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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Why I chose this piece I too started writing poetry at a younger age. There was a lot of angst in mine. After a while, I didn't even want read it. Predominantly, I don't use poetry that much

Overall impression of piece: You have experience. We all want it and need it but it takes time and courage. The Christian part comes out really well

Grammatical and spelling errors: Reads well. No errors.

What I liked?*Smile*You not only saw and described, you felt this. Your example of geese is well said and right on. You have followed the contest paramenters well.

Points to Ponder:*Idea* Pretty good. Things are what they are.

How the piece made me feel I amnot sure what you do when you have problems with this. Is it a case of trying harder? I am married for close to 50 years. She is an extreme introvert

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
Review of An Awakening  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Why I chose this piece Part of the spiritual newsletter

Overall impression of piece. This kind of answers "What is discrimination like? After a while, we forget. I roomed with a blackman in the 70's. I still remember him. He cared about me.

Grammatical and spelling errors Reads well. No errors

What I liked?*Smile*Segregation can be implied by our statues.. It kind of is a new thing to me, but I guess it has always been that way. I grew up and we had the one and only female gp

Points to Ponder:*Idea* Cultural things are a little lost on me. Four roses hid in a flask.

How the piece made me feel Could this be better as an essay type piece. This is about discrimination. We do look the otherway saying, it has always been that way

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Why I chose this piece I like this. Can I see this. Can I identify

Overall impression of piece: You do have a poetic eye. You see in images and spirit.

Grammatical and spelling errors Reads well. No errors

What I liked?*Smile*Liked your biographical note at the end. You do write beautifully. I sense you are well educated with allusions to Chekov

Points to Ponder:*Idea*
Checkovian silhouette is kind of over my head. I think this could be better with images written out in more of a prose format.

How the piece made me feel We see the world reaching out to us. You have a fascinating history. A little more so we can get locales would help

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
Review of Magical Places  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Why I chose this piece This is a cool piece. I wish I knew more about you. Fill in your bio. It helps us as reviewers.

Overall impression of piece: Magical places all through literature. The Fantastics play says, "You've been there. You remember, when you hid away from the tyranny of time

Grammatical and spelling errors: Reads well

What I liked?*Smile* You write beautifully. I live on a one story property--no balcony. We need to go where we can see.

Points to Ponder:*Idea* Bringing weed in kind of cheapens the thought. Can you be high without artificial? Maybe a metaphor could help. Tell us more. What about tribulation?

How the piece made me feel This could be developed. Perhaps we are all built to transcend.

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Why I chose this piece Part of the spiritual newsletter. I kind of hang out here

Overall impression of piece: A testimony pretty much is a story so this kind of fits. It is kind of 2020 in review--from a spiritual viewpoint

Grammatical and spelling errors. You append one little phrase with a comma. A dash might be better

What I liked?*Smile* You have definitely caught the tenor of the times. It is much worse in underdeveloped counties

Points to Ponder:*Idea* I try to put what version of the bible you copy( even in abbreviations like NIV). A personal look at what it means to look at God and depend would add more weight

How the piece made me feel It was an honor to read a spiritual piece. I appreciate the gps. All of my have auto rewards. It is my way of saying read this.

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
Review of The Real Me  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
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Why I chose this piece I saw this in new writers. Welcome to WDC

Overall impression of piece: This is open and honest. I am one of those conservative Christians who you might think, "Hates you." My God says I can't so I don't.

Grammatical and spelling errors. Starting a sentence with but is generally not advised, but p[rose and poetry grammar often doesn't apply

What I liked?*Smile*. You kind of takes us through some of the circumstances of you. They were believable

Points to Ponder:*Idea* This is really more like prose than poetry. It is essay writing with a descriptive and emotive tie. I write a lot of pieces like this

How the piece made me feel It takes a lot of a life to know the who of whom I am. It does change. I kind of have to work at what I am supposed to be. I wish I was better., but get kind of stuck. We are without boundaries. I like that. We are children of God. God breathed himself into man to start everything. He knew you before you were born

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
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Why I chose this piece I am a long time zoo volunteer so this caught my eye. I too like the big cats. I take pictures from the viewing windows

Overall impression of piece> Part of our fence is chain link, but not very much. Maybe they could get a talon through, but that is about it. No zoo people ever go in. Lions eat at least 25 pounds of meet per day. Feeding them in their cages is the way we get them off of exhibit.

Grammatical and spelling errors: Seems ok

What I liked?*Smile* This is wild and quirky. Who doesns't like a wild and quirky story

Points to Ponder:*Idea* Could it happen? I would say, not a chance. Our zoo is old but AZA has things they inspect forevery couple of years. I am sure pieces of a blond would not go over well

How the piece made me feel It is supposed to be a comedy and entertainment. You succeeded there. Realism is not so much

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
Review of Two islands  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
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Why I chose this piece You have said a lot in 50 or so words

Overall impression of piece. There is beauty here. Anisland person in Queens could be a novel, but it is easy to get a hold of

Grammatical and spelling errors. No errors

What I liked?*Smile* We are a product of everywhere we have been. I have lived from Canada to California to Connecticut. We all have their stamps upon us. Sometimes we don't realize it

Points to Ponder:*Idea* This definitely is prose. It seems more poetic with images and not conclusions. I do get it

How the piece made me feel Are we actions or feelings? Interesting

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Why I chose this piece Definitely a topical point for today. We have seen this a lot in Idaho with our rugged individualists.. You may be preaching to the choir on this one. Most would agree with you. I do.

Overall impression of piece: Four Covid units in our hospital are going full bore. Yet we are afraid to hurt people's feelings by demanding they wear a mask. All store employyees have to wear one. Most of the time, these folks don't buy anything

Grammatical and spelling errors: Well written

What I liked?*Smile* You have got the problem down pat

Points to Ponder:*Idea* What is the manner of inforcement in place. At the very least someone should be out front handing out masks. Our customers want to get up and leave when they see you. Be considerate

How the piece made me feel A rant by itself changes little. It will cost money to back this initiative. Our church has made it mandatory. Scripture says, "Follow the laws of the land." Have you complained to the stores who don't follow through on the policy?
You are right. This is happening
Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
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Why I chose this piece I saw your note in my file. Thanks for the recognition

Overall impression of piece: It is hard to review a quote. They may be dead. Obviously, you have a lot going on in your life. Help us be you

Grammatical and spelling errors: Your author was grammatical

What I liked?*Smile* I struggle with this. 9 months of Covid isolation and I struggle to get on tract. All the things that I used to do fell by the way side

Points to Ponder:*Idea*: I'd love to hear you comment on these. If you have written about these in another book, it is free advertising

How the piece made me feel There is more. From your life, I know you know it.

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Why I chose this piece Looking through essays. I havesome background in these things being an avid reader.. I appreciate your sharing with us

Overall impression of piece Well done and educated piece.

Grammatical and spelling errors Intact

What I liked?*Smile* You are right about are molecules not dying. We are actually probably star dust, when you get right to it

Points to Ponder:*Idea* Do we understand what we do effects ecology? My old car puts out about its weight in emissions per year. We live in a very conservative state(Idaho) They are up in arms about masks. Love people. Wear a mask. They don't get it

How the piece made me feel Perhaps a little over most people's heads. I did like it very much/ There are no working accords for atmosphere--Just lands

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
Review of Winter is Coming  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Why I chose this piece I like essays. I get arguments like this from my daughter

Overall impression of piece. Connecticut, Nebraska and Idaho, (Boise). The standard joke is don't by a four wheel drive. You will get stuck farther off the freeway

Grammatical and spelling errors: Seems intact

What I liked?*Smile* I know all the winter paraphenalia. I am old but still put snow tires on. Habits are powerful even if you probably won't go anywhere

Points to Ponder:*Idea* I have no idea about a down duvet.

How the piece made me feel We have been in Idaho for 26 years. It is considered the "Bannana Belt of the state.

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Why I chose this piece Familiar with your work. You seem to be a big part of this newsletter.

Overall impression of piece: Men don't heal anyone. They can facilitate but healing actually means to make whole. You can cut out the cancer, but it doesn't mean they are healed.

Grammatical and spelling errors: Seems ok

What I liked?*Smile* You probably have every pertinent verse written for this. Tremendous!

Points to Ponder:*Idea* How do we live a healed life today? Maybe some examples. You seem to lose your examples when you make your point> I'd make sure you tie your scriptures into your examples. A lot of us know the truth. How to live it is diffiult.

How the piece made me feel There is a lot of work here. You are at your best when you are personal and guiding

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Why I chose this piece Very familiar with your work. This is different

Overall impression of piece This is kind of a prose piece. You are dealing with imagery, as in a poem

Grammatical and spelling errors: reads well. No errors

What I liked?*Smile* We need the things of God to deal with the day. Prayer is a definite blessing

Points to Ponder:*Idea*: A lot of people go with grace and truth as a dicototomy define them. Jn 1:14 says Jesus was both. We are not seen as full of grace in dealing with others. We know the truth. Sometimes that is what gets me going. Mercy's role needs to come out more. Maybe a beeline to the bathroom isn't that spiritual

How the piece made me feel Obviously, this made me think

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Why I chose this piece Part of the spiritual newsletter. It seems we are about the same vintage and similar interest. I call myself a professiosnal volunteer--at least that was in Pre Covid times

Overall impression of piece: We have had fights on religion since the dawn of time. Almost none of them decided anything

Grammatical and spelling errors: Reads well. No errors

What I liked?*Smile* You do have a definite rhythm and rhyme to your work. It is not so obviously though to make it standout. It augments it, This is personal. It talks about individualized feelings. Love one another as I have loved you. Asks some great questions

Points to Ponder:*Idea* couldn't think of any

How the piece made me feel I am not sure who God denies. Our scriptures say unpure hearts or divided hearts, If we know the answer, we will know everything

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Why I chose this piece I am already a fan of yours. I have reviewed many of your pieces

Overall impression of piece> There is a lot here. Jesus accepted simple fisherman and a tax collector. He accepted a prostitute and, of course he will accept you. He only gave one command. "Follow me.

Grammatical and spelling errors No errors

What I liked?*Smile* I am glad you mentioned not being perfect. Most have a mistaken opinion we are judgemental and self righteous. This is written personally. It is not a litany. It is who you are.

Points to Ponder:*Idea* What goes on to accept the realness of God? A lot say, I'll follow but only so far.. His disciples went to all sorts of people--most of which were not like them. Let go and let God is kind of Christianeze. Detail for the unbeliever is essential

How the piece made me feel I think even a little bit Christian is a good start. Peter didn't walk on water the first day. He learned

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
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Why I chose this piece Part of the spiritual newsletter

Overall impression of piece: Wow!! This is good. It is open, honest and very real. We know this is a real problem. This puts it into perspective.

Grammatical and spelling errors: Seems intact

What I liked?*Smile*It something is real, you can describe it graphically. That, you have done and done well
I liked the added footnotes. It obviously is an ongoing process. Most AA meeting say you are an alcoholic 20 years later. I think that is so
Points to Ponder:*Idea* Spiritual connection is a little nebulous> I get why you might be like that.. Probably the way to handle this is tell what the spiritual connection is all about and why you need it.

How the piece made me feel Addiction is out there. We know it is rampant. We like to sweep them under the rug but they won't go away. I am working on spirtual connections during Covid. It helps sanity

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
Review of More Why  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
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Why I chose this piece i kind of like Christian apologetics

Overall impression of piece This is looking at things from about just about every possible angle. It was for a specific person

Grammatical and spelling errors: Seems ok

What I liked?*Smile* You make pretty good use of outside resources that we can look on if necessary

Points to Ponder:*Idea* Humans are just another kind of animal making room for holocosts. Some are more equal than others. This kind of rambles and it is hard to see what they main point is. I am a dedicated Christian and Scientist, but anyone with any common sense can tell you that you can't get something from nothing. Watch being preachy. Get to the facts.

How the piece made me feelYou obviously feel very passionate about all of this. I do too. We choose to be unGodly. To be honest, formost it is more fun

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Why I chose this piece I am visiting your site. I can tell you like to think. Many of my pieces often don't get reviewed much

Overall impression of piece: This is simple, direct and too the point. We can fix this. It might take an act of Congress

Grammatical and spelling errors: Seems intact

What I liked?*Smile* We know this is a problem (as long as you live in this country) This is how you fix the problem

Points to Ponder:*Idea* Nothing to add. Maybe send this to the head of the post office and your congressman. It assuredly would cost extra money

How the piece made me feel Not a feeling piece

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
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Why I chose this piece Wow! This is definitely relevant. I am not sure if they used more or less toilet paper

Overall impression of piece: You are right. There is something going on with Covid among us. Love your comment in your bio about the election

Grammatical and spelling errors: Seems intact

What I liked?*Smile* You gave us a backdrop for your statements. It was pretty bad in Idaho too

Points to Ponder:*Idea* I am not sure if you have the total picture. Most people when they get bored, eat. We are pretty bored to begin with. I have struggled with this. The grocery store seems like my only social outlet. We can develop ourselves. I have read two to four books per week. I have had a bit of a revival spiritually

How the piece made me feel Good thoughts

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
Review of Happiness  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Why I chose this pieceThis interested me. You have a lot going on for 22 and living in a foreign country

Overall impression of piece: You communicate well

Grammatical and spelling errors No errors

What I liked?*Smile* Love the Brazilian song. Obviously not a big hit in our country. Good quote from Abraham Lincoln. I am kind a scholar of him

Points to Ponder:*Idea* What do you do with a difficult person? We all have them> I think you are talking about seizing the momment. There is good there. How do we do that?

How the piece made me feel Peace at age 22. Maybe it is harder at 68when it seems the world has forgotten you

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
Review of Daily Living Tips  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Why I chose this piece This caught my eye. It is short and shows wisdom

Overall impression of piece: I always look at the bio before I send a review. You are an amazing person. I volunteer three different places--all shut down due to Covid. Two of them keep me in the loop by emails

Grammatical and spelling errors: No errors

What I liked?*Smile* This is simple direct and to the point. I am sure a lot of folks have read this although I am the first to comment

Points to Ponder:*Idea* What you say is all very true. There is always an issue of "Do we believe you?" Even a short preamble would help. We have a hawk in our back yard. We know when he or she is around. Very distinctive.. What do you do when Covid has shut most things.--Short answer is something else,creative

How the piece made me feel This is like a catechism. They can believe you or not. These are believable

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
Review of Self-Worth?  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Why I chose this piece Interested.

Overall impression of piece We have the basic nature of humans in the first sentence or two

Grammatical and spelling errors Sitting around is really a parenthetical thought of the first sentence. Maybe a dash for emphasis

What I liked?*Smile*: You have packed a lot in here. We are always a product of our decisions. The biggest cop-out is, "Its not my fault. Psychiatrists have a book by that title

Points to Ponder:*Idea* Is it happy or fulfilled. People who do drugs can be very happy

How the piece made me feel We are a product of our decisions

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Why I chose this piece This caught my eye.

Overall impression of piece Cute story. Kind of a I wonder how these things get started

Grammatical and spelling errors: Seems ok

What I liked?*Smile* I think every youngster and many adults like a mystery. There is stuff for older and younger in here.

Points to Ponder:*Idea*Papricka generally is not spiny unless it has other things mixed in

How the piece made me feel This is an entertainment. The story is complicated enough that bolding the sames helps

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
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Why I chose this piece Part of a spiritual newsletter.

Overall impression of piece I am not much of a story person but I liked this one

Grammatical and spelling errors Dashes are two hyphens together. It is kind of a parenthetical thought. Thanks you run together

What I liked?*Smile*I like your conclusion. To live in true righteousness takes a lot of work. These eras were heavily into poisons. Languarge seems kingly--nonetheless

Points to Ponder:*Idea* Maybe put in some more incredulousness

How the piece made me feel One more day. Maybe that is all we have. What is meaningful?

Hope this helps. Use my ideas as your creativity alchemy deems fitting.

Peace and beauty in freefall
MichaelFrom Mountains
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