Ok...now we're talking.
This is polished work.
Your style, in diction, context, and development...is excellent. Please excuse my, review of your "morbid," segment. You'll find that in your mail somewhere.
Now...pertaining to theme and storyline.
I suggest that you enhance the initial story, of April and the protagonist, enjoying their camping adventure, pure, natural, a glimpse of love. Provide this first in detail...
The fact that their love has passed, and that the cabin is a haunting reminder of what can't be changed, leaves nothing but a foreboding sense of impending loss. In fact I was waiting for her to slip off the rock.
Perhaps the primary character returns to the cabin, the next year...and still seems to be living in the past...as if April was yet with him. Something like, "The cabin looked somewhat different this year, and I wondered if she would notice its emptiness." In other words, he is dillusional. Strangely, April is with her lover, but in the form of a wolf...right?
You have a strong command of the lychanthrope concept, and you couple it well with the curse of love.
A suggestion...when he finds the ring, he also finds a photo, taken the year prior, of two beautiful wolves, one white, one grey. Then, there is the ring. It completes his journey back to her, to their love...in equally elegant form.
Please read some of my stuff...like..."The Keepers of Light," or "Shadow Man!"
Nice work, Sir. |