't his style and he probably is not going to get the job anyway. I was not thinking that he was actually going to give in to his thoughts. It was definitely hilarious to read that. The very last sentence was great and tied it all in quite nicely about how the wife was going to kill him for not getting that job or rather not even finishing the interview really.

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Review of Jingle Hell  
Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Jenny!

This took me a longer time to read than the average song lyrics or poem. That is only because I was not just reading this, but my inner self was singing it to the tune of Jingle Bells, with which this was written. I did not do that on purpose. It just happened.

The tune was dead on. I really do not think that you missed a single beat. It was the right length with each individual line the right length as well.

The content was hilarious! I could totally see this happening. In fact, I have seen this sort of thing happen in shows and movies. I really am not quite sure if this happens in real life so much. Although I am sure it does!

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Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (1.0)
Hello Sky Dancer!

This really seems unfinished but I found it in things to review. It really should have been marked as private so you could come back and work on it. Since it was public though, I am just going ahead with the review although there really isn't anything to review. It has a lot of potential! I am very curious to see what happens. If you do add more to this, please let me know so I can rate and review it again.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Cowboy Basics 101  
Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Pumpkin!

Such a fabulous article about cowboy movies and shows. It seems to me that you really think when watching television or movies. Which more people should do more of. Like the writers and directors of the shows and movies.

The old west sure did stink. I'm only guessing as I do not have a time machine. Not only did cowboys not bathe often but also the women that had to wear those long, hot, long sleeve dresses, with whatever underneath. It was a hassle to warm the water and all of that. I tell ya, if I did have a time machine and travel back there I'd probably get out, smell the first couple of people then go back to the future.

That is true about the toilet. It does not just apply to westerns though. Nobody hardly ever has to pee in any genre. Hardly.

This was a good read that really made me think.

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Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Hello Donkey Hoetay!

This was quite a clever storyline. A wolf that was after a sheep, not to eat but to date.

Right away I did not understand this. but you can call me Lu. Louie for short. I really do not understand how Louie, something that is two syllables can be short for Lu, something that is one syllable. Maybe switch those sentences.

You mentioned bits of slang words throughout but not often enough to be having slang in here. I am a big fan of slang but maybe throw in some more slang or show what the wolf was wearing. As a way to match his looks with the slang.

Since this is a monologue, the quotation marks at every paragraph should not be there. Quotation marks is in fact the way to show talking but only if there is somebody else involved in the talking.

I LOVED the part on how the wolf got the red cape. "From some whiny little girl last week." That entire paragraph is just incredible. You threw little Red Riding Hood in there. Brilliant!

You said jewelery your girl might be wearing when you are throwing it down Maybe rephrase "throwing it down". The correct spelling is jewelry.

I love all of the pop culture references throughout this and I really enjoyed the end. I thought the end was a nice twist that a dog was after the sheep just as the wolf was.

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Review of Dear Me - 2015  
Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Jace!

Once again, you have something fantastically written. I have never stumbled upon anything of yours that was bad at all.

I love the "dear me" letters because it lets me take a peek on who the person is that wrote it. In here, I learned that you were older than I had always thought. I suppose I thought Jace was a young name. No other reason, really. When you said that you're getting older and have a limited time remaining, I initially thought that is the case with all of us as time goes by at a very rapid speed and you have less and less time to do what you want. I didn't think much of it though. When you said that your wife retired and wants to travel more, I got a more general idea of your age. Which is great because now I won't be picturing a twenty something year old when I read your words. *Laugh*

You mentioned that you always thought that you were a type B personality since you are laid back and easy going but you realize that you have characteristics of type A. I could be wrong but I think most people have a mix of both. I however, am type B with a small hint of A.

Lastly, I thought that the purple case of yours was newish! I was away from wdc for two years, which I vow to never do again and when I saw your name, there was a purple case. I thought "Wow! He had a blue case the last I saw!" So congrats on that! My goal is to just get yellow then go from there. I will never be away from here like that again unless I am dead. *Laugh*

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Review of Who Am I?  
Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Hello Elizabeth!

I really enjoy reading autobiographical things such as this and reading a little about a persons life, what makes them tick, and why they are the way that they are.

I am glad to see that your grandfather wanted you to follow your own spiritual path and not be necessarily a christian/ Coincidentally, I also follow the path of paganism/witchcraft/spiritualism kind of thing. It just fits so well with me and makes absolutely perfect sense. I am really happy to see that it does the same for you as well.

My only suggestion is to maybe go a little deeper on a couple of subject: You said that your grandparents started raising you when your grandmother was 55 years old. I would have like to know why your grandparents raised you. Was it because your parents were not very responsible or was it because of something really tragic that had happened to your parents.

Then the rapes and the sexual molestations, which by the way I am very sorry to have read that but since it was part of your past and you did mention it, maybe talk a little bit more about it. Not a lot more but just enough to show the readers how it has changed you. How it has changed your thought process. How it changed your actions maybe.

My attention was focused onto this the entire time of me reading it. That is great by the way because if something loses my interest, my mind will wander off and I would just lose focus. So, bravo on keeping my focus! {e:laugh]

As far as spelling goes, it was spot on. The flow of this was terrific. The length was just about right. Personally, I was enjoying reading this and I could very definitely read trile the amount while I stayed focused. hahaha

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Just a memory  
Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Wizard!

I could totally relate to this in a way since I had a baby that was as premature as you were. You said that you were three months premature. My son was three months premature as well.

This was very well written and it mentioned the kinds of things that have gone through your mind since you were a little kid. The things it should have mentioned more is your development and dealings with life. It also should have mentioned if you remember anything at all about your mother. A lot of people remember some things from when they were that little. My personal earliest memory was when I was three.

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Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Master of Disaster!

This took me back to my high school days where it was the beginning times of the goth pioneers, which we called "freaks." I was just a supporter, only dressing that way two or three times out of the year but only with lipstick and eye liner.

The essay was a very well written guide to goth make up. I could picture everything as if I was watching a tutorial about it.

At the beginning when you are talking about the piece, my suggestion is to make that stand out away from the rest. Maybe put it in italics, bold, or another color. That is my only suggestion.

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Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Conn!

I absolutely loved this article and I seriously hope that I bring across how much I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Right away, the title hooked me as I am just fascinated with schizophrenia and really, anything at all that deals with the human brain. I just knew that it was going to be right up my alley.

Then you have mentioned people that claim to use their sixth sense in here. A lot of people would view someone who claims to have sixth sense as crazy but there are more people who will not hesitate for even a second to call a person with schizophrenia to be delusional and insane. People that communicate with the spirits of those in which are no longer living are never classified the same as ones that are locked up in mental institutions.

As far as grammar goes, you have everything mentioned perfectly. Just the right amounts of describing the different situations and how they relate and differ from each other. In the last paragraph though, you have parenthesis then a question mark. That is the only reason that this is not rated as a perfect rating. Just the question mark should be there without the parenthesis. Otherwise, It is just absolutely perfect about a truly fascinating topic.

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Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello Judie!

I can completely relate to this for sure! I love caffeine and like you see no need for caffeine anything! I mean, what is the point? AND I am not a fan of hazelnut either. Although, I will drink it if there was not really any other options.

The only thing I can not relate to in this, is drinking it up until bedtime. The only way that is possible is if I become immune. lol

I see no room for improvement. You have everything described quite well in here and it was extremely interesting, as I am also a caffeine addict.

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Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Acid Wire!

This was just a quite a fabulous poem. I admit that I jumped into reading the poem without even reading the description at all. As I read it, the voice of a little girl was narrating it. For some reason, my imagination put her in a blue dress although there were no dresses mentioned. Only after I finished reading the poem did I look at the description. You did really fantastic at making the narrator to sound like a little kid. Since I thought that without even reading the description. Great use of language! Not many people can pull that off well.

I see absolutely no room for improvement!

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Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Just a kid!

This poem was quite exceptionally written and I did not stumble upon any error. The rhythm, rhyme, and flow of it were just flawless.

This topic has crossed my mind on so many occasions. An example is that I had a very terrible cold but I had to go to the store. The cashier asked, "How are you?" Without even thinking, I replied, "I'm fine, thanks....no wait. That was clearly a lie. You see how I look and that I'm stocking up on kleenex so obviously I'm not really fine." In which case they laughed and wish me a speedy recovery. In instances like that, I think this kind of thing.

Then there are situations on the other end of the spectrum. In a store or other public venue and for no reason a stranger would approach a person and tell them random off the wall stuff that only their therapists should know.

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Review of Soul Mates  
Review by *Jenny*
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Mouser,

This is right up my alley! In fact, I am rather surprised I have not stumbled upon this sooner!

This told of the differences you and your wife have in the matter of astrology. Where daily horoscopes are read, those are very wrong and just thrown together. Such as "You will have good fortune today" Those have as much credibility as fortune cookies. Interestingly enough though, when astrology talks about your personality aspects and compatibility aspects they are pretty much dead on. The very same rings true for the chinese horoscope signs. I have seen proof a countless amount of times. I have even gone through it as well. Plus young souls and old souls really do not match up well either. They are both on different journeys within their own paths and do not compliment one another on the journeys.

So with that said, I do hope you are proving the astrologer and myself wrong. That is one instance that I would not at all mind to be proven wrong.

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