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Review of Resistance  
Review by C. Powell
Rated: E | (4.5)
That was quite cleverly constructed, not finding out the 'truth' until the end, though I had my suspicions early on, jsut by the tone of the story. I thought of some sort of French resistance spy ring, so I wasnt far off, I guess. The love story was certainly the center of the piece and what at first seemed simple adolescent love turned into something greater: a fight for survival in some rather dark days.

In all, quite well done, and a very satisfying ending.

Review of Desperado  
Review by C. Powell
Rated: E | (4.5)
Was this what is called a 'libonelle'? I swear I see more of them each day :)

In any event, excellent tribute to the 'Man in Black' and I can agree with the sentiments of the poem. Most days, I want to take that road and get away, but at least the music gave us an escape, as music often does. Nicely written.

Review by C. Powell
Rated: E | (4.5)
I guess that poem has faced a winding road to have been under construction for 19 years. Wonderfully patriotic and one that might have even been put to some of Sousa's marches in the days of the Grand Army of the Republic after the War Between the States. Not quite jingoistic, but close :) The repetition of 'Listen to the Drum' really keeps the poem together and gives it a cadence to a certain extent and helping the poem flow and read well. And as a historian, I could appreciate the details and the travails of this country's path. Excellent work.

Review by C. Powell
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Great examples of blank verse and free verse, and it makes sense that Shakespeare would adhere to blank verse, so is iambic pentameter a form a blank verse? That is the only thing that confuses me, but I confess to be a novice in categorising styles of poetry. In all, excellent advice again.

Review of Mood in Poetry  
Review by C. Powell
Rated: E | (4.5)
Excellent examples of setting and mood, and more than I learned in my feeble lit classes. Still, most of those classes do not talk about how to write poetry, just how to interpret it, and mostly dealing with the style, meter, and context. Hardly anything about mood, really. So quite informative and I see myself doing some of those things without thinking about it, but I guess after a while it just becomes instinct. Excellent advice.

Review by C. Powell
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very nicely done, and it has an easy style to it that moves the piece gently like the day that passes in the poem. The imagery is very gauzy, like seen through the reflection of youth, though it might well have been yesterday :) And I loved the verse with the beagle, reminds me of my dogs and their adventures (used to have a half-beagle/terrier and a shi tzu) Excellent work.

Review of The Perfect Poem  
Review by C. Powell
Rated: E | (5.0)
Perfection in perfection, not much more can be said. Very well done structurally, and the rhyme scheme was marvelous in construction. The poem just flowed perfectly to me. I write a lot of poetry and certainly agree with the sentiments contained within. One day, perhaps.

Review by C. Powell
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
It is somewhat wierd to rate a piece on something of this nature (as many have pointed out when reviewing a piece of mine on reviewing), but such is the way of this community. I also try to avoid items that have a ton of ratings and look for items that seem to be neglected, cause I know we like for all our items to be read, no matter how popular one item is or not. Ramblings aside, excellent piece here. Some specifics reagarding each point, if I may:

1) Agree completely on this point. Ok when sending an email at times to someone, but too much of it drives me nuts.

2) In poetry, my sense of punctuation is not the best. Sometimes a piece is served by not adding capitalization or punctuation to help with the poem's style; however, in any other piece I quite agree. Sometimes there are a couple of exceptions in a story to make a point, but never in non-fiction really.

3)Arrgh... spelling. I fall prey to it more when I am typing in a hurry, or use the wrong spelling for a word and it misses the spellchecker(recently, 'sight'for 'site', go figure) On the other hand, consistent spelling errors can be annoying, and I am grateful when someone points out my own errors

4)I have seen a lot of 'read and review <blah>' in descritpions. One of the easiest ways to get me to not read it. A descritpion has to draw the reader in. Not sound like we are begging.

5)The only excpetion I would make to grammar (not spelling right on purpose is inexcusable) is in the case of poems and some fiction works. Fragments to me are acceptable if they make sense, and runons can in rare exceptions. I write a lot of stream of consciousness, especially in poetry, so I will forsake a little sentence structure here and there for a point, but certainly not for any other reason.

6)Reading online is bad enough on my eyes. I agree with that. Thankfully, most authors I have read are good about this, and some so good that they break the paragraphs too often :)

7)I think that refuting a review is ok, but attacking is another matter. Perhaps the reader did not understand the piece and was working from a false assumption (then that is also the fault of the author). Sometimes the reader misses the point (guilty on a couple of occassions, and was set straight). Still, unless the reviewer was just being a jerk, a lengthy refutation is at times unnecessary. Of course, if a reviewer is just being spiteful (have had 2 of those reviews), then I just take the high road and thank them, then review them out of courtesy. Tough to do, but really makes them cranky.

8)Thank you is the best way to get me to keep coming into a person's port (so is reciprocation, but that is another matter entirely :) Usually, if someone does not respond to my review, then I will tend to avoid returning to their port. (now, I have had people be away for awhile, then blitz me with a dozen returns too)

9)Thats just not good form... whining. In a way, the plug pages seem like whining at times. I feel like if I have to plug a piece, then I am doing something wrong as an author. I do my best to attract readers by reviewing and (hopefully) being thoughtful and courteous to them in the reviews. An old Southern saying" 'You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar.' Almost always true. :)

10)I have done sponsorships, and got a lot of reads, but the return on reviews was minimal to the number of reads, so I just went back to the old standby of reviewing people into reading me (if it works, it works) I have done some things like donating to the RAOK and Lend-a-hand team forums to get some extra reviews, but I was mostly trying to help out others, since I was upgraded through various RAOKs (still trying to find out who nominated me to be yellow :)

In all, wonderful piece, hence my virtual novella in response. But, I felt better replying by point than as a whole, and it is prolly easier on the eyes. Thanks for sharing this, and I do like this type of piece, for it always evokes these types of opinions and responses. Excellent work.

Review by C. Powell
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Nominally, I avoid overtly religious pieces, yet this to me felt spirtual rather than religious, for I should think there is a difference. I can feel the sense of power in the words borne through faith, and it gives the poem a majesty beyond simple praise. Very nicely done.

Review of Sarcasm  
Review by C. Powell
Rated: E | (4.5)
See, more 'cold' imagery, with the last line sealing the poem and really gives one a hollow sense of love at this stage. And it can be so true, alas. Either way, great work.

Review of Two Short Poems  
Review by C. Powell
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
I do like the second more but quite good nonetheless and capture war in two different ways. One I think somewhat idealistic in the first one (but ever hopeful) and the tragic reality in the second piece. I am mostly an idealist, but when I write war poetry I gravitate toward the realistic side, so I felt more of a connection with the second poem. In any event, well done and let us hope the ruin of war may someday end before it ends us.

Review of All I Really Want  
Review by C. Powell
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I certainly cannot fault you for your honesty and I think in the end we all have those feelings. We would not be human otherwise. I like the verse dealing with infinity, as I am predisposed to thinking of the universe in those terms :) The poem had a very easy movement and was chilling, moving and haunting at various times as the verses changed to keep up with the thoughts of the author. Reminds me of how I am when I cant sleep (which is most of the time.) Very well done.

Review of A Worthy Quest  
Review by C. Powell
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
How true and I found the alliterive moments in the poem to be apporpriate in a piece with good vs evil. It added something to the idea of good when used. I certainly agree with the idea that seemed to be espoused that 'evil prospers when good men do nothing' (I know I am paraphrasing, but I think that was the jist). Either way, I love the metaphor of the knight, being a medieval historian myself. Very well done, and I did quite like the structure of the poem as it complemented what was being said well.

Review of The Leader  
Review by C. Powell
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very interesting and funny at times, but also a little chilling, cause we are not that far removed from something of that nature happening really. Really liked the line about 'country dancing', just struck me as very funny. Still, one wonders what leaders have in store for the future. Great work.

Review of Worth The Price?  
Review by C. Powell
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Most interesting and I do sympathise with the pov, being a victim as a kid of two divorces, and going through my own, though none of them involved affairs, just a whole lot of anger (except mine... just distance, really) The imagery was quite well done and I did like the ryhtmn of the piece and it served the stucture well without compromising it in favor of making it 'sound' better, meaning the words were chosen well. Excellent work.

Review by C. Powell
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Excellent advice, and I heartily use #1,#2 and #5.. The bid click system helped out a great deal with a couple of my works, and so has the newsletter; however, I feel that Reviewing has been my best means of exposure, partly because I do so much of it, and part of it stems from sheer verbosity at times :) I think I might have close to a novella if I were to turn all my reviews into a fiction work. I have found, though, as long as your reviews are thoughtful and critical without being harsh, as there is really no need for it, the exposure gained is immense. I would say for every 10 reviews I do, perhaps 5 to 6 turn into a review in return, so that is not a bad percentage. Might be a little higher at times. Either way, it has been the best exposure for me, and I do think it works and helps me as a writer since it makes me write all the time.

Thanks for the informative column and the advice.

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