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Rated: E | (4.0)
Please remember that I am an author, just like yourself, and as an author I am also reviewed by my peers, and I know what it feels like. Please remember that these are only my opinions, and they are respectfully given to you. You may do with them as you wish-- only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: A good title that is suitable to the subject of your poem that caught my interest.

Spelling,grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: None. Good just the way it is.

Overall: Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. There is beautiful depth of emotion and feeling which comes through in every line. Your imagery of basket ball was well conveyed in this poem. My favorite lines were:

Once you settle into a groove,
No one will question this well-practiced move;
This is fine wisdom, which shall behoove,
Your glorious rank, and time shan’t remove!

I thought these four lines were the perfect ending to you poem on a basketball game. This summed up your poem very well. All in all a good poem and a joy to read. This poem deserves: *Star* *Star* *Star* *Star*. Good Job!!

Keep On Writing And Rock On!!!

Thank you for allowing me to review your writing -- I consider it an honor and privilege.

Have a Nice Day!!!


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Rated: E | (4.0)
Please remember that I am an author, just like yourself, and as an author I am also reviewed by my peers, and I know what it feels like. Please remember that these are only my opinions, and they are respectfully given to you. You may do with them as you wish-- only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: A good title that is suitable to the subject of your poem, which caught my interest.

Spelling,grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: None.

Overall: Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in his or her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. My favorite lines were:

It’s for those who sing with pride –
Showing their respectful side!

I thought these two lines were the perfect way to end your poem. All in all a good poem and a good read. This poem deserves: *Star* *Star* *Star* *Star*. Good Job!!

Keep On Writing And Rock On!!!

Thank you for allowing me to review your writing -- I consider it an honor and privilege.

Have a Nice Day!!!


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Please remember that I am an author, just like yourself, and as an author I am also reviewed by my peers, and I know what it feels like. Please remember that these are only my opinions, and they are respectfully given to you. You may do with them as you wish-- only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: A good title that is suitable to the subject of your poem.

Spelling,grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: None.

Overall: This poem was about infidelity. You conveyed the message of infidelity quite well in this poem. This poem is a very sad and emotional one. You conveyed the pain in this poem very well. The feelings come through and between every line. It grabs the reader's attention from the very beginning and keeps the reader's attention throughout. All in all a good poem. This poem deserves: *Star* *Star* *Star* *Star*.

Keep On Writing And Rock On!!!

Thank you for allowing me to review your writing -- I consider it an honor and privilege.

Have a Nice Day!!!


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Rated: E | (4.0)
Please remember that I am an author, just like yourself, and as an author I am also reviewed by my peers, and I know what it feels like. Please remember that these are only my opinions, and they are respectfully given to you. You may do with them as you wish-- only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: A good title that is suitable to the subject of your poem.

Spelling,grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: None. Good just the way it is.

Overall: Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. I can totally relate to this poem because I used to be a bowler myself. One does get addicted to it really fast. Plus, I had so much fun doing it. It sounds like you are a real competitor. I had to chuck a little bit because I too was a competitor when it came to bowling, brought back great memories for me. All in all a good poem and a joy to read. This poem deserves: *Star* *Star* *Star* *Star*, Good Job! And good luck of you are still bowling *Bowling*!!!: *Smile*

Keep On Writing And Rock On!!!

Thank you for allowing me to review your writing -- I consider it an honor and privilege.

Have a Nice Day!!!


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Rated: E | (4.0)
Please remember that I am an author, just like yourself, and as an author I am also reviewed by my peers, and I know what it feels like. Please remember that these are only my opinions, and they are respectfully given to you. You may do with them as you wish-- only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: A good title that is suitable to the subject of your poem.

Spelling,grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: None. Good just the way it is.

Overall: Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. There is very strong depth of emotion and feeling in every line. My favorite lines were:

Better being served and a cornerstone of living –
Caring to forgive and not shy about giving!

I thought these lines were just beautiful and a great way to end your poem. Nice poem and I enjoyed reading it. This poem deserves: *Star* *Star* *Star* *Star*. Good Job!!!

Keep On Writing And Rock On!!!

Thank you for allowing me to review your writing -- I consider it an honor and privilege.

Have a Nice Day!!!


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Rated: E | (4.0)
Please remember that I am an author, just like yourself, and as an author I am also reviewed by my peers, and I know what it feels like. Please remember that these are only my opinions, and they are respectfully given to you. You may do with them as you wish-- only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: A good title that is suitable to the subject of your poem.

Spelling,grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: None.

Overall: This poem is so heart catching, breath taking, and tear dropping. Truly brought a tear to my eyes. This poem is a very sad and emotional one. You conveyed the pain in this poem very well. The feelings come through and between every line. It grabs the reader's attention from the very beginning and keeps the reader's attention throughout. You truly wore your heart on your sleeve in this poem. It is about the loss of your friend. It is never easy to loss someone you love, but, your friend is in heaven with God now and out of pain. My condolence and prayers go out to you. This is a wonderful poem with a lot of emotion in it. Although it was a sad and heartbreaking one, I enjoyed reading it. This poem deserves: *Star* *Star* *Star* *Star*.

Keep On Writing And Rock On!!!

Thank you for allowing me to review your writing -- I consider it an honor and privilege.

Have a Nice Day!!!


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Rated: E | (5.0)
Please remember that I am an author, just like yourself, and as an author I am also reviewed by my peers, and I know what it feels like. Please remember that these are only my opinions, and they are respectfully given to you. You may do with them as you wish-- only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: A perfect title that is suitable to the subject of your poem, which caught my interest.

Spelling,grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. The flow is nice and easy. The form is very nice, being centered on the page, which I think looks attractive. This, of course, is a matter of taste, and what I prefer.

Word Choice: Word choice is good; nice use of repetition for emphasis of feeling. Good alliteration, assonance and consonance.

Suggestions: I have no suggestions for this lovely poem to make it any better.

Overall: Such a lovely poem you have written here. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in his or her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. I could just picture Mary on the donkey as she rides to Bethlehem. I also liked the picture you had with your poem. I thought it really brought alot to the reader's imagination and made your poem pop. You definitely have a true gift with words. It is a poem from a talented poet. A beautiful poem that I hope many people have a chance to read and enjoy it as much as I have. One in which I would highly recommend. Kudos to the author. This poem certainly deserve: *Star* *Star* *Star* *Star* *Star*.

Keep On Writing And Rock On!!!

Thank you for allowing me to review your writing -- I consider it an honor and privilege.

Have a Nice Day!!!


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Rated: 18+ | (2.5)
Please remember that I am an author, just like yourself, and as an author I am also reviewed by my peers, and I know what it feels like. Please remember that these are only my opinions, and they are respectfully given to you. You may do with them as you wish-- only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: A good title that is suitable to the subject of your poem.

Spelling,grammar and punctuation: Found a lot of errors. 1st line you spelled the words:, (right), 2nd line. , (you), (wanna), all spelled wrong. Also in the 2nd line the word: (I) needs to be capitalized. 2nd line the words: (don't), (wanna), 3rd line, words: (got), (see), (you), (tomorrow) the also were spelled wrong. When writing a poem or short story, you need to write the whole word out.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is okay. The form did not flow well because of all the spelling mistakes.

Suggestions: My only suggestion to you would to go back and re-read your poem and use spell check. Spell check is an awesome tool that will really help you.

Overall: You had some good and loving thoughts in your poem. But, in my opinion it needs work. That accounts for the low score of: *Star* *Star**HalfStar*. If you decide to go back and work on this poem, I would be more then happy to do a re-review for you. All you need to do is email me.

Keep On Writing And Rock On!!!

Thank you for allowing me to review your writing -- I consider it an honor and privilege.

Have a Nice Day!!!


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Review of My Time Is Near  
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Rated: E | (4.5)
Please remember that I am an author, just like yourself, and as an author I am also reviewed by my peers, and I know what it feels like. Please remember that these are only my opinions, and they are respectfully given to you. You may do with them as you wish-- only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: A good title that is suitable to the subject of your poem.

Spelling,grammar: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: None. Perfect just the way it is.

Overall: This poem is so heart catching, breath taking, and tear dropping. Absolutely brought a tear to my eyes. You write about your brother and all he had to endure, but yet he still had faith in God. I found this poem also to be very inspirational, because it sounds like your brother was very ill, but yet still believed in his faith. Just Lovely. You truly wore your heart on your sleeve with this poem. My favorite lines were:

But I go bravely and faithful, as it is my fate
To meet with my Creator, at the Pearly Gate

I thought these lines were perfect way to end your beautiful poem. I enjoyed reading it. This poem deserves:*Star**Star**Star**Star**HalfStar*. Very well written!! Good Job!! I'm truly sorry for your loss, my condolences and prayers go out to you.

Keep On Writing And Rock On!!!

Thank you for allowing me to review your writing -- I consider it an honor and privilege.

Have a Nice Day!!!


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Please remember that I am an author, just like yourself, and as an author I am also reviewed by my peers, and I know what it feels like. Please remember that these are only my opinions, and they are respectfully given to you. You may do with them as you wish-- only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: A good title that is suitable to the subject of your poem.

Spelling,grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: None. Good just the way it is.

Overall: Wow, this poem was just lovely. Brought a tear to my eyes. What a wonderful thing you have done for your friend to write her a poem to lift up her spirits. I'm sure your friend is just going to love this poem. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. It was a joy to read. This poem deserves: *Star* *Star* *Star* *Star* *HalfStar*. Good Job!!!

Keep On Writing And Rock On!!!

Thank you for allowing me to review your writing -- I consider it an honor and privilege.

Have a Nice Day!!!


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Review of Bethlehem Today  
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Please remember that I am an author, just like yourself, and as an author I am also reviewed by my peers, and I know what it feels like. Please remember that these are only my opinions, and they are respectfully given to you. You may do with them as you wish-- only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: A good title that is suitable to the subject of your poem, that caught my interest.

Spelling,grammar: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is good and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: None.

Overall: Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in his or her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. I really liked how you made your words in the form of a Christmas tree, I thought it brought your poem to life and really made it pop. All in all a good poem and a good read. This poem deserves: *Star* *Star* *Star* *Star*.

Keep On Writing And Rock On!!!

Thank you for allowing me to review your writing -- I consider it an honor and privilege.

Have a Nice Day!!!


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Please remember that I am an author, just like yourself, and as an author I am also reviewed by my peers, and I know what it feels like. Please remember that these are only my opinions, and they are respectfully given to you. You may do with them as you wish-- only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: A good title that is suitable to the subject of your poem.

Spelling,grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: None. Good just the way it is.

Overall: This is a poem about your beloved partner, There is wonderful depth of emotion and so much feeling is expressed in every line. Again, this reminds me of a love letter which you wrote to your partner, and in essence, I believe this is what this really is. The reader can tell that you love your partner very much and that the two of you had a very special relationship. One, that most people do not find these days. Beautifully written, and a joy to read. This poem deserves: *Star* *Star* *Star* *Star*.

Keep On Writing And Rock On!!!

Thank you for allowing me to review your writing -- I consider it an honor and privilege.

Have a Nice Day!!!


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Review of The Bottle  
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Please remember that I am an author, just like yourself, and as an author I am also reviewed by my peers, and I know what it feels like. Please remember that these are only my opinions, and they are respectfully given to you. You may do with them as you wish-- only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: A good title that is suitable to the subject of your poem that caught my interest.

Spelling,grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm.

Word Choice: Word selection is and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: My only suggestion is your form. I found myself getting lost, because I had to keep scrolling down the pages to much. I found it very distracting. I think if you go back and take out some of those spaces, your form would be flow better and also give the reader a smoother read. But, this is only my opinion.

Overall: I can really relate to this poem. I too suffer from depression. It is not an easy thing to live with. I think you conveyed the message of depression well in your poem. You also kept the readers attention from beginning to end. This poem deserves: *Star* *Star* *Star* *HalfStar*. If you decide to go back and make some changes, I would be more than happy to do a re-review. All you have to do is email me.

Keep On Writing And Rock On!!!

Thank you for allowing me to review your writing -- I consider it an honor and privilege.

Have a Nice Day!!!


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Rated: E | (4.5)
Please remember that I am an author, just like yourself, and as an author I am also reviewed by my peers, and I know what it feels like. Please remember that these are only my opinions, and they are respectfully given to you. You may do with them as you wish-- only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: A good title that is suitable to the subject of your poem.

Spelling,grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Rhyme: Rhyme is nice.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: None. Good just the way it is.

Overall: Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in his or her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. You truly have a way with words. This poem deserves:*Star**Star**Star**Star* *HalfStar*. I really enjoyed reading this because it was so beautifully written.

Keep On Writing And Rock On!!!

Thank you for allowing me to review your writing -- I consider it an honor and privilege.

Have a Nice Day!!!


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Rated: E | (4.0)
Please remember that I am an author, just like yourself, and as an author I am also reviewed by my peers, and I know what it feels like. Please remember that these are only my opinions, and they are respectfully given to you. You may do with them as you wish-- only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: A good title that is suitable to the subject of your poem.

Spelling,grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is good and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: None. Good just the way it is.

Overall: Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. I found it very inspirational. It shows so well how it feels when one is willing to let the false sense of self go and become one with God. He does all of these things and more, giving a sense of peace and relief in the wake of fear and pride. A wonderful message. I also likes how you put different colors to spell out the word A Christmas Miracle, I thought by doing this it really gave alot to the poem and made it pop. My favorite lines were.

There is no need to despair
God’s love is everywhere
If we just open our eyes
And look around.

I thought these lines were the perfect way to end your poem. This poem deserves: *Star* *Star* *Star* *Star*, Beautiful poem, one in which I enjoyed reading.

Keep On Writing And Rock On!!!

Thank you for allowing me to review your writing -- I consider it an honor and privilege.

Have a Nice Day!!!


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Rated: E | (4.5)
Please remember that I am an author, just like yourself, and as an author I am also reviewed by my peers, and I know what it feels like. Please remember that these are only my opinions, and they are respectfully given to you. You may do with them as you wish-- only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: A good title that is suitable to the subject of your poem.

Spelling,grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: None. Perfect just the way it is.

Overall: This is a poem about your beloved partner, There is wonderful depth of emotion and so much feeling is expressed in every line. Again, this reminds me of a love letter which you wrote to your partner, and in essence, I believe this is what this really is. The reader can tell that you love your partner very much and that the two of you had a very special relationship. This poem deserves: *Star* *Star* *Star* *Star**HalfStar*. A beautiful poem written straight from the heart that I hope many people have a chance to read and enjoy it as much as I have.

Keep On Writing And Rock On!!!

Thank you for allowing me to review your writing -- I consider it an honor and privilege.

Have a Nice Day!!!


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Review of Empty Space  
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Rated: E | (4.0)
Please remember that I am an author, just like yourself, and as an author I am also reviewed by my peers, and I know what it feels like. Please remember that these are only my opinions, and they are respectfully given to you. You may do with them as you wish-- only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: A good title that is suitable to the subject of your poem.

Spelling,grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is good and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: None.

Overall: Very nice originality and imgination. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. You chose your words carefully to evoke beautiful images for the reader. I felt as if I was on your journey with you. This poem deserve: *Star* *Star* *Star* *Star*. Good poem, one in which I enjoyed reading.

Keep On Writing And Rock On!!!

Thank you for allowing me to review your writing -- I consider it an honor and privilege.

Have a Nice Day!!!


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Review of Waiting  
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Rated: E | (3.5)
Please remember that I am an author, just like yourself, and as an author I am also reviewed by my peers, and I know what it feels like. Please remember that these are only my opinions, and they are respectfully given to you. You may do with them as you wish-- only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: A good title that is suitable to the subject of your poem, and caught my interest.

Spelling,grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is good and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: None.

Overall: Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in his or her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. I could see the flowers blooming and the sun coming up in my mind. But, It left me wanting more about waiting. This poem deserves: *Star* *Star* *Star*. *HalfStar*

Keep On Writing And Rock On!!!

Thank you for allowing me to review your writing -- I consider it an honor and privilege.

Have a Nice Day!!!


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Review of Romantic Anguish  
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Rated: E | (4.0)
Please remember that I am an author, just like yourself, and as an author I am also reviewed by my peers, and I know what it feels like. Please remember that these are only my opinions, and they are respectfully given to you. You may do with them as you wish-- only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: A good title that is suitable to the subject of your poem.

Spelling,grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of I did not like because I kind of got lost having to keep scrolling down the page.

Word Choice: Word selection is and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: My only suggestion is the form you used. My suggestion is to put it in to this kind of form:

Mom told me today,
That I had to see you.
Doing A play,
The thing that I hate.

By doing this I think your flow of your poem would be much better and make for a better read. But, this is only my opinion, only you can decide what is right for your poem.

Overall: This poem is so heart catching, breath taking, and tear dropping. About a person that still in longing for his or her past love. Deep expression of emotion. Powerful. You express the pain very well in this poem. This poem deserves: *Star* *Star* *Star* *Star*. All in all a good poem.

Keep On Writing And Rock On!!!

Thank you for allowing me to review your writing -- I consider it an honor and privilege.

Have a Nice Day!!!


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Review of Myself  
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Rated: E | (3.5)
Please remember that I am an author, just like yourself, and as an author I am also reviewed by my peers, and I know what it feels like. Please remember that these are only my opinions, and they are respectfully given to you. You may do with them as you wish-- only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: A good title that is suitable to the subject of your poem.

Spelling,grammar: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is good and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: My only suggestion is on your punctuation. You put some punctuation, but did not follow throughout your poem with it. The punctuation is where the author wishes the reader to take a breath; to contemplate; to pause for dramatic effect. The lack of punctuation says the same thing, "Read in one breath, whether slow, or fast, down the page". To me, punctuation is direction from the author to the reader. Be consistent throughout the piece. My personal opinion, this poem would benefit from punctuation.

Overall: You had some really good ideas in here, which keep the readers attention from beginning to end. This poem deserves:*Star**Star**Star* : *HalfStar*. All in all good poem. If you decide to go back a re-work this poem I would be more then happy to do a re-review, you just need to email me.

Keep On Writing And Rock On!!!

Thank you for allowing me to review your writing -- I consider it an honor and privilege.

Have a Nice Day!!!


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Review of A Slower Return  
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Rated: E | (4.0)
Please remember that I am an author, just like yourself, and as an author I am also reviewed by my peers, and I know what it feels like. Please remember that these are only my opinions, and they are respectfully given to you. You may do with them as you wish-- only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: A good title that is suitable to the subject of your poem.

Spelling,grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is good and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: None.

Overall: Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout.Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem.
This poem deserve: *Star* *Star* *Star* *Star*. All in all a good poem. Good Job!!!

Keep On Writing And Rock On!!!

Thank you for allowing me to review your writing -- I consider it an honor and privilege.

Have a Nice Day!!!


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Review of Wait For Snow  
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Please remember that I am an author, just like yourself, and as an author I am also reviewed by my peers, and I know what it feels like. Please remember that these are only my opinions, and they are respectfully given to you. You may do with them as you wish-- only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: A good title that is suitable to the subject of your poem.

Spelling,grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: None.

Overall: Very nice originality and imagination. Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. I really liked the colored letter in certain words, and also falling leave and snowflakes. I really thought this brought your poem to life. This poem deserves: *Star* *Star* *Star* *Star*. All in all a good poem and a pleasure to read.

Keep On Writing And Rock On!!!

Thank you for allowing me to review your writing -- I consider it an honor and privilege.

Have a Nice Day!!!


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Please remember that I am an author, just like yourself, and as an author I am also reviewed by my peers, and I know what it feels like. Please remember that these are only my opinions, and they are respectfully given to you. You may do with them as you wish-- only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: A good title that is suitable to the subject of your poem.

Spelling,grammar and punctuation: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is good and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: None.

Overall: Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. Good imagery, which helps the reader to see in his or her mind's eye what the poem is about and it also stimulates the imagination to see beyond the poem. This poem deserves: *Star* *Star* *Star* *Star*. All in all a good poem.

Keep On Writing And Rock On!!!

Thank you for allowing me to review your writing -- I consider it an honor and privilege.

Have a Nice Day!!!


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Review of A Weeping Earth  
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Please remember that I am an author, just like yourself, and as an author I am also reviewed by my peers, and I know what it feels like. Please remember that these are only my opinions, and they are respectfully given to you. You may do with them as you wish-- only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: A good title that is suitable to the subject of your poem.

Spelling,grammar: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is good, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is good and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: None.

Overall: You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. You did a great job in getting the message out about how our earth is becoming destructive. Thanks for getting the message out there. Usually, I pick a line or two to comment on, but I liked the whole poem. So, I decided not to choose one or two lines. this poem deserve: *Star* *Star* *Star* *Star*. All in all a good poem.

Keep On Writing And Rock On!!!

Thank you for allowing me to review your writing -- I consider it an honor and privilege.

Have a Nice Day!!!


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Review of Breath of Life  
In affiliation with  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Please remember that I am an author, just like yourself, and as an author I am also reviewed by my peers, and I know what it feels like. Please remember that these are only my opinions, and they are respectfully given to you. You may do with them as you wish-- only you know what is right for your writing!

Title: A good title that is suitable to the subject of your poem, one that caught my interest.

Spelling,grammar: I could find no errors.

Flow/Rhythm: The rhyme scheme is very good, as is the rhythm. Form of the poem is excellent, and the flow is nice and easy.

Word Choice: Word selection is perfect and makes for easy reading.

Suggestions: None. Good just the way it is.

Overall: Speaks of love and by one soft breath on the neck, it brings that person back to life. Such beautiful words. I must say, you have a talent for wording. Very nice originality. You caught the reader's attention from the very first line and kept the reader's attention throughout. There is beautiful depth of emotion and feeling which comes through in every
line. this poem deserves: *Star* *Star* *Star* *Star* *HalfStar*. I really enjoyed reading this because it was so beautifully written.

Keep On Writing And Rock On!!!

Thank you for allowing me to review your writing -- I consider it an honor and privilege.

Have a Nice Day!!!


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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