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Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello, My name is Laurie Clark, APRN-BC. I am a wife and mother of four awesome kids, and 4 wonderful grandchildren. I was blessed to spent my childhood living on farmland being raised by a brilliantly talented and creative hippy mom who's naturopathic and holistic approach seeded in me the true basis to support health and healing.

I spend ten years of my life earning four college degrees, one liberal arts degree and three science of nursing degrees. I am an avid seeker of knowledge and with that have added a plethora of skills and health tools in my shed. I don't think we should ever stop learning. I have many certifications: Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Certified Ayurveda Practitioner, Certified Aromatherapist and educator, Certified in Aroma Touch Massage, just to name a few. I am currently studying for a national exam to obtain a certification as a DOT Medical Examiner so our truckers get there check ups too!

I love to pay it forward by precepting other graduate nurse practitioners during there clinical rotations. They work with me in my clinical setting and glean the hands on skills to reinforce the knowledge learned in didactics.

In 2021, I opened up Evolve Health & Wellness in the middle of the pandemic.

I had a five year plan. I would work at the hospital 10 days a month and open up a small med spa, all beauty and fun with botox, fillers, skin care and maybe a multimodal laser machine. Yep, you guessed it, I am certified and trained in Botox and fillers too! I had my business plan written, I did tons of research and then Covid!!!!

Here's a bit of the story. I went two weeks straight being woken up out of a deep sleep in the middle of the night. The first night, I hear this voice, you are going to help people. I thought, I am just hearing things, but I said out loud, I am helping people. I kind of brushed it off and went back to sleep. The next night, I am awakened out of a deep sleep to hearing " You are going to save lives." I replied, "I agree and yes I am." I was meaning, I agree with you, because I am saving lives, like what do you think I have been doing for the last 13 years working in emergency rooms, Level One Trauma Centers, Intensive Care Units and Hospitalists Medicine! I really didn't get the magnitude of the situation, I could be a slow learner.

The third night again being aroused out of a deep sleep, You are going to help people, the night after you are going to save lives. It was really a back and forth because I guess I didn't get it. So I start my banter after he says, you are going to to saves. I agree, and said, yes I am and then I question him. I mean, literally, I have been in my own torture under the armor of a white coat and a name tag with a bunch of letters behind my name, stuffing in my feeling because believe me there is no time to grieve, or be emotional when you are hyper vigilant in doing everything you can to keep people alive in the hospital, when so many people were dying.

One night there were three codes at the same time, in the same unit. I had no time to de-gown and put on new PPE, I just ran from code to code until more help arrived. We were able to get the patient back, but not for long. No family was present, it was the Covid rules. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket, got the families phone number of the white board and held the cell phone to the patients ear so the loved ones could talk, pray, sing, and cry as there kins breath was leaving their body. It was beautifully sad. I will never forget. God was in that room!

My memories are stained with years of this and if I were to write a book it would include pharmacy canceling my prescription order of IV Vitamin C for my patient because "It is not protocol!" My blood pressure and heart is starting to pound just thinking about that pour women who was denied her request of Vitamin C. I did break down once at work. It was when we were starting to gather for ICU rounds, we were huddling up to the outside parameters of the nurses station and I was just about to lean on it, when a tall, dark haired, brown eyed chaplain, wearing his white collar and black clothes looks at me and asks me, "How are you doing?" I looked in his eyes, I could not lie to a man of god, It just came out, and it wasn't just tears swelling out of my eyes, I made that sound, you know, like that bellow cry. I must have been holding that in for a long time, because it was an ugly uncontrollable cry. The feeling that just emersed from the pit of my stomach just came out and it shocked even me. Every white coat and leads were gathering for rounds. I never even spoke a word to the pastor, I could not speak. I hurried away to settle myself and did not attend rounds that morning.

I think that was the straw that broke me into action to prepare me for what was coming. I continued to work and he would continue to wake me out of my sleep. He must really love me to be so patient and kind yet persistent. He told me I was going to save lives and that I was going to prescribe Ivermectin. That was a back and forth, I got fearful. I questioned him. Do I listen to god, or worry about my license that I worked so hard for. He told me he would protect me, and I needed to save lives. He is the master of all creation and I was faithful to his calling. I have strong roots in church. Three to four days a week I walked to Plymouth Haven Baptist Church in Alexandria Virginia, I was active in the youth ministry and sang in the choir. Listen, at this time, there were no groups of people to talk to. I called the pastor in Virginia, and he sure took time to minister to me and I will cherish that.

I took most of my saving, I worked extra hours at the hospital to make money to invest in Evolve Health & Wellness. Through him I have saved lives. I saw people regardless of their ability to pay. I went to their homes when they were turned away from the ER saying come back when you can't breath. I worked until almost 11:00 on Christmas ever during the Delta outbreak, because we are all gods children.

As woman in the Midwest, with no corporate funding, angel investors, or deep pockets Evolve Health and Wellness has cared for over 400 people on a part time basis. The system is profit before people. We live in a sick care system and I am here to get you out of sick care and into living your best healthy life. We are so different from main stream. God had me build my plane as I was flying it. People, lots of people were dying, and that is the only time he has come to me like that. Evolve Health & Wellness is gods design, and I am just here for the ride and to be of service, It is so beautiful to see him work though us.

Our holy spirits are acute during this spiritual battle we are in right now. Here at Evolve health, we treat you as a person. We want to hear your story! As a matter of fact, that is one of my intake questions. I want to know you, I want to take our time to build a friendship and trusting relationship.

I want to hear all about you, and your health concerns, your goals and help you achieve them. We work together to get to the root cause, and work to fix it together. I can't tell you how many times, I have had people come to me with symptom treatment instead of just treating the symptoms and before you know it, you have a closet full of supplements, prescriptions, thousands of dollars wasted and your health has not improved, you are still suffering and just want to find out why and how to fix it! You

You have been everywhere, read everything you can think of and you are stuck, and you just have given in to this idea, that this is just the way it is and you have to deal with it. NO! That is sick care!

We work with clients all over the United States and serve many members in our local community. We have natural reset solutions and use many modalities as needed and required tailored to you and for you. You are not like anyone else in this world. God designed you perfect in his image. You deserve to be treated with respect of that and you absolutely deserve to have your health and wellness in mind, body and spirit.

You deserve to have conversations, and to be told options and have these options discussed about the risk and or benefits. We ought not blindly trust, it needs to be earned. We all know that good nutrition is a key component to health, yet many providers do not take the time or are reluctant to prescribe functional nutrition to people. We assess and track clients and patients nutritional profiles, trends and intervene where we need to to keep your gauge in the middle at optimal levels of homeostasis allowing all this by to give you a simple road map to follow.
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