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Review by Jennyj
In affiliation with RAOK Upgrade Brigade Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Your touching story brings tears to my eyes and a prayer to my heart! I have six of the little devils, myself, and can only imagine what you are going through right now! What I like best about th is piece is that it is a true t ribute rat her than a planned tear-jerker. I feel that I know this huge, gentle cat because of your description of him and his love for you and W alter. You have excellent word choices and an affectionate, realistic tone in your writing! You have done this cat proud!! Best of luck!!
Review by Jennyj
In affiliation with  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Really fabulous look at the effective use of carefully chosen words and the horrors of economic deprivation/degradtion! WHAT I LIKED BEST was the modern-day similarity to the classic french story by Guy deMaupasant about the husband buying exprnsive hair combs for his wife for Christmas, only to find that she had sold her hair to buy his presant! Your story, I'm sure an unpLanned modern version, has the same unspoken moral retold around modern issues. I see no errors, and wouldn't change a thing! Great job!! Fun reading! Excellent word usage!! I wish I could be half so elequent and entertaining1 WRITE ON!!
Review by Jennyj
In affiliation with RAOK Upgrade Brigade Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
That was kinda neat! I have no idea what I've said about myself, but took my answers from my approach to healing--I am learning to walk again at the age of fifty. It was so much easier when I was closer to the ground. I especially appreciate your attitude that this was to have fun with and that I could make up my own quiz if I didn't like yours!! Great fun!
Review of No Kidding  
Review by Jennyj
In affiliation with RAOK Upgrade Brigade Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is really outstanding!! i actually dabble enough in sci-fi to recognize a great story; I can't wait for my husband (the Daddy-Cat) to read it. It will really resonate with him, living again in his childhood home and awakening to the slideshow of his early dreams every day. . . . I liked the realistic dialog the best--I could just visualize with no problem the steady roar of life outside the bathroom door and the disconcerting conversation between you and oher-you in the bathroom. I wouldn't change a thing. Exceptional read!
Review by Jennyj
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Really excellent poem following that whmsical prompt! Your poem speaks to the dragon, as well as deep feelings and fears, and love! You have somehow managed to incorporate all of that in one sucinct, meaningful poem!! All I could manage to do was fantasize about having another pet that my cats would try to eat!! Great, inspired job!
Review by Jennyj
Rated: E | (3.5)
Good action within a solid plot. Your writing needs some careful editing to make it read as smoothly as you want it to. Good word choices make your writing interesting to read and follow. Your writng reads stiffly; write some more to loosen up! The story has potential but needs some mechanical work to make it read more easily. The plot has great potential to be a winner of a story and just needs some tweaking to polish it up. After you edit it, I will be happy to re-review it and re-rate it. Write on! This is a great first start!
Review by Jennyj
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a really beautiful and unseslfconscious restatement of the Ten Commandments and your decision to adhere to them, and your understandings of t hem and what they mean to you. A most impressive credo to proclaim and announce. I am humbled by your definitions and your adherence to them. It is almost liturgical in its rhythms and wording. The title "Promises, Promises indicates that you are weighing the relative value of these promises being made by a human at the same time as you are sincerely making them. Great writing and brave out-loud contemplation!!
Review by Jennyj
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
GREAT READ! ORIGINAL, CREATIVE, INSPIRED, FUNNY, GENTLY SUSPENSEFUL--it's late on Fri. afternoon and I'm short on both energy and appropriate adjectives! NaNoWriMo contestants, be scared! Be VERY scared!! yOYou have an excellent, humorous plot that fits the prompt well, infused with excellent dialog and super word choices! An outstanding entry!
Review of Multivalence  
Review by Jennyj
Rated: E | (5.0)
I am familiar with MULTIVALENCE, your enlightening article on the many possible meanings of a poem to the writer and the reader/listener, as a result of my traveling on The Journey with you and Karen! I interpret this poem as involving several different takes on the experience of religion, with each presenter promoting a different point of view in a value-neutral setting for all to encounter and ponder. You have presented all of these dimensions of religion, not in a proselitizing manner, but in an experiential one. You are not out to change minds, but to show these different experiences of religion. There appears to be no "right" inherent in any one of these views. A great read!
Review of Recess Kids  
Review by Jennyj
Rated: E | (5.0)
Another wonderful piece!! You paint a great picture of childhood-chaos and unbridled emotion on your playground; I can actually visualisze the little kids zooming around and playing their respective parts. You have guided t he reader to also be able to hear the din of the playing and kid-based one-up-manship as they all jockey for position on the equipment and with each other! Very evocative writing!
Review of Trespasses  
Review by Jennyj
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is really a superb piece!! It is at once a recitation of the baggage the writer feels for his subject, and a blessing for the subject's sitution; sort or a pre-raprochment! A pre-forgivenes, kiss-and-make[up, although it does not seem the intent of the writer to kiss just yet! I like the lilting of the lines contrasted with what almost seems like the loosely clenched teeth of the writer Barely veiled past hostility peeks through as the characters interact; the writer out loud and the recipient silently but present nevertheless. Great work!!
Review of Can't Get Enough  
Review by Jennyj
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Excellent story! And, in this day and age, potentially realistic! This is a great entry, and deserved to win! I was so pleased when I saw your name!! Great word choices and effective dialog make this an outstanding read. Very inventive use of the prompt; poses thought-provoking ethical dillemmas for us all to think about as we all age! How far is it really permissible to go with technology?? Great job!!
Review by Jennyj
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
What a wonderful, heartwarming story. You gave that angel a run for her wingspan that day!! I like the way you describe your dilemma over rescuing the dog despite its refusal to politely stop and listen to you; your assessment of its fear of you and its nonchalance at the danger of its situation make the story a realistic read, rather than a gooet, sentimental tale with you as the hero--which you were!
Review by Jennyj
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
WHAT IMAGINATION!! Makes my little poem about old Tipton look rather tame and boring!! In case you ever see thoswe little heathens around, don't send them over for a snack!!!! Tipton IS a real cat; he is a PIECE OF WORK!! Your story is great and suspenseful--can"t wait to read your "WHODUNIT!" Great, convincing characters! Super word choices!! Sorry about Teddy. . . .
Review by Jennyj
In affiliation with  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

This is a magnificent story! It combines the perils of the modern teaching profession with the ackwardness of his breakfast adventure and the impact of the loud Christian music and preaching, out of context as it was. The three components weave together to make for a great picture of work-day chaos as he makes his way into the morning. An excellent portrayal of the modern schedule and current workplace quirks!
Review of Independence Day  
Review by Jennyj
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Excellent description of emotions and pain! The story was made dynamic by the alternation between her thoughts and the action. The Liz you showed me made me instantly dislike her and come up with unsavory descriptions of her. You did an excellent job of painting your characters with vivid words in such a way that they appear reprehensible without dis-ing them at all! Great job! Great story,also!
Review of Warm Greetings  
Review by Jennyj
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (4.5)


Excellent poem full of strong emotions! I like the way you detailed your arrival home, and the feelings that flowed from it as your partner found fault with your every move. I especially like the part that begins with "not welcome in my own house"--that shows the reaching of the bitter end!! A super showing of pain and the resulting action and summary of the partner's guilt--I really liked the image of the guilt rack!!

 Since you've gone...  ()
To the memory of a departed friend
#1579737 by modernpoet
Review of "May I help you?"  
Review by Jennyj
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (4.0)

This is a much-needed essay about the free availability of needed resources. Your point that we seem to be fixated on the electronic media is well taken, and well expressed. Your style is very readable; you relate to your readers well. One correction that I noticed is that you need to change it's to its. It's means it is. The appostrophe is not used to show posession with pronouns like "it." Thanks for the great read!
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#1579732 by Not Available.

Review by Jennyj
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
A neat, diverse, helpful list!! As a poet, these opportunities for usage help me tremendously! You have listed some words that don't generally come to mind--it's nice to have a compilation of them in something shorter than a full dictionary! Your use of out-of-the ordinary words is refreshing in this day and age! Write-or ccompile-on!!
Review by Jennyj
Rated: E | (5.0)
A really fun, informative read!! I have always seen those numbers, and have had no clue about their meaning. I am glad it is nutritional and not just the dimensions of the bag!! Just kidding! You presented this in a coherent, readable way guaranteed to educate and not just sell products! Good descrptions in the text!!
Review of Whispers  
Review by Jennyj
Rated: E | (4.5)
Good rhythm and rhyme are great features of this poem consistently throughout the piece, The shortness of the lines adds inmtensity to the desperate feelings of the epeaker. The poem has a good flow throughout. When reviewing poetry, I usually try to let the poet know which line in the poem is my favorite; I like all of yours equally and can't single out just one "favorite." Great descriptive word choices make this poem pleasant to read and understand!
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