Hi Sal,
This slice-of-life vignette is imaginative. Your title is perfect--it draws the reader in, and relates well to the material. This vignette seems to be the beginning of something; rather--it could be the beginning of something. At the same time, it's complete in itself. You don't describe individual participants, or give a reason for the group's existence and this exercise, but these details are inferred, to some degree, by the information you do give. Frankly, though, I don't know what one could do with a piece of writing this brief! 
Description in this writing is excellent. Consider building on this, as it would make a very sound foundation for a short story, or something more complex.
This writing is sound with some need for editing. When separating items in a list, the item preceding 'and' needs no comma.
She brought monkeys, butterflies, baboons, and elephants.<---incorrect
She brought monkeys, butterflies, baboons and elephants.<---correct
Clauses are the building blocks of sentences. When a sentences contains one or more independent clauses, it should also contain punctuation. Take a look at this sentence:
The words spoken by friends become like your own thoughts and you consider each statement as if it were your own idea.
For more information on this, see Clauses at Guide to Grammar & Writing--
This site also contains information about separating items in a list with commas.
A shooting star fails to create a commotion, rather silence falls over the group as each wishes for a true love, a direction in life, or to finally find happiness.
Try punctuating like this--
A shooting star fails to create a commotion--rather, silence falls over the group as each wishes for a true love, a direction in life or to finally find happiness.
or this way--
A shooting star fails to create a commotion. Rather, silence falls over the group as each wishes for a true love, a direction in life, or to finally find happiness.
Do you need those two 'A's'?
Straightforward is one word. See: http://onelook.com/?w=straightforward&ls=a
This vignette shows great promise. Voice in this writing is pleasing, and your sentences flow smoothly, creating a vivid picture with an admirable economy of words.
Thanks for sharing, and I wish you success!
Write on,