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Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: E | (4.5)
{color:blue}Hello there, thank you for inviting me to read your story at my Review Forum
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#1263516 by Not Available.

First of all, I'd like to apologize in the delay of your review. I have been very busy the past few months, hopefully you do not mind.

{color:green}GENERAL OVERVIEW:
Wonderful story. I absolutely loved the images and uniqueness of this piece. The characters are vividly portrayed as is the setting and history of the people. I was drawn in from the beginning, a wonderful feat in itself.

{color:red}Grammer: Could use a little fixing up. I noticed you had some oddly worded sentences. Try re-reading your work and seeing if you can spot some of the things that need fixing.

{color:rose}Punctuation: Great for the most part, except perhaps one or two places. A quick re-read should fix it up nicely.

{color:orange}Spelling: Nothing at all wrong with spelling!

{color:violet}Characters: Most of them are memorable, and the names are not too hard to remember. A little work could be done on their descriptions, though, since this is just the start of your story you have a bit of leeway in that. *Smile* Just make sure to adequitely describe them all as time goes by!

{color:blue}Story: Excellent story line so far. The action is great, and you can surely do a lot with it. I'm curious to see how the plot evolves after this chapter!

{color:green}Setting: You did a wonderful job on the setting. It almost felt as if I were there, and you used a lot of great descriptions in order to set an atmosphere for your reader.

{color:red}Transitions: I had a little trouble with this, especially when Jaydon was watching his father. It seemed as if he were hearing the words they said, since there was no transition between the two scenes. Try and fix this up a little if possible.

{color:rose}Other: I apologize for not going in and editing; however, you did not request it, so I think it will be alright. Editing takes me a extremely long time, so if you DO want me to do it, please feel free to ask me, but also know that it will take me quite a while to do so.

{color:violet}Thanks for sharing, and keep it up! I loved this chapter. *Smile*

Review of my brother.  
Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: E | (4.5)
"and I can see only see"~~~>May want to fix this error.

Wonderful. I enjoyed this short story quite a bit. It's eerie, and though it IS confusing, that just adds to the story. A few things I thought could be polished up on, however, the overall story is great and intriguing. It made me want to read more, so--if you ever decide to continue it a bit, please let me know!

Keep it up, your style is definately unique and intriguing. *Bigsmile*
Review of Gods War No More  
Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hmm, very nice for being limited to 55 words. I have never attempted such a feat, but seeing yours perhaps I will. *Smile* You did a nice job at grabbing the readers attention, as well as describing something that could be so vast into only 55 words.

Great job, I enjoyed it, though, it was a tad confusing on some areas. That is to be expected though, when you have such a limit.
Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
"usually end up with us catching up"~~~>The two 'up's in this sentence make it seem a little... awkward? If possible, try and change one of them. *Smile*

"The weekend I drove up from Florida to visit him at his home in New Jersey, I was looking forward to helping him finish a long-neglected remodeling project."~~~>Somewhat long sentence which, because of the way it is worded, seems like it needs to be shortened or reworded. Perhaps seperate it into two sentences? Ex. 'That weekend I drove up from Florida to visit him at his home in New Jersey. I was looking forward to helping him finish a long-neglected remodeling project.'

There are also other places where sentences seem stiff, as well as a bit forced. You may want to go through the story again and edit a bit. In the beginning it seemed like there were some grammer problems, and the story was a bit slow to start, but once it got near the end it picked up and seemed to flow better. I absolutely loved the ending. No, not because of the characters death, but just because of the irony of it all, and how well placed it was.

I think if you try to fix up the beginning a little, then the whole story would be almost perfect. Sometimes you did get a little too wordy, but that's nothing terribly bad.

Keep up the wonderful work, I think you did a nice job with this story, as well as in the telling of it. If you would like me to nit-pick (go through and edit the piece for you, or, at least make suggestions about things I would edit), then please feel free to ask me. I'd do so right now; however, bell at school is about to ring. The only thing I'd have to warn you about though, is that it may take me a little while.

Thanks for the enjoyable read! *Bigsmile*
Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Thank you for stopping by at my Review Forum, once again. I am enjoying all of your work so far. *Smile*

Here's your second review for
 Three: Entanglement  (13+)
The Gift of the Damned and a New Snare
#1273131 by Bard
I hope it helps. Also, forewarning, it's a bit long, and if you want to skip to the bottom then please go ahead.

"and the chill wind buffed his vestments about him"~~~>Might I suggest changing the word 'buffed'? I'm not sure if it quite fits, though, it is up to you. *Smile*

"It hurt as well."~~~>Just suggesting taking off the 'as well', and perhaps replacing it with something else, or nothing is all.

"Before now, Mernith had always considered the un-dead rather distasteful, as a matter of personal interest"~~~>The last part 'as a matter of personal interest' doesn't seem needed in this sentence, though, it's up to you whether to keep it or not.

"Two things he had received from her."~~~>Not really worded in a manner in which the reader can understand. Ex. 'Two things had he received from her.' or 'He had receieved two things from her'. The latter is the one that makes a tad more sense, though, the first is also acceptable, as is yours, it just would make for a better sentence if polished up a bit.

"rest, and he was grateful for it."~~~> Just a suggestion, instead of 'and he was grateful for it' perhaps change it to 'for which he was grateful'. Yup, it's my pet peeve on 'and's sorry. :( However, totally up to you on what you want to do. I know many writers like to use a lot of 'and's.

"and he seemed rather broken as he stood there"~~~>Might I suggest changing the beginning of this part to 'seeming rather broken....'?

"as his guest slowly and deliberately reached out accepted the ring and"~~~>You may need a comma before 'accepted'.

"discuss what to do until such time we have definitely located Rolandt"~~~> 'until such time we have' doesn't quite make sense, please consider revising this sentence. *Smile*

"There is another enemy presence there to keep us wary. We could arrive there on the eve of the Harvest. There"~~~>My problem with this part is all of the 'there's, if you can, try and change some of them, for they are a bit numerous in a short span of time.

"He handed Halknid this piece of parchment"~~~>'this' should be 'a' or 'the'.

"which was taken and placed inside the hat."~~~>Is the hat Halknid's? If so, it should probably be 'inside his hat'.

"or gratitude he strode past Mernith and to the door"~~~>the 'and' isn't really needed, consider taking it out.

Whew, done with the editing/suggestions. *Smile*

As with your first chapter "One: Brother I must say that this is a wonderful, intriguing story. Your characters are well developed, and your tone and writing style draws the reader into the story. I honestly think that these could be published with a little polishing. You use a lot of good foreshadowing. Your vocabulary is excellent, though at times, I had to look up a word, for some of them are a little uncommon, but this is not a bad thing at all.

Your descriptions are, again, lovely, and very detailed. I love how you portray the characters emotions and thoughts. None are alike, and, strangely enough, I'm finding Arden to be one of my favorite characters.

As for the plot, it is excellent, though, a little vague. Is there a reason for this? I find myself sometimes being confused about certain things because they are not being explained. Will you explain them later on, or did you just decide to let the reader assume?
Why is Arden doing all of this?
What is a Fist?
What are these different forces, such as the Tyrant and others?
Those are just a few of the questions of which I was asking myself as I read your story.

One thing I forgot to mention in my review of One: Brother, is your use of ' instead of ". Is there a certain reason as to why you do this?

Other than the things I mentioned above, I have to say that this is a very vivid and realistic story. Keep it up, I hope you continue with it for a long time. *Smile*


P.S. Again, sorry for the overly long review!
Review of One: Brother  
Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Thank you for sharing your work with me at my Review Forum
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#1263516 by Not Available.

As I'm reading through I shall place any suggestions I have for editing (as in punctuation/grammer/etc) below...
If you wish to skip all of this for now, my overall view and comments on your story are at the bottom of this review in green.

"unkempt hair and sullen demeanor would not have drawn much attention."~~~~>Perhaps put a comma either after 'unkempt hair' or after 'unkempt hair and sullen demeanor'.

"his garb and the device emblazoned upon his dirtied armour"~~~~>I think you should perhaps add in a comma before 'and the device....' as well as after 'armour'. Also, just to make sure, were you intending to spell 'armour' in old english? Or did you mean to spell it 'armor'? *Smile* Doesn't matter either way, I just wanted to find out. (Though, I assume you decided to take the old english route!)

"destined to become more powerful and sow the seeds of corruption and destruction throughout the world of Men and bring about the fall of Ragnas's master." This is a personal pet peeve of mind, so please pay no heed to it if you do not agree. I always try not to put too many 'and's' in one sentence. Please consider revising this sentence to take out a few of them, for I think it would make for better flow and less of a run-on.

"But Halknid would never forgive him if he had shown up the next morning with a notch in his blade and an enormous gash where his opponent's ax had hewn into his breastplate."~~~>Consider taking 'But' out from the beginning of this sentence. I think it is un-needed.

"But Brother had to admit to see the wisdom in that."~~~>This sentence doesn't quite make sense. Maybe change it to 'But Brother had to admit that he could see the wisdom in that'. Notice the added 'he'. Also, as with the previous sentence I inquired about, think about taking the 'But' out of the beginning of the sentence, though, it is not something that is especially needed.

"could not afford to let themselves the luxury of letting their arms go to seed."~~~~>Maybe shorten this part of the sentence up. Ex. 'could not afford the luxury of letting their arms go to seed.' or 'could not afford to let themselves have the luxury' (notice the 'have' that was added). Also, I am not familiar with the term 'go to seed', I'm assuming it's something along the lines of 'go to waste'.

"turning up the wick slightly to let himself a little more light."~~~~>instead of 'let' possibly change it to something else. Maybe 'give', because I don't think 'let' quite makes sense.

"and he began to unstrap his breastplate."~~~~>I suggest changing this up in the beginning, for ex. 'then began', I think it allows the sentence to flow better.

"This was done, he was just walking over to the grinding wheel with sword in hand, when he heard a crash from behind him."~~~>The beginning of the sentence doesn't quite make sense. I'd like to suggest that you change it up. Ex. 'When this was done...' and change the tenses of the words accordingly, this way it would make more sense and the transition would be smoother.

"and he pointed his sword towards the stranger"~~~>May I suggest, instead of 'and', that you use 'as' or 'then'? I think it would make a little more sense then and the transition of the events would be, again, smoother.

"'You do realize you are assaulting an officer of the peace?' said Brother."~~~>Perhaps instead of 'said' try 'asked' or 'inquired'?

"Perhaps his last stand would at least be worthy of a mention among his peers and those to come."~~~>The word 'a' before 'mention' is not needed.

"This expression seemed to spark something in this Ragnas Rolandt, however."~~~>Might I suggest moving that 'however' around? Ex. 'This expression, however, seemed to spark something in Ragnas Rolandt' (notice the removed 'this' in front of 'Ragnas Rolandt').

"as if a surge of emotion was straining against the dam of his willpower and for a split second, it seeped out."~~~~>You don't really need a comma after 'second', however, if you'd like to keep it there, then I would like to suggest another way to do it. Ex. '...the dam of his willpower and, for a split second, it seeped out.'

"and the pompousness of his previous challenge was dashed as his face turned red and he raised his sword, screaming"~~~>I'd like to suggest you remove the 'and' between 'red' and 'he', though it is not something that truly needs to be done. Ex. '...dashed as his face turned red. He then raised....', etc.

"Ragnas thrusted his sword down, hard, with the swiftness and deadly intention of a viper"~~~> 'thrusted' should be just 'thrust'.

"Then, to the amazement of both warriors, a diminutive bead of brilliant orange light descended from above them, and they both stood staring as it fell between them."~~~~>Take out the 'them' after 'from above', I think this makes for a better sentence.

"irritation at the fact that he now was being forced to get his hands dirty."~~~~>Might I suggest rewording this a bit? Ex. 'he was now' instead of 'he now was'.

"The glare of the lamp-light in his eyes and the utter silence with which the figure had landed made it a truly surreal image."~~~~>Perhaps add in two commas; place one after 'eyes' and before 'and', then place the second after 'landed' and before 'made'.

"Ragnas raised his sword in defense, but the shadowy figure made an exotic gesture, there was a murmur, and something shot out of its hand,"~~~>Instead of having that 'but' there (which seems a tad odd as to the events that are occuring) perhaps change it. Ex. 'Ragnas raised his sword in defense as the shadowy figure made an exotic gesture...' Also, the 'there was a murmur' doesn't quite make sense with the rest of the sentence. Perhaps change the wording? Ex. 'then there was a murmur...'

"they were great black things and filled with malice."~~~> I suggest 'that were filled with malice' instead of 'and'.

"The sorceror's dark, lank hair cascaded down from the crown of his head, enveloping his ears beneath the waves and dancing across the back of his neck and intruding into his eyes."~~~>I suggest taking out that last 'and' if possible, and replacing it with a comma, etc, or something of the like.

"But a pained shout came from behind him."~~~>Instead of 'But', try 'Suddenly,' instead. I think it makes a tad more sense, though, of course, this is just my opinion.

"'You die!' - and Brother began to seize"~~~>'seize' doesn't quite make sense. 'Seize'ing is the act of taking hold of someone, which, from what I gather, is not what Brother is doing. More so, he is having spasms, or is shaking, I'd guess--having a seizure. You may want to correct this, if my deduction is right.

"But for his satisfaction at this, he was seething with rage and pain,"~~~>I think you may enjoy starting sentences with 'But' a little too much. *Smile* Try and fix it if possible, it gets a little repetitive, and in most cases, it doesn't work well with the sentence. Though, I think it may make sense with this sentence if polished up a bit. Ex. 'But for all his satisfaction at this...' (notice the 'all').

"hack through a good deal of the sticking strands that bound him to the floor."~~~>Not sure, but I think 'sticking' should maybe be 'sticky'.

"Arden Mernith was then overcome with a fresh wave of excruciating wave of pain"~~~~>You repeated 'wave of' twice, which is unneeded. Try 'overcome with a fresh wave of excruciating pain' instead.

"He tucked his arm hard against his side and began to cradled it with his undamaged arm."~~~~>Doesn't make sense. I'd like to suggest this: 'He tucked his arm hard against his side, cradling it with his undamaged arm.' or 'He tucked his arm hard against his side and cradled it with his undamged arm.'

Whew! Done with all that now. Now to get to the good part. *Smile*

I wanted to let you know, this was an absolute JOY to read. It is wonderfully written. I haven't read something as captivating as this in a long while. You use vocabulary which is not too strong, yet, not too simple as well, balancing out your piece and making it intelligent as well as eloquent. The general action in this piece is magnificent, portrayed very realistically. The characters are well developed, and the reader can sympathize with both Brother and Rolandt, as well as abhor the evil Arden. Setting is excellent, you described everything so well and vivedly! There is not much I'd suggest you work on except your tenses, commas, and 'but's in your sentences. *Smile*

Keep up the wonderful work, I absolutely LOVED this. Hopefully my comments are helpful to you. *Bigsmile*

P.S. Forgive me for this being so long, but to give credit to this wonderful work, I felt as if I had to give it a complete and thurough review. *Smile*
Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Excellent! Nice, short, and packed full of humor! I liked how you started off, though some things were a bit confusing, but that matters not. *Smile* I do want to ask though, why citizens were taking control of the government and celebrating the dragons being there when they were all being 'roasted'? Very funny though, and a definate enjoyable read.

One thing you may want to clarify in your work, "over the capital city".... over which capital city? Try adding in 'over the capital city of .......', whatever city is it. I'm assuming it was Washington D.C., but other readers may not know this. *Smile*

Great job, I loved it! You should make a second article about the 'dragons', if you haven't done so yet. *Smile*

Review of My best Friend  
Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: E | (4.0)
Very nice, though, shouldn't this be considered a poem rather than a column? Just wondering. *Smile*

Now, back to the work. I think you did a nice job in portraying what you love about the tree, as well as what uses you had for it. It reminds me a little about an old children's story that I used to love.

There are a few spots which could be changed, but it is fine as is.

For example:~~~~>
"Moss hung on her like grey curly hair
but I stuffed cushions on my tiny chairs"
<~~~~the 'but' in the second line really threw me off. Perhaps change it to 'which I used to stuff cushions....' or 'so', something like that, because with the word 'but' there you should have been contradicting something from the first line, or something akin to that.

One other error is the word 'helt'. This actually isn't a word I think (though, I know it sounds good, I'd definately be tempted to use it myself). You should probably change it to 'held'.

Other than the things I mentioned, I found this to be a wonderful read. The flow is great as is the topic, for it is soothing and relaxing. It also reminds the reader of childhood, so that the reader can relate to it.

Keep up the wonderful work, I loved it!
Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very well done. I absolutely love it! The feelings and emotions of this poem can be seen easily, and many readers can relate to this item for sure. I think you did a wonderful job portraying everything that was going on, including each sides feelings. The only lines I had trouble with was:
"He will never realize what he had, until it’s too late
She only cared for him and that became his hate."
I'm not sure why, but I stumbled over it several times. If you like how it is, please do not change it, it's always best to have something un-forced. *Smile*

Anyhow, again, great job, and keep up the good work!
Review of Victims  
Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: E | (4.0)
The message of this poem is very good, as is the way you tell it, which really reaches out to the reader.

I think that you did a good job with your wording on most parts, though this line made me stumble: "His family was mocked at when they moved to town." It's the 'at' that is causing me to have to re-read the line. Try taking it out, because it is pretty much un-needed and I think it would help, however, if you'd like to keep it in, then that is your decision and I will respect that. *Smile*

Three parts that seemed to may have lost flow are
"Tears were frequent and streaming, in his soft eyes of brown."
"The shooter looked different, with a strange peace inside."
"New ageless children silenced, with no future to possess."
I'm not sure if you intentionally did this or not, but if it was not intentional then you may want to fix it. Wonderful poem otherwise. It contained so much emotion, and I'm sure some readers could and will relate to this piece.

Great work, keep it up!

P.S. If you fix some of the things I mentioned, or if the loss of rhythm was intentional, please let me know, I'll re-rate/re-review it. *Smile* Thanks!
Review of Concern  
Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: E | (4.0)
Wonderful poem. I can tell this really came from the heart, and the message is a good one. I'm sure many readers could relate to this piece. I found that your wording and style really fit, and also made me enjoy the poem more.

However, I wanted to ask about your spellings/capitalization problems. I will not rate on them though. In this poem you do not capitalize anything, and I was wondering if that was just your style, as some poets have done this before. Also, the spelling errors, are those on purpose? If not may I suggest you fix them? I'm sure the poem would seem a lot more complete if they were fixed. *Smile*

One place where I felt flow was lost:

"only to find heartache and too many a fight.
the love i so seek semms elusive even ghostly,
its within my reach, then i wake to the very same day"

These three lines seem to lose flow, which causes the reader to stumble and have to re-read the lines several times. I'd suggest playing with them a bit and seeing if they could be improved.

*Smile* Other than the things I pointed out, this is a very good poem. Great style, and lovely message.

Keep it up! *Bigsmile*
Review of An Art to Live By  
Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: E | (4.5)
I really enjoyed this poem. *Smile* I think you made some very good and intelligent comparisons on the known 'artists' as well as the unknowns. (Hopefully you get what I'm trying to say, I wasn't sure how to word it.)

It is easy for the reader to understand, and it is also easy for them to relate to. This is a wonderful topic as it shows appreciation towards the everyday man or woman and even child.

The second to last stanza seemed a tad forced to me, and a bit awkward, however, that is only my opinion and it is up to you on how you write your poem. *Smile*

Great job, really liked it! You have great talent. *Bigsmile*

Review of The Best  
Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Heart* Suggestions

"Dice was six foot two and around a hundred ninety pounds with curly blonde hair and a devil may care look in his blue eyes that attracted quite a few looks from the ladies."
--->This sentence seems a bit like a run-on. You may want to add a comma in it, or make it into two seperate sentences.

"Shutting the trunk of the corvette, he strolled across the parking lot and up the steps of the center waving at a few acquaintances standing outside taking a smoke."
--->I think there could possibly be a comma after 'center' and before 'waving'. It may make the sentence flow a little better.

"Dice opened the door and stepped inside the center and paused for a moment"
--->I know if you have 'and' then you do not have to add in a comma, however, using 'and' consecutively in one sentence can sometimes make it sound like a run-on. I suggest perhaps changing it.

"He passed the concession stand and looked across forty two bowling lanes all filled with bowlers with the exception of the two center lanes."
--->I think there could be a comma after 'lanes' and before 'all'. However, I am not entirely sure.

"One day I will be known as the greatest bowler in the world." said Dice"
--->Instead of a period after 'world' you should have a comma, and after 'Dice' you forgot to put a period. Also, I noticed on some of your other dialogue lines you did the same thing. You may want to change that.

*Other than the ones I have pointed out, there are many missed punctuations in this piece. If you'd like me to point them all out, please let me know, however, some are just my opinion.

*Also, don't be afraid to use 'he' as your sentence starter. On a couple of paragraphs you didn't even use it once, which made it somewhat drawn out.

*The dialogue could use a slight bit of work, because it sounds a little bit stiff. However, that is just my opinion, and I would find out what someone else thinks before you change it.

*Heart* What I Liked

Wonderful story. You really described every scene nicely, especially the ending one. I loved that twist at the end, something I totally was not expecting. *Smile* You did a wonderful job with it. The characters were thought out nicely, and certainly memorable. This story was easy for the reader to follow, and overall it was a great read.

Keep it up, I enjoyed it! *Smile* It just needs a few tweaks here and there.
Review of Empty Nest  
Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Very well done. I really love this poem. It had wonderful atmosphere, and the feelings in it certainly reach the reader. This poem brings about many emotions inside of those who read it, and thus, is unique in that way.

The two last stanza's are my favorites, because they really show what this poem is about, and the horror of war.

No matter if you think war is necessary or not, the truth is, everyone knows that war is horrible. No one thinks it is paradise, heaven, or any 'good' adjective you can think of. Your poem clearly shows this, and I am grateful to you for having written it.

Great job, and keep it up. This is a truly excellent poem.

Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: E | (3.5)
"He had just been elected president in the freethinking nation of Acirema and looked forward to his new position with excited enthusiasm."--->'freethinking' should probably be 'free thinking'. Maybe add a comma after 'Acirema' and before 'and'. Also, 'excited enthusiasm' sounds a bit redundant. Maybe just shorten it to 'enthusiasm'.

"As he approached a winding creek he reflected on a broken tree house abandoned long ago."--->Should have a comma after 'creek' and before 'he'.

"Egroeg look forward to visiting his good friend Inaillug, Mayor in the City of Towers."--->'look' should probably be 'looked'.

"After topping the next hill he could see the city in the distance."--->'topping' seems like a some what awkward word to me. I think perhaps it should be changed to something else, but that is my opinion.

"He hoped not because these two towers were home to many workers and he feared for their safety."--->If the towers are on fire, I think the character would be a little more worried than this, but that is my opinion, once again. You should probably have a comma between 'not' and 'because'.

"What Egroeg did not know, was the peaceful years that Acirema had enjoyed, was now lost, along with the innocence it enjoyed."--->'was the peaceful years' could be changed to 'was that the peaceful years', I think it sounds slightly better. You do not need a comma between 'enjoyed' and 'was'. 'Enjoyed' was used twice in this sentence, you should probably change the second 'enjoyed' (the one after 'innocence it') to something else, because having two in the same sentence causes the reader to lose flow, and have to re-read the sentence.

Other than the things I pointed out, I thought this was a nice start to your book. However, the 'Dee Cee' and 'Acirema' sounded too much like 'Washington DC' and 'America' for me, though that may have been your intention. It sounded too much like a pun, when this story at first seemed serious. I'm not going to tell you to change it, because this is, of course, your story. You are the author and you know where this is going, or what you intended. You may, however, may want to make a note for future reviewers, but that is up to you.

The writing style was good, and unique. I also loved your descriptioons, very vivid.

Keep it up, and good luck with the book.
Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: E | (4.0)
I really enjoyed this poem. It's sad in a way, yet also seems to be something like a 'rebirth' for the person. The subject is good and attracts the attention of the reader, and the poem itself keeps that attention.

There is one part, however, that I think just doesn't seem to fit.~~>"that are blown, moist and porpusfully to the seagulls in a black plastic bag."

That is the only like that really caught me off guard, and seemed to stop the flow.

Great job, keep it up. This is a very nice poem, and I loved it.

Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Very, very well done. The only few problems I noticed were some of your tenses (you'd use 'ed' when it didn't need to be used) and sometimes there would be a little too much description, causing the sentence to become a little lengthy. Other than that this is a great piece of work, and I applaud you on that. Thank you for the nice read!

Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: E | (4.0)
Very well done. I like the imagery it brings to mind. It went a little over my head the first time I read it, but as I read it a second time I felt it flowed very well and had a nice meaning to it. Though, what I got from it may be different than what you intended, I found it a very nice poem ^-^

Thanks for the enjoyable read!

Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: E | (4.0)
When I first read this, I got the impression of a young women who has just fallen in love, which is what I'm sure you wished to convey, so you did a very good job on that. I like the way you describe certain things that DO make many of us get that feeling of love, such as seeing him smile, being gentle, and yet playful. It also shows the pain of not knowing whether the person you love, loves you back. An unrequainted love, which many people have experienced and many can sympathize with.

You did have a couple misspellings I think, such as "I can live my world.", I was wondering if 'in' should be in there, and "When I feel you arms around me" should probably have 'you' be 'your'.

Otherwise this was a nice poem, nicely written, though it could be improved with a little more description. I did enjoy reading it, so thank you for writing it!
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