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Review of Calming Desire  
Review by lola999
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love it!
You've captured the essence of what we all should aspire to learn and practice in our everyday lives.
You are a true artist; someone who can easily recognize the fruits of a loving heart, which, I believe, is what God sees.
In today's society, it's so easy to want to exact revenge on those who we deem to have slighted us in some way.
To take a different stance and attack the situation with love is difficult, but with practice, will become the healthy and profitable solution
Review by lola999
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
I love your story because I'm a sucker for romance, and you hit the nail on the head with this one.
Impromptu meetings can sometimes be the best, and your descriptions kept this reader's interest from start to end.
It's so wonderful when we meet someone who impacts our life the way Ann did yours.
I noticed a few things, and of course it's your decision as to whether or not you agree.

She looked up though and (you don't need though)
She had red that lined both of her eyes (perhaps red lined both her eyes, an indication she been crying)
You have to know that I was not a lady’s man of any sort. (truth be told, I've never been a ladies man)
and watched tv or played games (capitalize TV)

Kudos, and keep on writing.
Review of Here  
Review by lola999
Rated: E | (4.0)
You certainly know how to express your feelings; however, I don't understand this: making stars out of stars out of stars of each other. Your description seems too redundant.
I don't quite understand why you want to be with that special someone in the way that you want to be with a hundred different people. Admittedly, I'm missing your intent.
I apologize for my inability to grasp your meaning.
Review by lola999
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Wow! You've packed a lot emotions inside your poem, and I felt your pain and heartache.
Sometimes, it does feel like life stands still at a particular place, leaving us to our devices, The place you describe so well seems to be a place where your soul hurts, longing for someone to just look your way
It somehow seems a bit softer when you think of her, and I do hope she becomes real for your.
You are indeed a true artist.
Review of Good Bye  
Review by lola999
Rated: E | (3.5)
It appears you've poured your heart and soul into this poem, and it is indeed a sad tale, which most of us have shared at one time or another.
Some of the sentences within the stanzas are a bit confusing, such as:

"With not but a few words
Was flushed by me and your ken"

I'm not sure if he has someone else; a Ken?

You have a great ability to emote your feelings, and this reader certainly felt your pain.
Review by lola999
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
Your line spacing in this piece is a bit confusing for me because it all seems to run together instead of being broken up into paragraphs.
There are sentences which, for this reader are incomplete, such as:

"To Well, every night of every working day, that is.
do the same 40 minutes of the same thing every night."

You certainly possess a wonderful imagination and you present your feelings in an easy and comfortable style,
Thanks for sharing.
Review by lola999
Rated: E | (5.0)
Your poem certainly reflect your fecund imagination, which spills onto the page in a wonderful poem.
Your descriptions are lovely, particularly when you dip into the warm colors. You bring a certain brightness to this day, and a glorious nostalgia for a lot of us.
I like how you bring your passion alive as you recall certain times in your life.
Review of Autumn leaf  
Review by lola999
Rated: E | (4.5)
You've wrapped a very powerful message inside your poem, and perhaps it was your intention to allow your readers to discern it for themselves.
For me, I took away what I needed.
Your certainly possess a vivid imagination and a great ability to emote your feelings.
Your expressions and descriptions were more than adequate to achieve your goal of bringing your readers into the scene with you.
Perhaps if you divided your poem into stanzas, it would provide for a smoother read. Just my opinion.
Review by lola999
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Your story should be posted publicly for everyone to read as it is a sad commentary about what can happen when a person decides to drink and drive.
You certainly told a story that, no doubt, plays all over this country on a daily basis.
Needless to say, you are well versed in your writing skills and your grammar and punctuation made for an easy and comfortable flow.
The only thing I noticed was too may sentences starting with the word I.
Review of i hate school  
Review by lola999
Rated: E | (4.0)
I'm almost at a loss for words
Most of us felt that we were being contained when we started pre-school because after all, our only experience had been playing.
Needless to say, it's wonderful to be outdoors on a beautiful day, but as we come to learn, there are rules which we must obey, beginning with our parents.
You didn't mention that the teachers were abusive in any way, so I don't quite understand why you chose to hate school.
Surely, college will offer you a different experience, and remember that piece of paper is very valuable.
You might to re-read your comedy piece and break it up into paragraphs--just saying.
Review of Final Legacy  
Review by lola999
Rated: E | (4.5)
I've no doubt you will fare well in the contest because you've made brilliant use of so few words.
Your writing elicited a feeling of longing from this reader as you so adequately developed your character's sense of loss.
It's a unique gift to be able to emote such power feelings.
I always like to be reminded of the things we take for granted such as grass.
Review of The Day Hope Dies  
Review by lola999
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Your poem seems so exact; that is, that hope will surely die.
It is my wish that hope lives eternal, and my heart breaks for those who have lost love ones in most tragic way.
Most of us have to go through a process of grieving, and if we're lucky, at the end, we realize that the lives lost were of great value, and we need to show the world just what it has lost.
By honoring their memories, we offer hope to those who are journeying along with us.
Hope never dies.
I appreciate your ability to articulate your innermost feelings, and everyone's viewpoint should be respected.
Review of what am i to do?  
Review by lola999
Rated: E | (4.0)
Your poem seems to be a reflection of your inner-struggles to ascertain what is specifically right for you, and from I could manage to take away was respect.
You're right, our egos do hamper our ability to proceed at full speed sometimes, and we set up our own roadblocks by refusing to listen to the views of others.
Each person's journey, I believe, presents opportunities for us to learn not only about others, but primarily about ourselves. When we learn to lean and accept ourselves, true knowledge has the freedom to radiate out,
I enjoyed reading about your viewpoint.
Review by lola999
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Your poem is utterly beautiful.
I used to think nothing in life ever changed, until change hit me in the face.
It's scary and exciting how many changes of feelings we go through on a daily basis, and I think you've captured some of them so exquisitely. Your expressions are real, and I think that's a mark of a genuine writer.
Review by lola999
Rated: E | (5.0)
Well, I must say your words, which are few, say it all.
In today's society, we worry so about being perfect, but as you note, what exactly is perfect.
The old adage "That beauty is in the eye of the beholder." is so true, and thankfully what I deem to be beautiful, others would not.
Diversity is the field of beauty.
Review of Winter  
Review by lola999
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh, but you do write about nostalgia in a most divine and romantic way.
Your descriptions are delicious and your ability to articulate placed this reader in the scenes, which was such a sweet respite.
Undoubtedly, you are a very talented writer as evidenced by this poem.
Review of Write Stuff  
Review by lola999
Rated: E | (5.0)
You are indeed very clever.
Your poem was a fun read, but I also could sense your passion for writing, which I share with you.
You're right, fresh ideas are tough to come by, but I'm finding lately that almost anything can be expanded upon.
I'm glad I stopped by because you've inspired me.
Review by lola999
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Your personal story about your love and passion for writing has a connecting thread that most of us can share.
Some of us, namely me, did not encounter my passion until later in life, but as I look back it was a latent feeling.
You do write with such comfort. It's almost as if your thoughts flow like raindrops. You make it look so easy.
I congratulate you for your diligence and bravery to branch out into other genres, and I've no doubt you will succeed at whatever you choose to try
Review of He Ran  
Review by lola999
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Wow! That was an exhilarating read.
You certainly possess a fecund imagination, and you know how to articulate and display it in a manner that pulls the reader into the scene .
I felt myself rooting for the man who was on the run as I pictured him to be an American soldier in a situation of dire emergency.
You not only rose to the occasion of writing a short story, but you surpassed it.
Review of Dress to Impress  
Review by lola999
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I like it!
Nothing is sexier than a confident man or woman, and you're right, we shouldn't have to dress to impress; however, that's a hard rule to dodge, especially in today's society.
I admire your truth and respect your right to choose your way. Your poem displays courage, determination and above all, a willingness to love and accept yourself just the way you are.
You're an asset to this website and to our culture.
Review of Too Much  
Review by lola999
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Oh how sad your poem has made me feel.
The suffering people go through, unfortunately for so many is silent, and those who care greatly don't have the opportunity to help.
We need to place more emphasis on mental illness so that teenagers, and people of all ages, will not feel so alone.
Review by lola999
Rated: E | (5.0)
How sad!
I don't why we are so afraid to voice our opinions and allow our words to be heard. Perhaps we are afraid of what others will think of us.
Succumbing to silence shouldn't be an option, but unfortunately it is.
You articulate your innermost feelings so beautifully as you speak for so many of us.
Review of afro  
Review by lola999
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
I like big hair; the bigger the better.
You're luck you have big hair because so many people have such limp, baby-fine hair.
I'm not quite sure what dention is; maybe you can explain.
Also, you might want to spell pick, since many of your readers may be wondering what a 'pic' is.
Good job.
Review by lola999
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love it!
Your positive attitude shines brightly through your writing, and this year marks a new beginning for each of us.
I agree with you wholeheartedly, let's purge the anger and make room for good cheer.
Happy New Year and may you receive all your heart's desires.
Review of A Warm Welcome  
Review by lola999
Rated: E | (3.0)
Your imagination appears to be full of beautiful ideas; however, your sentences, for this readers, are confusing and disconnected.
It was difficult for me to follow your descriptions and I've given you a couple of examples.
Perhaps if you separated your sentences, your short read would not appear to be one long paragraph.
I believe you have a lot to say, and your place of welcome is one we all would love to visit.

The only place I felt welcome (This is an incomplete sentence)
And how accepting were these trees (What trees?)
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