Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/judah
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53 Public Reviews Given
73 Total Reviews Given
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Review of A Bunch Of Things  
Review by *RaiN*
Rated: E | (3.5)
The concept was actually cool...I think I was thrown aback by the sense of chaos in this piece. Maybe a softer structure, something that flows a bit easier. There seems to be many things going on that can be conveyed I guess, more gracefully. But honestly this was a wonderful write! I enjoyed reading it :) keep up the good work!
Review of Blades  
Review by *RaiN*
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Moving piece-
my favorite line was
"My fan has a line
that he says all the time:
"My rhyme is my rhyme, and I am border-line"

I think "friends" could be respelled-
"My freinds and the feinds"-
but other than that this is a great piece to read-I hope to more of your work in the future

wonderful work-
write on!!
Review of Piano Praise  
Review by *RaiN*
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is an awesome prose!! Loved every bit of it-the grand finale to the piece was the best (in my opinion, that is)

" reflecting evanescent moonlight in the night."

Absolutely beautiful

Hope to see more of your work in the future-
Judah (:

Review of Transgressor  
Review by *RaiN*
Rated: E | (4.0)
Very good piece-it flowed wonderfully and the structure was awesome. My favorite line was "Paint the thorned poison plant that which was once 'The Rose'"-

Really enjoyed reading this-hope to see more of your work in the future-

Great write-Judah
Review by *RaiN*
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Another great write!! This one is truly awesome-my favorite line "Atonement comes to she who asks for help"-so true...

You are an awesome poet-I see no problems with this prose and am looking forward to reading more-
keep up the great work-
Review by *RaiN*
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
wow-what a moving letter! I really enjoyed reading this particular piece-I think it is very poetic and almost cryptic. "The silence of graves..." was a great visual line-I also liked "By August we'll be choking on dust..."- Awesome write-hope to see more of your work in the future-Judah

Review of Firefly  
Review by *RaiN*
Rated: E | (4.5)
Awesome-love reading your work-Judah
Review of Dearest Monique  
Review by *RaiN*
Rated: E | (5.0)
That is one of the sweetest letters I have ever read! It's so expressive and every word is phrased so beautifully. You conveyed honesty and raw emotion-absolutely breathtaking. Wow-enjoyed this letter very much-it left such a warm cozy feeling-great work! Judah
Review of Redemption  
Review by *RaiN*
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Ahh!! Loved the story-wonderful beginning and great ending! Really enjoyed this story! It really keeps one reading-keep up the good work-Judah
Review by *RaiN*
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
kind of cute- rather violent-but it was well written and very much creative. This piece had a great visual element to it- what a fun song if someone is in that particular mood-good job- keep up the good work- I'm sure people are waiting on the update!Judah
Review of Falling Up  
Review by *RaiN*
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
For some reason my review for this song didn't go through the first time-anyway, great anst song- the piece had a bit of a Staind aura to it- the emotions conveyed through these lyrics were touching, and I'm sure many out there will be able to relate. good piece-Judah
Review of Silent No More  
Review by *RaiN*
Rated: E | (4.0)
very emotional poem-the system never really leaves a kids' heart-even after one is grow-anyway-great work-Judah
Review of Reminiscence  
Review by *RaiN*
Rated: E | (4.0)
what a sad time in your life-this writing expressed your feelings of loss so exquisitely-keep writing-Judah
Review of Letters From Pa  
Review by *RaiN*
Rated: E | (4.5)
Oh-these are so sad! I was almost in tears! they tell such a story-judah
Review by *RaiN*
Rated: E | (4.0)
I thought this was a very moving piece-"I'm terrified at the depths of my own faithlessness" such raw honesty. This piece made me really think about my stance on the issues you tackled. Wonderful work!
Review of Sojourner  
Review by *RaiN*
Rated: E | (4.0)
This was a very inspirational essay!! My favorite part was " Lazarus awakening..." I felt this essay was upbeat,positive and very well thought out. It was very honest and it's emotional element was very well expressed! This was a wondeful essay and hope to see more work.
Review of Liquify  
Review by *RaiN*
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
wow- this is a very expressive writing! I found this writing very heartfelt and very well put together. It was to the point and mixed anger and pain very poetically. Bleed me dry was good-I've used that line quite a number of times and thought I was so original! Great work!
Review of Without You  
Review by *RaiN*
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is a pretty sad song-but wonderfully expressed and the rhythym was great. It's hard to deal with loss-especially when it's a death because of the finality-but it's so healthy to express grief through poetry or song-or any artform for that matter-keep up the good work-wonderful piece.
Review by *RaiN*
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow- deeply thought out and very socially concious piece of work-it expressed your concern and hope wonderfully. The brains that get splattered part was a bit dramatic-but I think that's what you were probably going for to get your point across. Great job!
Review by *RaiN*
Rated: E | (4.0)
Were you really under the influence when you wrote this or were you saying it in a metaphorical sense? Either way it was a very expressive piece of work and I enjoyed reading it. Don't you hate those times when it's hard to think of something to write?! Great work-keep it up
Review by *RaiN*
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Interesting poem. This poem seemed to come straight from the heart and soul, it is expressed well and had a sweet ending. The "just like me and you" line probably should have been "you and I"- but no big deal- I think this poem is pretty cool-write on!
Review of Untitled  
Review by *RaiN*
Rated: E | (4.0)
Emotions and feelings were well expressed in this piece of work. Maybe a little more descriptive language could be used, I don't know-the poem was good. It was short and sweet and to the point-or the question rather, good work-keep it up! I liked the poem-raw heartfelt legitamite concern.
Review by *RaiN*
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is awesome!! Long...but awesome. The language and rhythm flowed absolutely perfect. I liked the fact that it told a story and expressed feelings in such a structered way without boring the reader. The rest of this ballad I'm sure will be just as good. if not better. Wonderful work.
Review of Spring  
Review by *RaiN*
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is a great poem! It's structered and the descriptive language gives a great visual. This poem has a beautiful tonality and gives a sense of peace and reverance for the change of season. It's a short simple poem, very easy to understand-not complex and mysterious. It's right to the point. Spring rocks!
Review of Impression  
Review by *RaiN*
Rated: E | (4.0)
Love the phrase "infinite artistic range"-beautifully said, keep up the good work!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/judah