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Review of The Other One  
Review by J. A. Buxton
Rated: E | (4.5)
As a writer who recently delved into my own version of mythology, I hope your Marie gets to change her university major. Perhaps she will discover even more of the ancient Greek deities on that mountain in the future. If so, I hope to read more about her finds there.

I did enjoy your story and plan on exploring your portfolio in the future.

"Seraglio of the Gods"
An erotic love story set in mythological times
or read any of my other stories in the link below

Review of The First Waltz  
Review by J. A. Buxton
Rated: E | (4.5)
This was a delightful story, and I was swept into the young lady's anguish over being a potential wallflower. William seems to be a perfect gentleman, the type that has sadly disappeared over time.

Thank you for letting me share Elizabeth's first dance. I'm hoping to read more about her in future stories, perhaps with William as her beau.

Good luck with the contest.

"Who am I? Why do I write?"
or read any of my other stories in the link below

Review by J. A. Buxton
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Many reviewers said I was way too hard on myself in my own Dear Me letter. My friend, you have me beat by a wide margin. I'd think you'd be very scared of yourself after reading that. Are you rushing to get going on all those goals before receiving another such letter from yourself?

I have one very serious question to ask you. Do you still have any of that body part left after chewing out your own butt so roughly?

You compose a mean letter, and please consider that a compliment.

"My writing goals for 2008"
or read any of my other stories in the link below
Review of Mixup the Mongrel  
Review by J. A. Buxton
Rated: E | (4.0)
((After a few months in the neighborhood, the family that owned Mixup, the Greeley’s, that they couldn't keep him around))

There seems to be a word missing in this sentence. Other than that and a few misplaced punctuation marks, your story is a winner to me. Over the years, I've found the best pets are those that find you like Mojo and not the other way around.

I thoroughly enjoyed this story and hope to see you posting even more stories from now on. I'm now moving you in My Favorites folders from "empty portfolio" to New Writer in 2008. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck with the contest!

Review by J. A. Buxton
Rated: E | (5.0)
From your mouth to God's ear about no more wars! I can't remember a time in my own 66 years when people on our beautiful planet weren't having senseless wars somewhere.

It makes me wonder if we'll make it to 2009. It was a very good sonnet, and thank you for sharing it with us.

Your friend,
Review by J. A. Buxton
Rated: E | (4.0)
I do understand complaining about the winds of winter snow storms since I used to feel the same way. However, the wind is now a friend of mine, especially when it comes at the start of the rainy season that is northern California’s winter.

You wrote a nice piece and brought back memories of my own New England winters. I’m not sure if I should thank you for doing this, but I will. (smiling)

Stories about my childhood home town,
West Brookfield, MA
or read any of my other stories in the link below

Review by J. A. Buxton
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

I loved having to look up the meaning of this word. As my high school English teacher once told us, "You should learn something new every day." You gave me today's new word, and I thank you.

I have only one suggestion, and please take it in the friendly way it's intended. I've been told that thoughts should be differentiated from spoken speech, perhaps in italics. An example in your story could be, What am I going to do about the changes in Bill? she wondered

One last thing! I shop at Safeway all the time. Thanks to your story, I think I'll start going to Lucky's instead. (laughing)

My articles explaining Google's features
or read any of my other stories in the link below

Review of Smooth as Silk  
Review by J. A. Buxton
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
I enjoyed this story and not only because it made me Google on a term I'd never heard before, "panel beater." I'm still not sure who Nicole Bonham is, a woman referenced near the end of the story, but that didn't ruin it for me.

The flow was excellent without any bumps that made me wince because of bad spelling and only minor punctuation problems. Perhaps it could be broken into shorter sections, but that's just a personal preference of mine.

Okay, to the content now. It was fun to read about someone who named her vibrators since a Canadian online friend recently told me about her BOB. I've been known to name my new Toyota Yaris car (Blue Satyr), robotic lawnmower (Mellow Yellow Fellow), and even a mop (Webster), but vibrators? (grinning)

I recommend this story and hope this writer puts more into this portfolio.

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Review of What is Erotica?  
Review by J. A. Buxton
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
That was an interesting poll.

I'm fairly new to writing in the erotica genre. However, I prefer reading it when it's not just the usual rather boring pornographic words with no plot, just people bumping and humping. I would rather have something left to my imagination, although I am not averse to reading about the actual sex act.

Perhaps because I have a medical background I prefer to use words like penis and vagina rather than the more common "shock and awe" terms. Anyway, that's just this sexagenarian's opinion, for what it's worth!

"Seraglio of the Gods"
A love story set in mythological times
or read any of my other stories in the link below

Review by J. A. Buxton
Rated: E | (4.0)
You are being reviewed as a part of the Yellow Power Weekend Raid.

I understand the feeling of never again seeing people I became close with over time. Your classifying your piece under tragedy seems a bit "over the top" to me, but then I'm probably decades older than you are and used to people disappearing from my life.

I hope you continue writing and sharing your feelings with us. This article was a good start.

Home of the Gray Dog - working on chapter 104
or read any of my other stories in the link below

Review of The Unknown  
Review by J. A. Buxton
Rated: E | (4.5)
You are being reviewed as a part of the Yellow Power Weekend Raid.

I thoroughly enjoyed your piece, and something I've mentioned before on Writing.com fits into the theme of your article.

Dare to be different! Jump fingers first into an unfamiliar genre! Risk readers/reviewers not liking what you write and politely thumb your nose at them when they don't.

To write something of interest to others, you have to risk change and explore your life. This article says exactly how I feel. Thank you for writing it.

Stories about my childhood home town
or read any of my other stories in the link below

Review by J. A. Buxton
Rated: 13+ | (2.5)
You are being reviewed as a part of the Yellow Power Weekend Raid.

As I read this, it came across as an outline for what might be a good story. Why did you stop at this point almost two years ago?

Although I have a feeling it will be a bit gory, I really would like to see this story expanded.

My articles explaining Google's features
or read any of my other stories in the link below

Review by J. A. Buxton
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
You are being reviewed as a part of the Yellow Power Weekend Raid.

You wrote what I, being a rather cynical person, would call a modern fairy tale. I wonder if there really are kind souls like Elizabeth to help disposable people similar to Carl.

The only major problem I see is your use of too many passive verbs that made your story less interesting. If you Google on "passive verbs", you will find many sites that explain the difference between passive and active verbs. Here is one to get you started: http://jerz.setonhill.edu/writing/grammar/act-pass... Passive verbs also creep into my own stories, so let's work on stamping out those pesky verbs.

You mentioned in your bio that you want to be a published author, but I see you have stopped posting your stories here. Have you given up on your dream? That would be sad because you write a good story.

Stories about Fred the cat
or read any of my other stories in the link below

Review by J. A. Buxton
Rated: E | (4.5)
You are being reviewed as a part of the Yellow Power Weekend Raid.

I once wanted to see a movie on TV, but there was a football game scheduled before it. Because the time still to be played was only 58 seconds, I thought the movie would be on soon and sat watching a game I didn't understand that dragged on WAY past 58 seconds. Never again!

Now, baseball has a timeless magic about it for me. Unlike the game of football, I see no padded men with deformed bodies running around the bases. The noise of the crowd in the background excites me. Today, more than any other, the magic is still there as Barry Bonds hits 755 to catch up with Hammerin' Hank!

Your splendid article points out the soft cancerous spots in baseball. However, I prefer to think of it as still healthy, alive and well, for all of us true fans, young and old!

My articles explaining Google's features
or read any of my other stories in the link below

Review by J. A. Buxton
Rated: E | (4.0)
You are being reviewed as a part of the Yellow Power Weekend Raid.

I have to say the title pulled me in since I am a servant of cats. I may have to experiment with my mob to test your toothpaste theory. On second thought, I don't have a dog to lick it off, and I'll be darned if I'll wash a cat myself.

Thank you for a delightful story, but why haven't you continued writing? I'm sure others here would like to read more about Paedon's adventures. I know I would.

Stories about Fred the cat
or read any of my other stories in the link below

Review by J. A. Buxton
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
You are being reviewed as a part of the Yellow Power Weekend Raid.

As one who owns stock, but has never attended a shareholder's meeting, I sure am glad I haven't if they are like this one. Lockdown Security does not sound like a company I'd want to invest in.

I do wish you had checked for proper spelling and correct punctuation, but I enjoyed the story anyway. You mentioned you are Canadian, so is the town you mention in the following sentence located there?

"Once I'd been to Whistelr, which cost more than I really should have, but it had been fun. "

"Who am I? Why do I write?"
or read any of my other stories in the link below

Review of The baby  
Review by J. A. Buxton
Rated: E | (4.0)
You are being reviewed as a part of the Yellow Power Weekend Raid.

I hope you do continue this story. It was intriguing with a few surprises thrown in that kept me reading.

There is one minor problem, though, you might want to correct. For easier readability and future editing, you need to put blank lines in between your paragraphs. In the real world, writers indent their paragraphs, so you might prefer to differentiate them in this way instead using this site's Indent feature.

When, not if, you add to this story, please let me know. Also, don't be shy, as your bio states. You ARE among friends here.

Randall and his forensic team want to meet you
or read any of my other stories in the link below

Review of Anti-Job letter  
Review by J. A. Buxton
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
You are being reviewed as a part of the Yellow Power Weekend Raid.

As one who has consigned many a resume or CV to the circular file, otherwise known as the bit bucket, you have reached the nadir of an employer's expectation for an employee. It was a delight to read such honesty from a job seeker.

However, because there are no further updates in your portfolio, I must wonder what you've been doing since May of 2006. Therefore, I must pass on hiring you. Good luck in your future endeavors, whether on the couch or not.

Home of the Gray Dog - working on chapter 104
or read any of my other stories in the link below

Review by J. A. Buxton
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
You are being reviewed as a part of the Yellow Power Weekend Raid.

I honestly didn't need your language lesson to understand this poem, though some words in your country might be different. While reading it, I could hear my Mum reminding us kids, before Dad took us on our Sunday drives, "Go before you leave!"

We didn't have cups when we didn't listen, just bushes on the side of country roads. Thanks for the memory...I think! (laughing)

Randall and his forensic team want to meet you
or read any of my other stories in the link below

Review of Andrew  
Review by J. A. Buxton
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
You are being reviewed as a part of the Yellow Power Weekend Raid.

My first thought when I ventured into your portfolio was, "Why is there only one item here?"

You have a good writing style, and I hope you continue adding to your portfolio. The story itself was quite good with valuable insight into life with a Down Syndrome family member.

A problem that you need to correct, however, is your punctuation, mainly the improper use of commas. This is something most of us are guilty of in our pieces. A good spellchecker might catch many of your errors along with misspelled words. There are also many good books on punctuation. My constant reference is "The Gregg Reference Manual" by William A. Sabin. I'm sure writers on this site can recommend other good books, and you can always Google to find what you need.

Again, please keep writing and sharing your ideas with the rest of us.

Randall and his forensic team want to meet you
or read any of my other stories in the link below

Review of Mike's Choice  
Review by J. A. Buxton
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
You are being reviewed as a part of the Yellow Power Weekend Raid.

This was a good try for what you said was a first draft. Although it was a fascinating and unique story, there were a few minor problems with it you can correct quickly.

Droping to the ground s/b dropping to the ground

All to often s/b All too often

fighting againt sundown s/b fighting against sundown

arrow made it's way s/b arrow made its way

There are a few other misspelled or incorrect words, but the use of a spellchecker should find them for you. Also, you might want to double-check your punctuation.

All in all, I did enjoy your story, particularly the ending. With just a bit more work on it, your future readers should give it a higher rating.

Randall and his forensic team want to meet you
or read any of my other stories in the link below

Review by J. A. Buxton
Rated: E | (5.0)
I thoroughly enjoyed your poem of a misplaced box. So many times we want to save items that bring back memories that mean nothing to others but are priceless to us. The poem was sad in that this particular box may be lost forever with all its scraps of the past!

Thank you for sharing this.

Home of the Gray Dog - working on chapter 96
or read any of my other stories in the link below
Review of Virtual Reality  
Review by J. A. Buxton
Rated: E | (5.0)
Your virtual creation seemed such a perfect place to visit. I was starting to imagine what my dream man would be like, and then suddenly you jolted me back to the real world. At least, I think I'm back. Yes, I recognize certain things around me, so I must be back.

What a great story you wrote, pulling me in effortlessly. You do descriptions so well that I could easily picture the rooms Jane walked through on her way to meet her final destiny.

Well done, and thank you for a fun read. I'm giving it one of my very rare 5.0 ratings!

or read any of my other stories in the link below

Review of The Flowers  
Review by J. A. Buxton
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
This was a nice story, but your abrupt change of POV threw me. The two following paragraphs switched, without any demarcation mark from Shannon to Misty. I had to stop, go back, and reread this area to understand that Shannon hadn't been the one to receive the flowers.

“Okay! Thanks, Chad. I owe you one,” said Shannon. He was grinning ear to ear. He had heard from his high school friends how lame their boyfriends were. He wasn’t going to be one of them. “Misty is going to be swept off her feet,” Shannon said to himself.

After breakfast the next morning, my roommates, Jama and Tracy, and I went to the Commons to watch some TV. While we were watching TV, a flower delivery was made. A few minutes later, we heard, “Misty Self, you have a delivery at the office.”

One way to correct this could be to put something like * * * centered in between the two paragraphs. That's what I do in some of my stories. However, you might have a better way.

In any case, I enjoyed your story, and good luck with the contest.

"Who am I? Why do I write?"
or read any of my other stories in the link below

Review of Remember  
Review by J. A. Buxton
Rated: E | (4.5)
I thoroughly enjoyed your entry into today's Writer's Cramp contest. If I had read it before writing mine, I wouldn't have wasted my time. Your story is 100 percent better and should win hands down!

It's a delight to read such a well crafted story, and I thank you for that pleasure!

Home of the Gray Dog - working on chapter 69
or read any of my other stories in the link below

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