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150 Public Reviews Given
167 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
I try to be as nice as I can and give you what I think the view of a reader would be along with helping you to fix your mistakes, But I'm not good what it comes to a lot of them.
I'm good at...
helping to fix the little mistakes and with poems, and giving a readers point of view. also at understanding meaning and I am good at plot lines.
Favorite Genres
fantasy mostly, but I will read almost anything.
Least Favorite Genres
Favorite Item Types
Least Favorite Item Types
camp fires
I will not review...
camp fires, erotica, short stories over 2k words, I will review novels but it will take me a long time to get though it all so you may not what to ask me.
Public Reviews
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Review of Mental Circus  
Review by Song Bird
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Rated: E | (5.0)
*LeafG* *Key* Elven Tea Garden Jail A-Thon *Lock* *SnowMan*

3 out of 3 reviews

ok this is a really good poem, I did get a little confused with the word withheld it looks as if it should be two words, so i thought maybe you didn't fully hit the space key but when a put the word with out the space in the review it wasn't misspelled, so I'm kind of laughing at myself about that. lol, anyway it has a really good flow the last line was a little bit off to me, but you may have been meaning to do that, after all it is the name of it, it dose fit there it just a little bit off of the rest of the flow, but then again that dose make that line more powerful. ok I'm going to stop now because I'm just going around in circles now

Keep Writing *Quill*
Song Bird *Bird* *Music1*

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Review by Song Bird
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Rated: E | N/A (Unratable.)
*LeafG* *Key* Elven Tea Garden Jail A-Thon *Lock* *SnowMan*

2 out of 3 reviews

ok I saw that this image hand not been rated and it looks really cute so I thought why not review it, so here I am reviewing it, lol, like I said it's vary cute I love the little sun flower growing right beside her and the little hat, it's a wonderful pic to use for reviewing,

Keep Writing *Quill*
Song Bird *Bird* *Music1*

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#1827544 by Not Available.

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Review of Hanging in There  
Review by Song Bird
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Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Happy Halloween

*Cat* *Ghost* *Jackolantern* *WitchHat*


When I first looked at the pic you have on there I thought. Wow! O_O, I for one and scared of heights. and then i went

done the page and read your poem. and I thought,Wow!, this person is vary good at writing. I felt like I was right

there looking up at him calming and I hoped that he wouldn't fall. my favorite part is

Air whips briskly around him, gusty and strong,

Alarm bells go off in his head;

A capricious event that could mean his swan song,

Anchored to the rock, he inches ahead.

because fist I get that oh no!! he fell!! feeling then a yeah!! his ok!! feeling. This is one of the best poems I have ever

had the enjoyment of read. It seems like something you would find in a big book of poems. Bravo!

Keep Writing,


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#1796132 by Not Available.

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Review by Song Bird
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

*Vine1*Omg, O-O ok I just have to do this, awwwwwwwwwww *big hug*, Sorry if that was a little bit odd, lol, the first thing that comes to mind when I read this poem is a dream I had once, I don't remember when but it was of a lake that had a willow tree hanging over it, and all around was dogwood trees, I could tell that because they were in full bloom, in the dream I remember siting by the lake and talking to someone but I don't remember who it was or what we talked about. it's kind of odd but I kind of zoned out reading this poem which I have only had that happen when I'm writing poems, lol, and I don't mean that in a bad way what I mean by I zoned out reading it is that if some one tried to talk to me when I was reading it I wouldn't have even know they were talking, lol, This is something I think would be find in a book, the last part is what made we want to give you a hug, this poem has a lot of depth and power behind it, it dose the something Blue October dose to me. it made me feel kind of.... *sigh* I can't think of the word. this is a wonderful poem. thank you for posting it.

Keep Writing!
Song Bird*Vine2*
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Review of Visual Poetry  
Review by Song Bird
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Rated: E | (5.0)
*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

*Vine1*WOW, This is so cool, ^-^ I love how the shape the words make kind of look like the shadow of the heart at the end, The flow is perfect for this kind of poem, My favorite part has to be right there at the end, It puts a lot of emphases that WDC is like a home to you, ^-^ It made my heart feel all fuzzy and warm. ^-^ I'm all hyper now ^_^ lol, Thank you for the Wonderful read ^-^

Keep Writing!
Song Bird*Vine2*
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Review of Embers  
Review by Song Bird
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Rated: E | (5.0)
*Vine1*Wow, This is a Wonderful poem, I mean wow I can't think of what to say, lol, It's perfect, There is nothing bad about it, Not one thing! My favorite part kind of feels a little off, But it feels like it belongs there too, I don't even know why it seems a little bit off, But It really made that part pop,"I sit here watching rake in hand water hose at my feet. But, alas, I am in pain for I can not extinguish the heat before me, nor the one inside." This poem has a lot of power behind it and this is something I would think to find in a book, Bravo!

Song Bird*Vine2*
*Bird* *Music1**ButterflyB*
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Review of Love on a Platter  
Review by Song Bird
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Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
^-^ Omg!!!.. I love it! I found myself hoping it would work. My heart felt like a butterfly when it did, It has wonderful flow and wording, I loved every part about it when ever it didn't work I felt like giving you a big hug. I'm so happy it worked out, ^-^

Keep Writing,
Song Bird,
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Review by Song Bird
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Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello again,

^-^ I love this poem, Lol, It's cute and funny, had good flow, my favorite is the last part ^-^ I maybe be only 17 but what you said in this is something i learned the hard way, Not even love lasts forever it's hard work keeping it alive, and the longer it goes on the harder it is. but the good times are worth it I know you didn't say all that in this poem but that's want it made me think of, Thank you for sharing this wonderful poem

Keep Writing,
Song Bird,
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Review of Underestimated  
Review by Song Bird
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)


I Love this poem, It has a wonderful story behind it, spot on flow, And wonderful wording. ^-^ My favorite part is were she shows that she's not just some flower, That she can also do anything they can, ^-^ I love it!!! Bravo!

Keep Writing,
Song Bird,
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Review of Identity  
Review by Song Bird
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Rated: E | (5.0)
*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

*Vine1*Wow!, I find myself wanting to hug you, I understand what your trying to say I find myself feeling the same way, A lot, *hug* This poem has a lot of depth and power and perfect flow, You have inspired me to write a poem about how I see myself ^-^ Thank you for sharing this wonderful poem.

Keep Writing!
Song Bird*Vine2*
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Review of Priestess  
Review by Song Bird
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Rated: E | (5.0)
*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

*Vine1*Wow!, This is a amazing poem ^-^ The flow is perfect, It has a lot of power behind it, When I close my eyes and repeat the words to myself I can see her being wrapped in the colors of the rainbow, The stars shining softly above her, The moon light falling onto her hair, The grass growing around her feet. Bravo! You did a wonderful job with this!

Keep Writing!
Song Bird*Vine2*
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Review of I don't know  
Review by Song Bird
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

*Vine1*This poem is very well written. I am however sad to see that in writing a poem about yourself you focused more on the things you cant do and don't know than you did on what you do know and can do. When it comes to knowing magick, practicing magick... There is only one thing you need to know. Magick is simply a tool that changes the world around you. When you see the world differently it becomes different. What we think we create. It's time you start creating for yourself the world you want instead of spending so much time contemplating how bad the life you have is. If you would like someone to talk to I would be more then halp to talk to you.

Keep Writing!
Song Bird*Vine2*
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Review by Song Bird
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

*Vine1*Wow, This poem is wonderful a little dark, But wonderful. I say it's dark because all the butterflies died, But It's also really sweet. The thought of doing everything you can to make the ones you care about happy is a very strong way to live by, One that I for one like. I can relate to the butterflies, Because I would do anything to keep my friends from fighting and just to have them be happy. I love the flow and the rhythm. This is the kind of poem I would think to find in a book. Bravo! And Thank You for sharing this wonderful story.

Keep Writing!
Song Bird*Vine2*
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Review of Parting Friends  
Review by Song Bird
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

*Vine1*I can understand the pain of losing a friend. I ones had a friend named Fay. we moved far away and I never got to see her again. I hope you and your friend has batter luck then me and Fay did. This is a wonderful poem. It has a good flow and has a lot of feeling in it. Thank you for sharing it.

Keep Writing!
Song Bird*Vine2*
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Review of Water Water  
Review by Song Bird
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

*Vine1*OK, I can say for sure that it's really funny but I could tell what the beginning was going to be just by the name. I told myself that if you did have it begin with anything like water Water everywhere, but not a drop to drink that I was not going to read it but then I saw the part about the toilet.. and well... I was wondering what in the world is this going to happen. lol, I'm glad to say that I did read all of it. It's vary funny Thank you for sharing it

Keep Writing!
Song Bird*Vine2*
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Review of Daisy  
Review by Song Bird
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

*Vine1*This is a really cute poem. ^-^ I like it a lot. It's really sweet and has wonderful flow and rhythm. It's a beautiful poem my favorite part is "I got some on my nose, Ahchoo!" it really made me laugh *BigSmile*I also really like the part "A lovely flower, through and through." This is amazing poem, Thank you for sharing it.

Keep Writing!
Song Bird*Vine2*
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Review of A Valentine Rose  
Review by Song Bird
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Rated: E | (5.0)
*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

*Vine1*WOW! if this poem didn't win then I would be highly saprezed! if a guy said that about me he would have my heart for ever! every last part about it is perfect! This is like something you would find in a book of poetry. it's amazing. It did take me a bit to find out what part to read after it got down to the part with green. But it's really hard to make a rose work with the words. Thank you for sharing this wonderful poem.

Keep Writing!
Song Bird*Vine2*
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Review by Song Bird
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*PartyHatO* *BalloonO*
It's a Tea Party
from The Elven Tea Garden *BalloonO*

*Vine1*omg. it's story is wounderful. i so wish this was a paper back or hard back book there is nothing wrong with it i reallt felt like i was right there i would read the other ones you have for this story on here but a lot of reading on the computer hurts my eyes. ( sadly ) i hope to see this book one day publshed. i have a feeling it would be a best seller. this is the best story i have ever read in cuding the ones that are best sellers. you did wounderful work on this. what ever you do don't stop wirting you have a gift for this.

Song Bird*Vine2*
*Bird* *Music1**Reading*

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#1738362 by Not Available.

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Review of Red and Orange  
Review by Song Bird
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

*Vine1*ok this could be a wonderful poem it just need a little work on the flow a little well more world place meant then flow. here is a example of what i mean.

With a swift strike I spark into life,
struggling to grow into a roaring monster,
consuming everything in its sight.

I snap,crackle, and pop
as I’m fed dry,
brittle boughs of branches.
Soon my tongue is tantalized by soft,
gooey marshmallows dangling dangerously above my mouth.

i can really tell what your talking about. it just needs a little work here and
there to be more like a poem, but this could just be your style of poetry. so
do what ever you see best ^-^ ether way it's still a wonderful look on a bonfire ^-^

Keep Writing
Song Bird*Vine2*
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Review of UNDAMPABLE  
Review by Song Bird
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

*Vine1* OK, this one needs some work it could be a really wonderful poem but it need a little tweaking like the lines
To be grasped
Properly, my motions

you could have it

To be grasped
my motions


To be grasped

my motions

and the lines

for one brief
quenched, the next

you could have it

for one brief
the next

and proletarians’ needs to be proletarians. the rest is wonderful and if you don't have to take my advice if you don't want to ^-^

Keep Writing
Song Bird*Vine2*
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Review by Song Bird
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

*Vine1* Wow, This is the kind of poem that makes people think. ^-^ it's a wonderful poem. It's really vivid and has a wonderful flow. ^-^ It's really fluid like a waive, ^-^ How you see writing is amazing. I don't have a favorite part it's all amazing. ^-^

Keep Writing
Song Bird*Vine2*
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Review of Motherhood  
Review by Song Bird
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

*Vine1*^-^ this is a wonderful poem. the flow is perfect. i really like the last two lines but there a little off to me but that could just be me. it's still a wonderful poem and now that i think about it changing the wording could miss up the flow. i can't see anything that is a issue with this poem and the more i read it the more it doesn't seem so off so i think it was just me.

Keep Writing
Song Bird*Vine2*
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Review of Highway To Hope  
Review by Song Bird
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*PartyHatO* *BalloonO*
It's a Happy Birthday Tea Party Bash
from The Elven Tea Garden
for ~WhoMe???~ ! *BalloonO*

Review Three of Three

*Vine1*I think this poem reflects the bad side of life. the feeling of just trying to make it down the right path and hope your picked the right one and doing your best to just be you. this is a wonderful poem that I think every one should read. I hope I understood it right

Song Bird*Vine2*
*Bird* *Music1**Reading*

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#1738362 by Not Available.

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Review by Song Bird
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*PartyHatO* *BalloonO*
It's a Happy Birthday Tea Party Bash
from The Elven Tea Garden
for ~WhoMe???~ ! *BalloonO*

Review Two of Three

*Vine1*The flow is wonderful. I felt like I was there. It reminds me of when I was ten I thought there was something fallowing me, But when ever I turned to look there was nothing there. Now it only happens when I'm outside at night

Song Bird*Vine2*
*Bird* *Music1**Reading*

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#1738362 by Not Available.

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Review of The Sea  
Review by Song Bird
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*PartyHatO* *BalloonO*
It's a Happy Birthday Tea Party Bash
from The Elven Tea Garden
for ~WhoMe???~ ! *BalloonO*

Review One of Three

*Vine1*this is a wonderful poem i like the flow and it really fits the quote and i really like the shape of it.

Song Bird*Vine2*
*Bird* *Music1**Reading*

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#1738362 by Not Available.

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