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Review by ~* Moon Beam *~
Rated: E | (4.5)
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{/c:red}*Star*Congratulations! You're #1!*Star*{{/center}

First Place!!

PRIZE: Awardicon and 1500 GP's

Thank you for entering in my contest and I am sorry it took so long to get the judging done and the prizes awarded. I enjoyed this story very much. The creature was creative as well as the sport. You gave good descriptions of both creature and sport. I did not see any glaring errors, although I find myself wanting to change the spelling of some words, but I have to remember that some words are spelled different in some places. Thank You for entering my contest "Invalid Item. I hope to see you in future rounds!! *Bigsmile*

Review by ~* Moon Beam *~
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Thank you for signing my "Invalid Item. Welcome to WDC! *Smile*

I like this poem. It was very interesting and kept my attention from begining to end. Good job. Thank you for sharing.

Review of Try  
Review by ~* Moon Beam *~
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Good job. *Thumbsup* I can hear the music playing to the lyrics in my head. I don't know how the rhythm is supposed to go, but I created my own. *Bigsmile*

Review of Of You and Me  
Review by ~* Moon Beam *~
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Smile* Hello,

Beautiful poem. I must say that I have not seen many poems written in this way. It adds a little more something to it, such as love and sincerity. It rolls off the tongue smoothly. Thank you for sharing and I would like to read more of your writing in the future.

Review by ~* Moon Beam *~
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow! Beautiful poem! So emotional and filled with love. Your wife is blessed to have a man filled with so much love for her. Thank you for sharing this wonderful poetry.
Review of Black and White  
Review by ~* Moon Beam *~
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Very emotional and romantic. Good job! *Thumbsup*
Review by ~* Moon Beam *~
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
You write good poetry. I still think "In a Crowded Room" is good. I like the ending line. *Laugh* Writing.Com is my second favorite, but all of them are good. Keep up the good work. *Thumbsup*
Review of Explore  
Review by ~* Moon Beam *~
Rated: E | (4.5)
Tear........thats kind of sad, but true. Thanks for sharing that. Good job!
Review by ~* Moon Beam *~
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Smile* Groovy! *Cool*
Review of The Incarnates  
Review by ~* Moon Beam *~
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Good job! You kept me hooked throughout the whole story. I only saw one typo, good. There is one thing I would like to see in this story. It is only a suggestion. When Kelly stumbles back into Nate as she sees his double, maybe Nate could explain what he is and where he came from. It would take the confusion out of wandering what he is. I was left puzzled with that question. This story reminded me of the movie “Cocoons.” Thank you for entering in my contest and I hope to see you in the next round. ~*Flower3*~


They looked like the pods in those cheesy old sci-fi movies. Each pod had two compartments, one open and one closed. Each compartment of the pod was about the size of a coffin and filled with a glowing ooze that gave off the purple glow they saw. Kelly was creeped out, but couldn’t help leaning forward to get a better looked look.
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Review of In The Woods  
Review by ~* Moon Beam *~
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Honorable Mention!

* *Honorable Mention Prize: 1,000 Gp’s* *


Good imagination! I like this story. There was no mistakes or glaring errors to take away from the enjoyment of the story, which is a plus. The story could stand to be a little longer, but I said short story. I guess I say a little longer because I would like to read more. *Wink* Thank you for sharing. ~*Flower3*~


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#1219652 by Not Available.
Review of bunnies  
Review by ~* Moon Beam *~
Rated: E | (5.0)
They are sooooo cute! They are lucky. I just hope something did not happen to the mommy and I hope she comes back to the den. Since something found it, she may not come back. If you want to take care of them, you can go to a local pet shop and ask what to feed them so they don't starve till the mother gets back, if she comes back.

What a coincedence, we were just talking about bunnies the other day! *Laugh*

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Review by ~* Moon Beam *~
Rated: E | (4.5)
Good description of a vampire lurking in the night trying to lure you into a false sense of security. That is what I got out of it. Good job. I find vampires interesting. *Smile*
Review by ~* Moon Beam *~
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Good info! *Thumbsup* This is a great idea to get contests out in the open. Thanks! ~*Flower3*~

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Review by ~* Moon Beam *~
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Interesting short story. I enjoyed this short read. The supernatural is always interesting, to me. Thank you. *Smile*
Review by ~* Moon Beam *~
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Thank you for entering my contest. This was an interesting story, but there was no actual description of the beast. The character described what he/she thought the beast looked like, but the only thing was wings. There is a lot of chopped sentences that could be combined too. The spelling was good, no typo’s. It stopped abruptly at the end with out seeing the beast so I believe you could expand on this story. It is a good story, but I wanted a description of the creature. If you decide to write more on this, I would like to read it. ~*Flower3*

A Disturbance in Boston

Review of The End Of Brucie  
Review by ~* Moon Beam *~
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hmmm...I can't decide if this is funny or if it is a tragedy! I think it is 50/50. The real funny thing is that I have a mother-in-law that has a small dog like that, but he is a fiest. He has snapped at me so many times that I would like to teach him a lesson in manners. He not only snaps at me, but he snaps at everyone, save my mother-in-law. I remamber one time when I was leaving her house and saying good bye to everyone. The little ankle bitter seemed like he wanted some affection to so I was going to be nice for a change and pet him. WRONG! I bent down to pet him and he jumped up and snapped at my nose. I thought he drew blood, but he didn't. I think he planed it. He was barking, wagging his little white tail, and jumping around. You never know when the little spawns will strike. A lawn mower? Really?
Review of I'LL FOLLOW YOU  
Review by ~* Moon Beam *~
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Devotion and love is the key to a relationship.

By the way, I couldn't stop looking at the sig moving at the top while I was reading. I had to read the poem a couple times to let it sink in. *Laugh*

~ *Flower3* ~
Review of JUST A KISS  
Review by ~* Moon Beam *~
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Good description of what a kiss should be or should make you feel. This poem makes me think of my husband. Thanks for sharing. ~ *Flower3* ~
Review of FOLLOW ME  
Review by ~* Moon Beam *~
Rated: E | (4.5)
Lovely poem. I would love to go to a place like that. Everyone lives in harmony, a whimsical world without despair, a magical world filled with such glory...... *sigh* *Smile* Good work! ~ *Flower3* ~
Review of Morning Routine  
Review by ~* Moon Beam *~
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
There is nothing wrong with a big woman, not that I am, but I'm not a stick figure either. The more there is, the more to love. If you really love someone it does not matter what they look like. That is what true love is. Thank you for sharing your story & keep up the good work. ~ *Flower3*
Review by ~* Moon Beam *~
Rated: E | (4.5)
This emotional poem would make a person feel very loved. Keep up the good work! Thank you for sharing! ~ *Flower3*
Review by ~* Moon Beam *~
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Smile* Good job! There was one line that could be worded different. I kept going back and reading it. Each time it did not sound right, to me.

You wrote *Down*

I will not your pocket rob.

Try this *Down*

Your pocket I will not rob.

Thank you for sharing and keep up the good work! ~ *Flower3*
Review of What I Like  
Review by ~* Moon Beam *~
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very creative. You did a good job! I like the way you put the poem. If I'm not mistaken, I think it looks like you shaped it like PS2. I could be wrong. There was one typo. Oh year yea can't forget my Gameboy Other than that, you did a good job. ~ *Flower3*
Review of Motherhood  
Review by ~* Moon Beam *~
Rated: E | (3.5)
*Smile* This is so true! I believe all mother’s go through this, me being one of them. A few things jumped out at me that I thought you may want to fix. These are only suggestions. I have highlighted some of the typo’s and put a suggestion next to it. Try not to use the same word so many times so close together, such as “doesn‘t“. I also suggest not to start a sentence with “But” or “And”.

It used to be that id(I’d) be awake at one AM and the party was just really getting good, I was just catching a good buzz and the nightlife was happening!!!
Now(,) those days are long gone. When someone asks me what I wish for, I wish for sleep. I even dream of getting sleep.
But Right now, it's yet another night up with the little person who just doesnt(doesn’t) seem to care what time it is. She doesn't care because she doesn't have a care in the world and can sleep whenever she wants to.
(space between paragraphs)

I walk into her room and she is sitting up in her crib just grinning from ear to ear. I know that if I smile at her then she will laugh and I will laugh, and(make two sentences) then the idea of her going back to sleep will lessen.
But Come on, how can you not smile at your little angel that seems to be so happy to see you? Ahhhh, such is life as a mother.

You are irritated that you have only slept for three hours, that you had to literally drag yourself to an upright position and(take out and put a comma) (,) throw yourself out of bed and into your slippers. And You want nothing more then(than) to crawl right back into your warm bed. But(take out period and put a comma, add sentences together) on the other hand, This(this) little smiling bundle of joy is awake and she wants to play with her mommy. So, I give in. I go into her room, walk up to her crib and return her great big loving smile! We share some coos and giggles. I hug and(take out “and”, put a comma) kiss her and sweetly tell her that (it) is is(one to many) time to be sleeping.
I wrap her all snug in her blanky and I quietly walk out hoping that she will go back to sleep.

These are the moments that I will always remember! The moments that will forever be imprinted upon my heart! My late nights with my smiling angel!

And Now that she appears to be asleep again, im(I’m) gonna try to get some sleep myself! : )

This is a very good description of a mother’s late night’s or at least the happy one’s, but those are the one’s we want to remember. Keep up the good work! *Flower3*

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