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Review by Boz
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
An interesting story narrating how an assistant magician emerged to become a better performer than the magician himself.The description of the performance itself definitely creates goose flesh in the body of the reader. In a certain way the illness of Pierre was a blessing in disguise for Samantha as she got the opportunity to perform a solo show exposing her talents. But you have mentioned the jealousy of Pierre without elaborating its consequences on the couple.
Review by Boz
Rated: E | (3.5)
Your poem written in continuous lines has some partial rhyming although being in free verse.The topic of insanity is well depicted throughout the lines.Obviously in such conditions the person is subjected to all sorts of hallucinations .However there are certain realities which are prominent and quite apparent when the patient is lucid.But nowadays there is a modern approach towards the disease.
Review of N. B.  
Review by Boz
Rated: E | (3.5)
The poem is built in four stanzas with equal number of lines in each one.It flows well in consistent rhyming. In a certain way you may be right that the figures does not only consist of the binary number.But can it be applied to our daily life?Of course everything has been creates in pairs.Take the example of children - it is a common fact that there must be two company .But with the increase in living costs is it feasible?The first two lines of the second stanza reflect this opinion.
Review of I'm Still Me  
Review by Boz
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
From your story it is obvious that you are not discouraged with your condition. Despite you have Autism you are always cheerful and look up at the bright side of life.But many such patients do have the same determination like you.As regards your past about quarreling and fighting it is something usual for kids of your age. I see that you have prepared yourself morally and physically to face life.Keep it up!
Review by Boz
Rated: E | (4.0)
The poem built in six stanzas looks rather weird.With partial rhyming it seems appropriate for this genre. The reader is transported into the world of horror with all the ghosts, devils and unworldly creatures. You have used the exact words to paint this atmosphere.However, there are the elements of fear and terror throughout..But can man co - exist with the horrible creatures?
Review of THE ORACLE  
Review by Boz
Rated: E | (4.0)
The little story is based on the mockeries which people tend to make on others.Here it is symbolised by the oracle and the mote. At the beginning the mote is indifferent to the remarks made by the oracle. But due to incessant comments by the oracle the mote replies back .It was a blessing in disguise since the oracle started to stand on his own.It was a great moral.
Review by Boz
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
A funny piece of writing with some strange words and expressions. It seems that the musician is giving a training session to the students. Throughout the writing we hear the resonance of different types of musical instruments.the sound produced by them sometimes soothe the ear and sometimes deafens it.But it remains a hilarious piece.
Review of Blue Blood  
Review by Boz
Rated: E | (3.5)
The style and structure of the poem are completely different from the normal tendency.In only one sentence you have tried to express your thoughts. But I don't understand why you have compared the flowing blood to streams.It requires some better clarification and expansion.You can add more lines to make it comprehensible.
Review of Uninspired muse  
Review by Boz
Rated: E | (3.5)
The poem starts well and is constructed in may in many stanzas. The rhyming also flow smoothly.There is good interaction between the two characters.It seems that they are not on good terms with each other. The theme of friendship is prevalent throughout the poem.But it needs some fine tuning.
Review of Sea Green  
Review by Boz
Rated: E | (3.5)
The poem constructed in four stanzas contains free verse .The style also looks unusual.You have tried to explain the depth of the sea and its associated risks.By the use of many metaphors the poem depicts the profoundness of the ocean..People now explore the ocean looking for various objects..But I don't understand this line'A box that carries everything and nothing'. What happened after 'going under'?
Review of To The Surface  
Review by Boz
Rated: E | (3.5)
The poem, built in six stanzas consists of partial rhyming and sometimes free verses. The girl is determined to chase her dream. The fictitious aspect of the poem makes it enjoyable to read. It flows smoothly and entertains the reader.With its narrative trait it is easily understood.However, it resembles to some extent Alice and the Wonderland.
Review by Boz
Rated: E | (3.5)
It's an interesting poem describing the mode of living in the cold atmosphere.Written in continuous lines and free verses it depicts the living style of the creatures in the northern and southern hemispheres.You have painted a beautiful scenery of the white fur coat enveloping the cold regions'.Stories of life and stories of death ' are narrated in the natural setting.However, it will be more interesting to learn about the animals' adaption in that particular environment.
Review by Boz
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
This long poem constructed in many stanzas has consistent rhyming.What is striking about it there is a long list of mistakes and sins which have been exposed.But do we really care for them? Man has a tendency to commit blunders without even realising it.While it remains true that we learn from our mistakes it is also important to do an auto- critique and not to repeat it.
Review of Love to Love  
Review by Boz
Rated: E | (4.0)
The poem constructed in four stanzas has some partial rhyming.The structure looks well.From the very beginning you have evoked divine love. In fact, God teaches humanity to love each other in order to live harmoniously.Since the creation of the world love has played a preponderant role in men's life.Love is omnipresent.It's the very essence of life.
Review of Circus  
Review by Boz
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
At the beginning there is this real impression of being at the circus but as the song proceeds it is obvious that it takes us to the world of the insane. The different psychiatric terms mentioned clearly express the presence of mental diseases.It is the world of deluded and paranoiac people.unfortunately, these are incurable diseases which last for life.
Review of Baby Doll  
Review by Boz
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
The poem is written in continuous lines without any form of rhyming.The title itself implies how women are manipulated to become puppets.The doll symbolises the reduced role of the female in a society dominated by women. Although some feminists may not have the same opinion but it is the bare reality.The line 'Four walls around baby doll ' clearly expresses this feeling.
Review of ABANDONED  
Review by Boz
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
The piece of writing portrays the harsh reality about the life of drabs who engage in sex business to gain their livelihood.But what happens when they are pregnant? No one really cares for them.They become a burden to the society.Not knowing where to go or what to do they dump the innocent child in the garbage box.Indeed , it's the responsibility of the social security to provide shelter to such persons.
Review by Boz
Rated: E | (4.0)
The first part of the story which illustrates the relationship between Rob and Kenny gives more information on the first character only.Now that they have put an end to it the reader learns more about Rob and his old fashioned style.. But the other person in your life was not different from the first one as far as dressing is concerned..It took some time for you t understand that the cowl does not make the hood.
Review of Crystals  
Review by Boz
Rated: E | (3.5)
The poem is written in a mixture of prose and lines .Since you have given a brief explanation at the very beginning it is quite easy to understand the piece.It is centred on the eyes of the girl. The style looks somewhat unusual. In the three lines there is rhyming.However, it is too short to get a good view of those particular eyes.
Review by Boz
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
The poem,written in continuous lines depicts the profound love which you have for your father.In fact, It is a vibrant homage to him.It's only when a dear person is no longer among us we realise his importance. From your words it is obvious that you are missing your dad a lot.The only regret is that you could bid him farewell.However, although he is very far away he's still in your heart.
Review of Is That Love?  
Review by Boz
Rated: E | (4.0)
Your poem is built in six stanzas with equal number of lines in each one. It is enhanced with consistent rhyming.From your writing it can be deduced that you have experienced the pangs of love.Really what' the point in loving when you have to suffer?But just like a coin love also has two sides, head and tail.Sometimes you at the head and sometimes at the tail.
Review of Walking In A Haze  
Review by Boz
Rated: E | (4.0)
The poem with only two long stanzas is written in free verse style..Many poems have been written about friendship but this one seems different as you are missing your friend. Obviously if it was true friendship you will be suffering from this loss but are you sure he has the same feelings for you.?After all friendship is a two way traffic
Review by Boz
Rated: E | (3.5)
The poem written in two long stanzas is made up of free verse.It is full of remorse and sorrow. It depicts to what extent a lover can suffer after a break up in love .Memories whether good or bad always haunt the mind.But as you have rightly pointed out priority must be given to the good ones. But who can mend a broken heart?
Review by Boz
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
This piece of writing in the form of lyrics appears to have been worked out thoroughly by putting much emphasis on nature.The mention of the word 'fate' clearly indicates the effects of destiny on the individual.At a certain point the person confesses about his wrong doings which bring about the depression.But how long will take to overcome it?
Review by Boz
Rated: E | (4.0)
Your views about the increase in life expectancy are quite relevant. Of course, long ago people died earlier due to a limited scope in medical research..Nowadays with modern high tech medicine life is being prolonged.Moreover, people are more health conscious.Your desire to assist in research in order to combat diseases is rightly justified.But no one can escape death.
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