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Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (4.0)
A novel is for reading pleasure. If the identity of the murderer is known just in the beginning, the novel loses all interest and it is no more pleasure to read. Usually, the clue comes in the middle. The typical feature of many mysrtery novels as well as films is that the murderer is usually the person whom no body doubts. the apparenly wicked person appears to be innocent. The author gives some misleading clues that are really deceptive. The least expected is ultimately the villain. The suspense from beginning to end is charm of a truly mysterious novel. It is an interesting poll.
Review of Is it funny?  
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (5.0)
It is not funny. Writing.com definitely needs money. I am also seing such advertisement. I also intend to make my contribution. But owing to practical difficulties, I am unable to do so. I do not have a credit card and it is otherwise difficult to remit cash. My plan is to accumulate gift points and buy paid membership with those points. The poll is reallyinteresting and useful.
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (4.0)
family is the basic social unit. As people do not visualize it so and they take it as their personal issue only, so many divorces take place. As long as a couple do not get children, it may be personal matter. However when they get children, they have a social responsibility. The cause of divorces is lack of social responsibility. Secondly, they find themselves incompatible to each other. Lack of love and emotional ties cause divorce.
Review of True Love  
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (4.0)
Every Jack has a Jill. But i am a jack and have many Jills each of which i sincerely and truly love. Love is deepest emotional bond usually between a man and a woman. There is nothing wrong in such emotional bond between tow or more men and same number of women. I am in love with married women of different age groups. They also love me and their marital status is no obstacle. i respect their marital status. It is a nice and thought poll.
Review of Help at Home  
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (4.0)
Today's world is a big global village. U.S.A. is permanent member of
security Council and is an important member of U.N.O. In matters of international calamities, it is responsibility of the international community to come forward. However, it will be unjust to expect tha U.S.A. bear all the burden. while domestic calamities should take priority, U.s.a. should contribute to international aid pro rata. i.e. based on some sound financial criterion. Just as the rich have to contribute more to income tax, the richer countries have to contribute more in meeting global calamities. the poll is interesting and veryuseful.
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (4.0)
Every plan does not go through. There are bottlenecks everywhere. so if a holiday plan is disrupted, it is not a big issue. Things would move normally as if there were no holiday plan. The time and money saved from holiday trip can be better utilized in other useful pursuits. I may read some good novel. The poll is useful and interesting. .
Review of Scary Faces  
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
I donnot see the type of dream. But it is not so weird. Every one is a unique personality with distinct traits. so the deams also differ. I find myself in very unsafe and awkward position in my dream. sometimes, i am overpowered by strong musclemen. Sometimes, I find myself completely nude. The dreams of the type reflect fears hiden in subconscious mind. It is an interesting poll.
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (5.0)
There is one single activity that forms basis of our civilization. It is undoubtedly writing. Writing is the biggest souce of recorded communication of all information, knowledge and thoughts. Our civilization has evolved in centuries. It is said Science is the biggest conributor. But even Science would not have developed without writing. I would definitely like to be a writer. I understand that everyone on the site is either a reader or a writer or both. so it is no surprise most would opt writing. It is an interesting poll.
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (4.0)
Eyes are not only very significant sense organ of human body but also a component of personality. The shape, size and color of eyes is a matter of erotic expression by poets. It is not possible to describe the beauty of a woman without referring to her eyes. similarly, a man's eyes invite attraction of females. Eyes are also significant to certain types of astrologers, who read character of a person from eyes of a man. Face is said to be index of a man's thoughts. Eyes play a big role in reading a face and the inner thoughts.
The poll is interesting and thought provoking.
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (4.0)
A fantasy should be imaginative and interesting to readers. The readers like to read fantasies in all types of settings- historic, modern, futuristic etc. Imagination and surprise are the key elements of fantasy. Change of settings in fantasy stories further enhances the interest of reader. Even historic, modern and futuristic characters can be merged in a single fantasy story. The poll is interesting and useful for writers.
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Erotica is the queen of literature and poetry is the real form. I regret that I am unable to write poetry. I rather envy the poets who write excellent poems on romance and erotica. I devote my time to reading current events, political and other topics of social relevance. I give a thought to the social issues and attempt to write on these. The poll is very useful for the WDC.
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (5.0)
A review is critical appraisal of a writing. It is supposed to present the honest view of the reviewer. The positive as well as negative aspects need be highlighted. The language and style, mistakes and drawbacks should all be pointed out. Apart from pointing out good and bad points, the reviewer may also make some suggestions for improvement. It is a very useful poll.
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (4.0)
Esentially, a human being is a living entity like all animals. Self preservation, self interest and lust of power, sex and wealth is the basic nature of humans. In fact, all animals have lust as well as need for r sex, power and other things. In fact,man's lust is more. The animals cater to present needs only whereas humans bother about future and some times for coming generations also. The only differnce beteen animals and human beings is that of superior brain, intelligence, poer of expression and ability to communicate even to coming generations through recorded text. Even the social attitude is for self interest of individuals. the complicated system of production and consumption cycle is compelling factor for social living. It is an intelligent and thought provoking poll.
Review of Does race matter?  
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (5.0)
In India, there is no racial issue. However, there are caste and communal prejudices that are worse than racial discrimination. Any discrimination on basis of sex, religion, caste, region etc is inhuman and should be avoided. I am tolerant towards all races and sections of society not only on ideological grounds but also because, I had to go to differentplaces and mingle with all sorts of people owing to transfer of my father to various government offices. I also joined government service and traveled far and wide. This experience made me more liberal. The poll is very useful.
Review of Religion  
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
God is an hypothetical concept based on the notion that there must be some one wh created the uiverse and maintains it. But there is no answer as to who created God. If the God could be self created, why the universe cannot be so. Moreover, we see that since time immemeorial universe is functioning in same way. If there were some conscious power like God, he would definitely do some thing to stop natural calamities like earth quake or at least do some thing to protect the believers. I believe the universe functions on its own. All is not well as believers say. There are many natural calamities and physical infirm living bodies take birth vanish as only the fit can survive. It is a thought provoking and useful poll.
Review of Changing Religion  
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (4.0)
The orgasnized religions aremore community than beliefs. I belong to Hindu community. I don't believe in any religius belief on spiritual matters, god, paradise, hell etc. I do'nt believe in going to religious places and worship. so it matters little whether I live as member of Hindu community or not. But there is other aspect. A religious community has its own system of marriage, divorce, succession of property etc. There is no pont in changing religious community. If a Hindu believes in some portions of bible or even fully, he can still remain on papers a Hindu and abide by Hindu succession and marriage rules, but offer prayers in church. the poll is useful and thoughtful.
Review of Religion  
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (4.0)
The organized religions like christianity are decided more by an accident of birth in a religious community ratherthan by active choice. Almost everyone belongs to some religious community and statistically he belongs to that irrespective of his actual faith. Hence, on statistical records i am a Hindu but bey belief I'm an atheist. th poll is thought provoking and useful.
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (4.0)
The world is what it is. The whole universe consisting of Sun, planets, vegetation, humans and animals is what it is. It is neither good nor bad by itself. It is how we look at and what we do. It is how we behave that determines the quality of life in the world. The mankind has made a very rapid scientific and technological progress in recent centuries and we are going ahead. It depends on collective efforts of all men and women to work for better living conditions and to preserve environment. Ultimately, we may conclude that the world is good and we can and shall make it better place.
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (5.0)
It is a very important poll for the site WDC as everyone here is interested in writing or at least reading the items. I am an amateur and writing is not my profession. I am busy in writing business and legal matters. But I like to read and also some times write on religion, philosophy, literature and erotica. I also like to read and review this sort of writing.
Review of what color  
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (4.0)
Color of eyes is natural and it is not feasible to change it. But given a choice, it will be very enjoyable and funny to see men and women with varying eye colors. I would like to see girls with blue, green and purple eyes. ZMany would change color of eyes as they change garments. It is very interesting and amusing poll.
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (5.0)
It is unfortunate that often very intelligent and even highly successful persoanlities commit suicide. In fact the root cause of suicide is depression that results from frustration of one's desires. Frustration id the result of over ambition and too much expectations. It is important that every one remembers that he is in the world only as a member of big team consisting of all humans. He has just a role to play as best as he can. There is no room for getting frustrated with his own ambitions or others not doing what he expects them to do. Also one must know that everything is not in his control and it is useless and futile to get frustrated over matters beyond his own control and result in suicide. It is a very useful poll from social angle.
Review of What is your JOB?  
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (5.0)
All members and visitors to writing.com have an interest in reading and writing. However, all are not professional writers. It goes to the credit of professionals like engineers, accountants that they get some time to read literature in various genres and some of them write also. Even if they do not write well or do not write at all, they are valuable to the writing community. It is the readers interest that the professional writers depend on. The poll is very relevant for entire writing community.
Review of Best personality  
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
There is nothing special about what qualities a woman should have. A woman is same as man for all purposes except for gender difference. Beauty is a matter of perception and it is natural. A woman with brain can enhance her attributes by efforts. she may add to her beauty with make up materials and visit beauty parlours. she may add her skills by training and reading. But if she lacks brain, even other assets like beauty and physical strenght will remain underused. It is true for men also. It is a very relevant and useful poll. 2
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (4.0)
Writing as an art. It is nature's gift. Writing comes naturally to the gifted view. Real writing means writing poetry, story, drama or any creative work. Merely writing letters to friends, making business and legal draft is professional work and not writing as such. Personally, I am good at legal drafting and business/ official letters. I am trying to write some creative work also. Possibly, I may succeed in due course. Meanwhile, I have to admit that I am a bad writer though I take considerable time to review the work of other creative writers, who are definitely far superior. It is a very nice poll for the writing community.
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Ant two psons with identity of views and sentiments may like each other and fall in love. even a seventy year old may be at home with a twenty year old girl. Howevr, it is unusual gap. Normally, the gap is not more than ten years. Otherwise something like generation gap comes in. There are exeptions which arise when one person is mentally less mature and the other more mature as compared to chronological age. It is likely that a person is physically fifty years but his nature and habits are like twenty year old. Then he will be more friendly with the younger.
The poll is interesting and thought provoking.
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