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202 Public Reviews Given
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Review of ee set free  
Review by Captain Carousel
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is far better than the other reviewer seemed to think. This is a clever, worthy homage and is extremely amusing the entire way through. A witty, interesting piece that hopefully goes appreciated on this site.hopefully that other reviewer was a one off because this is a tremendously original poem as far as I'm concerned.
Review of I Am Here  
Review by Captain Carousel
Rated: E | (3.5)
This is very nice. For one, there is a mystery to it that is quite captivating, along with a rather endearing sense of desperation. To be honest I think what let's it down is the first line and the 'tower of babble,' line is rather strange and pointless. Nice read otherwise though.
Review of I'm a Mother  
Review by Captain Carousel
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is really enjoyable. I'm not a mother, in fact I'm still only a son, but I think this fantastically expresses the duties and strengths of a mother. It's very genuine and I could see it having an effect on a young child if they read it, giving them an appreciation for what their mother does.
Review of Who am I?  
Review by Captain Carousel
Rated: E | (3.0)
This isn't great, in my opinion. My judgement is that you decided that this would be something 'meaningful' to write about and so you attempted to write about it. I'd imagine you're a rather young poet so I'm sure you'll improve. If you are young, it's something to be proud of, otherwise it's not great.
Review by Captain Carousel
Rated: E | (3.0)
I don't know about this poem, unfortunately. I think the rhyme is a bit forced and awkward, you try too hard to stick to what you consider 'poem-y'. At least that's how it seems, I admit I could be wrong, but this poem remains unexciting in my opinion.
Review by Captain Carousel
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is the most wonderful, honest piece I've read in such a long time. This criticism of prejudice is so perfect and appropriate and well delivered that I can barely express it accurately. I can see no problem with it, it's wonderfully accurate and it's message is so clear.
Review by Captain Carousel
Rated: E | (4.0)
It's difficult to write a story like this and not sound a little bit patronizing from time to time, but I have to admit, that is not a problem you suffer from whatsoever. Really well done, it was Truly intriguing and enchanting, even though it wouldn't be the type of thing I'd usually read.
Review of my blue world  
Review by Captain Carousel
Rated: E | (4.0)
This poem, though not fantastic, is better than the other reviewers have implied. I enjoyed it a lot, it's simple but well expresses a nice message, a safe, encouraging message, in my opinion. I'm not saying my word is final but as far as I'm concerned, this is a lot better than other poetry on this site.

Side note: Can I ask why you chose 113 gps to give out, or was it just random? The reason I ask is just a silly personal thing.
Review by Captain Carousel
Rated: E | (3.5)
This is poem is tremendous fun. It's humour is very enjoyable and it's rare that 'funny' poems would be all that amusing to me but I enjoyed yours a lot. Obviously this is just my opinion but it was a well expressed, humorous look at a bizarre situation. Thanks.
Review by Captain Carousel
Rated: E | (1.0)
The thing about writing Christian song lyrics is that it's very difficult to be original. The images of hills and lambs are constantly reused throughout these songs and it would cause a reader to wonder why someone would bother writing one of these songs when there are so many more just like it already in existence.
Review of Star  
Review by Captain Carousel
Rated: E | (3.5)
I too am fascinated by the stars, and adore poetry that expresses their mystery and redemptive qualities. This poem expresses your own relationship with the stars very well and gives the reader a fantastic feel for why you so enthusiastic towards them. Very nicely done, I think.
Review of Sucide Recovery  
Review by Captain Carousel
Rated: E | (2.5)
I agree wholeheartedly with your topic and message and I'm so glad that someone has decided to touch upon such an important subject. I real hope this hasn't affected you in your life time and if it has I'm very sorry.

However noble your topic of choice is, however, I'm afraid this isn't an overly fantastic piece. I'm not really sure what it is, though, so, I suppose as a speech it is quite good, but it doesn't really stand as a poem, in my opinion.
Review of Auld Lang Syne  
Review by Captain Carousel
Rated: E | (4.0)
I haven't got a lot of time to comment on this as I'm on my way out, but I enjoyed if thoroughly. The form is fascinating and a testament to your talent as a poet, as you manage to convey your message and sentiment perfectly, while still ticking to the form you've decided on. Really nice.
Review by Captain Carousel
Rated: E | (2.5)
I don't think writing a poem 'to be thought-provoking,' is a good intention. In my opinion, you should set out to write a poem you believe in, about something that makes YOU think, and then hope that people feel the same way. It has a more genuine feel. Now, obviously this is only my opinion? And who am I exactly? Nobody, that's who.

Either way, the different lines are clearly trying to be thought-provoking, and that is where they fall down; when the whole purpose of a line is to be thought-provoking, then it kind of trips itself up, if you understand me.
Review by Captain Carousel
Rated: E | (4.0)
I like this poem very much. It's reminiscent of Emily Dickinson and really captures an adoration for nature. To tell the truth, my only problem with it is that there isn't more of it, I think it oil benefit from one or two other verses as enjoyable as the ones already featured.
Review by Captain Carousel
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
To be honest, I am not a friend of the american army. I'm not American and it should be stated that the rest of the world don't have much respect for the warfare in which your great country indulged itself after world war 2. I've never had a particularly positive opinion of your soldiers, either. Now I'm not looking to irritate or upset you and, as I'm not from your country my knowlede on the subject wouldn't be as extensive of yours. Either way, I'm not looking for a debate, I just want you to understand what I expected coming into this poem. I expected big-headed ignorance, boasting of the murder of those who wronged you or dared cross the mighty America.

And instead, I found a well thought-out, intelligent poem that featured a truly admirable respect. Your sentiment was fantastically well impressed, thank you for proving me wrong.
Review of Love is Red  
Review by Captain Carousel
Rated: E | (3.5)
In not particularly sure who Tony is, to be honest, but judging by the descriptions in the poem if imagine he is a young child. If this is the case then this is a wonderful, original poem that deeply affected me. It's extremely innocent and honest and I enjoyed it so much because of how genuine it is.
Review by Captain Carousel
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
I really like this. It's rare to see such genuine passion cone through so clearly in poetry but you definitely manage it. In fact, your expression in this poem has an almost musical quality, which adds even more to the experience of the reader when it comes to this poem. A feeling well expressed with interesting imagery. Lovely.
Review of Much  
Review by Captain Carousel
Rated: E | (3.5)
This is very interesting. Short, but clever and endearing. It had thought-provoking elements which is really quite impressive in such a short poem. It offers great insight into your mind and your thought process, which is something I've always considered to be extremely important in poetry.
Review of Spring Diamante  
Review by Captain Carousel
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is really quite interesting. I have to admit I liked it a lot and you managed to say a lot in so few words.
Review of A Single Thing  
Review by Captain Carousel
Rated: E | (3.5)
This is actually really quite good. I don't know why I am surprised but I didn't expect to enjoy it's as much as I did at first glance. A very interesting, original poem that proved me wrong.
Review of Scent of Wonder  
Review by Captain Carousel
Rated: E | (3.5)
I think this is okay. The sentiment is interesting and it has a mystery to it in the beginning that is endearing. The use of words and description and the overall narrative of the poem is somewhat average, though,
Review of Where are you?  
Review by Captain Carousel
Rated: E | (2.0)
This is a prime example of what I call 'forced rhyme,' as you continuously use words that rhyme with right, even though at some pints it seems awkward and clumsy. For example, 'can you hear my plight,' is a rather desperate rhyme and screams of amateurism I'm afraid. The poem also seems to lack anything other than being something you decided to wife, I can't grasp any emotion from it.

This is only my opinion, and I don't mean to offend. Ignore it if you wish.
Review by Captain Carousel
Rated: E | (3.5)
Not bad at all. You present well a knowledge of history and mythology (Though I believe it should be Daedalus or Daedalos) and there should either be no apostrophe in Pericles or, if you are suggesting ownership it should be Pericles'.

I enjoyed the symbolism of the poem very mug, though I think it runs away with itself slightly. The rhyme is even and flows well. A lovely read.
Review of Come Along  
Review by Captain Carousel
Rated: E | (3.5)
This is poem is nice. It's not overly original and the rhyming isn't really anything new. I enjoyed it, though.
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