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Review of Taxes  Open in new Window.
Review by Espero Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
You caught my attention at the 1st line because I already envisioned what it would be like to try and work with the government.
There was one line that I questioned: You stated: I'm going online and filing. Did you mean to say I went online and filed as the No Income is what prompted the conversation.

In real life, my daughter and her husband got a similar letter for thousands of dollars for a place they didn't work at all and had to do lots of leg-work at those places to prove they didn't. It was a nightmare for them as I am sure it will be for this person.


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Review of Her Face  Open in new Window.
Review by Espero Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.0)
I wasn't sure the intent of this story. You show it as a 'short story' but it's written more like a free verse poem. I've never seen a story where each line seems to start over.

It was kind of 'out there' and I didn't follow the script. Maybe it was me, I'm not sure.

I did like the line 'dance of the site', I thought that was nice.

In the 2nd line you said to far - it should be too far
Another line you said on online profile - should be an online profile

Other than that I did understand that you saw your daughter in the future and eventually did have a daughter. I think you have great imagination, keep writing!


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Review of That Night  Open in new Window.
Review by Espero Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
I was somewhat confused by the first sentence after I had gotten to the end. What confused me was the verbiage 'thankfully nobody had come in yet". As a business owner you would have thought they were hoping for business, not thankful no one had come yet as at that time they had no knowledge of what was to come later.

Your sentence: But they needed. In my opinion, a sentence would not start with But.

Your sentence: Open all night they got all the business. Perhaps a different word used instead of using all twice in the same sentence.

Your sentence: A dark shape. This, to me was the best paragraph as it was descriptive and got the reader's attention wondering what was going to happen.

The last sentence ended the story on a humerous note, I thought it was funny.

You had the idea of a story correct and ended it very well. Keep writing!


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Review of Against the fall  Open in new Window.
Review by Espero Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very nice poem about valor and never giving up which could also apply to life in general.


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Review of Morgue  Open in new Window.
Review by Espero Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Well this is quite a bloody mess. First congrats on the win! I never saw a sentence that long in writing before but after reading the 2nd one it appeared planned - and it worked. The only thing I found that you might want to correct is the spelling of Montago after "we must fight; you have Mantago. The story kept the reader fixated to the end and you were able to have a 'surprise' ending that was unexpected. Good job!


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Review by Espero Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with October Novel Prep Winners Gr...  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I couldn't figure out exactly what was happening in this poem, but I did enjoy it. It was lovely, especially the last verse.

Had the person died or was he/she just in a deep dream, I'm not sure. Maybe in and out of consciousness from an injury?

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Review by Espero Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with October Novel Prep Winners Gr...  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
I think you met the challenge well as Sam Adams fell and hit his head when he was 10 years old causing a concussion. As he woke a dog stood over him and talked to him and he understood, and the dog understood him.

Now they are good friends. The boy received a gift from his fall.

Only one thing I noticed:
The dog waiting for him OR (the dog waited for him?)

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Review of The Holidays  Open in new Window.
Review by Espero Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with October Novel Prep Winners Gr...  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Such a lovely poem that captures family and traditions.

I could smell the cinnamon and spice and taste the food from the first sentence.

It's so nostalgic to hear about family coming from a distance to be with you during the holidays. A time of forgiveness, love, memories, and good times. The old mingling with the young; swapping stories over a warm fire.

Remembering those who have passed with fondness and love.

You captured everything in this poem.

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Review of Curious George  Open in new Window.
Review by Espero Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with October Novel Prep Winners Gr...  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Well, this is cute!

I see you were only allowed 8 lines but you used them well.

I never knew much about Curious George but now I know a little more. Seems he was always into everything and was able to use his charm to get out of situations.

Good job!

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Review of Lost In You  Open in new Window.
Review by Espero Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with October Novel Prep Challenge G...  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a lovely poem about falling in love.

Your words are very descriptive but have meaning.

I think you were able to say a lot in just a few lines.

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Review of The Family  Open in new Window.
Review by Espero Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Well,aren't you the sneaky one.

I was intrigued by the title and description as I like anything to do with family history.

I thought the opening was good and kept the reader engaged.

I hate to even mention the couple things I saw because I don't think it detracted from the overall story at all
1) And Albert would smile. (I don't think you need And here)
2) For Albert would buy anything (I don't think you need For here unless it would have been in middle of sentence)

Albert was a busy guy (must have had a lot of money as he never sold anything), going from sale to sale and making a name for himself. I liked how you made it a social story with everyone opening their houses for Albert; even showing him special things.

Now the drama mounts as Albert find an old photo album. I might mention that you were very descriptive throughout the story leaving the reader with a picture in their mind of the events.

Tension mounts as now Albert arrives home with the album and the reader is expecting some famous person or royalty on the pages. Maybe finding something etremely valuable; but the wily writer wasn't going to make it that easy, was he.

Now a mystery as the people in the photos were becoming more and more unattractive.

And then, the drop, when Albert feels a tap on the shoulder. Totally unexpected which is not easy to do. Applause to you!

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Review by Espero Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is a nice poem that travels from a mother's arms, to school. Then off to explore the world and all it has to offer. As happens to most of us, life has its ups and downs, but we overcome. Once we have a family, it comes with a lot of responsibility and so we settle down to raising them as best we can. Finally, when our job is done, we can look back, tell stories to our grandchildren, and hopefully realize we were truly blessed.

I don't have anything to criticize about this poem, but I do think the 'meter' is off. That being said, I am not an expert on poems and hesitate to suggest the meter should be changed. There is, however, a great resource at writing.com to study the different types of poetry and how they should be written. I can't remember what it is called but I'm sure you can find it with a search.

You have the story down, you have the feelings, and it's a great read. Keep writing!

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Review of No easy road  Open in new Window.
Review by Espero Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (2.0)
I wondered if this was a story from a true experience. If so, I applaud you for writing it as writing personal things will show more emotion. The story ended well for John as he found Buddhism, I was happy for that.

However, this is my suggestion. Writing.com offers an edit as you are typing. Pay close attention to that because it can help you correct spelling and grammar errors. I found 12 errors and then gave up writing them down as I thought it better for you to bring this up in your portfolio and watch the suggestions that are given.

Here are the few things I found:
1) As at about 1996 (About 1996)
2) Perplex (perplexed as you used it)
3)and start feeling misery (as was feeling miserable)
4) john (names should start with capital letter)
5) mr Hill (Mr. should be capitalized, I saw this at least 3 times)
6) he is or going (I would eliminate the word or)
7) alone with him (along with him as I understand the sentence)
8) If at the restaurants......(this sentence doesn't make any sense to me)
9) gave birth to ladies (should be girls, not ladies, newborns are not referred to as ladies.
10) living, only John behind (leaving)
11) In 2008, Light (not sure what the word Light means in this sentence)
12) life in it dimensions (life in its dimensions)
I stopped corting at this point in the story

Yes, there were quite a few errors, but I don't want that to discourage you. If you have a story to tell, then write it. Sometimes it just takes a lot of practice and you will get there. Don't stop writing!

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Review by Espero Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
I like this. It definitely shows multiple 'love' scenarios. Although the rhythm is off, it doesn't seem to matter because it flows very well and smoothly when reading. I didn't spot any errors in spelling and grammar in poems is always a little iffy for me (never sure). Good job!

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Review by Espero Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I love this poem. It is inspirational and encouraging. It leads the reader to believe that they can continue on when the odds seems against them. I would love to know the style of this poem if you respond. Very nice job!

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Review of The Passenger  Open in new Window.
Review by Espero Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with October Novel Prep Challenge G...  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This was an interesting opening; very descriptive and caught the reader's attention from the first paragraph.
The dialogue seemed very genuine and flowed well. The woman's halting English and the thug's slang made the reader able to picture them.
How creative to have the lights go off and then the horror appear - and it didn't lack for ghoulishness.
There is one thing that I felt was not correct and you still have time to take a look and fix if I'm correct: The sentence 'suspending one of the train car....'
I would definitely give this 5 stars. I felt all the emotions from the initial timidness and fear of the train, the woman's gentle and caring advice, the thug's leering grin. All of it was expertly written - in my opinion.
Great job! I hope I get to read something else from you in the future.

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Review of SMOKEY'S LESSON  Open in new Window.
Review by Espero Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
I liked the story. It kept the reader in anticipation thinking a bear might appear but not knowing what would happen.

The only grammar I saw (and I am no grammar expert) was a sentence that started with And. And to the delight. Not 100% sure if a sentence should start with and.

There was a moment of fear when the bear appeared in camp, but the writer ended the story with some humor.

Good job. Keep writing. Writing of true experiences generally ring true to the reader.
Review of The Sanguine Song  Open in new Window.
Review by Espero Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hello: Small bookworm

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The Sanguine Song Open in new Window. (18+)
She has been alone for centuries. Can she find what - or who - she needs? (Adult Content)
#1767831 by 🌖 HuntersMoon Author IconMail Icon
. This review reflects my opinion only, I am not a writing expert. I hope you find this review helpful!.....Espero

*Check2*Overall Impression/Emotional Impact: Dark and seductive poem. Flows very well and reads like a story, making reader want to continue on. You start off with the vampire feeling lonely and sad, musing about lost lovers. You end with a victory she has acquired.

*Check2*Form of Poem: Unsure

*Check2*Grammar/Spelling: I found no errors

*Check2*What I liked most: The storyline

*Check2*Errors found: None

*Check2*Suggestions: None, perhaps I could get some from you?

Thank you for sharing your poem!!!!!

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Review of Pale Woman  Open in new Window.
Review by Espero Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello: Small bookworm

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 Pale Woman Open in new Window. (E)
The Go-between
#1554568 by bob county Author IconMail Icon

This review reflects my opinion only. I am not a writing expert. I hope you find this review helpful! Espero.

*CheckGr* Overall Impression: I would have liked to see more of a story with these characters. There were so many names in this short story that it became confusing to me.

*CheckGr* Plot/Characters: Mithra, Iranian deity of covenant, light, oath, justice and the sun. Tammuz, God of fertility, Gia, daughter; others.

*CheckG* Dialogue: n/a

*CheckGr* Grammar/Spelling: I found no errors.

*CheckGr* Suggestions: In such a short story, I think there were too many names to make the reading enjoyable. This is just my opinion; do not let that discourage you from further writing.

Thank you for sharing your story! Keep writing - we will keep reading!

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Review of At Folsom Prison  Open in new Window.
Review by Espero Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello: Small bookworm

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 At Folsom Prison Open in new Window. (ASR)
Johnny Cash album review (Writer's Cramp entry)
#2291474 by Jeff Author IconMail Icon

This review reflects my opinion only. I am not a writing expert. I hope you find this review helpful! Espero.

*CheckGr* Overall Impression: I thought your review of Johnny's Cash's Folsom was clearly researched thoroughly. I learned some facts that I did not know and thought it was very interesting. Johnny Cash certainly was a colorful musician who overcame a lot of trauma in his lifetime.

*CheckGr* Plot/Characters: Review of Johnny Cash's music

*CheckG* Dialogue: n/a

*CheckGr* Grammar/Spelling: I found no errors

*CheckGr* Suggestions: The review went the 'extra mile' and it clearly was written only after doing extensive research.

Thank you for sharing your story! Keep writing - we will keep reading!

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Review of Schrodinger's Cat  Open in new Window.
Review by Espero Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Hello: Small bookworm

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Schrodinger's Cat Open in new Window. (E)
A quantum fairy tale
#2180654 by Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈 Author IconMail Icon

This review reflects my opinion only. I am not a writing expert. I hope you find this review helpful! Espero.

*CheckGr* Overall Impression: Don't cut yourself short on this story. It kept my attention throughout and I thought it was very imaginative. Not to mention, I have a cat.

*CheckGr* Plot/Characters: And cat and its owner.

*CheckG* Dialogue: n/a

*CheckGr* Grammar/Spelling: I found no errors

*CheckGr* Suggestions: Keep using your imagination to write more. I thought you did a good job.

Thank you for sharing your story! Keep writing - we will keep reading!

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Review by Espero Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Hello: Small bookworm

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 star light, star bright Open in new Window. (18+)
first star I see tonight
#1919851 by Rhyssa Author IconMail Icon
. This review reflects my opinion only, I am not a writing expert. I hope you find this review helpful!.....Espero

*Check2*Overall Impression/Emotional Impact: A poem of wistfulness; perhaps a love gone bad and wishing for a new one?

*Check2*Form of Poem: Wasn't really sure of the form. It was not rhyming and had an uneven rhythm. Maybe a free form?

*Check2*Grammar/Spelling: I found no errors.

*Check2*What I liked most: The dreaminess of the verse

*Check2*Errors found: None

*Check2*Suggestions: Keep using your imagination in your writing.

Thank you for sharing your poem!!!!!

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Review of Love is Kind  Open in new Window.
Review by Espero Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello: Small bookworm

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 Love is Kind Open in new Window. (E)
Christian devotional for parents of preschoolers.
#2292477 by Barbara Swihart Miller Author IconMail Icon

This review reflects my opinion only. I am not a writing expert. I hope you find this review helpful! Espero.

*CheckGr* Overall Impression: The story made me reflect back to raising children (now grown). Did I do all the right things? Of course not. It was a more comfortable time back then when we didn't watch so much TV, didn't have cell phones and computers. Now, I see what is happening and you are so correct, we have all lost touch with each other.

*CheckGr* Plot/Characters: n/a

*CheckG* Dialogue: I found no errors.

*CheckGr* Grammar/Spelling: I found no errors.

*CheckGr* Suggestions: I hope that your message is seen by a lot of people because we all need to take a step back and remember those small acts of kindness could change a life and how great would that be?

Thank you for sharing your story! Keep writing - we will keep reading!

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Review of Rebirth  Open in new Window.
Review by Espero Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello: Small bookworm

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 Rebirth Open in new Window. (E)
this poem is about the changing seasons and the birth of a new year
#859138 by super sleuth Author IconMail Icon
. This review reflects my opinion only, I am not a writing expert. I hope you find this review helpful!.....Espero

*Check2*Overall Impression/Emotional Impact: This is a very lovely poem that takes us through the seasons in descriptive verse. I liked it very much!

*Check2*Form of Poem: Rhyming

*Check2*Grammar/Spelling: I found no errors

*Check2*What I liked most: The poem flowed so well.

*Check2*Errors found: None

*Check2*Suggestions: You showed us in this poem that you have a good grasp on how to write a well rounded poem. Keep submitting, we would love to read more of your work!

Thank you for sharing your poem!!!!!

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Review of Change  Open in new Window.
Review by Espero Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello: Small bookworm

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 Change Open in new Window. (E)
Three Minute Read
#2089171 by Jacky Author IconMail Icon

This review reflects my opinion only. I am not a writing expert. I hope you find this review helpful! Espero.

*CheckGr* Overall Impression: I loved the story. I get upset when we talk about animals invading our space. It seems humans forgot who was there first. Where do we expect the animals to go when there is nowhere left to roam. This is true of animals and sadly, human to human. I always am pained when I think what happened to the native tribes of America. This read like a tale that the Indians would tell over a campfire.

*CheckGr* Plot/Characters: A pack of wolves.

*CheckG* Dialogue: None.

*CheckGr* Grammar/Spelling: I found no errors.

*CheckGr* Suggestions: Keep submitting and we will keep reading.

Thank you for sharing your story! Keep writing - we will keep reading!

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