Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/johnkoehler
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24 Public Reviews Given
24 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review by John Glover Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Pretty good. I'd suggest giving descriptions of the T20 and Zentorno. Please, realize who your audience is: I don't know anything about playing online or Black Ops 4; I'm Old School (Super Mario 3 on NES). Also, you say you're playing Black Ops 3, but you say you put GTA V in the slot; which one are you playing? Also, do you have a PS4 or PS3. Watch spelling and grammar. All in all, I really enjoyed your story.
Review by John Glover Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Beautiful poem. Love the pictures, also, but could have used some pictures of the Nativity scene. Keep up the good work!
Review of Winter Snowflakes  Open in new Window.
Review by John Glover Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Excellent poem. Judging by that last stanza, it seems like you don't see snow very often. I'm from South Alabama, and it never snows here. Beautiful illustrations and well detailed. Keep up the good work!
Review of Elisa's Nightmare  Open in new Window.
Review by John Glover Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.0)
Your caption is a bit misleading. In which part of the story is it revealed that Elisa has the power to see into the future? I know it talks about her dreams, but how does that reference the future, she sees Mira everyday doesn't she? I'm guilty of this too, but watch your participles. Your first sentence referred to the present and the past. The second sentence was a huge run-on sentence. Usually, I don't have a problem, but when it's that blatant, you can't help but notice. The sentence before 'I hate Mira' definitely needs some attention; it took me a few minutes to understand what 'my run' meant. All in all, a pretty good story. Focus on the plot! Make me believe she has psychic powers, and give me supporting evidence!
Review of If I Died Today  Open in new Window.
Review by John Glover Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.5)
I think instead of 'become to be,' it should be 'come to be.' Aside from that, very stirring and deep. Really enjoyed it! Would be a great song.
Review by John Glover Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
I loved this biography, although it had serious grammar and spelling errors throughout. If you see Renae, please thank her for service! It's heartwarming to read a beautiful story about service members. There's too many poems, novels, stories and movies about the ugly side of war (American Sniper for example). Keep writing!
Review by John Glover Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.5)
Beautiful, but very difficult to follow. For starters, if you want people to read this PLEASE!!! mention how many children and grandchildren you have and the names of all of them. Giving descriptions about them would be nice, also. It seems like you're just spatting off names. I don't know your family, but they seem like lovely folks. I'm glad you had a wonderful weekend. I don't know much about you, but I'm sure you're probably a hard worker like my mom, and all mothers deserve our deepest love and admiration for taking care of their children (some while working two or three full time jobs).
Review by John Glover Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is so true! I'm not Indian, but I can still relate. If you're like me, you have so many things that interest you that it's hard to choose one profession. It seems like burnout can be a real issue, but what's more important is enjoying the people you work for and with.
Review by John Glover Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Good story! Very relatable. I've struggled with my weight for years. I knew I was going to have high blood pressure sooner or later; now I'm 27 and have been on medicine for five years. Not a big fan of poetry, but really enjoyed your work!
Review of Riley  Open in new Window.
Review by John Glover Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Wonderful story. I had a dog that I loved very much. He would follow me everywhere, as Riley did with his owner. It's difficult having to bear with the loss of a pet; I can't even imagine seeing your pet be put to sleep. Keep up the good work!
Review by John Glover Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
This is what I've been saying about school all along. I went to college; couldn't find a job due to the poor economy, so I'm currently working with high school dropouts making slightly over minimum wage. Thinking about applying for truck-driving school, which I probably should have done all along. I could have saved $50,000. All in all, a truly good expose, Well done!
Review of Untitled5  Open in new Window.
Review by John Glover Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.0)
Too deep for my taste, but I imagine others may enjoy it. I'm not a big fan of poetry; I prefer prose. What's the purpose of this poem? Are you longing to let your hidden feelings and desires come true? Do you feel as if these desires are only whispers now?
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