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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello, Felicity Faith Author Icon!

I'm here to give your "A Day In My Life Open in new Window., a Simply Positive review. This is only my opinion, so please keep what you find useful, and disregard what you don't.

Overall Impressions
Writing a story about a regular day may seem boring to some, but not to others.

Grammar & Construction
There are several missing commas. Actually, some of the sentences just flowed in from one to the next, as if it's rushed.
Bord should be bored.
The parenthsis got in the way.

A bit more detail about some of the things in your story may also help.

Thanks for sharing!

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#1598594 by Not Available.

Review of Least Favorite  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, Jinx Charmer Author Icon, and welcome to WDC!

I'm here to give your "Least FavoriteOpen in new Window., a Simply Positive Newbie review. This is only my opinion, so please keep what you find useful, and disregard what you don't.

Overall Impressions
This is a sad poem, told from the point of view of one who feels unnoticed and abandoned.

Flow & Style
nice flow.

Suggested Improvements
line five, wake me perhaps?
Third line, parents?
Sixth line, but should be by.
Seventh line, parents'

Thanks for sharing!

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#1598594 by Not Available.

Review of Me and My shadow  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Hello, .x.Lonely girl.x. Author Icon, and welcome to WDC!

I'm here to give your "Me and My shadowOpen in new Window., a Simply Positive Newbie review. This is only my opinion, so please keep what you find useful, and disregard what you don't.

Overall Impressions
This is a beautiful poem. I can certainly empathise with the girl.

Flow & Style
Nice, short lines, that are concise. I think that the poem would be better if you used more punctuation.

Suggested Improvements
First line, its should be it's.
Seventh line, should be she's. Same with the sixth line of the second stanza and in the third stanza. Actually, you don't have apostrophes where appropriate at all.

knowone should be no one.

Thanks for sharing!

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#1598594 by Not Available.

In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hello, aralls!

I'm here to give your "Looking Back - Day OneOpen in new Window., a Simply Positive review. This is only my opinion, so please keep what you find useful, and disregard what you don't.

Overall Impressions
As the beginning of a much larger story, this first part really captured my attention. That it is also under experience (so I'm assuming this is real) makes the admission even more startling. I think it's the openness that makes my eyes go wide and ask myself "This is true?"

It's does provoke emotion, and as a parent myself, I sometimes wonder if my own children can be like this.

Grammar & Construction
Everything looks to be in order

Suggested Improvements
None at all.

This is an increadibly open story. Thanks for sharing!

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#1598594 by Not Available.

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Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, Dave Author Icon, and congratulations on your recent nomination to "Ink Blot Hall of FameOpen in new Window. by stacylynn71.

Along with your nomination, you are also receiving the Robert Frost Fan Package. The package includes a total of 9 reviews from our FAN - ATIC gifters. I'm thrilled you were chosen for this honor!

Review of
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The Three Musketeers Open in new Window. (E)
The bonds are stretched but not broken. (A Rondeau poem)
#1601336 by Dave Author IconMail Icon

This is only my opinion, so please keep what you find useful, and disregard what you don't.

Overall Impression
This is an excellent poem about childhood friends, how life sends them on different paths, and wishing for those days again. I think this is a poem many people can relate to.

Flow & Style
In the second line of the first stanza, I think the word "all" hinders the flow of the poem. I think it would be much more smooth without it.

Having the last two lines of the second stanza not rhyme kept it at odds with the rest of the poem, where the lines did rhyme.

Thanks for sharing!

--Wyn - missing III Author Icon

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Hey, check out the Author Fan Club! It's an awesome way to pay tribute to your favourite authors!

Review of Samhein Prowlin'  Open in new Window.
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Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, Dave Author Icon, and congratulations on your recent nomination to "Ink Blot Hall of FameOpen in new Window. by stacylynn71.

Along with your nomination, you are also receiving the Robert Frost Fan Package. The package includes a total of 9 reviews from our FAN - ATIC gifters. I'm thrilled you were chosen for this honor!

Review of
Samhein Prowlin' Open in new Window. (13+)
Alliteration run amuck on Halloween.
#1612954 by Dave Author IconMail Icon

This is only my opinion, so please keep what you find useful, and disregard what you don't.

Overall Impression
I read this poem several times, trying to make sense of it all. I think it was the mention of the River Styx in the first stanza that threw me off. It seems the first three stanzas are referring to trick-or-treaters, so why not 'swarm the streets' instead?

Flow & Style
The poem is rich with alliteration, as the contest (if I recall correctly) calls for, though I think it weakens towards the end.

Thanks for sharing!

--Wyn - missing III Author Icon

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Hey, check out the Author Fan Club! It's an awesome way to pay tribute to your favourite authors!

Review of Circle of Life  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, ♥HOOves♥ Author Icon!

I'm here to give your "Circle of LifeOpen in new Window., a Simply Positive review. This is only my opinion, so please keep what you find useful, and disregard what you don't.

Overall Impressions
This is a touching poem in memory of the author's late mother.

Flow & Style
The rhythm of the poem was smooth and the lines flowed well. The rhymes sounded unforced.

Suggested Improvements
I don't think it's necessary to capitalise the first word of every line. The capitalisation of your poem is inconsistant.

Thanks for sharing!

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#1598594 by Not Available.

Review of Hi Mama  Open in new Window.
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Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
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The intent of this One Pair Review is to focus on descriptions and imagery of a poem.

Excellent word usage to describe a baby. What is it that they see? What are their thoughts? What lies beneath cherubic faces? It's especially brought out in the third stanza.

It's easy to imagine the searching eyes of a baby, wondering what they're thinking as your eyes meet theirs.

Overall Impression:
Beautiful poem, in both form and words. As a mother, it makes me think of my own children, when they were babies themselves.

Thanks for sharing!


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Rated: E | (4.5)
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The purpose of this Flush Review is to go over things in your poem like word usage, structure, added imagery, formatting and emotions or feelings of the piece.

Word Usage:
I like the words used to describe an anxiety attack. The one part that made me stop for a moment was "episode-bearing crisis leaves..." I suppose an attack can be called an episode as well, but I don't think it's the attack that causes the crisis (though feeling like one's having a heart attack can probably be cause for concern). Rather, I think it's the crisis that causes the anxiety.

The poem was a perfect acrostic.

The poem shows the effects an anxiety attack can have on some people. Even after a check-up says everything's okay, the person is still shaken, knowing one can happen again any time.

Being the sufferer of such attacks as well, this is a poem I can relate to. When we're told that it's all in the mind and there's nothing wrong physically, it's still not much comfort.

Overall Impression:
This short poem gives a nice insight to someone with anxiety.

Thanks for sharing!


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Rated: 13+
Hello, Mara ♣ McBain Author Icon, and congratulations on your recent nomination to "Ink Blot Hall of FameOpen in new Window. by kiyasama.

Along with your nomination, you are also receiving the Hemingway Fan Package. The package includes a total of 9 reviews from our FAN - ATIC gifters. I'm thrilled you were chosen for this honor!

Review of
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In a Moment's Breath ... Open in new Window. (13+)
A mother suffers guilt and gut-wrenching grief at the loss of her child.1st in Short Shots
#1542720 by Mara ♣ McBain Author IconMail Icon

This is only my opinion, so please keep what you find useful, and disregard what you don't.

Overall Impression
This is such a heartwretching story! I can see why it won first place. The mother's anguish is palpable and described well in words. I like how instead of saying what happened, a flashback is provided, even if only moments before.

Suggested Improvements

Great story. Thanks for sharing!

--Wyn - missing III Author Icon

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Hey, check out the Author Fan Club! It's an awesome way to pay tribute to your favourite authors!

In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, jjennis Author Icon!

I'm here to give your poem, "Winter (Rictameter Poem)Open in new Window., a Simply Positive Review. This is only my opinion, so please keep what you find useful, and disregard what you don't.

Overall Impression
I like how you describe the change of winter from autumn. Each line transistions an image that is associtated with fall to winter

Flow & Style
I think poem followed the Rictameter form well.

Suggested Improvements
The last line closes out the poem, but I think it would be better if you found another word instead of winter. Perhaps a two-syllable one to describe it in finality?

Thanks for sharing!


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#1598594 by Not Available.
Review of Dark Music  Open in new Window.
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Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello, 🌖 HuntersMoon Author Icon, and congratulations on your recent nomination to "Ink Blot Hall of FameOpen in new Window. by stacylynn71.

Along with your nomination, you are also receiving the Robert Frost Fan Package. The package includes a total of 9 reviews from our FAN - ATIC gifters. I'm thrilled you were chosen for this honor!

Review of
Dark Music Open in new Window. (13+)
Fate helps lost souls find an answer (Form: Trijan Refrain)
#1604348 by 🌖 HuntersMoon Author IconMail Icon

This is only my opinion, so please keep what you find useful, and disregard what you don't.

Overall Impression
Excellent poem! I like how you were able to describe the feeding of a vampire and her victim, without outright saying it.

Flow & Style
The poem flowed well, with a fluidity of words. The Trijan Refrain form was perfect.

Suggested Improvements
None that I can think of.

Thanks for sharing!

--Wyn - missing III Author Icon

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Hey, check out the Author Fan Club! It's an awesome way to pay tribute to your favourite authors!

In affiliation with  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
Hello, Mara ♣ McBain Author Icon, and congratulations on your recent nomination to "Ink Blot Hall of FameOpen in new Window. by kiyasama.

Along with your nomination, you are also receiving the Hemingway Fan Package. The package includes a total of 9 reviews from our FAN - ATIC gifters. I'm thrilled you were chosen for this honour!

Review of
 Held ~ Chapter One Open in new Window. (18+)
Cinderella? Not likely. However perception is everything.A D/s relationship unfolds
#1350457 by Mara ♣ McBain Author IconMail Icon

This is only my opinion, so please keep what you find useful, and disregard what you don't.

Overall Impressions
Only the beginning of the story, and I'm already feeling sympathy for Kara. Her state made me wonder how she got there and what her story was. Hopefully, this will be revealed in subsequent chapters.

Sitting in a restuarant, Ean meets Kara and she is drawn to him.

Character & Setting
So far, we see Ean as a confidant person who probably gets what he wants. Kara seems to be a demure girl who is taken advantage of and treated harshly by her boss and co-workers.

Spelling & Grammar
Excellent except for one item. In the eighth paragraph, bosses should be boss'.

Suggested Improvements
Other than the above, none.

I think I'll continue reading, even though I normally don't read Mf.

Thanks for sharing!

Wyn - missing III Author Icon
"Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.

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Hey, check out the Author Fan Club! It's an awesome way to pay tribute to your favourite authors!

Review of Sky Flowers  Open in new Window.
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Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, 🌖 HuntersMoon Author Icon, and congratulations on your recent nomination to "Ink Blot Hall of FameOpen in new Window. by stacylynn71.

Along with your nomination, you are also receiving the Robert Frost Fan Package. The package includes a total of 9 reviews from our FAN - ATIC gifters. I'm thrilled you were chosen for this honour!

Review of
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Sky Flowers Open in new Window. (E)
Hot air ballons in flight - a wonder to behold. (Form: Rictameter)
#1617068 by 🌖 HuntersMoon Author IconMail Icon

This is only my opinion, so please keep what you find useful, and disregard what you don't.

Overall Impression
At first glance of the title in your Most Recent, before even clicking on your poem, it had me wondering what a sky flower could possibly be. I imagined flowering vines, climbing high in the forest canopy. So it was a suprise that your poem was inspired by hot-air balloons.

The title does fit the colourful sight well.

Flow & Style
The form was perfect, and the addition of the addition of the monorhyme added to it.

Thanks for sharing!

Wyn - missing III Author Icon
"Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.

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Hey, check out the Author Fan Club! It's an awesome way to pay tribute to your favourite authors!

Review of Allure  Open in new Window.
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Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hello, 🌖 HuntersMoon Author Icon, and congratulations on your recent nomination to "Ink Blot Hall of FameOpen in new Window. by stacylynn71.

Along with your nomination, you are also receiving the Robert Frost Fan Package. The package includes a total of 9 reviews from our FAN - ATIC gifters. I'm thrilled you were chosen for this honour!

Review of
Allure Open in new Window. (18+)
Lust at first sight (Adult Humor)
#1622701 by 🌖 HuntersMoon Author IconMail Icon

This is only my opinion, so please keep what you find useful, and disregard what you don't.

Overall Impression
Your poem was funny indeed! I didn't see the punchline coming. This is something I'm sure many guys have heard before (I know I've used the line).

Flow & Style
There seems to be no syllable requirement, so while each varies in length from eight to ten syllables, it still flowed smoothly from one line to the next.

It was all going smoothly, your perfect rhymes in the first six stanzas keeping the poem flowing, but it all came to a screeching halt with the last stanza. Maybe you constructed the poem on purpose this way, to parallel the actions of the man. If so, it was clever. If not, well, let's just leave it at if so. *Wink*

Thanks for sharing!

Wyn - missing III Author Icon
"Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.

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Hey, check out the Author Fan Club! It's an awesome way to pay tribute to your favourite authors!

In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, Elisa, Stik of Clubs Author Icon!

I'm here to give your "Peeking into the MangrovesOpen in new Window., a Simply Positive review. This is only my opinion, so please keep what you find useful, and disregard what you don't.

Overall Impressions
Having lived in South Florida for many years, I've seen the mangroves often. It is with much sadness that I think of this vanishing beauty. Your brief description pairs well with the picture. I think, though, it would be even better if you were able to elaborate on the nature of the mangroves and it's biodiversity; where the slow-moving river that was once the Everglades meets ocean has a uniqueness not found elsewhere.

Thanks for sharing!

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#1598594 by Not Available.
Review of C-Notes Allsorts.  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Just an Ordinary Boo! Author Icon!

I'm here to give your "C-Notes Allsorts.Open in new Window., a Simply Positive review. This is only my opinion, so please keep what you find useful, and disregard what you don't.

Overall Impressions
These c-notes are very beautiful and elegant. It certainly looks like you have one for every occassion. The price for each is affordable (I've even sent one too *Wink*).

Thanks for sharing!

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#1598594 by Not Available.
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Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hello, Hyperiongate Author Icon, and congratulations on your recent nomination to "Ink Blot Hall of FameOpen in new Window. by 🌖 HuntersMoon Author Icon.

Along with your nomination, you are also receiving the H.G. Wells Fan Package. The package includes a total of 9 reviews from our FAN - ATIC gifters. I'm thrilled you were chosen for this honor!

Review of
 The Captain's Coup Open in new Window. (18+)
Captain of the Guard does what must be done. (Flash Fiction)
#1625407 by Hyperiongate Author IconMail Icon

This is only my opinion, so please keep what you find useful, and disregard what you don't.

Overall Impression
This flash had all the elements of a story. The setting is easily imaginable. As a character, Josten's motivation presents a nice paradox. The end, while not specifically stated, is alluded to. While the beginnings are there, the demise is left to the reader's imagination.

Suggested Improvements
None at all.

Thanks for sharing!

--Wyn - missing III Author Icon

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Hey, check out the Author Fan Club! It's an awesome way to pay tribute to your favourite authors!

Review of Convergence  Open in new Window.
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Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Hello, Hyperiongate Author Icon, and congratulations on your recent nomination to "Ink Blot Hall of FameOpen in new Window. by 🌖 HuntersMoon Author Icon.

Along with your nomination, you are also receiving the H.G. Wells Fan Package. The package includes a total of 9 reviews from our FAN - ATIC gifters. I'm thrilled you were chosen for this honor!

Review of
 Convergence Open in new Window. (18+)
An assassin at work.
#1604546 by Hyperiongate Author IconMail Icon

This is only my opinion, so please keep what you find useful, and disregard what you don't.

Overall Impression
I applaud your ability to take a prompt and use it to write a story in only fifteen minutes. The story actually reads more like a timeline report, which isn't bad, but I think if you had more time, would've fleshed it out a bit more. At the end, I'm not sure whom you are referring to when you say "the woman."

Suggested Improvements
In the third line, there needs to be a comma before "Fire".

Thanks for sharing!

--Wyn - missing III Author Icon

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Hey, check out the Author Fan Club! It's an awesome way to pay tribute to your favourite authors!

Review of Soul Mates  Open in new Window.
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Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, Hyperiongate Author Icon, and congratulations on your recent nomination to "Ink Blot Hall of FameOpen in new Window. by 🌖 HuntersMoon Author Icon.

Along with your nomination, you are also receiving the H.G. Wells Fan Package. The package includes a total of 9 reviews from our FAN - ATIC gifters. I'm thrilled you were chosen for this honor!

Review of
Soul Mates Open in new Window. (13+)
Second Place in WDC Inspirational Quote contest.
#1609148 by Hyperiongate Author IconMail Icon

This is only my opinion, so please keep what you find useful, and disregard what you don't.

Overall Impression
I thought this was a touching story, both sad and joyful at the same time. I like how it starts at the end and flashes back to come full circle at the end. Patrick's deep love for Sarah comes through well in the story, as does the depth of his grief.

Suggested Improvements
There are a couple times when Patrick is speaking to Sarah, that her name needs to be offset by a comma.
Directory Ellison! Directory should be director.

Great story. Thanks for sharing!

--Wyn - missing III Author Icon

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Hey, check out the Author Fan Club! It's an awesome way to pay tribute to your favourite authors!

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Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Daizy May Author Icon, and congratulations on your recent nomination to "Ink Blot Hall of FameOpen in new Window. as part of your "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. win.

Along with your nomination, you are also receiving the Poe Dark Package. The package includes a total of 9 reviews from our FAN - ATIC gifters. I'm thrilled you are receiving this honour!

Review of
 Be Careful What You Say! Open in new Window. (E)
Be careful, what you say just might happen.
#1144748 by Daizy May Author IconMail Icon

This is only my opinion, so please keep what you find useful, and disregard what you don't.

Overall Impression
I absolutely loved this story. A child's imagination is such a powerful thing, especially to the child. Daydreams become real and stories, legends. Sometimes, we think we know what will affect a child because we used to be one, but we forget that every child is unique. We should keep in mind how children will perceve our words, because they are powerful things as well.

Thanks for sharing!

Wyn - missing III Author Icon
"Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.

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Hey, check out the Author Fan Club! It's an awesome way to pay tribute to your favourite authors!

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Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, Daizy May Author Icon, and congratulations on your recent nomination to "Ink Blot Hall of FameOpen in new Window. as part of your "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. win.

Along with your nomination, you are also receiving the Poe Dark Package. The package includes a total of 9 reviews from our FAN - ATIC gifters. I'm thrilled you are receiving this honour!

Review of
 Why I Should Run Away Open in new Window. (E)
A rhyming short, short story from a cats point of view
#1148455 by Daizy May Author IconMail Icon

This is only my opinion, so please keep what you find useful, and disregard what you don't.

Overall Impression
Great story! I like how it's told from the cat's point of view. The cat ponders why it's actions are a source of irritation for it's human. The story is told with such innocence, it's a reminder of the unconditional love our pets give.

The only suggestion I have is that there looks to be a few missing commas.

Thanks for sharing!

Wyn - missing III Author Icon
"Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.

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Hey, check out the Author Fan Club! It's an awesome way to pay tribute to your favourite authors!

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Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello, Daizy May Author Icon, and congratulations on your recent nomination to "Ink Blot Hall of FameOpen in new Window. as part of your "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. win.

Along with your nomination, you are also receiving the Poe Dark Package. The package includes a total of 9 reviews from our FAN - ATIC gifters. I'm thrilled you are receiving this honour!

Review of
 I Want To Write Of The Darkness Open in new Window. (ASR)
This is as dark as I get
#1557220 by Daizy May Author IconMail Icon

This is only my opinion, so please keep what you find useful, and disregard what you don't.

Overall Impression
The title drew me in immediately. Since I enjoy certain kinds of darkness, it made me wonder what kind of darkness you created. The poem was enjoyable, with lines that flow well and easy rhymes. The end is was unexpected, but completely true to you.

Thanks for sharing!

Wyn - missing III Author Icon
"Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.

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Hey, check out the Author Fan Club! It's an awesome way to pay tribute to your favourite authors!

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Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, kiyasama, and congratulations on your recent nomination to "Ink Blot Hall of FameOpen in new Window. by stacylynn71.

Along with your nomination, you are also receiving the EBB Love Fan Package. The package includes a total of 9 reviews from our FAN - ATIC gifters. I'm thrilled you were chosen for this honour!

Review of
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White Case Memorial Open in new Window. (E)
Honoring the WDC members who have passed away
#1230549 by iKïyå§ama Author IconMail Icon

This is only my opinion, so please keep what you find useful, and disregard what you don't.

Overall Impression
This is a wonderful tribute to some very fine WDC authors who have passed away. It gives a brief description of them and their writing and keeps their memory alive.

My one suggestion would be to remove the invalid items.

Thanks for maintaining the forum!

--Wyn - missing III Author Icon

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Hey, check out the Author Fan Club! It's an awesome way to pay tribute to your favourite authors!

Review of Stained  Open in new Window.
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Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, Katie Author Icon!

I'm here to give your "StainedOpen in new Window., a Simply Positive review. This is only my opinion, so please keep what you find useful, and disregard what you don't.

Overall Impressions
A chilling poem. Guilt does strange things to a person's mind. The man suffers from a guilty conscience so he is not a sociopath. It makes me wonder then, what made him kill the man. From the words of the last stanza, it sounds as if the victim is an older man. Burglary gone wrong, perhaps? Nevertheless, the deed is done and can never be undone and the man must forever live with his guilt.

Suggested Improvements
I don't think you need a comma after down.

Thanks for sharing!

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#1598594 by Not Available.
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