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Review by Einav
Rated: E | (4.5)
I have brain ach!

Your articles about poetry are truly great, but I need to read them very slowly and with a lot of breaks. There are so many things I don't know!

Well, your articles are hardly poetry for dummies (though they are taking into consideration the reader's totale ignorance), so it's taking me awhile to learn and understand the usage of all those theories.
After I've read your article- "What is poetry", an idea came to mind that I'll attempt to scan my old poem, or try fitting them into formulas and see what difference does it makes in the way they look and how people read and refer to them.

In the modern hebrew poetry I've read there's hardly any kind of meter or rhyme, and if there is it's hardly felt, but then, you can write anything in hebrew and it'll turn out awsome, seriously.

I have a deep appreciation to the freedom of the free form- it's like words flying in the sky, as opposed to structures that preen the words in cages.
Ah, well. Learning is not always fun, and old habits die hard.

As to this article, I too think that meter is incredibly important. I like to play with the length of lines in my free form poems in order to creat an interesting reading experience and enhance certain paragraphs by making them shorter/longer than the rest.
I think I've caught the difference between full rhyme and half-rhyme, but "crown-pawn" still sounds like a full rhyme to me so maybe I didn't get the parameters?

And just when I thought poetry analysis cannot possibly be any more complex, I read you article about scansions. I didn't finish that one yet.

Thank you for publishing those articles, making all this knowledge so readily available.
This is just my half-way-through review, as I intend to read all your articles about poetry, just thought I'd stop by to ask and comment. You might have to experience my prattle again some time in the future.

Have a nice day,
Review of The Dream  
Review by Einav
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello Leblanc :)

On the one hand your plot is really good, all the characters are sharp, authentic (and funny!). Your story has humor, tension, fear. It has dialects. It flows well. A good balance of dialog and telling.
On the other hand It's unfinished, right? that's why you wrote "(EXPAND)" ? That's why the ending is so unexplained?
When the story is finished I'll be more than happy to read it. I want to know who that old man is to Oz, why his wife did that to him and what's with that "male child" you've mentioned at the end.
+ I think you need to edit grammer-wise. Instead of writing "the old man finally leaves" you wrote "the old man finally lives". Duh.

Great story!
Review by Einav
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Review of gifted  
Review by Einav
Rated: E | (3.5)
I liked your poem, it's rythem and it's subject, I also think that you've used rythem to the best advantage, thuse creating a sort of dreamscape..
You describe a general sensory impression which I found compelling and enchanting, but I think it also lacks a bit of focus. My advice is to consider re-reading and try to make your poem a bit more uniform and organized, because as a reader I found the "music" of your poem enjoyable, but it's meaning passed me by.

Keep Writing,
Review by Einav
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
first though, i have to say it's kinda obvious that rain lands like splashes of water (on the first lines).
on to the good:
I LOVED this poem!
frank, unorthodox and flows well. I love it when a writer writes without sweating to make their poem fancy. i can hear the voice of your thoughts in the poem, and that is far more important than dots and stanzas.
aside from that, I think that your poem was funney.

Review by Einav
Rated: E | (4.5)
A livid poem, I liked especially the mention of sedge (once I looked it up on wiki and saw a picture).
It is really a powerful mood poem, your use of phraze is very interesting and it caught my imagination, e.g. "withered blooms" and "criminal crescendos".
I liked also the detatched tone of the speaker, which fits very well in the barren landscape.
Windy, stormy days really get me feeling better as well, so I could identify :)

"Came back to the back road" - redundant repetition. Too much "back" in a sentence where all the words have a similar sound as it is..
A big letter "I" is something quite important, even if you don't comply with the rest of the punctuation rules (at least in my poinion).

Keep writing!
Review of The remote  
Review by Einav
Rated: E | (5.0)
ha. me too.
Review by Einav
Rated: E | (4.0)
funny poem!
you made me smile.
there's no need for so many exclamations!!!! i can get excited from one!
two if you MUST!! three is TOO MUCH!!!
keep writing :D
Review by Einav
Rated: E | (3.0)
*this review is just my opinion, and i'm no expert*

K? k.

if i get the plot right, dreker is on the run from some sort of evil. he lives as a farmer for a short time, but can sense that evil has found his hiding place and he has to move on again. he has been on the run from said evil for a very long time. he is in denial about his past/has selective amnesia/something magical made him forget.

the two paragraphs you wrote are not a story, not even a beginning, it is a description of character and plot, and a very confusing one, like you compressed all your ideas into those two paragraphs and waited for a diamond.
I FOUND DIAMONDS. the character is interesting (his old face and young smile), the plot is a drawer even without specific details.
should you decide to "flesh it out", i'll be interested in the resoult. you have an ability to create very convincing and attractive plot and character.

i've noticed you story telling is confused- you need to determine before you start writing what generally happens and in what order.
maybe even make a chronological list of events you can play around with.
iv'e a list of reasons why making a list is a good thing:
1. it might help you get some order in your plot.
2. it'll asist you to create better suspension, surprises and twists in the plot.
3. it'll help you thinking several steps beond the opening "scene".

write on!

Review of The norm  
Review by Einav
Rated: E | (4.0)
that's a brave thing to admit :)
Review by Einav
Rated: E | (4.0)
you used beautiful words to create the sensation of loss and questions about loss of a person that created a loss of a sense of time and place, of identity, of a daity.
I don't think you intended your poem to have a clear meaning, you use the sound of words to describe what you felt. I still could use a bit of clarification to the last two lines in the second stanza, because even though they are beautiful the way they are, I don't get their meaning.
Review of why must this be  
Review by Einav
Rated: E | (4.0)
really good poem, i liked the repetitions, the phrazing.

two questions rose while i read the poem and made me confuzed, in my opinion, you should consider answering them in the poem. it will transform the poem from personal codes to a universal experience the reader can relate to.

"Your the only ones for me" - is it a typo or is the poem written for more then one person?
"Between the clouds I know your there
Somewhere out there amongst the fog and air" - what separated them - clouds of distance/heaven/somethin else.. that makes life hard?

Review of see  
Review by Einav
Rated: E | (4.5)
I connected the most to this poem.
the description are varied. the poem prosaic and rough.
you use words more as music for your feeling then for their meaning. that's not necesarily bad, but watch out from an over-dose that'll flaw your poem.

welcom to wdc :)
Review by Einav
Rated: E | (5.0)
Your poem is 100% true and beutiful.
I love the use of spaces, the irregular stanzas and the livid word choice.
favorite line:
" Feel each beat my heart spends, gift myself the everlasting fun."
Review of A Hard Days Night  
Review by Einav
Rated: E | (4.0)
You defined you're story as a satire, and I will review a passage in your story I though applied to that definition, and one which less applied.
My general feeling is you've managed to transfer the emotions of social alienation, and to put the american dream, and to be more specific, puritan work dream, in a light which made it small, pityful, and cruel in it's duress, through the usage of small anecdotes from a day of work in K-MART.
In my opinion the story did not always preserve it's story qualities. At certain times you've deviated to philosophical arguments that did not take part inside the world of the story but were thoughts of the main character. I think that if you'd find a way to express those ideas more through scenarios in the story and dialogs it can fill the story with more action, make it less static, and therefor more apealing to "plunge" into.
Also, I think that through describing events we find more meanings and feel the criticism far better then in outright philosophy.

You've managed to transfer your satirical criticism in:
"..transitioning my focus to the CD .. “Hey! Aren’t you going to answer me?” - especially the brackets, I could see the look on the manager's face as the main character's attention wandered to the CD stand, and that made the image livid, the humour in imagining the look on his face captured my interest, made me really enter the story.
You've ridiculed the scene and made it satirical later by describing how red his face became, he was really pissed off by his worker's distraction in a way disproportionate to what the worker did.
A lot of things imply from that one simple and simbolic incident described in an ironic way, using a method of exaggeration.
For example, I understand that a part of the character of classical american "bosses" is to be on edge from the sligtest hint their emploees lack in apish obedience, because a part of the american society expects that sort of obedience, the ideal of puritan work apparently means, don't live, work.
That makes me feel sympaty for the worker trapped in his day job and understand better why he feels actually trapped, not just slightly bored.

"but it’s the American way, and I’d be damned if I broke such patriotic rituals."
"but surprisingly Mr. All American anal to the core corporate guy didn’t take me off the schedule"
"But in all honesty, isn’t this the puritan work ethic that America was built on?"
Those passages are cynical, and also a criticisem, as satire should be, but at the same time break a satirical nuance. Satire should imply the author's criticisen, not plainly state it, to ridicule the thing you criticise. I was not as shocked or steered to thought by those passages as much as in other examples from your story, because you lost the mask and just showed your plain true thoughts. You need to lead me to think those statements without stating them yourself.

I hope I wasn't too confuzed in explaining my opinion of your story, which was original, and had a lot of good moments which made it worth the read, I also learned from reviewing it.
Please take my review as it is, an opinion.
Write on! :)
Review by Einav
Rated: E | (5.0)
very beutiful
Review of Upon Words  
Review by Einav
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello :)
My general impression of your poem is that it was beutiful, with a quality of a clean simplicity, the emphasize is on the vows, which apear in the middle of the poem. You're title choice is great.
In the poem you swindled from event to event in a way that did not manage to flaw the flow of the poem, and made it interesting.
In contrast with the contents of the poem, the brief description (in my opinion) did not fit. It led me to expect a dilemma, it kept me on edge, distressed, actually it was the reason I chose to review your poem and I was a bit confuzed when I read the poem for the first time.

"A rose behind her ear,
... - those first three lines are charming, I loved the freshness of the descriptions.
Suddenly stops to an end." - In my opinion, the "to an end" is redundant here, if you'd finished the sentence with "suddenly stops" it whould have been more livid.

"A love to keep forever,
And a cute girl sitting there." - I liked the word choice in that stanza.

"A wound cured by a miss," - what did you mean?

"Both of them are my first.
Their child given from above." - In my opinion, those two sentences are not connected and confuzing. I suggest for you to consider rewriting that, play with the meaning and words choice.

Thats was my opinion, and please treat it as one person's opinion.
welcom to WDC..
Review of Death Race  
Review by Einav
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
In your future world death is eliminated, and in the style of "the hunger games", people entertain themselves with death.
The idea is great, and you interpretation is very interesting. The point of view in this short story is of a detached storytelling, using (I think it's called in English) dark irony in order to present a morally bleak but also exciting future world.
The story was engaging for me most of the time. I thought the first and second paragraphs to be less involving emotionally because of all the long, detailed explanations without something happening.

"It was long ago......gift baskets with dark chocolate candies."- Those two paragraphs were a step back to explain and reason a history of this world, they were important in this stage of the story, but not connected to Quell's point of view.
The return to Quell's point of view is too abrupt.

The sistem of principles you've invented is intriguing tough not always believable. I can believe that in a certain society people who failed will be ordered to be erased from society by the government (or someone) as if they did not exist, but I can't find the flat generalization that mothers will forget they had children or a wife her husband believable, even in a society were a mother can be proud and even happy to watch her son die.

The third and fourth part of the story were the most interesting because of livid details and the activity, the ending was shaking.

So anyway, I hope my review was helpul, I learned from reviewing your story.

the letters are veery small.
Review by Einav
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is my review for your poem towards an entry fee in the "five star poetry contest".
I think that in you poem you spoke of the aspect of fools that should be pitied - you used the term simpletons.
I was confuzed through the poem, and had to read it till it made sense. I tried to interpret the passages that confuzed me most. I hope I understood your intent.

1. "pontificate"- English isn't my first language, but I translated that word and it's meaning in the translation was to be
arrogant or dogmatic or like a pope in a sermon. So in this contents, I don't understant what you were saying in the first

2. "Is his folly acquired or
Just a part of his fate?" - I think you meant to ask whether fools make by intention mistakes, stupid decisions, hurtful
things, or is this folly imprinted in them, are they clueless?

3. "If folly is acquired,
This can’t be voluntary." - I think you meant, there is no folly a fool can acquire. Fools have no tendency or a will or
enough imagination to have extreme follys. (of the kind that can make them seem like simpletons)

4. "Their folly, they can’t help it.
They’re not simply faking." - This folly is enforced on them without theire knowledge, they are unaware.

5. You concluded the poem saying fools can be better then the wise, I guess they do, because they can be inherently
good just as the wise can be inherently good. In my opinion, both can be inherently bad as well, they are

6. I have a quote I think applies to your poem, from the "Proverbs of hell" by William Blake:

"The selfish smiling fool, & the sullen frowning fool, shall be both thought wise, that
they may be a rod."

That passage from his poem means the anonymous crouds, the herds of people, can be thoughtless. They can be used
as a rod (against someone, a philosophy, a way of life, even against themselves). But first you have to know how to
capture theire faith, and once you did they won't think things through.
The reason I thought that applied to your poem, is your description: "Dislike folly, not fools."
And passage:
"It can hence be surmised, fools
Aren’t of their own making."

7. As for structure, rhyming, word choice- I'm clueless with structural forms, but I thought your rhyming was very accurate
and flowed well, though I sometimes felt like it was taking over the poem, like you chose some words only cause they
rhymed well and not for their contribution to the poem's atmosphere and ideas.
For that reason I personally found rhyming inhibits understanding of the arguments you made.
On the other hand, this poem enfolds a lot of complex interpretations and that's really great, and maybe it's because it's
rhymed, that had me double think every line.

For conclution, I learned by intrpreting your poem, I hope I wasn't totally off the track :)
I rated it a 4.5, cause I in my opinion, clarity is the most important thing in a poem.
Review by Einav
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
I really enjoyed your story, it was very entertaining, I couldn't ever guess that ending.. Here's 5 passeges I liked, and 1 I didn't.

'The tick of the second hand on the old face clock seemed in slow motion. The long hand edged past the nine while the short hand tickled the beginning of the twelve.' - I like the detailed, pedantic description, you used it to describe and enhance the feel of irritation Ruby is feeling.

'Charlie wandered in from the back room. A plume of smoke followed him..' - that does all the work to describe a 9/11 employee with a problamatic attitude.

'Her hands trembled as an image of dripping blood from a swinging gate appeared in her mind. The scene panned out..' - another good description to enhance a feeling you wanted to get, very colorful and gory :).

'A chill ripped through Ruby as the redhead licked his lips... The clock chimed midnight.' - nice word choice, you used omens to increas the tenstion, leading the reader to the first peak of the story, where Ruby lose control and can't remember the prices, and the tall guy shouts at her.

'Ruby gazed down the street where headlights from a side street flipped on. The engine revved and “Born to be wild”..' - I liked this passage less because it's not clear what is happening. I think the reason for that is that it's too telling instead of showing.

'Run! Get away! ... No! Stand up to him.' - you show the process that leads to her making up her mind through showing her thoughts.

The title of your story is 'Hight of fear'. That's just my opinion.. I think that Ruby's point of view as a short women, being overshadowed by a tall, violent man, can be sharper. throughout the story.
I learned from reviewing your story, you've a lot of talent, and good luck in the contest :)
Review of Philosophising  
Review by Einav
Rated: E | (4.0)
i liked your poem very much. youve made it sort of like lirics for a rock song.

i think you need to work on the presentation because its difficult to understand.
consider reading your poem as a conversation or a story, and see if they make sense as such. i can say people gave that advice to me here and it really made my poems clearer.

the ryming is good, the poem is interesting.
Review of A peach  
Review by Einav
Rated: E | (5.0)
greaat. youre very talented..
Review by Einav
Rated: E | (4.0)
is it fanfiction or your own story?
if it's a fanfiction, then i get i need to read the original in order to understend the characters and the world you're describing. if it isn't, then theres too much gaps of information in the plot.
that aside, the short story is written well, i liked the jornal entries, your good at telling a story.
i liked the fact that Alia and Leila were'nt heroic characters, but a couple of ordinary women that got histerical because theire tangled in something unnatural and very scary, and having to learn how to deal with it.
great epocaliptic scenes.

Review of The Heat Wave  
Review by Einav
Rated: E | (4.5)
As a resident of a very hot country I can verify the accuracy of the poem...

I soppose your poem is free verse (as you didn't mention otherwise).
liked the veriety of the poem, though its all about the weather you've described the way the heat wave affects everything and everybody sorrounding you.
I usually dont like regular ryming in a poem (i find it kind of boring) but the humor and straight-fordwordness of your poem made up for it, and i wasnt bored.

good luck with the electic fan,

Review of The Hunt  
Review by Einav
Rated: E | (4.5)
Sort of reminds me the wolf on the Farseer Trilogy by Robbin Hobb. Is it based on Nighteyes the wolf?

Free style poem, sort of prose, your poem has a good rythem, i like how the words roll one after the other with no regard for proper sentences, getting into the wolf's mind.
You shoud check on your spelling though. use the "spell" option.
I liked the fact that most of the sentences begin with I. wolves have large egos..
Nice One.

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