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I always try to be encouraging. I will be honest, though, with kindness. I will try to present examples of what worked, and what didn't work, and help you in any way I can. I graduated from the Dynamic Reviewing class. I am an Alumni in The Art of Criticism Project.
I'm good at...
Poetry, short fiction, and articles
Favorite Genres
Romance, Christian Romance, light mystery or thrillers, psychology, Christian non-fiction
Least Favorite Genres
horror, war, gay/lesbian, erotica, adult, intense mystery/thrillers
Favorite Item Types
Poetry, books, devotional type items
Least Favorite Item Types
Long books
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anything that is GC or higher, or anything containing the F-bomb or GD. Mild cursing is okay.
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Review of The Door  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

My name is Marci Missing Everyone, and I will be reviewing your piece today as part of the challenge for "Game of Thrones and the House of Florent.

*Disclaimer: Everything I have to say is my humble opinion. If I mention something that is against your artistic views, please throw it at one of my enemies!

*Shield2* Introduction - I like the title and I like the blurb or summary. Both make me want to click on your link to see what I will find inside!

*Castleleft* Tone & Mood/Emotional Impact - The writing fits the dark genre a little, and yet it also has the feel of a teen story. I don't know if I would write the woman snapping gum, but then it's not my story. *Laugh*

*Shield2* Plot and Transitions - You have a definite beginning, middle, and end. The story opens with Carly contemplating the light in the door. The middle finds the creepy lady mocking her and enticing her to open it. The ending deals with the consequences of opening the door. Good job on the follow-through. The flow is overall done well. You can see below I talk about active writing vs. passive writing. I also talk about verb tense. Those two things alone will tighten your writing and give you better flow.

*Castleleft* Grammar/Punctuation - When you copy and paste from WORD, you need to go back and edit out all the little weird things that show up on WDC's copy. For some reason, it does that to all of us. It's just some kind of glitch.

Be careful about changing verb tense in your sentences and paragraphs. And be careful about passive writing. Here's your sentence, and then the suggested fixes in my sentence below.
Yet Carly was once again spending the night staring at the door and wondered why there was light coming from it.
Yet Carly spent night after night staring at the door wondering where the light came from.

In many cases, you can leave out the word "was" completely. Maybe not every time, but most of the time.

I also recommend you get Grammarly. It's a free program and I would have all the wrong punctuation, etc if I didn't have it. I see you need a few apostrophes and commas through the piece.

*Shield2* Characters - Carly is eight years old. I have a ten-year-old daughter, and I can see this thought process being realistic. She's warring between curiosity and obedience. However, in my daughter's case, she would just come out and sleep on the couch as she does most nights. She's not dealing with anything scary!

This would be a fun story for sure. You just need to tighten up the writing some. And since this was probably for a flash fic contest, now that it's over, take the story and flesh it out a little bit. Until next time... Don't forget to feed your dragon... *Dragon*

Marci Missing Everyone

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of What If...  
Rated: E | (4.0)

My name is Marci Missing Everyone, and I will be reviewing your piece today as part of the challenge for "Game of Thrones and the House of Florent.

*Disclaimer: Everything I have to say is my humble opinion. If I mention something that is against your artistic views, please throw it at one of my enemies!

*Shield7* Introduction - I like the title. It just beckons the reader to look inside to find the answer. The blurb or summary should read like the back of a book. It should further entice your reader into your piece. You don’t need to include that it’s from a prompt or for a contest. I like to use a dropnote if I want to include that type of information. Notice that the title, blurb, and image work as a trifecta for your cover. And since you have a premium membership, you may want to take advantage of using the images.

*Castleleft* Tone & Mood/Emotional Impact - There is some great vocabulary in this piece. For the most part, it matches the mood of the poem. I thought you found some interesting word choices. I was a little uncertain about one word, and still, I wonder if it fits. However, since I had to look it up, you might want to put an asterisk beside it with a definition in your author's note: "prevaricated".

*Shield2* Rhyme, Form & Flow - This is a free verse poem that flows well. I like the choice of line breaks, etc.

*Castleleft* Poetic Devices noticed and used effectively - I can see you like to use alliteration. That is a great tool! And in fact, the entire poem is made up of some great lines using this technique.

Alliteration: still/swagger, banish/bravado, gag/glib/guile, pretense/prevaricated, feeble/fickle/facade, charade/shimmers/shapeshifts, delusion/dances?

Your interesting word choices also led to a personification of feelings. This was quite an interesting poem.

*Shield3* Favorite Lines/Stanzas -

Feeble, fickle façade;
two-way mirror of distortion,
illusion, sleight of hand, misdirection.

Until next time... Don't forget to feed your dragon... *Dragon*

Marci Missing Everyone

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Rated: E | (4.5)

My name is Marci Missing Everyone, and I will be reviewing your piece today as part of the challenge for "Game of Thrones and the House of Florent.

*Disclaimer: Everything I have to say is my humble opinion. If I mention something that is against your artistic views, please throw it at one of my enemies!

*Shield2* Introduction - The title is beautiful, as is the image. And the blurb is perfection. I've been reviewing solid for two weeks, and this is the best cover I've come by. It's warm, lovely, and inviting to the reader!

*Castleleft* Tone & Mood/Emotional Impact - Oh my goodness... Powerful love equals powerful storms. I can identify with this poem. The first years of my marriage were filled with passion and anger. My husband and I had very different ideas of our roles and how things should be even though we both came from Christian homes. But we loved and still love each other with a passion that can only come from God. We still have our moments, but the anger has faded over time. We've settled into a home with a family and mellowed quite a bit. Put there is still passion in love! Wonderful poem!!!

*Shield2* Rhyme, Form & Flow - The Kyrielle Sonnet is one of my favorite forms of poetry. I like poetry with repeating lines. The flow is beautiful!

*Castleleft* Grammar/Punctuation - I've reviewed quite a bit of your poetry in the past. So I know you've heard this spiel from me before. Just bear with me if you don't agree. Poetry should follow the normal rules of grammar. Use punctuation in all the correct places including commas, semicolons, and periods. Also, you should only capitalize the first letter of a line if it begins a new sentence. I already know. You are old school and this is the way you do it. *Laugh*

*Shield2* Favorite Lines/Stanzas -

They said their vows where sea sands seethed
Stolen love crashed where rim rocks wreathed

Until next time... Don't forget to feed your dragon... *Dragon*

Marci Missing Everyone

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Rated: E | (3.0)

My name is Marci Missing Everyone, and I will be reviewing your piece today as part of the challenge for "Game of Thrones and the House of Florent.

*Disclaimer: Everything I have to say is my humble opinion. If I mention something that is against your artistic views, please throw it at one of my enemies!

*Shield2* Introduction - I like the title. I would like to see something else for the blurb. Maybe something like "is often misunderstood..."? Make it an extension of the title or use a great line from the poem. This is where you entice readers to click through to the magic below.

*Castleleft* Tone & Mood/Emotional Impact - As a Christian, I was drawn in by the title. I like to write and read Christian poetry. Although the end of the poem was nice, it wasn't exactly what I expected.

*Shield2* Rhyme, Form & Flow - This is a short free verse, but the flow is severely hampered with the first two lines. They don't fit the rest of the poem in any way. The vocabulary is different as well as line length. And they are awkward to read:

He comes in a way
some people don't know

The Lord makes his way known to everyone,
but many won't accept His love or His will.

*Castleleft* Grammar/Punctuation - You have the poem written as one complete run-on sentence. It will make more sense and will flow better if you break it up a little bit with either semicolons or periods. Or, you can use no punctuation at all since it is a free verse. You can control the flow or the way it's read with line breaks and space between lines.

*Shield2* Favorite Lines/Stanzas -

and he that walked with him shall go and see
the heavens with him

Until next time... Don't forget to feed your dragon... *Dragon*

Marci Missing Everyone

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Beauty  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

My name is Marci Missing Everyone, and I will be reviewing your piece today as part of the challenge for "Game of Thrones and the House of Florent.

*Disclaimer: Everything I have to say is my humble opinion. If I mention something that is against your artistic views, please throw it at one of my enemies!

*Shield2* Introduction - "Beauty" is a nice title, but a little simple. You want to make your title catchy and fresh. And you want your blurb to be simple, but eloquent. You want it to really showcase what's inside and entice the reader. Because the poem is nice. And to me, the blurb doesn't fit the poem. You talk about what "I" can see throughout the poem, not what others can see.

*Castleleft* Tone & Mood/Emotional Impact - I thought this was an interesting poem. I also thought about how it could mean different things to different people. To me, I thought of it as looking into a mirror. It's an examination of self, but standing outside yourself to do it.

*Shield2* Rhyme, Form & Flow - This is a free verse poem. I enjoyed the flow as I read it out loud and to myself.

*Castleleft* Grammar/Punctuation - I feel like in free verse it's up to the individual author or artist to decide what's best. The punctuation did not detract from the message. In fact, some of the layout added to how you wanted the poem read. One of the things that caught my attention was the verse in all caps. This tells me it's meant to be shouted.

*Shield2* Poetic Devices noticed and used effectively - The most obvious literary device used here is called Anaphora. It's the repetition of a word or words at the beginning of lines used for artistic purposes. It's a common device used in the Psalms. The word "she" or word phrase "she is" appears many times in the poem as it describes the angel. Very nice touch. There is also a lot of interline rhyming with the long "e" sound.

*Castleleft* Favorite Lines/Stanzas -


Until next time... Don't forget to feed your dragon... *Dragon*

Marci Missing Everyone

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Rated: E | (4.0)

My name is Marci Missing Everyone, and I will be reviewing your piece today as part of the challenge for "Game of Thrones and the House of Florent.

*Disclaimer: Everything I have to say is my humble opinion. If I mention something that is against your artistic views, please throw it at one of my enemies!

*Shield2* Introduction - This is a great cover for your piece! I love the title and how the blurb below is a continuation of it. And that leads right into the poem as you click through. I also really like the image that you included. I think it's essential to have the trifecta to make your piece more appealing. Great job!

*Castleleft* Tone & Mood/Emotional Impact - I'm sure all of us on WDC can relate to this poem. The writing and vocabulary matched the mood of the poem. I know it's daunting to sit down to write something and your mind goes blank. It has never been truer for me since I started writing novels. I had an amazing author tell me one time that if you can make yourself write at least 250 words each day, often that will get you started on a roll, and you'll be able to write from there.

*Shield2* Rhyme, Form & Flow - I don't know if this is a specific form, but I did enjoy it. You have a rhyme scheme of a-b-c-b-d-D, e-f-g-f-d-D, etc. I could give a lecture about why certain words rhyme and others don't. But for now, I'm just going to comment on the final two lines of the middle and last stanza. The rhyming pairs of line/time and mine/time are actually considered examples of assonance rather than rhyme. Only the vowels rhyme and not the whole word. Technically there is also a problem with beginning/ending, but I kind of thought it was clever.

*Castleleft* Grammar/Punctuation - Flawless

*Shield2* Poetic Devices noticed and used effectively - I enjoyed the repetition of the line in all three stanzas. It brought a nice cohesion to the piece.

*Castleleft* Favorite Lines/Stanzas -

It’s blood, not ink, in every line,
There comes a time.

Until next time... Don't forget to feed your dragon... *Dragon*

Marci Missing Everyone

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Rated: E | (4.0)

My name is Marci Missing Everyone, and I will be reviewing your piece today as part of the challenge for "Game of Thrones and the House of Florent.

*Disclaimer: Everything I have to say is my humble opinion. If I mention something that is against your artistic views, please throw it at one of my enemies!

*Shield2* Introduction - I liked this title! I think the blurb could use a little work. Maybe you could just say... "With age, a person has more stories than they realize..."

*Castleleft* Tone & Mood/Emotional Impact - I agree with your sentiment about passing stories on to the next generation. Besides a written journal from the previous generations, if you are around them before they pass, sit with a recorder and get them to tell the old stories again. Ask questions. We have a group on here called "Roots and Wings" and they are big on following family history and genealogy. That would be a great place to help get you started.

*Shield2* Transition and Flow - The body of the piece was quite choppy. There was no clear layout or outline to the editorial. I know this was just you writing down your thoughts, but anything we write and put online should be clear and well thought out for others to read. Even the way it looks on the page can make a big difference. I like to put a space between each paragraph, and I like to indent the beginning line of each paragraph. The command for that is {indent}.

*Castleleft* Grammar/Punctuation - I noticed that you went from singular to plural quite a bit. The first line begins with "Every person has..." but the second line begins with "As people get older..." You could easily change this to "As a person matures..."

Also, make sure you stay in the same time frame or tense. This is a small piece, and switching back and forth between present and past tense can be a bit confusing.

Both of these will help fix the flow as well.

*Shield2* Favorite Lines/Stanzas -

Each generation lives, learns, and has so much to tell. It's never too late to pass on "our stories" and experiences.

Until next time... Don't forget to feed your dragon... *Dragon*

Marci Missing Everyone

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Another Year  
Rated: E | (4.0)

My name is Marci Missing Everyone, and I will be reviewing your piece today as part of the challenge for "Game of Thrones and the House of Florent.

*Disclaimer: Everything I have to say is my humble opinion. If I mention something that is against your artistic views, please throw it at one of my enemies!

*Shield2* Introduction - Okay, I spent some time looking for the above symbol online. I saw some infinity symbols similar to it, but none exactly like it. I think it's definitely cool looking. Between that, the title and the blurb, your cover is ready and inviting for anyone who wants to click through and read it.

*Castleleft* Tone & Mood/Emotional Impact - The poem is quite emotional and strong. It touched my heart, and when poetry speaks to other people, that's when it means something special. So people say that poetry should be personal only to the writer, but then why would other people want to read it? Anyway...

*Shield2* Rhyme, Form & Flow - You have one verse with five rhyming couplets. However, only three couplets contain true rhymes. The first couplet is assonance where only the vowels rhyme. The last couplet is consonance where only the ending sounds are the same. In order to find words that rhyme, I like to use rhymezone.com and thesaurus.com. These are great tools to keep you on task. But do be careful with rhymezone.com. Sometimes their rhymes aren't true rhymes either. Most of the time you can trust them, though.

*Castleleft* Grammar/Punctuation - Everything is fine except for one little rule. You don't need to capitalize the first word of every line unless it begins a new sentence.

*Shield2* Poetic Devices noticed and used effectively - My absolute favorite poetic device is an oxymoron and you nailed it with this phrase: daylight nightmares. This is also a case of interline rhyming. I love it!

*Castleleft* Favorite Lines/Stanzas -

I’m no longer muted, scared nor dumb

Until next time... Don't forget to feed your dragon... *Dragon*

Marci Missing Everyone

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Silent Seduction  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

My name is Marci Missing Everyone, and I will be reviewing your piece today as part of the challenge for "Game of Thrones and the House of Florent.

*Disclaimer: Everything I have to say is my humble opinion. If I mention something that is against your artistic views, please throw it at one of my enemies!

*Shield2* Introduction - Awww! I love this poem! The title is great and the blurb underneath further entices the reader. It would be nice if an image was included on the cover. This serves as a complete cover that draws readers to your piece.

*Castleleft* Tone & Mood/Emotional Impact - I thought this was fun and sensuous all at the same time. I have a feeling that's exactly what you were going for.

*Shield2* Rhyme, Form & Flow - I'm not going to comment on form or layout. It flowed great!

*Castleleft* Poetic Devices noticed and used effectively - I was excited when I read this poem. You used some really great poetic devices in a fun way, and that's what I want to comment on the most.

Alliteration: whirling/white, sensuous/serenely/soaking, I/eyes/I'm, splendid/smile/silver/smiles/sporting, tantalizing/titillating/tickling/teasing, silently/savoring/special, and lips/little. I'm sure I missed some, but this is awesome!

Assonance: my/eyes, tummy/flutters, titillate/tickling, and my/mind.

Consonance: whirling/spiraling/serenely, and all/well.

Interline Rhymes: whirling/spiraling/soaking

I could probably find more than all of these examples, but you get the gist. I just wanted to show what a great job you did on this!

*Castleleft* Favorite Lines/Stanzas -

Splendid smile, silver crown and chain gleam, as he stares back at me.
Muscles large, sporting glistening droplets of water ... relaxed now, but
Oh, when they flex, my heart leaps; my tummy flutters.

Until next time... Don't forget to feed your dragon... *Dragon*

Marci Missing Everyone

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Blood and Petals  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

My name is Marci Missing Everyone, and I will be reviewing your piece today as part of the challenge for "Game of Thrones and the House of Florent.

*Disclaimer: Everything I have to say is my humble opinion. If I mention something that is against your artistic views, please throw it at one of my enemies!

*Shield2* Introduction - Wow! I love the title and the opening blurb on your introduction. I am thoroughly drawn in. The two seem to go together well, and I see you also won an award for this poem. Great work!

*Castleleft* Tone & Mood/Emotional Impact - I got goosebumps reading this poem, and that doesn't happen that often. The vocabulary and mood matched well. The subject matter was chilling. I can think of this poem as a metaphor for several different things. But regardless, the writing is awesome.

*Shield2* Rhyme, Form & Flow - Each verse is a trio of quatrains. That is a unique arrangement, but I like it. Each verse takes me deeper into your story. My only comment is that with such a difference in line length at times, you can hamper the flow just a bit. That may be something to work on in the future. Every rhyme pair is a true rhyme except for mind/time. This is considered assonance since only the vowels sound the same. I only mention this because, in a traditional poetry contest, someone else might disqualify it. Other than that, I wouldn't change it.

*Castleleft* Grammar/Punctuation - Okay, here's my spiel on this issue. The old school way of writing poetry was to capitalize the first word of every line. Now, we follow normal rules of grammar. Only capitalize the first word if it's the beginning of a new sentence. Make sure you use commas or semicolons for softer stops and periods for hard stops. This controls how the poem is read.

*Shield2* Favorite Lines/Stanzas -

Roses are red,
Like blood on my hand.
Of all the places to go
I had to come to this land.

In this garden I find my tomb,
Where the roses are always red.

Until next time... Don't forget to feed your dragon... *Dragon*

Marci Missing Everyone

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Rated: E | (4.0)

My name is Marci Missing Everyone, and I will be reviewing your piece today as part of the challenge for "Game of Thrones and the House of Florent.

*Disclaimer: Everything I have to say is my humble opinion. If I mention something that is against your artistic views, please throw it at one of my enemies!

*Shield2* Introduction - As a Christian, I was drawn to your piece immediately after seeing the summary. I love the title and the image. You did great with the important trifecta for the cover of your piece. It all serves to entice the reader to click through.

*Castleleft* Tone & Mood/Emotional Impact - I thought this was a very poignant comparison to how God loves, teaches, and protects us. As a fellow Christian, I was truly moved by the message!

*Shield2* Rhyme, Form & Flow - You have this listed as a poem, but I'm afraid you are mistaken, my friend. This is actually a piece of prose. It's true that the garden is a metaphor, an important tool used in poetry. But it can be used as a literary device in any kind of writing.

*Castleleft* Grammar/Punctuation - There are a few places that need punctuation changes. I'm not doing a line by line edit, but I want to make sure you stay in the correct tense as you write. I'm not saying you can't change from "what happened," to "what is happening now," and "what will happen in the future." But as you make those changes in your writing, they must be reflected in the tense of your words.

verse 2 line 3 - beside the nettles, God show showed me that
verse 3 line 2 - if only I stopped and lookedwould stop and look

*Shield2* Favorite Lines/Stanzas -

Father, I thank you for showing me this and for reminding me of it again tonight. I ask that You walk amidst the woodland of my heart and act as forester - tending and protecting that which requires Your care - and teach me to spot the hidden beauty in all things, even me.

Until next time... Don't forget to feed your dragon... *Dragon*

Marci Missing Everyone

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Rated: E | (4.5)

My name is Marci Missing Everyone, and I will be reviewing your piece today as part of the challenge for "Game of Thrones and the House of Florent.

*Disclaimer: Everything I have to say is my humble opinion. If I mention something that is against your artistic views, please throw it at one of my enemies!

*Shield2* Introduction - I love the title, and it immediately told me what the poem would be about. If it left any doubt, then the summary below it clued me in. I love that you've included the three important elements to your cover. I only suggest you leave off the form in the summary, but rather include it in an author note at the bottom of the piece.

*Castleleft* Tone & Mood/Emotional Impact - This was a cute and light-hearted poem. I heartily enjoyed it. The vocabulary matched the mood of the poem. It definitely brings to mind the youngest child leaving home. I'm not there yet, but it will come way too soon!

*Shield2* Rhyme, Form & Flow - Technically, this isn't exactly a ballad. Rather it's a quatrain written in common measure. A Ballad is either meant to be sung or it is a folklore type story. However, common measure is my FAVORITE! I love reading a poem in common measure, and I have written many in that rhythm as well. You do an amazing job with the iambic tetrameter and trimeter. The flow was beautiful!

*Castleleft* Grammar/Punctuation - My only comment is you only need to capitalize the first letter of a line if it's the first letter of a sentence. Everything else is fine.

*Shield2* Poetic Devices noticed and used effectively - You used quite a bit of alliteration, it rolls right off the tongue: grew/grasped, fled/fields, last/leave, winds/wings, storm/squalls, and many more. *Thumbsup* You have some interline rhymes, instances of assonance and consonance, and beautiful imagery!!!

*Castleleft* Favorite Lines/Stanzas -

Your laughter fills all those who hear
The trill upon the sky.
As you flit by, we hold you dear,
Your brothers four and I

Until next time... Don't forget to feed your dragon... *Dragon*

Marci Missing Everyone

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Aroma  
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)

My name is Marci Missing Everyone, and I will be reviewing your piece today as part of the challenge for "Game of Thrones and the House of Florent.

*Disclaimer: Everything I have to say is my humble opinion. If I mention something that is against your artistic views, please throw it at one of my enemies!

*Shield2* Introduction - I like the title and summary line. If someone is into horror, both would definitely pull them in. Might I also suggest a cover image? The three parts of the cover work the same as a book cover and each does a part in enticing the reader to enter.

*Castleleft* Tone & Mood/Emotional Impact - There is an air of mystery set from the beginning of the story. In fact, the mystery was never quite solved to me. Usually, a story like this should leave me with a little shiver at the end, but I have no frame of reference.

*Shield2* Setting - No setting is established. Who is this being talking to? Where are they? Even a flash fiction piece can use one or two sentences to establish a setting.

*Castleleft* Grammar/Punctuation - There are no issues that I can see. However, let me make a side note here about the layout. The piece begins with short choppy sentences, and then you go into longer paragraphs. While there is nothing actually wrong with this, it can be disconcerting to the reader.

*Shield2* Characters - This is where I'm really lost. Who and what is your main character? I like the aloofness in his writing. But I'm left confused from beginning to end. Also, I don't understand who he is writing to. I only get that he has a wife named Lauren. Even though you are trying to mysterious, at some point, the reader wants to see what the mystery was.

*Castleleft* Plot - I understand that some type of monster is writing this letter, but I don't understand the reason. First, he isn't hunting. Then he is. And in a plot, there must be some kind of beginning, middle, and end. I think what's happening here is we can't see the beginning, so there is no frame of reference for me, the reader. I actually would like to see what's happened up to the writing of this story. Again, that can be given in just a few sentences.

I think you have a great imagination here, but it's a matter of honing your craft. I'd love to read this if you decide to rewrite it. Or maybe you can at least fill me on who the hunter and hunted are. Thanks for a fun story!!! Until next time... Don't forget to feed your dragon... *Dragon*

Marci Missing Everyone

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

My name is Marci Missing Everyone, and I will be reviewing your piece today as part of the challenge for "Game of Thrones and the House of Florent.

*Disclaimer: Everything I have to say is my humble opinion. If I mention something that is against your artistic views, please throw it at one of my enemies!

*Shield2* Introduction - Most of the time I suggest an image on your cover/introduction, but in this case, I think I'll pass. *Laugh* But your title and summary were great, and I couldn't wait to read this. I'm not normally one for any type of erotica or anything, but I had a feeling that the frolickin' wouldn't lead to much since it was so cold.

*Castleleft* Tone & Mood/Emotional Impact - This poem was great fun. It wasn't really erotica. It was more of an attempt gone wrong. It was incredulous and hilarious at the same time.

*Shield2* Rhyme, Form & Flow - Although you haven't separated them all out, your poem is made up of basic quatrains. But I like how you kept them together by scene. The flow was good and your rhymes were great.

*Castleleft* Grammar/Punctuation - No problems.

*Shield2* Poetic Devices noticed and used effectively - I noticed quite a few fun literary devices used, so I'll list them below. This is what truly makes poetry good whether it is funny or dark. I have to tell you, great job on the variety on the devices used.

Alliteration: driving/driven/done/dirty/deed, climbed/car/clothes/came, buff-bare/bodies, tenderly/tried, and would/wouldn't/work
Assonance: while/driving/side, crept/ever/never, into/drift/nimbly/gift/little, cold/snowy, stop/opted/top, and giggled/shivered/little.
Consonance: Too many to mention. You have a great talent for mixing like sounds, and that's why your poetry just rolls off the tongue!

*Castleleft* Favorite Lines/Stanzas - I just thought this was the sweetest part of the poem.

Nimbly then our clothes came off
like we were opening up a gift.
Heartily we held each other,
our buff-bare bodies all aglow,
in our little game of love we played,
our seduction in the snow.

Until next time... Don't forget to feed your dragon... *Dragon*

Marci Missing Everyone

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Rated: E | (4.5)

My name is Marci Missing Everyone, and I will be reviewing your piece today as part of the challenge for "Game of Thrones and the House of Florent.

*Disclaimer: Everything I have to say is my humble opinion. If I mention something that is against your artistic views, please throw it at one of my enemies!

*Shield2* Introduction - Your image is beautiful and that along with the title compelled me to look further. the summary is beautiful and I knew I had to read the poem. My only comment about the title is that the word count is included.

*Castleleft* Tone & Mood/Emotional Impact - I feel that the tone of the writing matches the mood of the poem. I really enjoy poems like this. They make me think, and yet I smiled at the beautiful use of vocabulary and word choice!

*Shield2* Rhyme, Form & Flow - This is, of course, a free verse poem. I have watched your style grow and mature over the past few years, and yet the essence of you remains. You are honing your craft, and it shows.

*Shield2* Poetic Devices noticed and used effectively - I noticed a great deal of alliteration in this piece, and it added to the playfulness shown in an easy breeze. The ones I noticed: memories/made, wings/wind, blossoms/breath/breeze/back, slide/silk/skin, and dissolve/dandelions. A few other literary devices used include simile in stanza five, assonance in stanza four, and consonance in stanza three.

*Castleleft* Favorite Lines/Stanzas - I had to choose two stanzas because they worked so well together!

My memories
are made of air
and slide like silk
across my skin

Ephemeral and rare
they drift away
and fly on the
wings of the wind

Until next time... Don't forget to feed your dragon... *Dragon*

Marci Missing Everyone

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Rated: E | (4.5)

My name is Marci Missing Everyone, and I will be reviewing your piece today as part of the challenge for "Game of Thrones and the House of Florent.

*Disclaimer: Everything I have to say is my humble opinion. If I mention something that is against your artistic views, please throw it at one of my enemies!

*Shield2* Introduction - What caught my attention was the adorable picture along with the title. And your opening about fairies with stardust on their wings was enchanting. I just had to click and read further, and I am so glad I did. I know this piece was already well received and you probably didn't need a review, but I hope that this will offer you a new perspective on what really makes this poem work.

*Castleleft* Tone & Mood/Emotional Impact - I smiled through the entire poem. I like all types of poetry, but I especially like those that leave me happy. The tone of your writing matched the mood of the poem.

*Shield2* Rhyme, Form & Flow - You have a poem with twelve rhyming couplets. The flow worked well for the most part. But there were a couple places where I stumbled. If you'd like to improve the flow, I can offer some simple suggestions without changing much at all.

This line had one more syllable than it's counterpart, and the cadence changed midstream. All you need to do to fix it is cross out the "a".
I need a harp of finest gold, and a flute made from the reed.

Although this has the same number of syllables as it's counterpart, the rhythm changes midstream.
on the beauty that I have found, living down in the dell.

*Shield2* Poetic Devices noticed and used effectively - First, I love the use of the Irish brogue throughout the poem. It added a richness that wouldn't have been there otherwise. Your descriptions throughout the piece make great use of simile. Eyes like emeralds, hair like blazing fire, and freckles like fairy dust are all wonderful examples. There are some great examples of alliteration. In the first couplet, there is four-leafed/finest/flute. A couple others that caught my eye: down/dell, lovely/lass, and freckles/fairy/face.

*Castleleft* Favorite Lines/Stanzas -

I need a host of fairies, with stardust on their wings,
and a score of leprechauns, with all their magic things.

Until next time... Don't forget to feed your dragon... *Dragon*

Marci Missing Everyone

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Shake The Skin  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

My name is Marci Missing Everyone, and I will be reviewing your piece today as part of the challenge for "Game of Thrones and the House of Florent and for your 15 year anniversary.

*Disclaimer: Everything I have to say is my humble opinion. If I mention something that is against your artistic views, please throw it at one of my enemies!

*Shield2* Introduction - I always like a good title. It compels me to dive further into the author's mind. This was definitely a good title, and the segway into your piece of poetic prose was perfect! I only would have liked to see an image, but of course, this is not a requirement for a good piece of writing.

*Castleleft* Tone & Mood/Emotional Impact - The tone of your writing seems to match the intentional mood. I can understand the feeling of walking away from your skin. In poetry, I have referred to my husband as being my second skin. And if you've ever sliced a piece of skin off, it can cause quite a bit of pain. But what if someone stripped your body of its top layer of skin. You would be in physical agony, and to me, that's what I see from an emotional level in comparison. So great job with that! And you know, what really hit home with that metaphor was the last line. "Make me well."

*Shield2* Rhyme, Form & Flow - Since this falls more into the category of free verse than poetic prose, I am critiquing it as such. You might want to change the category you've assigned it to. Prose poetry is written more like a paragraph rather than individual lines. It adheres more closely to the rules of grammar, and it's usually a bit longer than this.

Everything in the poem flowed well except for one break.

*Castleleft* Grammar/Punctuation - I saw no problems.

*Shield2* Poetic Devices noticed and used effectively - Now this is where you shine. There are beautiful rhymes and instances of assonance. My favorite is monologues/dialogue. Several instances of alliteration continued to make the poem interesting. Finally, we already talked about the wonderful metaphor used in the poem.

*Castleleft* Favorite Lines/Stanzas -

Fragments of you shake the very skin
in which I walk, only for you

Until next time... Don't forget to feed your dragon... *Dragon*

Marci Missing Everyone

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Switch~A~Roo Zoo  
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello! *Smile*

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It's Marci Missing Everyone . I am reviewing your piece from "Invalid Item. *BurstP* I'm earning my sparkles at "Invalid Item to spread sparkles for Phoebe around WDC! *BurstP*

*Teap* Imagery - Wildly funny imagery. This was the kind of poem I was hoping to get. Some are easy to imagine, but a tiger with a body like a snake? Now that would be one scary snake with a head of a tiger!!! *Shock2* And a hippo that can fly? I don't think I'd want to be under him when he needed to go potty. That would be one big poo.... *Rolling*

*Teap* Rhyme, Form & Flow - Loved the cadence and flow. The rhymes were such fun. Some of the syllable counts didn't go well with the others, so I did stumble a bit when that happened. The rhyming couplets were a fun way to go with this. You could have broken it down into quatrains, but that is definitely your call as the author.

*Teap* Grammar/Punctuation - If you use punctuation in any part of the poem, you should use it all the way through. So, you might want to go back and add in the the periods, etc.

*Teap* Favorite Lines/Stanzas - Out of all the animals, this one made me laugh the most.

"The alligator's hopping the kangaroo way."

I really enjoyed the ending of this poem. The girl was dreaming of going to the zoo because she really was going to the zoo. Really fun poem!!! Until next time... Live, Laugh, and Write... *Penp*

Marci Missing Everyone

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Looking  
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello! *Smile*

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It's Marci Missing Everyone . I am reviewing your piece in return for the reviews you sent me. Let's discuss this poem over a soothing "cup of tea". *Smile* Anything I say is just my humble opinion. Use whatever you can and send the rest out to the poetry pixies for use another day. *Fairyl*

*Teap* Imagery - Your title and summary were spot on for the poem. Comparing the darkness of life to that of being in a dark cave or tunnel presented a great metaphor. I especially liked the simile of the demons inside your head.

*Teap* Tone & Mood/Emotional Impact - I can identify with the narrator of this poem. Depression is a rough road, and I know this from personal experience. It always helps the reader when they can feel a connection to the poem. It takes on deeper meaning for them. The serious mood of the poem is written in a complementing tone.

*Teap* Rhyme, Form & Flow - You've written one stanza with rhyming couplets. The flow does seem a bit choppy at times, and I went back to try to see why. The syllable counts in your lines are anywhere from eight syllables to eleven syllables. And this is your poem, so understand I'm not saying you have to change it. But when a poem flows smoothly, people will be able to concentrate more on the words. The line that was the hardest for me to read to myself and out loud is the very last line. Let me see if I can help you smooth it out. And this is only a suggestion.

"I'll keep looking for the tunnels bright light"

*Teap* Grammar/Punctuation - On the line I just mentioned, tunnels should be tunnel's.

*Teap* Poetic Devices noticed and used effectively - I talked earlier about the metaphor and simile. These comparisons are great to use in poetry! There is some nice use of alliteration in line three with "held/hostage/head." There is also a nice use of repetition in line seven.

*Teap* Favorite Lines/Stanzas -

"Held hostage by demons inside my head."

There are many great places to learn about poetry on here, but to me, "The Poet's Place is the best. Until next time... Live, Laugh, and Write... *Penp*

Marci Missing Everyone

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2056527 by Not Available.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The Talent Pond  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hello! *Smile*
I'm Marci Missing Everyone .

I am reviewing your blog as part of the "Invalid Item

*Anything I say is just my humble opinion. Use whatever you can and send the rest out to the writing pixies for use another day. *Fairyr*

*Star* Introduction

*Starb* Frequency

*Starbl* Tone and Mood

*Starbr* Entries

*Star* Final Notes

Marci Missing Everyone

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Wonderland  
In affiliation with The Talent Pond  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello! *Smile*

It's Marci Missing Everyone . I am reviewing this piece as part of the "Invalid Item I am poet and a reader of poetry. I am not an expert, so if the suggestions I give fit your artistic view, then use them. Otherwise, you will see them in your dreams. *Smirk*

I look forward to the darkness of your dreams!

*Door* Title - The title gives me a sense that this will have something to do with Alice in Wonderland, and of course, the summary confirms that. As a personal preference, I like the summary to tell me more about what's going to be inside your work when I click on it. Instead of telling me the contest and the prompt, which is already included in the body of the page, why not give me a few words that will entice me to click through. I think of the summary as an opportunity to advertise more about what I'll find inside, but only enough to give me a peak. You could use a few words or a line from the poem like, "Come deeper down the rabbit hole..."

*Door* Imagery - There is a good sense of comparing wonderland to a state of mind, but I particularly like this line, "Where magic lives, both small and grand!"

*Door* Tone & Mood/Emotional Impact - The poem starts of light enough. The alliteration in the first sentence gives the allusion of playfulness. But down around verse three it takes a darker turn. At the surface, it seems as if the Rabbit is leading her further down and into danger. However, in a metaphorical sense, it's like evil trying to conquer what is good and pure. As the mood changed, so did the tone of the writing. Great work with that! *Thumbsup*

*Door* Rhyme, Form & Flow - Let me tell you that a Kyrielle Sonnet is my favorite form along with the villanelle. It takes some masterful writing to weave a repeated phrase into several verses of poetry. You did a great job on this. The poem had a nice rhythm and flowed well.

*Door* Grammar/Punctuation - No problems!

*Door* Poetic Devices noticed and used effectively - Well, I mentioned earlier about the alliteration. I thought the first line was fun to say aloud. You also alliterate in the repeating line. *ThumbsUpL* Besides the form, this poem is a conceit. You've used the entire poem as a metaphor with Alice in Wonderland as a theme for descending deeper in to darkness. It's not always easy to write a conceit so I am very impressed. Stanza three line three is an awesome example of assonance.

*Door* Favorite Lines/Stanzas - Sometimes it's just so hard to choose a favorite. But I really loved the third line of this stanza!

Arriving's easy to achieve,
Just don't expect to ever leave.
Give over your immortal soul;
Come deeper down the rabbit hole.

Until next time... Live, Laugh, and Write... *Penbl*

Marci Missing Everyone

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello! *Smile*
I'm Marci Missing Everyone .

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I am reviewing your contest for "Invalid Item Anything I say is just my humble opinion.

*Starp* What I like - There is so much about this party that I LOVE. I love that it is so huge. I love the "Guess the Ice Cream of the Day" part. And I love all the bidding wars!

*Starp* Theme - Of course it's the WDC Birthday, but it's also an ice cream party. Every auction item has a unique flavor that makes me want it to be real ice cream! And the graphics fit the theme very well! Awesome job!

*Starp* Rules - The rules are easy and straightforward, that is, if people who are always in a hurry like me will read them. *FacePalm*

*Starp* Prizes - What can I say? The range of items being auctioned off is just overwhelming! Every person can find something they can afford to bid on even if they have to do a few reviews to earn it. Fantastic!

*Starp* What I didn't like - Not a thing!

*Starp* Final Notes - I'm glad this has become a regular annual event. I really enjoy it and look forward to it each year!

Until next time... Live, Laugh, and Write...*Penp*

Marci Missing Everyone
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello! *Smile*
I'm Marci Missing Everyone .

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

I am reviewing your contest for "Invalid Item Anything I say is just my humble opinion.

*Starp* What I like - I love that you have taken a special moment from a Quinceanera and turned it into a special event for WDC's fifteenth anniversary.

*Starp* Theme - The theme is perfect, and you followed it well with your images and descriptions.

*Starp* Rules - I understand equating the fifteen candles with the tradition in a Quinceanera, but it was soooo hard limiting the response to fifteen people. But wonderful!!!

*Starp* Prizes - The prize is giving and getting special accolades with your friends. That is better than gps, merit badges, and all other awards put together!

*Starp* Final Notes - Thank you for hosting this awesome event for WDC's fifteenth birthday!

Until next time... Live, Laugh, and Write...*Penp*

Marci Missing Everyone
Review of Visit to Scotland  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello! *Smile*
I'm Marci Missing Everyone .

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I am reviewing your piece in place of Sara♥Jean .

*Anything I say is just my humble opinion. Use whatever you can and send the rest out to the writing pixies for use another day. *Fairyr*

*Star* Hook

*Starb* Details

*Starbl* Tone and Mood

*Starbr* Transition/Flow

*Starbl* Grammar/Punctuation

*Starbr* Final Notes

Marci Missing Everyone

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

It's Marci, and I will be reviewing your piece today as part of the challenge for "King's Landing updating and the House of Hightower.

*Disclaimer: Everything I have to say is my humble opinion. If I mention something that is against your artistic views, please throw it at one of my enemies!

*Shield2* Introduction - As a poet, I was immediately drawn to this great resource. The title, summary, and image pulled right into this happy little place. I'm going to have to fave it and come back again and again.

*Castleleft* Content - So many prompts, and so little time. *Bigsmile* I could spend months in here. Besides your awesome prompts, you also have links to some other great resources. I've visited Kiya's port on a raid, and she also has some great stuff. So, I know that's a good resource to endorse. If you'd like, you can add a link to "The Poet's Place where Dave spends a great amount of time teaching various forms, giving prompts, and teaching how to write good poetry. It's free to join, and he maintains an awesome library of resources for poets. There are also some great links outside writing.com like thepoetsgarret.com and shadowpoetry.com, just to name two. I have a whole folder of bookmarks in my browser, but then before the Art of Criticism went away, I was a writer for them, and that's all I wrote about was poetry.

*Shield2* Layout - I like that you explain at the beginning what this forum is all about. And then from there, everything is easy and concise to find.

*Castleleft* Grammar/Punctuation - No problems

I hope you have enjoyed me stopping by for your anniversary. You have a great port, and I'll have to come back and visit it again very soon. I will definitely become a regular to this forum. *Smile* Until next time... Don't forget to feed your dragon... *Dragon*

Marci Missing Everyone

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