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Review of The Lovers' Dance  
Review by Ladybug
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
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Hi arakun the twisted raccoon,

I just read your wee poem, The Lovers' Dance.

*Cat*APPEAL: Those who like to read about life and death will love this poem.

*Cat*WHAT I LIKED: The comparison of life and death with the changing of the seasons.


*Cat*TITLE: Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.

*Cat*FORMAT: This is easy to read and understand.

*Cat*SETTING: You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.

*Cat*GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING: My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.

Seems to be alright.

*Cat*FLOW: This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.

*ThumbsUp*Great job.

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author. No matter what though: Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*


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Review by Ladybug
Rated: E | (5.0)
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I just read your wee poem, WEPT FOR A DREAM DESTROYED. I love both images that are with this poem.

*Cat*APPEAL: Those who like to read about Native Americans will love this tiny poem.

*Cat*WHAT I LIKED: The pride and strength that this words echo.

*Cat*HOW THIS TALE OR POEM MADE ME FEEL: Ashamed to be white because of all the white man did to destroy the Native Americans and their culture.

*Cat*TITLE: Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.

*Cat*FORMAT: This is easy to read and understand.

*Cat*SETTING: You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.

*Cat*GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING: My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.

Seems to be alright.

*Cat*FLOW: This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.

*ThumbsUp*Great job.

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author. No matter what though: Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*


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Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with The Coffee Shop for the Fantas...  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Hi YellowRose,

I just read your wee poem, Afraid of the Dark. Nice image after the poem.

*Cat*APPEAL: Those who like to read about having faith in God will like this poem.

*Cat*WHAT I LIKED: That there’s no reason to be afraid, God is there for us.

*Cat*HOW THIS TALE OR POEM MADE ME FEEL: Save and comfortable.

*Cat*TITLE: Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.

*Cat*FORMAT: This is easy to read and understand.

*Cat*SETTING: You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.

*Cat*GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING: My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.

Seems to be alright.

*Cat*FLOW: This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.

*ThumbsUp*Great job.

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author. No matter what though: Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*


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Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with The Coffee Shop for the Fantas...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hi Itchy Water,

I just read your wee poem, A HOUSE ATOP THE HILL.

*Cat*APPEAL: Those who like to read about spooky old houses will love this.

*Cat*WHAT I LIKED: That there’s a mystery to be solved.

*Cat*HOW THIS TALE OR POEM MADE ME FEEL: A bit sad knowing that a lonely person lives in that house atop the hill and no comes to visit because they are afraid.

*Cat*TITLE: Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.

*Cat*FORMAT: This is easy to read and understand.

*Cat*SETTING: You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.

*Cat*GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING: My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.

Seems to be alright.

*Cat*FLOW: This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.

*ThumbsUp*Great job.

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author. No matter what though: Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*


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Review of The Box  
Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with The Central Bank  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
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Hi blue jellybaby,

I just read your wee tale, The Box.

*Cat*APPEAL: Those who like to read about mysterious finds at an auction will like this tiny tale.

*Cat*WHAT I LIKED: The mystery surrounding the boxes, the key, and the note.

*Cat*HOW THIS TALE MADE ME FEEL: A bit disappointed that there’s not more to this tale.

*Cat*TITLE: Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this tale was about.

*Cat*FORMAT: This is easy to read and understand.

*Cat*SETTING: You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.

*Cat*GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING: My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.

At the end of proceedings I approached the man (who) stood behind the stand.

*Cat*DIALOGUE: The dialogue sounds natural. I know who is speaking without the overuse of dialogue tags.

*Cat*POINT OF VIEW: I know who's point of view the story is being told from.

*Cat*OTHER SUGGESTIONS/COMMENTS: I’m not familiar with this word: tannoy. What is it?

*Cat*FLOW: This story is told in a logical order. You didn’t overload this tale with a lot of foreign words and used a variety of sentence lengths.

*ThumbsUp*Great job.

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author. No matter what though: Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*


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Review of Dragon Rights  
Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
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Hi DragonWrites~The Fire Faerie~,

I just read your wee tale, .

*Cat*APPEAL: Those who like to read about dragons and their magic will find this an interesting beginning.

*Cat*WHAT I LIKED: How the campfire was set up.

*Cat*HOW THIS TALE MADE ME FEEL: A bit disappointed that there isn‘t more to this.

*Cat*TITLE: Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this tale was about.

*Cat*NAMES: I love the variety of names for the characters and the dragons.

*Cat*FORMAT: This is easy to read and understand.

*Cat*GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING: My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.

Seems to be alright.

DragonWrites~The Fire Faerie~ (68) He has massive claws, inpenetrable (impenetrable) scales and acid fire breath.

Crystal Shard ~ Crystal wishes to be left to wallow in the despair she feels in the land of ash but she can't resist being involved in the power struggles that arise admist (amidst) the dragons.

KMM Raine Mourning Sunne ~ A medium sized golden dragon. During the war, gold dragons were used as carriers and messangers, (messengers)their golden scales blinding the enemy and preventing them from easily being attacked.
Mourning wants to right her wrongs but knows she cannot. Her wingspan is small, her body thin to accomidate (accommidate) her purpose in existence.

sparles Writhing Marsh ~ He remains loyal and regrets all that has occured. (occurred)

Silent Elmme ~ Has a fair sized wingspan and is perfect for travelling (traveling) and flying.

The only information for now is the name, sex and main powers and possesions. (possessions)
KMM Raine blank NAME: Eternelle Sunne
AGE: 23
SEX: Female
POWERS: Mainly a hand wizard, which means she casts most of her spells by weaving them with her hands.
APPEARANCE: She does not dress laborately (elaborately) as the other wizards do.
NAME:Dorian (space needed)
SEX: Male
AGE: Appears to be thirty, actual age is not known
POWERS: When casting a spell his eyes turn completely dark, and a oranage luminesence (luminescence orange )surrounds his body.
POSSESSIONS: A staff of flaming death which can protect him when he is preocupied (preoccupied) with spell casting.

When flying on his dragon, he uses a scimitar with an arreglur (irregular) blade.

About addition #3:By: Sparkys Wants A Vacation!!!
My gentle dragon's eyes were shawdowed with guilt and regret. (shadowed)

*Cat*OTHER SUGGESTIONS/COMMENTS: It’s sad that there‘s not more to this. The beginning is quite interesting.

*Cat*FLOW: This story is told in a logical order. You didn’t overload this tale with a lot of foreign words and used a variety of sentence lengths.

*ThumbsUp*Great job.

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author. No matter what though: Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*


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Review of The Raven  
Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hi Anastasia,

I just read your wee poem, The Raven.

*Cat*APPEAL: Those who like to read about losing one’s soul will like this tiny poem.

*Cat*WHAT I LIKED: The emotions the words create.

*Cat*HOW THIS TALE OR POEM MADE ME FEEL: Sad, the person sounds so sad and lost.

*Cat*TITLE: Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.

*Cat*FORMAT: This is easy to read and understand.

*Cat*SETTING: You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.

*Cat*GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING: My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.

Seems to be alright.

*Cat*FLOW: This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.

*ThumbsUp*Great job.

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author. No matter what though: Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*


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Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with The Coffee Shop for the Fantas...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hi ,

I just took a peek at your images and signatures, and decided to take a peek at Wren's sig 2 by Alfred.

*TieDye1*WHAT I LIKED: The bold colors and the message:Wren cactus tamer.

*TieDye1*APPEAL: Those who like bold colors and geometric designs.

*TieDye1*The image matches the title quite well.
*TieDye1*The colors used are eye catching and appealing.
*TieDye1*The words stand out nicely against the background and do not block the image.
*TieDye1*The image is easy to see and I know what this signature is.
*TieDye1*You gave credit to the person who designed this signature.

*ThumbsUp*Great job.

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author. No matter what though: Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*


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Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with The Coffee Shop for the Fantas...  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
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Hi Legerdemain,

I just read your wee tale, The Dragon Skin Coat.

*Cat*APPEAL: Those who like to read about slaying dragons will like this tiny tale.

*Cat*WHAT I LIKED: That Jonathan had the courage to face the dragon even though the odds were against him.

*Cat*HOW THIS TALE MADE ME FEEL: A bit sad that the dragon had to be slay.

*Cat*TITLE: Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this tale was about.

*Cat*NAMES: You used a nice variety of names for your characters.

*Cat*FORMAT: This is easy to read and understand.

*Cat*SETTING: You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.

*Cat*GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING: My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.

Seems to be alright.

*Cat*FLOW: This story is told in a logical order. You didn’t overload this tale with a lot of foreign words and used a variety of sentence lengths.

*ThumbsUp*Great job.

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author. No matter what though: Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*


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Review of Colours of Time  
Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with TGDI Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hi Dr Taher,

I just read your wee poem, Colours of Time.

*Cat*APPEAL: Those who like to read about dinosaurs will like this poem.

*Cat*WHAT I LIKED: Your words tells me you‘re talking about a dinosaur before you tell me it’s a T-Rex.

*Cat*HOW THIS TALE OR POEM MADE ME FEEL: Sad that dinosaurs are no longer around.

*Cat*TITLE: Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.

*Cat*FORMAT: This is easy to read and understand.

*Cat*SETTING: You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.

*Cat*GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING: My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.

Seems to be alright.

*Cat*FLOW: This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.

*ThumbsUp*Great job.

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author. No matter what though: Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*


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Review of The Dream  
Review by Ladybug
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hi Prosperous Snow,

I just read your wee poem, The Dream.

*Cat*APPEAL: Those who like to read about faith will like this tiny poem.

*Cat*WHAT I LIKED: Her belief that what she dreamed was real.


*Cat*TITLE: Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.

*Cat*FORMAT: This is easy to read and understand.

*Cat*SETTING: You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.

*Cat*GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING: My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.

Seems to be alright.

*Cat*FLOW: This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.

*ThumbsUp*Great job.

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author. No matter what though: Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*


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Review of The Old Pine  
Review by Ladybug
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Hi Turtle,

I just read your wee poem, The Old Pine.

*Cat*APPEAL: Those who like to read about getting lost in a good book will love this tiny poem.

*Cat*WHAT I LIKED: The character made a secret place to escape to while reading a favorite tale.

*Cat*HOW THIS TALE OR POEM MADE ME FEEL: Full of adventure.

*Cat*TITLE: Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.

*Cat*FORMAT: This is easy to read and understand.

*Cat*SETTING: You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.

*Cat*GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING: My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.

Seems to be alright.

*Cat*FLOW: This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.

*ThumbsUp*Great job.

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author. No matter what though: Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*


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for entry "Chapter 1
Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with The Central Bank  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
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Hi Panda Reverb,

I just read chapter 1 of your novel, The Wytch's Solitude.

*Cat*APPEAL: Those who like to read about witches and witchcraft will like this beginning chapter.

*Cat*WHAT I LIKED: That a big strong blacksmith is afraid of a sixteen year old girl.

*Cat*HOW THIS TALE MADE ME FEEL: A bit sad. Lissa is being punished because she has a lack of control of her magic.

*Cat*TITLE: Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this tale was about.

*Cat*NAMES: Lissa and Maston are distinct names that makes identifying which character is which.

*Cat*FORMAT: This is easy to read and understand.

*Cat*SETTING: You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.

*Cat*GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING: My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.

Seems to be alright.

There were no cries available to pierce the veil of smoke and echo through the valley; no panic to feel (did you mean fill?) the barren streets.

*Cat*OTHER THINGS OUT OF PLACE: He could hear the acid in her tone, but felt her relief at the same time. -- this is an abrupt change in POV from Lissa to Maston.

Lissa scoffed and rolled her eyes. -- same abrupt change in POV.

*Cat*DIALOGUE: The dialogue sounds natural. I know who is speaking without the overuse of dialogue tags.

*Cat*POINT OF VIEW: I know who's point of view the story is being told from.

*Cat*OTHER SUGGESTIONS/COMMENTS: I can see the special bond between Lissa and Maston. This chapter also brings up a lot of possibilities. Is Lissa locked away for another reason other than her lack of control of her magic? Why hasn’t someone try to teach her how to control her magic? Does she want to learn to control it? If not, why? What do those who have Lissa locked up hope to gain by keeping her a prisoner?

*Cat*FLOW: This story is told in a logical order. You didn’t overload this tale with a lot of foreign words and used a variety of sentence lengths.

*ThumbsUp*Great job.

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author. No matter what though: Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*


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Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
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Hi skinnylickingood,

I just read your wee poem, Night of the Harvest.

*Cat*APPEAL: Those who like to read about vampires and things that go bump in the night will like this scary poem.

*Cat*WHAT I LIKED: The desperation and glee in his thoughts


*Cat*TITLE: Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.

*Cat*FORMAT: This is easy to read and understand.

*Cat*SETTING: You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.

*Cat*GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING: My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.

Seems to be alright.

*Cat*FLOW: This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.

*ThumbsUp*Great job.

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author. No matter what though: Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*


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Review of Black Birds  
Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hi Iva,

I just read your wee poem, Black Birds.

*Cat*APPEAL: Those who like to read about getting an apology and prophecy of what shall come, will like this poem.

*Cat*WHAT I LIKED: The vivid images the words painted.

*Cat*HOW THIS TALE OR POEM MADE ME FEEL: A wee bit sad at what seems like a lost love.

*Cat*TITLE: Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.

*Cat*FORMAT: This is easy to read and understand.

*Cat*SETTING: You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.

*Cat*GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING: My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.

Seems to be alright.

*Cat*FLOW: This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.

*ThumbsUp*Great job.

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author. No matter what though: Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*


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Review of A Jump in Time  
Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hi Sophy,

I just read your wee tale, A Jump in Time.

*Cat*APPEAL: Those who like to read about time travel will like this tale.

*Cat*WHAT I LIKED: The jumper can use ordinary places to jump from.

*Cat*HOW THIS TALE MADE ME FEEL: Full of curiosity.

*Cat*TITLE: Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this tale was about.

*Cat*FORMAT: This is easy to read and understand.

*Cat*SETTING: You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.

*Cat*GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING: My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.

Seems to be alright.

*Cat*DIALOGUE: The dialogue sounds natural. I know who is speaking without the overuse of dialogue tags.

*Cat*POINT OF VIEW: I know who's point of view the story is being told from.

*Cat*OTHER SUGGESTIONS/COMMENTS: I wish there was more to this tale.

*Cat*FLOW: This story is told in a logical order. You didn’t overload this tale with a lot of foreign words and used a variety of sentence lengths.

*ThumbsUp*Great job.

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author. No matter what though: Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*


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Review of Dragons  
Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Hi LaytonLukeLover,

I just read your wee tale, Dragons.

*Cat*APPEAL: Those who like to read about dragons and their magical world will love this tiny tale.

*Cat*WHAT I LIKED: That the girl preferred to stay with the dragons when her mother tried to convince her that she was going mad.

*Cat*HOW THIS TALE MADE ME FEEL: Sad that the mother is like so many adults, fantasy creatures can’t exist and anyone who believes they do are going mad.

*Cat*TITLE: Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this tale was about.

*Cat*SETTING: You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.

*Cat*GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING: My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.

She realised then she was holding the creatures (creature’s) baby in her hands, and she lifted her hands, turning her head away and squeezing her eyes shut as the large creature examined the small one.

*Cat*DIALOGUE: The dialogue sounds natural. I know who is speaking without the overuse of dialogue tags.

*Cat*POINT OF VIEW: I know who's point of view the story is being told from.

*Cat*FLOW: This story is told in a logical order. You didn’t overload this tale with a lot of foreign words and used a variety of sentence lengths.

*ThumbsUp*Great job.

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author. No matter what though: Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*


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Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with TGDI Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
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Hi Hippo,

I just read your wee tale, Narcissus at Night.

*Cat*APPEAL: Those who like to read about creating life through magic will find this interesting.

*Cat*WHAT I LIKED: The guy was willing to die to create a new life.

*Cat*HOW THIS TALE MADE ME FEEL: a bit unnerved.

*Cat*TITLE: Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this tale was about.

*Cat*FORMAT: This is easy to read and understand.

*Cat*SETTING: You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.

*Cat*GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING: My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.

Seems to be alright.

*Cat*POINT OF VIEW: I know who's point of view the story is being told from.


*Cat*FLOW: This story is told in a logical order. You didn’t overload this tale with a lot of foreign words and used a variety of sentence lengths.

*ThumbsUp*Great job.

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author. No matter what though: Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*


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Review of Comely Morning  
Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with TGDI Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hi Koyel,

I just read your wee poem, Comely Morning.

*Cat*APPEAL: Those who like to read about the seasons changing will enjoy this.

*Cat*WHAT I LIKED: You explained how to wrie a Parallelogram de Crystalline poem.

*Cat*HOW THIS TALE OR POEM MADE ME FEEL: Sad to see the flowers die and the leaves fall as the seasons change. Yet I know both shall return once more.

*Cat*TITLE: Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.

*Cat*FORMAT: This is easy to read and understand.

*Cat*SETTING: You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.

*Cat*GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING: My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.

Seems to be alright.

*Cat*FLOW: This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.

*ThumbsUp*Great job.

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author. No matter what though: Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*


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Review by Ladybug
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
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Hi David J,

I just read your wee tale, THE DOLLHOUSE.

*Cat*APPEAL: Those who like to read about Dads will like this heart warming tale.

*Cat*WHAT I LIKED: All the vivid description.

*Cat*HOW THIS TALE MADE ME FEEL: Sad that as one ages things just don‘t seem as important as they once did.

*Cat*TITLE: Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this tale was about.

*Cat*FORMAT: This is easy to read and understand.

*Cat*SETTING: You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.
*Cat*GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING: My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.

I would have to visit an upscale store in some tony (tiny) village catering to people in $45,000 cars.

*Cat*OTHER SUGGESTIONS/COMMENTS: This tale seems more told than shown.

*Cat*FLOW: This story is told in a logical order. You didn’t overload this tale with a lot of foreign words and used a variety of sentence lengths.

*ThumbsUp*Great job.

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author. No matter what though: Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*


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Review of Winter Storm  
Review by Ladybug
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
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Hi R. Walter,

I just read your wee poem, Winter Storm.

*Cat*APPEAL: Those who like to read about being betrayed by someone you love will like this.

*Cat*WHAT I LIKED: The vivid images your words painted.

*Cat*HOW THIS TALE OR POEM MADE ME FEEL: Sad that this poor soul was betrayed.

*Cat*TITLE: Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.

*Cat*FORMAT: This is easy to read and understand.

*Cat*SETTING: You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.

*Cat*GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING: My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.

Seems to be alright.

*Cat*FLOW: This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.

*ThumbsUp*Great job.

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author. No matter what though: Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*


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Review of The Voice  
Review by Ladybug
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Hi Danielle,

I just read your wee tale, The Voice.

*Cat*APPEAL: Those who like to read about beloved pets will like this.

*Cat*WHAT I LIKED: The sinister twist on this wee mystery. I thought something bad was going to happen to Raven. What‘s a surprise.

*Cat*HOW THIS TALE MADE ME FEEL: Surprised. I was thinking that this was a great murder mystery but got caught by surprise.

*Cat*TITLE: Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this tale was about.

*Cat*FORMAT: This is easy to read and understand.

*Cat*SETTING: You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.

*Cat*GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING: My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.

Seems to be alright.

*Cat*OTHER THINGS OUT OF PLACE: First, give this phone to none. Same as you tell none. -- What is none?

*Cat*DIALOGUE: The dialogue sounds natural. I know who is speaking without the overuse of dialogue tags.

*Cat*POINT OF VIEW: I know who's point of view the story is being told from.

*Cat*WHAT I DIDN’T LIKE: That there are no spaces between paragraphs.

*Cat*FLOW: This story is told in a logical order. You didn’t overload this tale with a lot of foreign words and used a variety of sentence lengths.

*ThumbsUp*Great job.

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author. No matter what though: Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*


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Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with The Central Bank  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
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Hi Bob,

I just read your wee poem, The Science of Magic.

*Cat*APPEAL: Those who like to read about unusual magic will find this interesting.

*Cat*WHAT I LIKED: Raven‘s unusual idea about how life is created.

*Cat*HOW THIS TALE OR POEM MADE ME FEEL: A bit angry. Raven tricked Aden and Elli.

*Cat*TITLE: Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.

*Cat*FORMAT: This is easy to read and understand.

*Cat*SETTING: You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.

*Cat*GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING: My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.

These alchemist believed that all life can from -- I believe can should be came

His wife was a pale dutch woman. -- Dutch should be capitalized

*Cat*FLOW: This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.

*ThumbsUp*Great job.

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author. No matter what though: Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*


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Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with TGDI Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
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Hi S. R.,

I just read your wee poem, Forever In Your Arms.

*Cat*APPEAL: Those who like to read about finding love and trust again will love this.

*Cat*WHAT I LIKED: How brave this soul was.

*Cat*HOW THIS TALE OR POEM MADE ME FEEL: Encouraged to face my problems.

*Cat*TITLE: Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.

*Cat*FORMAT: This is easy to read and understand.

*Cat*SETTING: You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.

*Cat*GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING: My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.

Seems to be alright.

*Cat*FLOW: This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.

*ThumbsUp*Great job.

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author. No matter what though: Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*


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Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with TGDI Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hi Oldwarrior,

I just read your wee poem, No More Spirits in the Sky.

*Cat*APPEAL: Those who like to read about Native Americans and the wrong done to them will like this.

*Cat*WHAT I LIKED: That the old warrior had the courage to show his pain.

*Cat*HOW THIS TALE OR POEM MADE ME FEEL: Broekn hearted. The white man destroyed something so sacred because they didn‘t understand it. This poem made me cry.

*Cat*TITLE: Your title caught my attention and drew me in. It made me curious to discover what this poem was about.

*Cat*FORMAT: This is easy to read and understand.

*Cat*SETTING: You used a nice balance of imagery and well written words that made me feel as if I am there.

*Cat*GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION/SPELLING: My editing skills are not the best in the world, yet I try my best to let the author know if something looks out of place, misspelled or missing.

Seems to be alright.

*Cat*OTHER SUGGESTIONS/COMMENTS: What a beautiful and heart warming poem. It should have been a crime what the white man did to the Native Americans. What gave them the right to come into this country and steal land and force their ways upon the Native Americans?

*Cat*FLOW: This poem moves smoothly from beginning to end.

*ThumbsUp*Great job.

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams -- Eleanor Roosevelt

*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*My review is only my humble opinion, and is only meant to be helpful to you, not discouraging. I don’t wish to offend or upset anyone. If you don't agree with something I said or suggested, that is your right as the author. No matter what though: Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes! -- Janet Novak
*ConfettiV* *ConfettiP* *ConfettiB*


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