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Review by Grammar Hawk
Rated: E | (4.5)
WHAT WORKED----This is a wonderfully descriptive tribute to a marvelous symbol of our country.


vast domain you sander. -- What does this mean? 'sander' can't be the right word.

OVERALL-----I enjoyed reading this very much.

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Review by Grammar Hawk
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a wonderful story of perseverance, love, and how we should treat nature. It was well written and easy for anyone of any age to understand.

There were no spelling or grammar errors in this story.

I hope you have submitted this story to some of the children's magazines. It is wonderful and would be perfect for young children.

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Review of The Faeries  
Review by Grammar Hawk
Rated: E | (4.0)
WHAT WORKED----There is potential in this story.

annoying -- annoyingly

much to old for -- too (this error is repeated)

Dialogue should be written so that each person's speech is a separate paragraph, not clumped together in one long paragraph.

Please double space between paragraphs for easier reading.

OVERALL-----Children are very logical creatures. It is illogical for the faeries to have approached the woman and then to have told her about the gold before finding out if that was what she wanted. That whole section of the story moved too fast after the slow build-up during the beginning of the story.

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Review of Trixy the Pixie  
Review by Grammar Hawk
Rated: E | (4.5)
WHAT WORKED----This is an interesting little story

TECHNICAL ERRORS----There were no spelling or grammar errors in this story.
The last two paragraphs appear to begin with a series of quotation marks which are probably typos.

OVERALL-----This is a nice little story, with a couple good messages.

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Review by Grammar Hawk
Rated: E | (4.5)

WHAT WORKED----This story shows a great deal of potential.

As I approach the candy cane partially hidden in the snow, a strange little elf suddenly appeared. -- the words 'approach' and 'appeared' do not match in tense. You have to decide if this is present or past tense, and be consistent throughout the rest of the story.

Please double space between paragraphs for easier reading.

OVERALL-----Except for the problem of mixed tenses, this is very well written. Once properly edited, it would make a wonderful submission for the December issue of many children's magazines.

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Review of Septembers Child  
Review by Grammar Hawk
Rated: E | (4.5)

WHAT WORKED----This is a cute little sentimental piece. It holds much promise for a happy continuation of the story.


Gifts of pink dolls included will surround -- the word 'included' in this line confounded me. If it belongs in the sentence, I don't think it belongs where it is placed. I'm not sure.

I'm not sure how the phrase September's Child describes this story unless it is simply because the child was due in September. It seems no different than a description for a child born in any other month.
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Review of Alfred is Lost  
Review by Grammar Hawk
Rated: E | (5.0)

WHAT WORKED----This is painfully true to life and perfectly reflects the attitudes of people as they relate to animals of all kinds.

TECHNICAL ERRORS----There were no spelling or grammar errors in this story.

OVERALL-----There are times it's embarrassing to be part of the human race.

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Review by Grammar Hawk
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

WHAT WORKED----This is an interesting story with potential.


to be to busy -- to be too busy

wholeheartedly he knows that -- a period after 'wholeheartedly'

Bart Jumps out -- no capital on 'Jump'

ask no questions, -- 'any' not 'no'

face one he -- comma after 'face'

OVERALL-----I'm not sure I would want a child reading this, in fact, it disturbs me more than just a little. It struck me as cruel, sadistic, and totally heartless. Not a person in the story, mother, teacher, students, or main character, showed any sort of love or kindness except when the main character said Bart was his friend.

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Review by Grammar Hawk
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

WHAT WORKED----This story was funny, nostalgic, and shows potential.


The use of a spell checker is always beneficial to a good writer.

OVERALL-----The ending was a little flat. You say you talked to the store , but you don't tell us what happened or was said. It leaves us wondering if your son learned a lesson, or if a modern kid outsmarted his dad by having the money he needed. Basically, the ending needs work.

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Review by Grammar Hawk
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
WHAT WORKED----This is an interesting take on an old classic. It was interesting, seeing into his mind.

There were loose stones --- this begins a series of run-on sentences in need of punctuation.

OVERALL-----This was quite good. In my opinion, the story could have ended with the question. The rest was just a repeat of what we already knew happened. If you want the final two words, you could re-write to 'Did you hear what happened? ' And end with your final line.

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Review of A Time For "T"  
Review by Grammar Hawk
Rated: E | (4.5)
WHAT WORKED----This is a wonderful nostalgic story. It is well written with details that make some of us smile at old memories.

Please double space between paragraphs for easier reading.

The use of a spell checker is always beneficial to a good writer.

OVERALL-----I'm not quite old enough for WWII, but I remember similar car trips (less harrowing, but as memorable) in the 50's when we made the 100 mile trip to Detroit to visit relatives and it took three hours. With five kids and my folks all jammed in a woody station wagon, those old roads were an experience we only 'enjoyed' once a year.

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Review by Grammar Hawk
Rated: E | (4.5)
WHAT WORKED----You give some interesting background information, and lay the groundwork for additional stories, showing a great deal of potential in this storyline.

TECHNICAL ERRORS----There were no spelling or grammar errors in this story.

OVERALL-----In the last paragraph, you say the judge gave him the special license but then you say 'that's another story' when it was the story you just told. This doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

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Review by Grammar Hawk
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

WHAT WORKED----Both poems have good sentiments, and tell good stories.

TECHNICAL ERRORS----There are no spelling errors, but the style of the poems are a little forced.

OVERALL-----I think both of these poems would have made better short stories than to try to force them into a poetic style, no matter how relaxed.

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Review of Strays  
Review by Grammar Hawk
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
WHAT WORKED----This is a great short story just begging to be expanded and turned into a book.


men when they think are attractive. -- delete 'when' or add 'they' after 'think'

The use of a spell checker is always beneficial to a good writer.

Please double space between paragraphs for easier reading.

OVERALL-----I love the way you tied the whole thing together through her name and his collection. A little more character development, some plotting, and you have a wonderful longer story, or even a novella.

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Review by Grammar Hawk
Rated: E | (4.0)
WHAT WORKED----This was well organized, and shows potential.

learn to sing -- learning

day to do interview -- insert 'an' after 'do'

The use of a spell checker is always beneficial to a good writer.

You may find it beneficial to check out "Invalid Item as a way to improve your use of commas.

OVERALL-----Again, we have no character development, and no real grounding in the scene. We now know, after two chapters, that we are in Texas, but we have no idea why the main character is at this particular school. Until midway through this chapter, we didn't even know he was a day student as opposed to this being a boarding school. These little details make the reader feel they are part of the story and have an emotional investment in continuing to read.

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Review by Grammar Hawk
Rated: E | (4.5)

WHAT WORKED----This is interesting, and show potential.


You may find it beneficial to check out "Invalid Item as a way to improve your use of commas.

You need more character development, especially of the main character. We know nothing about him, not his name or age or anything except that he went to a Catholic school.

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Review by Grammar Hawk
Rated: ASR | (3.5)

WHAT WORKED----This is a very funny, realistic, well written look at the world of 'torture' from the man's point of view. Well done.

Inquisitioner --- I can't seem to find this in my dictionary even though I know what you mean.

climber I would recall being -- delete 'would' to keep the tense consistent.

“Spandex is a privilege not right”. --- should you insert 'a' before 'right'?

stretched to point -- insert 'the' after 'to'

turns into parachute --- insert 'a' after 'into'

over hear -- overhear is one word

Anchorage Alaska called -- commas before and after 'Alaska'

You may find it beneficial to check out "Invalid Item as a way to improve your use of commas.

OVERALL-----Above I mentioned that this is from the man's point of view. Women have solved most of the problems you mention by one simple expedient----they have a gym specifically for women where they wear comfortable clothes (even grubbies) and there are NO mirrors. It isn't pretty, but it isn't ego destroying, either.

Great job on this item. It was fun to read.

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Review of Frozenheart  
Review by Grammar Hawk
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
WHAT WORKED----This story was well developed, with good build-up through the first two sections.

Chesire -- Cheshire
Jennfer started -- Jennifer

The use of a spell checker is always beneficial to a good writer.

OVERALL-----The final section, the ending, was too abrupt. There was nothing linking it to the previous parts except the name of the character. It was as if you just stopped writing rather than putting the effort into it which is so evident in the preceding sections.

As a suggestion, you could have Jennifer watching TV, seeing the newscast and thinking about the person responsible, then switch to the scene in the apartment. This would link the two sections, and give more impact to the ending.

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Review by Grammar Hawk
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

WHAT WORKED----Short, sweet, and frighteningly realistic, this story is perfect. The ending was a true surprise.

TECHNICAL ERRORS----I found no spelling or grammar errors in this story.

Please double space between paragraphs for easier reading.

OVERALL-----To me, the sign of a good story (of any length) is when my interest is held from the beginning, and the ending is a total surprise. This story does that, and is funny! We can feel his pain, his frustration, and empathize because of our own experiences. This is extremely well written.

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Review by Grammar Hawk
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

WHAT WORKED----This is a poem with clarity! It paints a picture that is easy to see.

Rining bells -- Ringing

OVERALL-----This is a wonderful picture of life with children, and how they grow almost faster than we can see as they move from one phase to another.

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Review of Blood Medicine  
Review by Grammar Hawk
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

WHAT WORKED----This is an excellent first scene for what I hope will be an entire novel.

TECHNICAL ERRORS----There were no spelling or grammar errros that I could find.

OVERALL-----I found their conversation a little simplistic and unrealistic because of his instant belief in her explanation and her assumption that he would not talk, but other than that, it is an excellent storyline. Let me know if you expand it. I would love to read more.

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Review of Cats And Dogs  
Review by Grammar Hawk
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

You have clearly stated the obvious, which those who do not already agree, will continue to find impossible to believe. It is clearly stated, simply demonstrated, and (hopefully) not impossible to see some day, maybe even in our lifetimes.

TECHNICAL ERRORS----There were no spelling errors, and the presentation was consistent with the style of the poem.

OVERALL-----This was very well done. I wonder if the world could be covered in about 10 billion copies so people might read it and get the idea.

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Review of Daddy's Toolbox  
Review by Grammar Hawk
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
WHAT WORKED----This is a well written, well organized, tribute to a man and his teachings.

He hasn't missed it yet, he probably has never even turned the thing on. -- 'missed' or 'used'

"get me that 3/8" socket or get the needle nose pliers from the bottom of the toolbox." I can hear -- erratic use of quotation marks.

You may find it beneficial to check out "Invalid Item as a way to improve your use of commas.

OVERALL-----Sometimes the simplest things can bring back the most powerful memories. You did a great job with this story.

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Review of My Hands  
Review by Grammar Hawk
Rated: E | (5.0)
WHAT WORKED----You did a great job of attributing everyday activities to your hands.

TECHNICAL ERRORS----There were no spelling or grammar errors in this item.

OVERALL-----Somehow, my mind is taking your innocent tribute to your hands, and turning it into a horror story where your hands are controlling your body and mind and you are helpless to stop them. A writer's imagination is a horrible thing at times. At least it shows your item gave the reader pause to think, to imagine, and to consider the potential for more to the story.

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Review of The Wave  
Review by Grammar Hawk
Rated: E | (3.0)
WHAT WORKED----This poem has an interesting idea and shows potential.

TECHNICAL ERRORS----There were no spelling errors, but you break the presentation by only having three lines in the third stanza.

OVERALL-----No, I will not play games with the meaning. If a poem, or any piece, has a message, it should be clear and straight forward. The reader should not have to guess repeatedly. Failure to make your message clear means the poem is incomplete, in my opinion.
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