Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/dktillack
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16 Public Reviews Given
16 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review by dana Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
I really enjoyed your valentine story. I am not a big fan of the holiday considering my boyfriend of two years broke up with me on valintines. I am a big romance fan an did find my true love. I love your word choices you used. I have notice reading short story on this sight that most of the story don't seem finished they leave you hanging. Your was very nice and all came together and ended well. Keep write.

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Review of The Sound  Open in new Window.
Review by dana Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
I really enjoyed this story to. I think we have all heard little sounds at night that make it so we can't sleep. They make you crazy so I can relate to that. I like story's that keep you wondering and laughing at the sametime. I enjoy reading your stories keep writing.

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Review by dana Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
I really enjoyed you twist on the Cinderella story. It was fun to read. I even laugh a few times. There was a few spelling errors nothing big though. Maybe some day the prince will kiss the tree and they will end up with there happy ever after. Keep writing.

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Review of The Gift  Open in new Window.
Review by dana Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
I enjoyed reading your story. I don't know if you have writen more to it or not. I would real like to know exactly who after her and why. Is Angelo just after the gift or is he really helping her. So let me know if you have written to it. I really did enjoy what you have written. Keep writing.

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Review of A Change of Heart  Open in new Window.
Review by dana Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
I enjoyed your story. I think most of us feel like Mary at some point in are life. What if I just ran away would anyone miss me? I am glad she went away and re-found herself. I think I need to do that every couple of years. I really enjoyed your story keep writing.

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Review of One Day as PI  Open in new Window.
Review by dana Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
I enjoy reading PI stories there some of my favorite. I enjoyed your story. My one complaint is I guess you could say is to find another way to write a conversation between two people then putting me and her before each line its kind of distracting and takes from the story. Otherwise I really enjoyed it. Keep writing.

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Review of Stay  Open in new Window.
Review by dana Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
I really enjoyed your poem. I have not wrote a poem in a few years and I don't read as often a I would like. So I don't know if there's much wrong that I can see but I really liked your wording and what the poem was about. Keep writing I enjoyed it.

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Review of Lest We Forget  Open in new Window.
Review by dana Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
I am not big into read stories about other plants but I did enjoy your story. The love the father had for his deceased wife and his two children was very evident. I think most people can relate to feeling at time in there life that God is not there. Maybe his children never that Urgod was there for them but you made it so you could look at there father and they had to know he was. To think a thousand years later it was still evident he was. Keep writing I enjoyed your story.

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Review of Nevermore  Open in new Window.
Review by dana Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Hearing something in a place like the woods and not knowing exactly what it is can be desturbing. The curiosity of the unknowing I guess. Your mind playing tricks the danger its all appealing. But then ending up being so much more the thought of being no more its intoxicating. So the story drew me in it captured my attention right from the begining. I got a little lost towards the end though and I think it ends alittle abruptly. Was confuse about what was happening to him in the last paragraph. Overall I enjoyed the story the fear the danger of it all. Thanks for sharing your story keep writing.
Review of The Fun House  Open in new Window.
Review by dana Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
I have not wrote many reviews so please bare with me. I want to start by saying I enjoy your story. I felt like I was there. I could feel there emotions there fears. Haven't we all gone some where we weren't supose to go or all been dared to do something we knew we shouldn't do. So relating to your story was easy. I would have like to know what really happened to them though. Or maybe what people thought happened to them. Maybe there will be a years later story when it all comes back to haunt him and adventually all comes out who knows. Keep writing.
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