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Review by BlackAngel
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi witchblade ,

I found this under read a newbie, hope you're settling in well to the community!

I really enjoyed reading this poem, it is such a beautiful tribute to your nan. It was your description 'A poem dedicated to my nan who was my ray of sunshine that fade far to soon.' that made this a must read for me!
My nana died when I was quiet young so in many ways I can relate to this!

*Reading* I noticed one or two little typos...

*Bullet* but because your always in our hearts - should be you're as in you are

*Bullet* And i'll always love you Grace. - should be a capital I

Thank you for sharing this

*Heart* Lou

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Review by BlackAngel
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Starr* Rathburn ,

Thank you for sharing such a meaningful poem with everyone. I felt so sad reading it, I know you've said it's fictional but it's the reality for so many people. While some of us are stressing over shopping etc... there are others with serious worries, and for them, I'm sure, Christmas just makes it harder and adds more pressure!

It was very effective to write it through the eyes of a child. The fact that the child is concerned about people with less than them, despite having so little, just adds to the emotion.

*Star* The title is perfect, money definitely isn't everything, and the smile and hug from their mother before bed I'm sure is worth more than material things!

The child's sadness can be felt, but a beautiful personality shines through from the fact that he/she cares so much about others!

I'm glad I read this, especially at a time of year when it's important not to forget those who are suffering!

Best Wishes,

*Heart* Lou

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Review by BlackAngel
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi aconicalbathtub ,

I found this piece on the plug page.

It managed to catch my attention straight away, and never lost it throughout!
I really felt for the character in the story, your descriptions and the style you've written in made her depression obvious. Her lack of interest in everything and her inability to make the changes she so desperately needs to made my heart go out to her! To me she was real and making your characters come alive takes talent, well done!

I did notice one or two things you might consider when editing!

I used wait eagerly - should be used to

*Idea* Also you should think about taking full advantage of all the genre options you can!

I'm glad I got the chance to read this, thanks!

Best Wishes,

*Heart* Lou

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Review by BlackAngel
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Lexi Joy ,

I found this under 'Read a Newbie', hope you're settling in well here!

As I read this I wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry, That was such a sweet thought and kind thing for you to do, most people wouldn't even care enough to give money, let alone go the lengths you did to help! however it is unfortunate the way it turned out, lol.

I can understand the embarrasment, but at least your heart was in the right place and I hope it doesn't stop you from helping others in need!

Best wishes,

*Heart* Lou

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Review of Jasmine  
Review by BlackAngel
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Amatha ,

I found this under 'read a newbie' I hope you're settling in well to writing.com!

You're daughter sounds beautiful, the ending of this. hearing she's smiling was precious! When I started reading it your description had me tired just reading, lol. Having three little children so close in age can't be easy, but sounds like you're loving every minute of it!

Thank you so much for sharing your inspirational story!

*Heart* Lou

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Review by BlackAngel
Rated: E | (4.0)
hi sis ,

I really enjoyed reading this piece, it's nice that you met your friend again after so long, it must be fun catching up and talking about all those memories!

Just a few things you might want to think about

*Bullet* In a couple of places you haven't capitalized your I, or the start of a new sentence.

*Bullet* handful of Pennys - pennies

*Bullet* Something to watch out for is your spacing, you haven't left any between sentences in some places.

*Idea* You should consider adding more genre's to this. also seprating the title from the bulk of the writing would add to the appearance.

Thanks for sharing this

*Heart* lou

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Review of Amy  
Review by BlackAngel
Rated: E | (5.0)
hi freezesia,

*Cry* Aww bless, this story is just so beautiful and sad! My heart was breaking for that little girl as I read. The whole story, to me anyway, was perfect! The ending, what she asked for and when she smiled, is so precious!

The beginning reminded me of when my little brother came to live with us, he's been in foster care with us for almost 11 years now. He arrived, like Amy, with the just the clothes he was wearing and a soft toy.

Thank You so much for sharing such a heartwarming story!

*Heart* lou

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Review of Getting Over  
Review by BlackAngel
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hi Felrona ,

Thank You for sharing this story, sounds like it's from personal experience, I know how much strength it takes to write something like this, so I admire you for it.

This piece made me cry so much but also offered hope, there's so much here that I can relate to and I hope I can get to the point you're at now eventually.

There are a few minor mistakes throughout, but nothing a quick edit won't catch. Also you should consider listing this under more genres, inspirational and experience are two that you could consider.
Last thing, I'm not sure if E is the right rating for this, I think maybe it should have a higher one.

Take care, and I hope you keep being so strong!

*Heart* Lou

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Review by BlackAngel
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi starbec ,

*Balloon3* Welcome to Writing.com, I hope you'll love it here as much as I do *Smile*

The title of this poem just drew me to it, I'm glad I found this!

*Cry* I don't know if this is based on experience, but the emotions felt very real, the fourth stanza was especially moving, it described the pain so vividly.

*Reading* God should always have a capital G

Another thing I noticed is that you've used punctuation in the fourth stanza but not in any of the others.

*Star* Keep Writing and Thanks for sharing!

*Heart* Lou

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Review of A Wild Child  
Review by BlackAngel
Rated: E | (5.0)
hi Writing4Ever- Finally Back ,

*Balloon2* Welcome to Writing.com *Balloon2*

*Shock* Wow! You're only 8? It is so good to see someone so young writing! *Smile*

*Star* I really enjoyed your poem, it was sweet and a lovely thing to write about your friend!

*Idea* because of the nature of the poem, it might be a good idea to add friendship as a genre.

Keep Writing!

*Heart* Lou

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Review of Baby Girl  
Review by BlackAngel
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi annastasie ,

*Star*I enjoyed this story, it brought me back to when I was a kid. growing up is no fun, lol, I hated when I couldn't go swimming!

just a few things for you to consider

*Idea*the girls are shooting water guns, nearly missing you. - did you mean to say barely missing you, or something to that effect? nearly would suggest they did hit her!

*Idea*You run around the pull laughing - pool

*Idea*Don’ worry - don't

*Idea* You should consider adding more genre's for this, it'll help generate some exposure!

*Star* thank you for sharing this enjoyable read!

Review of Fire Angel  
Review by BlackAngel
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi floater ,

Welcome to Writing.Com, I'm sure you'll love it here as much as I do *Bigsmile*

*Star*I found this poem very powerful, I've never heard Love and betrayal described this way before. The images you've created are original, I found this bit particularly effective "and pierced my heart with a burning blade."

Just a few things you might want to think about

*Idea*'I' should always be a capital letter, throughout your poem this is missing.

*Idea*Adding punctuation to this will help the flow!

*Idea*Other little things like using writingML tags can add to a piece, you can find writingML help under author tools, and if you need any help with anything just drop me a line. There's a lot to take in on this site but once you find your way around you'll love it (I hope)*Smile*

*Star*You've the makings of a great poem, I for one found it very effective, especially the end!

Keep Writing,


Review of Memories  
Review by BlackAngel
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Haven Rich ,

I found this under 'read a newbie'

*Star*This was a very sweet little poem, I've enjoyed taking the time to read it!

Just some suggestions for you to think about

*Idea*adding punctuation to this might help it flow a little better!

*Idea*You should think about using writingML, simple things like centering and bolding the title improve the presentation and make it more appealing. If you're not sure how to do this click on ML help under author tools, it's explained clearly there!

*Idea*On the last line I think you meant to say they not the

*Star*Thanks for sharing this!

Review by BlackAngel
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Morningsong,

I saw this on the plug page and as soon as I saw Irish in the description I had to read *Bigsmile*

*Star*I've really enjoyed taking the time to read this story! The main character was believable, the descriptions brilliant!

Just some suggestions for you to consider

*Idea* The first thing I noticed was that this had a more scottish than Irish feel to it. lol, not a huge deal, but being Irish I just had to point it out *Smile*. Things like, kilts, highlands, clan, bagpipes...all scottish!

*Idea*In the first few lines of the second paragraph I think you've overused the word taffy, I don't really know what taffy is other than your description so can't think of any alternatives, though if you can find any I think it would improve this piece!

*Idea*I'm not sure what accent you were going for for the uncle, but considering the seemingly close relationship between Hayley and her Uncle's family, I find it difficult to believe they would have such different accents, just my opinion.

There are a few spelling mistakes, but nothing an edit won't pick up on!

*Star*In some places I was nearly crying. The magic of christmas is something I don't really feel anymore, so I can relate to the way Hayley was feeling! You leave the reader wondering why nothing meant anything to her anymore?

Keep Writing,


Review by BlackAngel
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi again jessiegirl,

I can never resist reading something of yours, you've such amazing talent!

I loved this one, it flowed well and the rhyming was good!

Just some suggestions for you

*Idea*It might be a good idea to add some punctuation to this, it'll add to the flow!

*Idea*You should put the title in the actual body of the poem too!

*Star*I loved how you've used writing ML, it makes the poem even more appealing!

Well Done,

Review of Daddy  
Review by BlackAngel
Rated: E | (4.5)
hi got words? ,

Welcome to Writing.com, I'm sure you'll love it here *Bigsmile*

I found this on the 'Read a Newbie' page.

The description made this appealing to me, as I'm sure it will for many others, it's never easy losing someone we love and anything that helps with the healing is a plus in my book!

The poem itself is beautiful, it's a great tribute to what must have been a wonderful father!

Thank You for sharing!

Well done and Keep Writing!!


Review of You Speak  
Review by BlackAngel
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Eliot,

Thank You for entering "Invalid Item*Smile*

I liked this poem. It comes across as you defending your reputation, I think as much to yourself as to the other person involved. Other people's words can be so damaging!

You speak
of me
as one
that you
must fear--
and so you must,
for so a friend
will fear the loss
of one who dares,
despite the weight of earth,
to cherish and to love.

This stanza was my favourite, I love the description in the last few lines of it, it's very powerful!

Best Wishes,


Review by BlackAngel
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi jessiegirl,

After reading one of your poems yesterday I couldn't resist visiting your port!

I can't believe you're only 14! *Shock* You're so talented!

I really like this and didn't see a single error *Bigsmile*. You should add inspirational as a genre, because this definitely is!

Well done, can't wait to read more from you!

Lou *Smile*

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Review of Figuring out life  
Review by BlackAngel
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hi Marriedgirl,

I found this on the 'Read a Newbie' Page.

I really liked this poem, you've shown that teenage pregnancy is not the end of the world!

There are a few things I've noticed that need a bit of work

In the title, 'figureing' should be Figuring

Line two, 'Pregnat' should be pregnant

'all there life' In this context There should be spelt their

most lucky It would sound better to say luckiest

Also watch out for simple things like capital letters at the beginning of sentences.

I do think this has good potential, it would give hope to teenagers in a similar situation.

Thanks for sharing,


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